HEAT: Heavy Rain - Do You Need It?

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heat has come out with its first expansion heavy rain we talked about this a while ago on the channel uh we had some details then but now we have it sitting here in front of us but we want to answer the question for you do you need heat Heavy Rain Ryan what's your answer sure I so I'll say thank you goodbye for myself I'm a huge Heat fan so I've played heat enough to basically exhaust the game I've played every map multiple times exhaust I see what you did there didn't but I I'm glad I did I've basically exhausted every piece of content I've seen all the cards played all the maps done all the different tournaments so for or championships so for me just having any more heat content that I can mix in is an instant buy so I would say if you're a Heat fan and you are still consistently enjoying the game you're going to want this it does some new things it adds some new cards but it does just give you more of the game that you already love yeah it's more heat first and for for most there are some new things we want to talk about and we'll also talk about whether or not if there's someone who kind of likes heat whether or not this is kind of like a necessary expansion I think even you would say it's not necessary this is definitely not so every once in a while you know that the game comes along and you play the game and you go yeah okay the game is fine and then the expansion comes along and you go wow it's become a top 10 game I'll never play without this right heat was already a top 10 game for me anyway I don't think it needed more but having more players ERS having some of these new mechanics and even just introducing new maps I think it is enough to kind of extend the lifespan of heat and get people that liked heat back into it it's an excuse for some people to get heat back on the table but for people like me who I just played heat a couple weeks ago uh it just it's good to have more maps more options more options card more players it does include some new mechanics that are specific to these two new maps it also includes some cards that you can kind of mix in with you know all of the cards from the base game and in fact even the rules suggest that there's one new mechanic that you could go back onto the original boards and draw on the original boards to include in those mechan they really do say draw I did not see them say draw that on the original board literally says you can draw uh for the uh aggressive aggressive Legends you can give the Legends now a little bit of boost so they're a lot more aggressive and they'll go through two uh yeah they'll go through two turns yeah two turns basically if you're using the AI Legend system in the original game there are a few places where the corners are really tight and the AI can actually get kind of stuck on a corner and you can get a pretty significant advantage on them however in these Maps there's actually New Corner types called chanes chanes that are very very tight turns and you'll see one right here on the map it's two twos right next to each other so that's a very difficult new type of corner for you to navigate because you have to go past two speed checks which means you're potentially paying double the heat when you go through them but that could really stop up the AI as well and now they have those special marks that allow them to go through both at once yeah and you'll notice that the the Mexico side has a chicane here and a bigger chicane over here on this corner I'm going to try to flip the board for you so you can see the Japan side the Japan side if I can arrange it here this one also has a chicane right here but just one yeah also cool feature although it doesn't really the game I love the fact that it has a bridge going over none of the other courses have this brand you you go under and over so one more thing though about these chicanes which is interesting too for somebody like me that adds in all the content if you use weather if you're using the weather module the weather uh affects both of these turn numbers so if you had a weather effect that was for example increasing your heat spend it's doing it twice now one for each one of those turns I mean this is a a crazy well not only turn to try to make here this very interesting that turn in particular is crazy not just because what Ryan said but it also has this standing water there's standing water here here here on the Japan side of the map the standing water is going to have basically an ongoing effect too it's going to cost an additional heat to downshift meaning if you even downshift one gear it costs one heat yeah it's and coming right out of this fourpoint turn and then you know it it's it's it's an interesting mechanic are you salivating over using this in your I'm excited to play Japan and for sure I think that the those flooded spaces are are very very interesting are you going to do your Memorial Day thing yeah the the Indie 500 celebration with the heat uh championship and speaking of that of course this also does come with a new championship for those who actually played through the championship mode which gives you like four maps to play in a row they've introduced a new championship this is what 1964 uh which introduces the Japan and Mexico mixed into some of the older Maps as well it also comes with if you're really into the tournament or championship you can have another player now that brings it up to what six seven seven I believe I think it brings it up to a lot of players but one more it's got the orange car which is near and dear to my heart I love orange color um you don't see that a ton no you don't see it a ton but if you're going to have this many players you're going to go through the colors on this and of course because you're having a new player it comes with a new deck of cards for that color it comes with some new stress cards some new Heat cards so that you can add in obviously when you play with an extra player you are going to be adding more heat and more stress Cards into the mix of the game as you're setting it up yeah and then lastly there's a few other things there are some I have some sponsorship cards here they're all e Mercury air systems uh the big thing that these do as well as some of the upgrades garage cards the garage cards is the super cool down the this is going to allow you and we did talk about this in our other piece but this is going to allow you to actually remove heat from your discard pile which is a big difference basically basically what everyone tries to do on their first game when're accidentally it actually lets you do that which is a crazy combo I mean the the ability to spend your heat and the next turn just immediately take it out of your discard pile not having to wait for it to cycle all the way through your deck back into your hand that can be incredibly powerful of course these new uh garage cards the air intakes a lot of them that have that super cooldown also do have some negative effects like trashing cards as well to kind of balance the positive you're getting for that super coold down ability but that is basically what you've got going on in the heat Heavy Rain expansion um again we think if you're a fan of heat I think I think everyone's going to probably get this if Heat's still something that hits their table every once in a while or like you said maybe it hasn't hit their table in a while and this is just what they need to get it to the table with that all said I think you'd agree while not necessary it's probably going to be significantly desired by anyone who's enjoyed the game yeah I think for players that are just kind of into heat or that really haven't even exhausted what the base game has to offer they might not you did it again exhausted has not fully I don't even know another word to use for that does not fully realize the potential of what he has to offer but for people that are just casually do I mean I think this it makes a nice upgrade it's definitely not one that you need to you know race out and buy if you're not a big Heat fan but if you are race out and buy I see what you're doing I can't stop it I can't break hard enough that one was on purpose I'm going to put the emergency breaks on if you have any more questions about it please make them in the comments below we'll get down there and answer whatever we can Ryan's going to get it played here pretty soon we haven't got it played yet but we'll have answers for you until next time make sure everyone has fun of the table and we'll see you then
Channel: Man vs Meeple
Views: 5,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Board Games, Boardgames, Tabletop Games, Games, Card Games, Euro Games, Strategy Games, Gen Con, Best Games, Top 10 Games, Watch it Played, The Dice Tower, Good Games, other
Id: _otGYQPuJug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 49sec (469 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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