Heat Comparison: Places, Objects And Stars

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room temperature studies have shown that women on average prefer higher temperatures world's warmest country yearly average it's burkina faso a colorado-sized african country near the sahara desert its name means land of honest people tropical rain rainforests cover less than three percent of the earth's surface but house more than half the planet's land species chocolate melting yum the ancient aztecs loved chocolate so much its beans were a valuable currency in their civilization butter melting the color depends on a cow's diet the more greens it eats the yellower the butter maximum temperature recorded on mars mars is home to the tallest mountain in the solar system olympus mods it's more than twice the height of everest the hottest inhabited place the record is held by dallo ethiopia a cauldron of burning salt volcanic rock and sulfuric acid how inviting human body temperature goosebumps evolve to stand body hair up on end and make our prehistoric ancestors looked more intimidating are you intimidated now oh well sand desert during the day only 20 percent of deserts on earth are covered in sand the rest are snowy and icy antarctica is the planet's largest chicken's body turns out chickens can distinguish between more than 100 faces of different species they dream and have full color vision just like us and they're delicious cell phone the average cell phone holds more bacteria than a toilet handle critical maximum for human body at this point it's too high to sustain life hot bath you burn as many calories taking a hot bath as you would doing 40 sit-ups or walking for 30 minutes hottest body temperature the temperature was recorded in 1980 a 52 year old man spent 24 days in the hospital and survived a car left in the sun and that's just after one hour on a mild summer day hair dryer the first hair dryer invented wasn't handheld it was used in salons it produced heat but no air clothes dryer astronauts on the international space station can't do laundry when their clothes get too dirty they throw them in the trash mozzarella cheese melting is the most popular type of cheese followed by parmesan and cheddar the highest temperature recorded on earth it happened on july 10 1913 in furnace creek california good name hot spring new zealand's aptly dub frying pan lake is the largest hot spring in the world egg frying temperature asphalt reaches slightly higher temperatures in summer meaning you could fry an egg in a parking lot the hottest place on earth sand dunes in iran's loot desert can be over 1500 feet in height taller than the empire state building dishwasher on average a dishwasher uses 10 times less water than doing your dishes by hand hot tea green and black tea are made from the same plant the difference is that black leaves are fermented longer hottest river peru's cheney tempishka is known as the only boiling river in the world the name means boiled by the sun but the source of the heat is actually geothermal from within the earth itself boiling point of water it's the only substance on earth that exists naturally in all physical states liquid solid and gas finnish sauna in finland there's a sauna in nearly every household for them a home isn't a home without one i thought finnish sauna meant time to get out of the sauna moon during the day our little satellite appeared from a rock smashing into earth when the solar system was just forming plastic melting it takes 50 to 80 years for a plastic cup to decompose more than 20 billion end up in landfills each year oven surveys show only 10 percent of americans love cooking among the others half is lukewarm and the other half can't stand it i guess they're cold about cooking flat iron hot tools break down hydrogen bonds in your hair and rearrange them in a fixed position straight or curly sugar melting sugar helps wounds heal by soaking up moisture that bacteria love iron people have been ironing forever it goes back to ancient china over 2 000 years ago car engine driving 60 miles per hour it would take you one hour to get to space but six months to get to the moon sr 71 blackbird service that's the average all over it's a lot hotter up in the front about 950 degrees there's more friction from cutting through air molecules mercury surface during the day even on a scorching planet scientists think there's ice inside mercury's craters the surface of venus despite being further away from the sun venus is a bit steamier than mercury it's the hottest in the solar system draper point any higher than this and most solid material start glowing fireplace the tallest chimney in the world is in kazakhstan it's over 1300 feet tall half the height of the burj khalifa silver melting in ancient egypt silver was more valuable than gold average fire earth is the only known planet where fire occurs thanks to oxygen oxygen replies you're welcome fire gold melting gold appeared on earth from meteorites bombarding the planet when it was first forming fireworks they appeared in china 2 000 years ago the country now produces 90 percent of the world's supply the biggest fireworks consumer is disney volcanic eruption when lava is completely cooled down it becomes silvery and creates the landscape around a volcano mars is core pieces of the red planet have made it to earth after asteroid collisions the hottest part of a candle flame ancient greeks put candles on cakes their tradition of doing it on birthdays started in 15th century germany iron melting you have enough iron in your body to make a three inch nail not enough to be magnetic but you can still be magnanimous meteorite falling earth gets about 500 meteorites a year less than 10 percent of those are found steven spielberg collects them silver boiling silver was one of the first five elements discovered argentina means silvery in spanish gold boiling pure gold is so soft you can mold it with your bare hands earth when it formed it happened four and a half billion years ago i wasn't around that life didn't appear until a billion years later diamond melting scientists discovered a white dwarf star made entirely of diamond it's the size of earth and worth 10 billion trillion trillion carrots kelt 9b it's an exoplanet and the hottest one found so far molecules in the planet's atmosphere can even stay together because of the heat uranus is core the closest humanity ever came to uranus was 50 000 miles from it and that was nasa's voyager 2 in 1986. earth's outer core nobody knows who named earth it came from english and german words meaning ground it's the only planet not named after greek or roman deities sun's surface though our star doesn't have a solid surface the part we see called the photosphere is always moving alpha centauri a it's the closest star system to earth scientists discovered an earth-sized planet orbiting alpha centauri b that can possibly have water well we'll just have to see polaris since the earth wobbles like a spinning top polaris wasn't and won't always be our pole star for the ancient egyptians their north star was thuben earth's core it's not as far away as you think route 66 is a longer distance neptune's core neptune has the wildest hurricanes wind speeds reach over 1300 miles per hour faster than the speed of sound saturn's core the planet hasn't always had rings it got them less than 100 million years ago and will lose them in 300 million years sirius a also known as the dog star it's the brightest in the night sky its companion in the binary system sirius b is called the pub jupiter's core the fastest spinning planet its day is only 10 earth hours long serious b the force of gravity on the pump is 350 000 times stronger than that on earth a pencil would weigh 11 tons lightning it's five times hotter than the surface of the sun the empire state building is struck by lightning about 24 times a year once it was hit eight times in less than half an hour shocking wr 102 it's the hottest star we know of today it's in the sagittarius constellation and close to exploding into a supernova the red spider nebula the white dwarf star in its center is one of the hottest known stellar winds there create waves 60 billion miles high the sun's corona it's the outermost crown-like layer of the sun's atmosphere it's almost 100 times hotter than its surface the sun's core it takes eight minutes for light from the sun to reach the earth if it went out we wouldn't know it for that long and then lights out supernova explosion these massive stars exploding in on their own gravity can be so bright they outshine their entire galaxies for months one second after the big bang within a fraction of a fraction of a second the universe doubled its size almost 100 times it's been expanding ever since kinda like me the hottest temperature achieved in a lab it was reached in 2012 in the large hadron collider at cern doubling the previous record absolute hot it's the theoretical hottest temperatures can get opposite of absolute zero believed to be the temperature of the big bang explosion and that's hot hot hot
Views: 356,734
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Keywords: bright side, brightside, bright side videos, coldest place, coldest things, lowest temperature, weather records, hottest places, hottest things, highest temperature, extreme temperatures, Celsius temperature scale, Fahrenheit temperature scale, warmest country, Mars facts, climate of Mars, hottest inhabited place, hottest river, facts about space, facts about space and planets, facts about space bright side, facts about the Universe, temperature comparisons
Id: 8gvTxPgQAn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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