パン好き母娘が営む心温まる下町パン屋!地元常連を虜にする個性派ベーカリーに密着!Amazing Skills of Japanese Bakers【ありパン】ASMR
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: 食彩パン工房【公式】Shokusai Bakery Studio
Views: 362,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 日本パン, 食彩パン工房, ぱん, pann, パン作り, パン職人, おすすめパン, 東京パン, 葛飾区パン, 天然酵母パン, パン生地, パン食べ放題, baking bread, cooking, sourdough bread, making bread, ब्रेड बनाना, Bread making, การทำขนมปัง, Выпечка хлеба, The process of making delicious bread, रोटी का आटा, Bread dough, करी रोटी, Bread, パンレシピ, japanese bread recipe, japanesebakery, 面包, 麵包, Pain, Bakery, japanese bakery, パン屋, ベーカリー, Brot, Pane, Brood, Leipää, Brød, Boulangerie, japanese food, パン屋密着, 食パン, the bakery, パンの季節, パンものがたり
Id: z8zk1yammJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 41sec (3161 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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