Early Game Back to Basics Guide How to Win Hearthstone Battlegrounds

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hey all heretic here and today I'm going to do something I get asked a lot people are asking me what do I do heretic in the early game how do I get to the late game where the direction minions are and how do I know when I should start buying those minions well let's jump into all the different ways we can get you through the early in the mid game to get you to where those win condition minions are with as much health and gold as possible so you can win your games let's talk win conditions right off the bat just in case you don't really understand what that means maybe you kind of have a grasp for it but maybe there something I haven't explained correct so let's touch upon that very briefly win condition is something either a single card or typically a combination of cards that will win you the game now that seems obvious but how you get them and what they are sometimes means something to one person and something different to another so just because you look at data somewhere or your favorite streamer says beasts are the best tribe in the game play Beast doesn't mean on turn one you go I am playing beasts they the best in the game I'm going to win and then after four or five games you've only got beast in three of them you lost two out of three of them and it felt really bad you get two eighth place and like a third and you're like well I thought beasts were great I watched X streamer and they told me beasts were the greatest and I watched them win with a board full of you know 6600 golden buffed minions why am I always dead maybe that's because on turn one you're going I'm playing Beast so let's look at some more examples say a blade collector and a Peggy by themselves not great but when used in concert if you have only two pirates on your board especially and you're cycling a lot of cards Peggy is going to buff that blade collector to where it's a lot bigger to where you're going to get really good value when that cleave hits you're going to do good damage obviously this isn't going to be your end State win condition but in the mid game and then even possibly to the the late game if you get a brand and cycle enough these cards can win you the game but by themselves don't do anything you need to have different layers goldon is a good example of a really good win condition because goldon by itself with basically any beast and do a really good job you really can get good value out of any Beast if you have a goldon but you have a Titus you have a hawk Strider if you have titus's tribute now we're taking it to the next level did you reborn that goldon is it taunted now you're getting the picture the Buffs now have gone from just a couple triggers to say three four six triggers deep to where yeah if you've got a Titus tribute and a golden Titus and a reborn golden golden you are getting those astronomical levels but you have to start with getting the goldon and that's the hard part because that's all the way at tier six so well goldon is a great example of a card that can win you the game if you get all the pieces and parts that make it better you can win the game much better let's look at this example a little more let's say you looked at the heroes that were offered to you and the only one you liked or you already good with was naar because well it's important to pick Heroes that you know are powerful if you don't really play them well and don't really have the patience to learn them playing them isn't really worth your time doesn't matter how good trade Prince gwick is in this Lobby HS recent play says oh my God he's got the highest win rate he's the greatest if you lose and get eth every single time you either need to spend some time figuring him out or realize you're going to see him like once a month and just not pick him pick something else you're better so in this case let's say it's nzar so let's say you look at the tribes let's say in this hypothetical we have Beasts murlocs Undead Naga and mechs and you go you know what streamer X once again told me beasts are the best I've gotten his off I'm just buying beasts and you may win you may hit every single Beast you need you may just find everything triple into that golden get the Titus in you might dominate the Lobby typically you're probably going to lose doing that because let's say when you're teering up when you get to tier three and that first shop that opens up to you there are two scour fins and a deflecto bot now this is two murlocs and a me you were saying I'm nooth I want to play beasts because beasts are the best and nooth is great with beasts and you're not wrong and if you were to say play that same perfect Beast board against whatever else you might do you'd probably win but that's assuming you find perfect in the other parts when you've already got two scour fins in a deflecto in front of you now these are Big Buffs you m now might want to rethink your plan this instantly I would be like I am now going to be buying these because I want to buff the hell out of these we have a good angle with mechs with double scourin with this hero power of nooth we can buff the hell out of mechs attach them to our other mechs and go completely nuts and in the end you might and you probably will just sell your fish of nooth it doesn't matter let it go you don't have to play the tribe that it's best with you have to play the tribe the lobby gives you you don't play what you want to play in this game if you want to win you play what the lobby gives you so let's say our turn begins we're either picking from two heroes or four Heroes depending if whether or not we have the battle pass obviously if you got two you have a much more limited selection which makes it easier at the same time has more difficult because they might both be trash but they're both trash you only have to make one of two bad choices instead of one of four possible bad choices if they're all trash and you have four choices because those happens that does happen a lot too so you need to decide which one to pick so you should look at the tribes in the lobby and say okay which one of these will work with my hero power and how can I synergize them and make them work and you probably should pick the ones that synergize the best but now you also have to take into account an earlier thing I said can I play with any effective skill the her hero that is best in this Lobby if the answer is no and you don't want to learn you want to just have fun don't pick that hero I don't care how good everybody says it is if you don't like it you don't want to learn it just let it go you're not going to see it for a few more games if you only have two Heroes you're probably not going to see it for a couple hundred games just let it go play the one you're most comfortable with that's good in the tribes that are there that is the best advice I can give you a hero selection no I want to tell you to pick the best hero and learn how to play him but you're probably not playing the game as crazily as some of us are you're playing it more casually you just want to have fun in that case play the thing that works best for you so let's go to turn to turn what my thought process is while I'm playing the game and first R want to start right off the bat thinking about what we're going to be facing what's the strongest thing that we could be utilizing now we mentioned that in hero selection but every turn you kind of want to take a look at the minions offered to you in what directions you have so are they Strong by themselves just because they're big stats say they're a 4 five or are they strong because they have a death rattle and you are playing Theo I know I'm keep using that as an example because it's a very simple example of what to do you have to decide which one is going to work best and sometimes none of them are good typically I would look at the economy but we're going to get into those details in a second one thing I do want to say biggest tip I can give you during the entire game is roll has little as possible if you are rolling spending one gold and it's the difference between you buying a minion and there has to be a damn good reason to roll there has to be a huge power Spike potential for it to be worth it for you typically anytime you're just rolling you are just throwing away gold which means you're typically just throwing away some of your health in the game so the things I ask myself typically what I'm not distracted by my chat and I'm streaming in the order is this one do I need damage control now obviously turn one you probably don't need this turn two you probably don't need this but you know you've had a bad turn three and four you might and what I mean by damage control is did I just take a lot of damage did I fight Milhouse on turn three and he hit me for eight or bran because he's got his bran on turn four already and I took 10 damage on turn four and I lost the first two fights also and I was already playing a low Armor Hero and all of a sudden I'm already at like 20 Health those games Can Happen am I still at 18 armor in full health then obviously I don't care I'm not worried about it the next th next thing I think to myself is there a wind condition in the shop so I look at those minions is there anything that cobbled together either from the my Synergy of my hero power for the other minions is there already something I can see early example this would be say a wrath Weaver and a soul rewinder if you're looking at those immediately on turn three not a bad start it may not be a complete win condition of the game but it's enable you the ability to get to that later game from the power the tempo these two cards Synergy is going to bring to your board third thing I think about is there a pair or triple in the shop and is it worth buying them now good example this would be turn one there's three Sun bacon relaxers in the shop that's what you call a trap you don't want to buy those but let's say it's turn three and you're playing shutterwalk and you've already got a shell collector and there's two shell collectors in the shop that's not a trap that's just you printing gold for the next few turns it really depends on what they are obviously you rather triple something aming into another wind condition you rather be sitting at tier five have three Titus and triple into a goldon on a beast board and be like GG we're good like that is obviously what you rather do but more than likely you're going to get stuck with these early triples that sometimes are just traps you need to recognize when they are good and when they are bad and you don't want to Triple into early things like you don't want to triple if you can help it into a tier two or three you want to be tripling into a tier four really a five and then a six cuz that's what the really big win condition cards are and not just the cards that going to help enable you to get there because if you're already there you don't need the enabling you need the win the fourth thing I ask myself and you might go you're crazy hard this is the fourth and I go yes the fourth because the first thing I need to do is make sure I don't die and then I not seeing if I can win the game and triples and pairs help me win the game the fourth thing I think about is tempo SL Synergy or equally economy unless I'm in really good strength if I'm stronger I'm going to look for economy minions I'm going to look for economy spells that will give me that extra value in the following turn so I can do better Tempo and Synergy means either big stats or just things that all work well together good example of that would be say you had in your in your tier four shop you had an audacious anchor well 3113 it's a lot of stats can snipe the right minion pretty good but let's say you already had two handless forsakens and in the shop was a sore loser well if your sore loser doesn't get hit or if you already have a taunt that sore loser and those handless forsakens are going to give you more Tempo because it's more attack overall that they can deal to your opponent's board and hell if you have economy that means now you can think about tiering faster if you've already got relatively good health now you're thinking maybe I don't have to take that tier five triple at 30 Health with 18 armor maybe I can just go to tier five no I'm going to take 15 damage not care and then triple into a tier six especially depending on your hero you might not take any damage or haven't forbid you like a Reno and now your tier six minion is going to be basically gold instantly there's a lot of potential with economy depending where you are in strengthwise that's why the first thing we check every turn is do we need a damage control and I'm not going to get into tiering too much here because tiering while it is very important in the early and mid game is going to be a little different Beyond I typically just do the fast basic there is a whole guide for cheering I'll put it in the description below it is from the previous meta but it basically holds up completely I kind of made it so it would be timeless you know each meta is going to change to where something is more favored but fast basic to basic curve are typically the most safe ones to use and we have to think about spells a lot while we're playing spells really can affect how you might want to play the game maybe you want to go a little slower because you found really good economy or really good power at tier one you know we look at spells like them apples a plus one plus three buff to your whole shop is massive you put that down especially if you've got demons or Max you're getting a lot of value based on either eating the other minions in the shop or Your Divine Shields Enchanted lasso is two gold to get a random Minion from the shop well hey guess what if your hero power cost x amount and with that two gold because the enchant lasso now you can tear steal a Minion from the shop and steal hero power you really need to think about how that affects your play because if it's going to give you a better Minion or just better economy you definitely want to go for that at tier two we have spells like careful investment which is spend one gold now to get two gold the next turn at Chef's Choice is to give you a random minion that isn't the one you target of that type is amazing targeted Discovery and once again allows you to tear to do things you might not normally do that gives you a big Advantage at tier three we have Reckless investment which is pay one gold to get three gold now you pay two gold next turn that one's pretty big if you already know you're not going to tear in the following turn or if you know you'll have exactly enough gold to tier in the following turn because that extra gold now is great typically the turn I like to tear up if I see this in the shop I happily snag this because now I know I can roll a little more aggressive potentially and say that tier four shot because this guarantees a minion so I'm good and since I just got to tier four in this example probably not immediately jumping five so I can do this to try to steal the right value and get the good minions out of the shop basically these are the things I do until I get a win Condition it's just continuously progress and go and go you tear until you find that value when it makes sense you think am I in danger am I strong enough do I have the extra economy where does my next opponent stand if my next opponent is super strong did 15 damage to his last two opponents maybe I shouldn't assume I'm GNA win that fight maybe don't do the overconfidence bet if you see you're fighting a high Tempo hero who's been winning his fights when you've kind of just been tying it and you're playing a Bigglesworth who has essentially no hero power till peoples die you really need to look constantly at what your opponents are doing what's in the shop and what you can do but as you get better at doing these things as you recognize the patterns you will have better results over for all if you remember to keep checking you will get that higher MMR and you will get those wins thanks for watching all I hope you learned a few things I hope you had a good time just a brief some things you can do some of the things I do that can help you get better at the game thanks again folks catch youall all later bye
Channel: Heretic721
Views: 8,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, battlegrounds, hearthstone battlegrounds, win conidtions, titus' tribute, spells, how to, how to win with, scam, comp, guide, tips, tiering, hero, traps, triple, tempo, beast, murloc, elemental, pirate, demon, quilboar, mech, undead, die, damage control, pair, synergy, Beginner
Id: iVIYvmggdBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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