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and it's everything is malfunctioning [Music] there's no way he just disappears yo he's in that closet there's no way my man is just magical it's that [ __ ] and welcome to [Music] scrutinize shooting eyes durian dies my boys okay listen this game has oh okay this game is scary it has some insane jump scares and see what i mean listen to this music the creator of this game adam shouts out to you was good slid in my dms gave me a coat in his game and a smiley face and that's all he had to do because i knew what was gonna happen once i played this game remember welcome to the game rise with strangers him say dude welcome to the game too yeah anyway listen i'm gonna stop talking i'm nervous i really am i know there's some reading involved but adam did he do this b2 hey hey we're gonna be running from him i guess like this stop let's go let's do that don't like jump scares turn them off in the options menu please jump scares i'm all about that well how like how scary are the jump scares though like is it like like oh or like you know the ones that make you scream real loud i don't know listen so the story was you're this one girl named luna and like her her cousin had got killed i should get to my computer and get the night started and she had wanted to seek justice and all that so she became this like per your adam i know i'm messing up your story and i'm sorry lock the windows right okay because i i think you have to like lock the windows and stuff like that i don't listen i'm already scared hold on wait do i do i lock all the windows is there somebody trying to get me already what is this room wait flashlight this is like if your wi-fi goes down or something you're going you're going here is this is this open why would you leave these open i don't why would you do that okay i already think somebody's trying to kill that's the bathroom this is a really nice apartment by the way or or a house this is a house why are all these windows open i don't understand first of all i would not put my desk facing a wall like this i would have my joint like facing out so i could see everything i can't okay can we get can we get in here oh okay here we go oh yeah i need to read that email and check out those bolos i know what bolos is because when i used to work at the supermarket we would get bolos all the time what's bolo's dash be on the lookout because sometimes some people be trying to come through holla what okay we got different desk report do we open all these up this is this is all used to for oh that's my camera system okay oh you push the actual left and right how do you use the oh this damn power breaker what already the breaker in the file room closet how do you exit how do you exit from here oh i'm dead i'm i heard some i'm gonna die i don't know how to exit the computer tab i'm dead as soon as i exit oh i was already standing up oh boy okay i heard noises in the house where was that where in the clock what closet i'm dead i'm already dying i can't just be a thug about it maybe maybe i don't know what caused it oh it's right here it's right here okay am i gonna die oh are the windows open are they locked oh [ __ ] i don't like somebody's behind i'm not gonna be able to play this uh look adam i appreciate you sending me this game and everything but i don't think i don't think i could i don't think i could play this bolos what's wrong with the bolos last night i thought i heard uh something outside my house hey that's the dude from the beginning of the game right here as of today we've noticed uh ain't just seen okay i feel too nervous i can't even read i can't should i look at my cameras am i why does that happen whenever i go to my cameras what i'm dead this time this time i'm really dead just do it quick no don't kill me quick i mean like turn the power on quick i'm dead what is this emails lights through my home are randomly turning oh see that's what i'm experiencing too what is do i have to damn it internet went out now my internet went out i need to go reset the router in the back room closer okay i remember that where that was is homie gonna be in here somebody's messing with me obviously just be a thug just be a shine the light at him oh boy okay was it this room no that's the bathroom this is not the room oh god stop no we ain't gonna nope i'm i'm never gonna get anywhere in this game was it in this room what the [ __ ] is that who who turned this light off oh boy is it here oh [ __ ] okay no um what why is it why did it go dark i'm dead i'm gonna die now okay i think it's good now right oh krueger okay she guilty oh you gotta read all that okay i recently hired this dj from my club heart of the underground scene and all my guys oh no it's not like my guys it's like my guys and i okay because it depends how you read stuff uh figured uh she was ready uh blah blah okay so what it is is you read these things right and then you figure out whether you want to report it okay or you want to shred it is that what you do okay and then you grab another one okay devin phillips okay so that i did that right i don't know if i was supposed to shred that one or not but that i i got the gist of it there have been several cars in and out at in and now hey let me get a number two of devin's driveway drive through today more than one of them didn't even have plates on them oh that sounds that sounds suspicious i'm pretty sure he was arguing with one of the drivers while gesturing up pretty sure let me check my cameras i think i heard somebody i'm dead somebody is in here with me okay yeah somebody is is that devin who is in here as soon as i go in here he's gonna kill me i'm dead oh god i'm dead i'm dead somebody is in here oh boy should i go back to my computer is that stupid okay oh boy somebody's in here i know somebody's in here close that should i check the rooms i what if he was in the shower okay so you put that in here in this database look at look at your boy being a detective y'all height six all right yeah i'm nervous okay it's one of these dudes let's take this one okay oh that's oh that's him we put that here and then what about do we have any evidence i know y'all heard that i know y'all heard a click click click the tapping of the feet that's in here that was in my house somebody playing games [ __ ] look out behind you oh the chills i don't like it i don't like this he gas station that seems pretty normal to me i don't know what this is what is that what did what did he get here hunting rifles oh that's evidence how do i just drag this in here okay do how do we report this right okay okay now you're fine why why the why did i was talking who in they saw somebody told my life who is that that's what happened oh god did he have to punch the [ __ ] out of him okay listen so we're gonna go back in but you know at least we kind of figured out like okay you go through the reports um you decide like okay um you know good bad who is this that wasn't the same okay now it's a different dude involved he look like a plastic surgeon or something i don't know look like he's rich all right we're going to go back in what is that he is a surgeon well he had the he's a doctor okay so when he see you he just go for the neck like he got knife well in there i'm nervous let's go in i should get to my computer and get the nightstand okay uh but before i do that let me reclose this windows okay which i don't know why they're even open to begin with and check out those bolos we checked out those bolos we know what's up okay let's open our programs [ __ ] dexter man listen he's my frat bro okay a total ladies man a future doctor oh dexter oh that's his last name not just because i've seen the show so i know what be going on with dexter yo okay so he branded somebody please shred that let me see if i got that right come on man your boy on a roll let's get it should i check my cams and i feel like every time i check it though they're just gonna go out this damn power breaker see i need to flip the breaker in the file room closet see you know what just be a thug just be a thug about it that's all you got to do don't even like hesitate don't even like be oh no i'm scared just be a thug wait oh this is the wrong this is the wrong room okay flip that there we go okay this guy's probably guilty as hell but because i couldn't find nothing in the data i'm just gonna shred it okay that was right no that was wrong because i got a thumbs down i'm gonna die does that mean i'm gonna die now how could how could you how could you do this line of work and live by yourself i would get somebody okay there we go uh evidence close that let's put him in here let's see if this is right i i actually i actually got one right like i i'm actually going to bed i'm not do okay but things might get tougher now okay again with the open with the open windows look at this wide open the killer already in here while i slept he was he was he was in here fixing cereal and [ __ ] stop opening this i'm dead as soon as i turn around i'm dead uh to john hughes second okay they talking about school stuff shred that i ain't got time for that see i was right i was wrong let me check my cameras it's gonna go out told you don't don't play with me every time every time you go check the cameras i don't know if the jump scares i just spin my tongue a little bit i don't know if the jump scares only happen when you're sitting on the chair or if they can really run around your house i don't know okay you you know first thing tomorrow morning call it electrician and have that looked at please i passed by jessica's um garage cans i noticed a strong odor oh dead body coming from inside the boxes smell like a dead animal okay well cocktail shot okay she just like the party a little bit that smell was just her throwing up that's all that was we're gonna shred this she's just throwing up okay i got that right good no that ain't number misunderstanding didn't do let me check if that's correct i told y'all okay here we go another one damn it internet went out again i need to go reset the router in the back room closet okay her saying that scared the [ __ ] out of me y'all oh my god okay the router's back here i'm too tense playing this look at this it's all dark and [ __ ] can we just turn this light on please thank you is that window open no oh god i don't like the way they they open the doors and stuff and make you nervous okay you can't do nothing while that's happening i suggest she calls an electrician and her cable company or whoever her internet provider is to have a look at all this stuff because it's really is really you know she works from home and is everything is malfunctioning um there's a dude in my house my man's just so should i just go to bed i'm i'm dead obviously the second i walk out there yo i make some bomb ass macaroni and cheese i promise i'm gonna say not to the authorities you can have everything in my safe there's no way he just disappears yo he's in that closet there's no way my man is just magical it's good yeah i should get to my computer and get the nightstand should you though should you do that i don't i don't even know if that's a good idea how are these people getting in your house my question why don't you have like adt something wait should i okay oh that that kind of made me nervous because i felt like now i have what what ptsd is that what it's called i now i feel like he's always going to be there my ex-wife is refusing to respect the terms of restraining order she left a photo of me and my car went okay you know what she just jealous as hell she's still in love with you and she want to make sure that you're not getting cheeks from nobody else that's all that is let me see i was wrong okay maybe she wrapped vacation tickets okay this sounds very innocent okay this sounds very innocent let me see that's not okay well i'm really i'm really messing up here should i check my camera every time i mess up like that or does that matter but why are those dudes after me why are those dudes after me though like if this ain't gotten to do with them oh it's because these bolos okay see that's that dude you know what that was hiding in my closet i'm traumatized from homie peeking out the corner like that oh my god all right let's go into another report this time dash do your reconnaissance why am i saying words i can't spell this man guilty you know what we're gonna report him close that we're reporting him let me see if i got that right i better not be no okay so he was a legit doctor jogged my ass home playing a prank okay prank boom that's right we made it tonight too again told y'all and i just got some money all right so we in night two um but this is when when it gets serious though let's um open up all this stuff oh he's outside does that does that mean he's gonna get in my house wait stop what are you doing get out i locked everything though everything is locked oh my god just check the windows because he is he's right he's outside my house my man said peek-a-boo on my ass i know uh cheetos got the new macaroni and cheese so you know maybe if you offer him some um some of that flamin hot wait what happens if you get them all wrong let me see okay that was actually right so uh nope that [ __ ] is in here he is in here i heard footsteps i heard him i heard them okay one more room well i'm dead i'm dead oh man so he was in the house okay what if i just don't open that closet door right what if it just casually well looks like i'm all alone let me keep working on this file right we make him think that we don't know he's here and we just keep working what if we check the cameras oh but if the lights go out it's a wrap no don't get out of there justine he's gonna kill me any second he's sneaking up as we speak very professional very sharp sharp like my man's needle that's about to go in my neck you know what we're gonna say that she's not guilty okay too many reports rejected okay and hey i cheated the system though cause he ain't kill me though what i won [Applause] alright so listen i i switched it to casual so that maybe i can survive long longer all right this one seems petty come on get get get get this out my way i'm not i was wrong okay well see that's why i am not in this line of work let's shred this one okay i was right see i just i just hurt somebody you can still die on casual like they're still jump scares i like i know what i heard my dude my dude this damn power breaker i need to flip the breaker in the file room closet but wait did i scare him off oh boy he ain't got nothing else to do this man dying to break into my heart is this open i can't tell hold on just do the oh boy no this man he done broke into my house already okay i don't think he i don't think he got in i might have scared him i hope but y'all saw him trying to sneaky sneak looking like sly cooper if i see him in my kitchen eating cereal try to do some actual work here i mean gosh trying to work and he disrupting me my workflow claire what you look like oh she look like she was your ex she might could do something we got to find some evidence on her i'm not sure what this is but that looked like evidence to me i feel like i'm really hacking some [ __ ] right now okay what you know what she guilty let's just let's throw her in here i keep wanting to do that report her she did something let me see [ __ ] and we made it to knight too i'm gonna end the game play here [Music] i love you guys adam wow you know how to scare the [ __ ] out somebody i'll tell you this much wow look at how creepy that dude is he just looks creepy he kind of looks like one of my friends actually can i be honest with you all right y'all i'ma see y'all either tomorrow wednesday thumbs up if y'all enjoy it maybe i'll play this again maybe i'll get good at it you know give me some tips in the comments yes [ __ ] i thought he's about to get me thumbs up honestly boy yo
Channel: DashieGames
Views: 1,253,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dashiegames, dashiexp, dashie, scrutinized, gameplay, funny moments, jump scare, lmao, hilarious, horror, scary, game
Id: mI3owDIdx8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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