Healing Is Here 2021: Day 3, Evening Session

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good evening everyone welcome welcome welcome to another great night of healing is here how many were here last night these guys have a good time man we're in for another great time tonight why don't you stand and greet somebody that you didn't come with we want to say welcome to all of you joining us online we are so grateful for this online connection and wherever you are joining us from around the world we have so much to celebrate thank god for jesus and thank god for the holy ghost that's living on the inside of us so we want to exalt the name that's already above every name but exalt him in our hearts and our lives in our attitudes and our thoughts and give him all the glory that he is worthy to receive tonight amen come on let's worship [Music] come on if you know it singing you want me wow well well [Music] well [Music] you're my deliverance oh my god you really love me you're my [Music] me savior free you became a curse for me for my sickness my inequality i'm going ahead with what you said i give to you my friends [Music] [Music] where [Music] my physician oh my god you really love me you're my conqueror my provider and i'm so blessed [Music] [Applause] [Music] in you you want me well [Applause] [Music] your grace [Music] no one could ever separate me from you now of your temple of your dwelling place amazing grace [Music] [Music] now i'm your temple of your dwelling place amazing grace such amazing such amazing new women [Music] me [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] tonight hallelujah [Music] i've been sick and i've been well come on somebody and well is better amen tell somebody next to you well is better [Music] god is so good you've got a testimony that's better than you think come on let's celebrate his grace tonight [Music] [Music] still the miracle that i just can't get over my name is registered in heaven praise the lord [Music] is and my praise belongs to you forever this is my testimony from death to life cause grace rewrote my [Music] this is my testimony this is my testimony [Music] we come together sons and daughters we're bought [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] my story this is my testimony [Music] if i'm not dead you're not done i'll sing that over your life the greater things still to come do you believe it if i'm not dead then you're not done cause greater things in this room greater things are still to come come on if i'm not dead then you're not done [Music] greater things this is my testimony from death to life cause grace rewrote my story i'll testify but jesus christ this is this is my testimony this is my testimony [Music] thank you jesus [Music] [Music] jesus how many of you would be hopeless without jesus christ you all should raise your hands if you don't have your hand up you probably should put it up otherwise you need to come up here and get [Music] saved without your love slave to the darkness if it wasn't for the cross [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] and now your mercy [Music] hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] oh is [Music] is [Music] [Music] thank you jesus i was a prisoner [Music] oh hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you know all it takes is a grateful and thankful heart i loved ma'am marin han she tore it up she that her revelation on the holy spirit if you weren't here for that go back and listen to it because sickness and disease and all of that stuff it's so selfish and it's so prideful and it takes your eyes off the kingdom of heaven and onto yourself and guys all you have to do is just walk in thankfulness and gratefulness for a finished work i'm telling you if you wake up in the morning and you have all those aches and pains in your body and you just wake up and you sing thank you jesus oh thank you jesus [Music] it doesn't matter what it looks like oh thank you jesus it doesn't matter how you feel oh thank you jesus stop listening to the voice of a stranger oh thank you jesus holy shepherd i will follow oh thank you jesus cause he's my king of kings thank you jesus oh thank you jesus hallelujah [Music] thank you jesus i was a prisoner now i'm right with your blood you you buy my freedom hallelujah [Applause] so grateful jesus thank you that you paid the price that none of us could afford they say this mountain can't be moved [Music] they say these chains will never break but they don't know you like we do there is power in your name [Music] we've heard that there is no way through [Music] we've heard the tide will never but you change seen what you can do there is power in your name so much power in your [Music] god we believe can't we god we believe [Music] hope is never lost that's right for there is still [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] break up [Music] american [Music] can we [Music] say [Music] [Applause] you [Applause] we trust [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] yes we do god we believe we believe that when you said it i believe it you said it it [Applause] [Music] it is believe you said [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] god we [Music] [Music] can we [Music] do you believe that come on with your whole heart you said it it is done come on and just trust him tonight you said trust [Music] [Applause] i [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] how great he i know how great is is [Music] great is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] lifted up all over the world [Music] is [Applause] [Music] you are worthy of all grace [Music] [Music] [Applause] shake with is how great is [Music] [Applause] [Music] how great these are come on let's praise him praise him praise him praise the hallelujah you are great oh god come on all over this place let's just slip up our hands for a moment and say thank you to jesus what a great god we have and i just heard the lord saying i'm greater in you than whatever's coming against you tonight i'm great but i'm greater in you than whatever is coming against you lord we trust you we believe you for great things tonight lord god thank you that you're faithful you're unchanging if you said it we can believe it you are trustworthy and god we're so grateful we lift up holy hands tonight lord and bless you with a heart of thanksgiving come on let's just tell god thank you tonight with your own words from your own heart lord we thank you thank you jesus yeah come on lift it up lift it up just tell them thank you all over this place all over the world wherever you're joining us from whatever country you're in come on let's just globally lift up the king of kings and the lord of lords and give him thanks for paying the price that cost him his very life lord we love you we bless you we thank you we give you all the glory now if you're next to somebody that you can join their hand let's just join hands for a moment and i just want to do this as a symbolic prophetic act tonight that none of us are by ourselves we're not alone but god places us where it pleases him and he's joined us together for this august 2021 time you're not here by accident you're here on purpose and for the strategic plan of god to be fulfilled in your life and father as we stand we stand together we stand for each other not against each other and lord god whatever you have said we're gonna confess that not only over our own lives but those that we are connected to our spouses our families our friends lord we thank you that you're changing us you're transforming us generations are being transformed and nations are being transformed god we refuse we refuse to be divided as the body of christ but rather we choose to be united in your love and in your purpose and your plan and god we give you all the thanks so grateful god that you're greater than a vaccine that you're greater than covet that you're greater you're greater you're greater you're greater [Applause] come on everybody let's shout our praise to the one who's great and greatly to be praised god you're greater you're greater god you're greater god we shout our praise to you oh god your greater god [Music] lord you are worthy of all of our praise the bible says that we can shout unto the lord with a voice of defeat what does it say we can shout onto god with the voice of what and here's the thing okay just a minute we're going to shout again but we're not trying to get a victory we're shouting with a shadow triumph because jesus victory is our victory his triumph is our triumph so everybody wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait [Music] [Applause] come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] i'm gonna count to three and i want all of us at the count of three i'm gonna go one two three and i want you to take one of your hands and just go i'm all in you ready one two [Applause] three oh come on let's shout one more time with the voice of triumph one of my pastors from the late 70s said you know what a fanatic is a fanatic is somebody who loves jesus more than you [Music] so tell your neighbor i love worshiping with you you fanatic we're gonna break away to a video and we'll be right back here in just a few minutes thank you for worshiping with us tonight welcome to awm now your source for everything that's happening here at andrew womack ministries and charis bible college two years ago we released the healing journey of donna jones a woman who was healed of a severe brain injury and since her healing donna has moved to colorado to attend carys and recently she shared with us how during a first-year course with wendell parr god brought healing into areas she didn't even know she needed since the brain injury my body had a constant vibration in my body and so i my body was never settled and never relaxed and something in that class when i learned that peace was already inside of me something physically snapped inside my body i could feel it physically feel the change and ever since that moment my body is completely relaxed where i feel that that motion is no longer there and for me it's just given me an amazing confidence you know in really understanding the word uh the teachers you know dive in so much deeper and they show you how to do that for her second year mission trip donna traveled to wyoming where she ministered in rehab centers and local outreaches and saw several healings take place instantly she also performed in our heart of christmas production memorizing lines and lyrics just one of the many things that would have been impossible for her just a few short years ago many times i would take a test cognitive test with a doctor and not be able to answer one single question but now i pretty much get mostly hundreds on my tests which is really exciting to be able to you know push that button when you're taking the test and then see a hundred come back you know i feel really honored and blessed that i have an amazing hearing journey or even just a story because it actually has enabled me to open up to other people and you know i have such a boldness about me when it comes to healing i just love that i get to pray for people and you know most time you see instant healings it's just absolutely amazing to get to pray for somebody right then and there and show them that god is still in the healing business thank you friends and partners for not only providing free teachings that are healing people like donna but are also equipping them to go out and see the same healing manifest in others to see the full healing journey of donna jones visit awmi.net today [Applause] [Applause] hi we were down there i was like i think it's another video he said maybe not let's go well welcome to healing is here 2021. [Applause] is there anyone that this is your first session amen let's give them hats let's give them a round of applause we still got one more amen well you know what we're so glad that you are here with us we have been having an amazing time have we not been having a holy ghost party [Music] i'm telling you let me tell you something when daniel was up here and we were like we're all in i was like this was this is the best game we've ever been at because you know what everybody can cheer and they can be loud when they're at their favorite football team or soccer whatever team but we are here because we're on the team of jesus [Applause] man it sounded so good well we want to say welcome to our online audience we're so glad that you're tuning in with us and again i just want to remind you we didn't have that many people needing prayer before the session and i was like that's because everybody's healed we got healed people here we got healed people but we will have our prayer ministers again at the end of this session this evening online audience you are welcome to join us with prayer ministry if you would just call 719-635-1111 against 719-635-1111 you know did you not enjoy the description that miss carrie pickett was given about healing university so i want you to know this is empty there's nothing in here i'm not giving it away but i'm telling you it is worth it for my 499 dollars two tylenols one this is two tylenols that's if you were not here i'm telling you how much was that tylenol two oh my gosh it was over two hundred dollars a piece to oh my gosh so do you wanna have a tylenol or do you want to have healing university that's all i'm going to say about that so we have a table out there when the resource area is open we encourage you to go out there if you don't know what it's all about i mean it's several teachings you can teach this there's so many people that i met during this week that were telling me that they're teaching this they have a small group group and they're teaching this at their bible study so it is amazing tonight we will have another book signing that book signing will be with jeremiah class [Music] and also mike and carrie pickett so we are looking forward to that so that'll be right after this session at this time i'm going to give away a f a few giveaways here a sure found that's right get excited about presents a sure foundation building your life on the unshakeable truth of god's word god said that before i'm telling before his word would be turned void i mean the earth will begin to shed it won't even be here anymore his word is so short it's a sure foundation you can stand on it if god gives you a word you can bank on that believe for it believe for it there's nothing that will stop god's word so when you get god's word you hold on to it because it's a sure foundation [Applause] the believer's authority what you didn't learn in church a lot of us didn't learn a lot of this in church because i tell you i'm from new jersey i'm a jersey girl and i did not learn this because andrew i came out of a baptist church too i didn't know this i didn't know what my authority is it's so powerful when you know who you are in christ and we have been teaching and sharing all this week you have already got it you've already got it so stop trying to get it you have already got it so anybody who wants this i'm just assisting matt and getting his steps in and then at this time it is my pleasure it is my honor to bring to the stage mike and carrie pickett [Applause] everyone man i love worship this evening thank you praise and worship team uh but not just the praise and worship team that was on stage the praise and worship team that was out there amen because we get the honor of worshiping together amen well we um my name is carrie pickett this is my name is mike pickett and we have the privilege of being the uh vice presidents here at karis bible college how many how many karus bible students do we have in the in the house hallelujah amen you know just uh really quickly just to give an impromptu and unrehearsed plug unashamed to plug for karis bible college i'll say how many people have enjoyed the atmosphere here hasn't been absolutely incredible [Music] can you imagine the transformation that will happen in your life if you submit yourself to one two and three years of this kind of thing [Music] it's absolutely incredible and i want to encourage you if the lord's been speaking to you while you've been here to join bible college that is the lord i just want to confirm that and i want to encourage you to take a step out you know you will never looking back on your life you will not regret a step in growing in in your discipleship process in your relationship with god amen so i encourage you if the lord's been speaking to you this is an incredible atmosphere for growth we would like to invite you to come whether you're here whether you're here or whether you're online watching us we have multiple locations throughout the country as well as the world 20 20 stateside locations 27 international locations as well as this location you can check us out on discovercarus.com so we just want to take a few minutes and we're going to take up the offering tonight and you know it's such a privilege because this is a aspect where we get to worship the lord also with our finances it is one thing to lift up our our hands lift up our voices lift up our issues lift up our doubts and hand them to the lord but it's also a beautiful thing when we can lift up our finances and triumph you know we were just talking about you know we rejoice and we can we can declare this shout of triumph unto the lord well offering is one of the same things where we're declaring our triumph sometimes when we give offerings it's kind of like oh i guess it's that time as a service you know and i hope you know make sure everybody sees that we gave something no it's not this this it's not this this dynamic that we have to do it it is an opportunity to declare the triumph of god's prosperity in our lives and our finances even if we're physically not seeing all of it we're putting it in and saying i'm declaring triumph in my finances i'm declaring triumph over all my debt i'm declaring triumph over all my needs and i'm declaring triumph over the vision of what i'm getting ready to sow into that's powerful isn't it so when we look at when we look at offering you know what mike and i were talking about this this evening is that with our tithe and offering when we give what is the opportunity is that we can have vision when we give it it's not something that we have to do but actually it's something that we can have vision for that we know that we're seeding and sowing into something that's going to produce a harvest and what mike and i can say is for this ministry you are sowing into amazing ground and you can have vision for your finances this is going to change a life this is going to get people the gospel and you're going to you're going to be part of salvations and testimonies through the vision of what you give tonight and that's that's awesome because when we do it with vision there is an anointing and momentum and there's faith behind it not just again a tradition but faith behind giving it amen you know one of the greatest gifts i believe that god has given us is the opportunity where we can take that which is temporal and make it eternal you know we have the opportunity where we can sow in the physical the fruit of our hands the fruit of our labors and turn it into something that's going to transform people's lives where they're going to come to us and they're going to thank us in heaven because we gave and because we provided them the opportunity for transformation and i just want to say this you know in matthew chapter 6 of verses 19 and 20 i believe that we all know these verses this is this it says lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth where moth and rust does corrupt and where thieves break in and steal but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven with neither moth nor rust corrupt and where thieves do not break through and steal for where your treasure is there will your heart be also i'll tell you that's an incredible barometer because if we're focused on building building wealth there's nothing wrong with wealth but if that becomes our god that tells us exactly where our heart is but as we begin to realize that we can we can lay up treasures in heaven and we can have impact on people's lives and daniel mentioned this earlier god how many people know that god has given us the nations as our inheritance amen and not only the nations now but the nations for generations to come and we have the opportunity just to sow into into a ministry that's taking this gospel message to the nations and impacting generations i'll tell you there is no greater privilege that we have than getting than taking this experience that we have corporately together and bringing it outside these walls and introducing people to jesus for the first time so we want to encourage you this is an opportunity where we can sow into that we can give into the impact that's going to have greater beyond our life our lifetimes we can impact eternity to the temporal gifts that god has given us so as we take up the offering i know that they've already passed out the envelope and we're going to we're going to take up the offering we're just going to bless it but just tonight and you're sewing into something that truly is going around the world mike and i have the privilege of of getting to see the oversee the global operations and all of the offices on all of the kerases and you know with covet and everything we've done tons and tons and tons of zoom meetings and graduations and bible studies and encouraging times with students all over the world and literally you're on zoom and you're going screen by screen by screen i mean literally five and six screens full of people that are hungry and their lives have been changed by this ministry and so you are sewing into not only your own future in the vision and the harvest that god's gonna bring back to you but you are seeding into nations i think this is this is what's so powerful is that you can sit where you are and be who you are in the city nation church that you are right now and still be a part of a move of god around the world isn't that awesome and so we want to thank you guys for being here we want to thank you for sewing into this vision because we're doing this as one worship team declaring the glory of the lord around the world amen so father we just thank you for this opportunity to worship you and to declare the triumph of salvation not only in our hearts and our bodies but in our wallets and our bank accounts and over everything that you put within our hearts to touch and and reveal the prosperity and the and the favor of god and so father as we sow tonight i just thank you it is with vision that this seed is not only going to produce a harvest in our own lives but lord this seed is going to change the nations and change the world because your gospel is being released and truth is setting people free so we just celebrate this moment of being able to sow into the kingdom of god thank you god for giving us eternal opportunities to make a difference that it's not just a day that's past but today we were able to affect lives for eternity thank you lord you're such a good god we love you we bless you and we thank you for this time in jesus name amen all right i'm going to invite daniel back up how many of you blessed by daniel amen isn't he a blessing all right thank you jerry [Applause] we are so blessed tonight to have another one of our creative production uh productions represented it's a production called esther and the queen of persia and melissa who is on the worship team that you just heard from a little bit ago is going to sing a song called trust him and if you've not heard this song yet i don't know andrew we might need seat belts on these chairs you know i'm just saying you might just kind of want to take off this particular song is really a blessing and uh charis worship is in the process right now of uh working on a brand new worship album and it's gonna be called trusting and we're gonna put this song as a bonus track on that particular project so i know it's going to be a blessing to you because right now i believe god's really calling us to trust him in areas that we have perhaps struggled with in the past and so as this song is ministered think about what's happening in your own life in your own family and when you've come up against a situation that looks impossible are you willing to trust him in the midst of what looks like impossible let's welcome melissa as she comes to sing this song tonight [Music] you were first conceived deep in the heart of god he made you as you are to be just who you are and when the master wove you in he surely put within you all you need to succeed seek him behold his love surrounds you then let go of all your fears [Music] [Music] there's no need to be afraid [Music] he'll be [Music] when the darkness seconds all your doubts and fears he makes the star shine bright to guide you through the night and when he paints the colors of the morning sky he's shouting out his love for you to see [Music] then let go of all your fear for his [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] tonight mind [Applause] we are so blessed tonight to have audrey mack with us this week we've been hearing from her already we're going to hear from her again tonight in 1985 and cons france this lady had a divine encounter with the lord jesus christ and as a result ended up going to rhema bible training center in 1986 and also victory world missions and is a graduate of both schools and in 1987 went into full-time ministry um audrey i gotta tell you i was teaching one day in my class and i said to my worship art students i said you know there was a song that was really popular back around 1986 87. how many of you remember that and i gave the name of the song and you know half my class raised their hands and they said you do realize we were not born yet so in ministry since 1987 and i'm telling you this lady is looking good she's been around for a while but i'm telling you what god has preserved her she had cancer in 1999 god healed her from cancer he gave her a message he gave her a fire they've got go tellministries.org go to their website and check it out if you're not familiar with it and ladies and gentlemen i want you to join me in welcoming to the stage for healing is here 2021 audrey mack all the way from france thank you thank you jesus we love you jesus he's our champion [Applause] [Music] oh glory to god it's going to be i mean we're having a lot of fun here right but just imagine how it's going to be up there when we just cross the threshold and going in the other world amen it's gonna be a blast this is just a little prelude this is just dress rehearsal amen but before we start i want to thank again andrew and jamie thank you for trusting me with this pulpit i really don't take it lightly i know this is um you know it's not just be for you guys but before god amen and i just i'm so thankful and sometime i have to pinch myself and to say god it's i'm so thankful to have a family amen and this is more than a ministry this is really a family that just doesn't just preach on love and grace but just demonstrates it and lives it and and i'm just so thrilled to have a little connection with you all and fred is my husband here is a builder general contractor in jacksonville florida and like i always says i have the grace to go all over the world he's got the grace to let me go and he's just more than just letting me go he's my best cheerleader you know i'm thrilled when i preach and i see him and he's there taking notes and like on the edge of his seat and even not long ago he went on a motorcycle trip with a bunch of christian guys and he said before he left by the way could you give me one of your usb with all of your teachings and i went don't you just read i have one on andrew i have one on you know he's like no i want to listen to you so man that just went thank you jesus amen and before we go any further i just want to honor another man barry bennett i know barry and betty k you are watching via live stream and barry was supposed to be here tonight and minister to you i'll be that he had a little interruption and but i just want to say thank you barry we love you we miss you and we honor you tonight and the devil's gonna be really sorry that he must eat he did what he did amen glory to god and he's going to have his birthday in a few days on the 18th so if you think about him send him a little message happy birthday barry turned in 28 again um i've got some products left on the table if there is not too much left there are some in the bookstore a beautiful player over there will help you but i'd like to give some stuff there is an album on faith we've been talking a lot about faith in this conference because faith pleases god it is by faith you know healing is through grace it's by grace through faith amen just like salvation and everything and so jesus is looking for faith because faith is the kingdom of god it's the mode of operation of the kingdom of god and so i have an album here it's build your spiritual muscles and it's a i chose a little kid and somebody somebody once said why did you put a little kid in front of it you know going like this you should have put like a strong guy i say no because faith jesus said to have faith like a little child to get back to the simplicity to the trust of a child so is there anybody here you just want to learn a little more about faith [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now here i have also usb key it's it's get all of your spiritual vitamins it's actually a five album it's gone on healing it's got that album on faith on holy spirit on keys of authority on spiritual growth it's all on there it's actually a value of 140 and uh is there somebody you've been saved less than a year come on [Applause] i bet wait wait wait wait wait i want to give it to that young man that got saved during the worship i mean that's like raise your hand i met you there you go [Applause] yeah that's him i think that's him oh you already got one well do what you want go ahead [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah god is so good father we just thank you so much we love you we have open ears open heart open eyes spiritual eyes to see to hear and we ask you to give us a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of you the eyes of our heart enlighten and i ask you thank you holy spirit that you help me to preach father with often simplicity and clarity that even a child can understand and for that i thank you amen and before we start i would like my astro wherever you are to show that testimonial the short testimonial video the bible says in psalm 107 verse 20 that god sent his word to heal us and jesus is the word made flesh jesus is the one who came and you know it's amazing because when jesus when he came he is the perfect expression representation the image of god of his will his character is heart and the bible says in acts 10 38 that jesus went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil for god was with him hi my name is my mom april hi so we wanted to share a healing testimony that happened to layla with audrey mack at the healing conference about seven weeks ago layla has a wandering eye on the left eye since she was about three it would wander out out looking to the left and the other would stay in perfect alignment and we grew up on the word we know the words we've used our authority and called it into order but it would come into alignment for a short period and then wander and stay out again and so at the healing conference leila felt prompted to stand up by the holy spirit and receive prayer for her eye and when she did that she saw audrey mack for me and ever since my i've been completely healed and hasn't wanted out once and so we've been seven weeks without any wandering complete alignment she's even the goalie on her soccer team because she can see the ball so well and perfect alive hello my name is christy sierra and in 2007 i was diagnosed with a brain tumor on the right side of my brain i underwent two brain surgeries and it was determined to be cancer i underwent six weeks of radiation and i took chemotherapy for a little over a year the radiation affected the hearing in my right ear to the point i needed hearing aids in both ears and on a wednesday evening audrey mack was here at new life christian fellowship and called for members of the congregation to come forward who wanted healing and she prayed for me and laid hands on me my ear got very warm and since that wednesday evening i haven't needed my hearing aids my hearing is coming back stronger and stronger and i'm now able to hear people from across the room conversations and the praise of worship music actually sounds loud all right my name is elwyn calvert i have had copd it's gone no more pain the pain in the side's gone the pain in the back has gone been there for years i could touch my toes i couldn't touch my toes before thank you jesus i can jump around and build this fight i couldn't do that before without hurting that's it brother i don't feel no pain whatsoever you and i have to speak to the sickness we have to commend sickness to lose our body we've got to have that anger on the inside that refuse to accept that sickness that and we've got to expect that healing because god is good i'm april trupiano and i listened to audrey mack last year at healing is here and i gotta tell you it absolutely changed my life i sat in the audience and i had been to 54 doctors i had been looking for medicine in 12 different countries i finally flew to vietnam i got the medicine it did not help and actually the doctors thought that even with medicine that i was probably going to die and i sat and listened to audrey and she was talking about the violent take it by force and you have to get angry and i was sitting in my chair thinking you have no idea how angry i am and i got a little frustrated but then she kept talking and i kept listening and she was talking about how you have to have the authority and you have to take the authority that god has given you that god had given me and i will just tell you that once that really sank in and as she just kept talking and i kept listening and understanding the authority the way she teaches it i will tell you that i went home from healing is here after hearing audrey mack and i was completely healed after nine and a half years of being ill when i was a senior in high school i got really sick with mono and that turned into chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia i also had food and environmental allergies and unfortunately that lasted for 10 years i was almost totally bedridden well one night a friend asked me to go to my church because we had a guest speaker and it was audrey mack i was really just too sick to go i could barely get out of bed but i decided to go and as i was getting dressed i heard in the back of my mind where the color blew well i ignored it and continued to get ready and then i heard again wear the color blue the only blue thing i had in my closet was an old dirty blue shirt but i put it on anyway because really i didn't care i was so sick i had to have help getting to the church and getting in the church i sat down immediately and i remember everyone was worshiping and praising the lord and i just thought i feel so bad i want to go home and then audrey gets up and she starts ministering to us on healing and i'm not really paying attention because my symptoms are just screaming at me and then she says did the lord tell you to wear the color blue and i looked down at my blue shirt and thought oh my gosh she told me to wear blue so she certainly had my attention and i listened to her as she preached and then afterwards i went up and met her and she prayed for me and ministered to me but when i went home that night i actually was not healed i was still very sick and on the way home which was only a one minute drive i was saying to my mother oh i wish i could be healed the way audrey was and then all of a sudden i had this revelation that i was healed i was afraid of the lord it was like downloaded in my mind and my spirit and i ran inside and i called my sister and i said i'm healed i'm free i'm free and i was walking around my house and then i started running around my house and the next day i ran up to audrey i said i perceived my healing i received my freedom and that was eight years ago and i've been totally healed my name is kate and i had last year i suffered from depression anxiety suicidal tendencies i was not able to shower or leave the house or my husband had to babysit me most of the time so i heard the healing conference was on in colorado at the andrew walmart center and so i came and i met audrey mack and she called out for um mental problems depression paranoia and i just jumped up in the seat i says i am going to be delivered tonight and i am not going home with this problem so she touched me and i went down like a sack of potatoes and my life has changed my whole life and my marriage and my family's life [Music] we are just overjoyed here is the thing god made away when jesus went to the cross he paid not only for our salvation but for our healing as well and first peter 2 24 says by the stripes of jesus you were healed so if you and i were here 2000 years ago it means that you and i today we are here we can be here [Music] hallelujah i wanted to start and i know we've seen testimonies all those few days but there is something about testimonies before we speak the word number one because testimonies give glory to god you know when god does something for you and you don't testify that's how you rob god of his glory say lo so if god has done something for you these next few days or these days or yesterday go and write it down and testify and tell every what god has done for you but not only does it give god's glory but it's a witness of god's power and his love because healing is god's love language that's one way that god tells you i love you hallelujah and i love it because testimony also confirm and approve the message that comes you know even paul says i don't come to you just with words of human wisdom but i come to you in demonstration of power amen it's not just about preaching the word but showing you that the word that we are preaching to you in this place is always confirmed with healing signs and wonders it what it does it gives you a confidence in the messenger amen and i love that testimony it's the spirit of prophecy and prophecy it's a revealing god's will and what he wants to do in your life glory to god and those testimony what it does it raises your expectation it tells you if god has done it for them it's gonna it it's gonna happen to me not tomorrow not in one week but tonight amen hallelujah so tonight i have a message for you that i believe the lord gave me this morning you know this morning i was just i just was feeling something in my heart and i couldn't put my finger on it so i spent just some time away with the lord to be still and know that he is god and to hear what the lord had to say and what he wanted me to deliver so i just felt and i feel tonight like i'm on an assignment from the lord amen i glory to god and i want to also connect the dots because we've heard a lot in these last couple of days we've heard a lot about faith we've heard a lot about entering into the rest and stopping from striving and trying and works would you agree but we also heard a lot about fighting the good fight of faith and i don't know about you but sometimes that that kind of seems like a contradiction what do i do do i rest or do i fight make up your mind so i just want to connect the dot to not and just show you what is the balance between entering into the rest and what it really means and fighting the good fight of faith amen now we find that if you have your bible you can look in hebrew chapter 4 verse 9 through 11. can somebody stop the clock please you know i always have i believe i'm starting to set my faith for to be translated so i don't have to go and do all the so you know what i mean i'm like well it's getting so complicated to travel these days to go here and there i say lord it's about time that i get translated you know lord i'm believing for that why not phillip did it so in hebrew chapter four but i'm saying that because i feel i'm being translated into time it's going a little too fast here hebrew chapter four he said there remain therefore a rest for the people of god for he who has entered his rest has himself also ceased from his work as god did from his and so we find out here that the author of the book of hebrews says that there is that you and i in christ have to enter into the rest why do we enter the rest and we've heard it all over is because jesus has already obtained the victory i mean you know the bible says in first corinthians 15 57 thanks be to god who always not just sometime always gives us the victory in jesus christ that's the reason why you know in first peter 2 24 peter what did he say by the stripes of jesus you past tense you were healed because that healing that victory is something that is already done so we enter the rest knowing i already have the victory it's already done it's already given the healing it's not a matter of is god going to heal me but it's understanding and knowing that i can be in that place of rest because i know that healing is already mine hallelujah but you notice that he also say for those who enter into the rest cease from their works we have to cease from our own works you notice he doesn't say she's from works he says cease from his work what is he talking about he's talking about us stopping to try to do it our own way to stop to try to make it on our own to stop to try to get healing in the in the in the way we think it is that's the reason why jesus sent the holy spirit because he told us in first corinthians 15 57 that in jesus christ he already gave us the victory but in second corinthians 2 14 he says again thanks be to god it's like thank you jesus who always leads us to that triumph so what does it mean when the offer of hebrews says we have now to enter into the rest and cease from our own works it means you've got to realize you already have the victory and you have to stop trying to do it your own way and you've got to start looking to the holy spirit the one that have been sent by jesus from the father to lead us into that victory you would think that would be evident but it's not glory to god so that what it means to enter the rest but because we entering to the rest doesn't mean that we stay passive without doing anything and that's why people they get confused they don't understand they think all of a sudden i enter into the rest therefore i'm just gonna sit and wait for god to do it all not so because you remember that p that uh paul in first timocy i think it's 217 he says fight my son fight the good fight of faith well we know it's a good fight why is it a good fight because it has already been won by jesus christ but you see like paul says you've got to fight we are commanded in 1st timothy 6 12 to fight a good fight but did you notice he said it's a good fight of and how does faith come by hearing and hearing by the rhema word of god you know when you and i we stop trying to do it on our own and get the victory on our own and get the healing on our own and we start looking unto jesus and looking into the holy spirit and we said okay now i know the victory is already given but now holy spirit i want to hear from you how do i get there in another word fight the good fight of faith because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word that the holy spirit will give you in another word it is the holy spirit that is going to give you the war strategy he's the one that's going to give you the strategy for the fight of like he said fight the good fight of faith and lay hold of eternal life and eternal life is more than just salvation it's healing deliverance protection everything and so here it says we've got to enter into the rest cease from our own way of doing things trying to do it on our own and become like little children turning to god the holy spirit by saying spirit you are the spirit of wisdom and revelation so i'm leaning upon you to show me how to go to that victory i know it's mine because you and i we do not fight that fight of faith to try to obtain victory we fight the fight of faith from a place of victory [Applause] fighting the good let me get some water hallelujah you know i love it because this new covenant in jesus it's a relationship and if you haven't heard or learned anything else please know and understand that the way that you and i have to live this life and walk in healing and walk in health and walk in the ways of god it all has to flow from a relationship a living relationship with a god that speaks to you today and you know the bible says my sheep hear my voice and how do you hear that voice not only is he going to guide you with his peace and i talked about it in my workshop about how peace is like a signal to show you if you are in the will of god if you are on the right path if you are you know doing what god is telling you to do or go what god is telling you to go amen and we can hear his voice because out of our belly flows rivers of living water and he was speaking of the spirit which he was about you sand when you've got spontaneous thoughts coming into your heart and you're like is it god well you probably wouldn't have thought that by yourself so i would say yes it's probably the holy spirit i have to say barry if you're watching i'm going to try to smile more inside joke i get so intense sometime you know oh hallelujah and the mistake i love that it's a life where we abide in christ and christ abide in us but i love that what it says if my words abide in you and what word is he talking about the rhema word if my riddle my rhema word my voice my direction my instruction my war strategy whatever i'm speaking to you abides in you the rest is done so we enter the rest knowing the fight is already won and i turned to the holy spirit to give me the strategy to fight the good fight of faith but did you notice something it if it is a fight it means it requires courage if we are if it is a fight of faith any fight requires courage don't look at me smile don't look at me so innocent and holy it is if you go in a war and we are in a spiritual war there we need courage and as i was meditating this morning and talking to the lord and asking the lord about tonight i heard he gave me a word he said the body of christ has become weak weak timid and passive and you know as i'm meditating and i look in my bible and i see even in the old testament men of god that were called to fight their good fight of faith a fight a battle that had already been won i mean god said he said i give you the land of canaan and by the way i've already given you the victory but you notice they have to go and fight it was not just handed on a platter without having to do anything they had to go and fight and to fight it requires i would call it spiritual courage and i look at the man of god i mean i love it i look at a man like caleb i mean the guy is 85 right after having put up with a bunch of unbelievers in the desert he's 85 and he goes to joshua he said please give me that mountain and that was the mountain where with all the big big giants anakin he said give me that mountain for i am well able i'm 85 but i'm gonna take it oh whoa whoa here is an 85 year old man he was not a wimp he's like give me the mountain those giants is just papa nothing like i said this afternoon if you don't know what i'm talking about watch the panel you see jesus said i cast the devil with a finger not the hand not the arm the finger say devil [Applause] and here is caleb an 85 year old man who had that courage because he had faith he understood god you gave us a promise your word is true so he's like okay i don't care what all those all your other youngsters are gonna do but give me the mountain i know there is the biggest giant of the land but i want that it was a brawn or you look at david here is david when he faced when all of israel they were like shaking in their boots no no they were wearing boots but it sounds good when all of that they were like david a youngster but who knew god how great is our god he knew how great is his god and when he said what is that uncircumcised philistine and you know when he went to the to the giant he didn't go walking and thinking okay i'm gonna check you out he went running he confronted the giant running there was a courage in him that was not afraid of the battle not afraid of what the enemy was doing and here is david also i love it and i believe it is where is it out in ii samuel 23 it talks about the 737 mighty men of david i mean if you read those guys you're like no let jo why let's just go and read a few of them here is a guy joe joseph bashabeth the tacmonite he killed 800 at one time hello here is another one in verse in verse nine eleazar the son of dodo and that guy wasn't go dodo dodo means sleeping in french he said when they all gathered there for battle and the men of israel had retreated they were in another word they were chicken he arose and attacked the philistine until his hand was wary and his hand stuck to the sword in other words he was fighting and he was fighting so much that his hand was attached to the sword it got stuck the lord brought about a great victory that day and the people returned after him only to plander so he arose and attacked he arose and attacked the philistine until his hand was wary and his hand stuck to the sword and the lord brought about a great victory that day and the people returned after him only to plunder and none that lovely first you are chicken retreating and then you wait for that one guy to win the battle on his own and then you come and said oh i would like this i would like that i would like that here is another one shaman the son of aji the heroite the philistine had gathered together into a troop where there was a piece of ground full of lentils so the people fled from the philistine but he stationed himself in the middle of the field defended it and killed the philistine so the lord brought about a great victory here is another one benaya he had killed two lion like heroes of moab he also had gone down and killed the lion in the midst of a pit on a snowy day and there is on and on and on so many more here's another one he went attacking an egyptian with a big spear he went to the spear from his hand and then he he killed him with it and that's just a few of all those mighty men of david here is a guy he was not just satisfied to kill a lion all of us said well i'm just going to spear the lion praise god he's in the pit right he went and jumped in the pit with the lion i'm like that's kind of that shows you the kind of people they were they had such a courage a fearlessness about them that enabled them to take possession of what god had already given them and i believe that that is the kind of courage that god is looking for in his people today what would that look like for you and i when you are attacked james talks about ed in james chapter one he said when you are being attacked with trials of all sorts counted it all joy my brethren for through that the testing of your faith pretty much will produce glory and a testimony i remember you know when i was when the holy spirit woke me up one in the morning to show me ahead of time what was going on in my body and i spent time praying in the spirit and then he gave me a word but at that moment when he gave me a word it all of a sudden i had that sense thank you god i'm not a victim i can be a victor and this can become my greatest victory and my greatest testimony you see a man that understands the war and the fight a person that understand that he has already the victory can look at the battle look at the attack and said that's all you've got devil and look at it telling himself out loud that can become the greatest moment of my life it's all about it's like those guys i i can see it how they saw how david saw the battle how those men approached and saw the battle they never saw it as oh my gosh we're gonna have to fight they looked at it man an opportunity and they ran to it they saw it they approach it with their victorious with such chorus and a victorious the mentality of a victor so that's the first thing to be of courage and fight the good fight of faith you're gonna have to look at the fight and said that's all you've got devil and look at it and said i'm no victim i'm a woman of courage i'm a man of courage and that trial that attack is going to turn into my greatest victory into the greatest glory and the greatest testimony hallelujah we are in a spiritual war it is true that's why did you know this help me lord that's the reason why paul or matthew excuse me or jesus through matthew in matthew 11 12 he said the kingdom of god suffers violence but it's the violence that will take it by force right there alone shows you that there is a battle there is a war but you see when people hear that you know what they think the violent take it by force and all of a sudden they are trying to put the pressure the force towards god if i pray pray pray pray pray god's gonna heal me if i fast fast fast until we can you know on skin and bone then god's gonna have you know mercy and look at me and say look at her i've gotta heal him the force the violence it's never towards god remember the victory is already given the battle is already won as far as god is concerned but the violence and the pressure and the force has to be against the enemy against the sink the symptoms against the sickness it is the violent thy take it by force but you see there is a problem and that's where i want to get you is all the problem often time is in the body of christ people have become very weak very passive and very timid and let me add a little thing wearing that mask is the strategy of the devil to break your will and to break your inner strength do you know in the muslim nation that's what they put on their women to break their will and submit them bring them into submission i know some of you are not going to like me for that but i don't care there is a strategy there is the strategy of the antichrist on the earth to render people passive timid and weak on the inside to remove that fighting spirit that courage that standing on the inside attitude and let me say something it might shock some of you but your personality has a lot to do whether or not you will be able to take what belongs to you in the spirit because oftentimes what happens is your attitude in the natural transfers into the spirit so if you are a person that has the tendency to be very passive and very timid and very submitted you'll have a very hard time in the spirit to fight the good fight of faith and take your healing by force the violent taken by force and i've seen that oftentimes that people that tend to be very timid have a hard time to stand up against the devil and i saw that god he's been teaching me this for quite a few years now and i know it sounds something a little crazy to say that being timid in the natural would hinder you to get a hold of things in the spirit but it is truth i remember i was doing in 2019 july 2019 i was doing a catholic charismatic conference and they i saw there were two twins identical twins same dna identical twins and i when i met them i saw one of them in the wheelchair and the other running around happy and everything and they brought the one in the wheelchair matild they brought her to me saying would you please pray for her and so you know like any good doctor would do you ask questions you try to probe to find out what the situation and i found out that a year before exactly a year before in that same conference both of the twins identical to it both had lyme disease stuck in a wheelchair and i'd like to show you the piece though that picture of matilda children clemens maestro picture number one oh here it is here are those two twins identical twin now why and how those two guard lyme disease it's beside me because i heard that lung disease is being bit by a what a chick how would those two twins be both bed biotech and at the same time have lyme disease but anyway but when i met them a year later they explained to me that both had lyme disease and the year before they both got prayed for by the same person a friend of mine one got healed the other didn't get healed and you know you look at you take a step back you look at it and you think well did god play favorites why did he heal one and not the other and so as i'm talking to those twin and asking you know question and looking into it i asked lord i'm every time i minister i try to talk to the lord and ask him and he said observe them look at them closely so i paid attention and i looked and i noticed that clements who had got out of the wheelchair could i have the second picture clemens who got out of the wheelchair she was running all around very energetic kind of bossy like you know telling you what to do and how to do it you know what i mean kind of take charge kind of girl but i noticed that matilda was very shy and i'm like lord that could not be he said yeah he said clemens when they were both god prayed the same prayer by the same person for the same problem clemens she just got a hold of it she stood up on the inside and then stood up on the outside but matilda was waiting kind of for things to happen for her and didn't do anything and so that showed me that can change and so i started really to start talking to matild to the point of you know making her angry asking a question provoking her telling her do you want to get and people were looking around thinking that lady she's mean i didn't care i wanted to get the job done [Applause] and so i told matilda said aren't you sick and tired of being in a wheelchair and people are pushing you around carrying you feeding you i said do you want to get married one day she's like yeah and i said well would you want to walk in a wheelchair to to your husband or would you like to walk by your your daddy she looked at me her eyes went and then all of a sudden i had a word of knowledge the lord told me said she thinks that god played favorites she think that god healed her sister and didn't want to heal her so right there i gave her that word i said no no no marill that's not true god didn't play favorite you know why you didn't get healed because you were waiting passive and too timid you were she was so timid she could hardly talk like this long story short i started to make her stand up on the inside get angry at the sickness refusing to be like this one more day and to go and have that righteous anger and to take her healing by force not again the pressure is never with god god has already done it he's sitting at the throne but it's the enemy that is going to do everything he can to hold it back from you and sometimes it takes you and i to stand up on the inside and put pressure back on the devil and so i took that little girl and after talking with her you know they were packing the tent and everything so i had all the time and i must have spent a good hour with her finally i got her up her father on one side me on the other and then i started to force her to walk i said we're gonna walk and at the beginning i had to take my my foot and kick her leg and i'd go cut [Applause] and push her not go behind it pop and we did that for golly a good 20 25 minutes and we went around we must have walked i don't know two miles but finally she got to the point where she had enough strength to hold herself and then after a little while she started to move her leg by herself long story short after doing that walking for a while i spoke to the parents i said don't make it easy on her to get back to that wheelchair i said stay keep it away and i said you see how i was with her because you know here is a mistake when people get sick we can so easily accommodate them pamper them what can i get for you don't do anything stay here what do you need i mean yeah we have compassion but sometimes we think it's compassion when it's really hindering people to get a hold of the healing and i told the parents i said don't put her back in there and i said you see her what's going with her i said you're gonna have to help her long story short a couple of weeks later here is video number one of my shield [Music] [Applause] she's so shy can you tell how shy she is [Music] so here's a little matild a couple of weeks later and you know i talked to the parents i said you're gonna have to keep on helping her and here is matilda [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow here is a wonderful thing so many times you know always hear andrew saying i was an introvert i can look at people in the eyes and look at him now you could never tell why because those personality trait traits that can hinder you in the spirit can be changed and should be changed and that little material not only did she overcome that that shyness and that fear and timidity but then a few months later she was the lead role in a little theater play and you can look at her the change even in her personality from being nice like and so if it is a hindrance that you have that you find yourself bound with that fear with that spirit of timidity with that china that hinders you from taking your kingdom by force that can be changed you know here is the thing i remember i just found out really recently i'm kind of like fearless now i am so fearless i mean i can go anywhere do anything i don't care but it wasn't always that way but you know something that helped me i found out that i come from a family line of people like my dad was at the age of 14 he was carrying guns on his back under the nose of the german from the coast into the forest where the militia was hiding then at 16 he went to england to be trained and then he was part of the great operation in normandy 18 and he was part of the first french regiment that went for the liberation of paris with the american so i'm like praise god i've got some gumps on the inside coming from my dad but you know i remember one time my grandfather actually was hiding a radio in his basement and at night he would go and get messages to death to deliver to the militia if they found him he would have been but you know i remember one time i was so i mean like i said i'm not fearless because i realized that fear should never be part of our nature as children of god because god is not giving us a spirit of fear but a power of love and a sound mind and there was a time and i even said sometimes i would be afraid of looking you know a long time ago looking at people in the house you know if i was with friends i was okay you put me in front of strangers in front of a group i'd be frozen i mean i remember changing street when i saw somebody that had met that i had to say hello to i was like no i can and look at now i'm acting like a clown in front of thousands of people but there was also a time you see you do not negotiate with fear you cannot negotiate if you think i'm just going to leave it alone you know when the devil attacks you with sickness or with anything you cannot negotiate with this thinking well i'm just going to leave it alone if i don't bother him he won't bother me oh yeah i mean you've heard andrew said he's going to make you pay more than you willing to pay he's going to take you further than you want to go he's going to take you thank you and keep your head under the water if you let him but there was a time i was afraid of heights i would go on top of a ladder and my legs would shake and then you know when i had to do mission training we had to go through boot camp go on top of poles 35 feet high jump grab a trapeze walk on wires and you know stuff they do in the army and i was petrified i'm like i can't do that but i said if i don't confront it because fear you cannot avoid it you have to confront it head-on [Applause] you know i like joyce meyer said do it afraid and you know when i did that you know now if somebody needs to go on the roof to clean and get rid of the leaves yours truly because i realized that if something makes you afraid you've got to confront it head-on all of this to say that when you know that something is the will of god and belongs to you i love the testimony of body booth how he was so tenacious fearless he didn't care what people thought what i mean he just won after it i mean he took his kingdom and he fought it with with that fear [Applause] i have so much more i'd like to say what did you just say don't tempt me now [Applause] you know i look in my life with every healing testimony like if you listen to all of the testimony you know what the denominator common denominator is they found out what belonged to them and they didn't care what their symptoms had to say what they saw what they felt they pushed against it and they took their healing by force because you see and that's not works that's a response you know what belongs to you therefore you're not going to let the devil take it from you or steal it from you listen to this i'm going to read you this testimony that i got just a week or so ago it's from a 65 year old lady her name is roberta if you're watching roberta hello she said in february of 2009 she says this testimony is long of a due february of 2019 i experienced severe and sudden back pain i store two thousand pounds of frozen raw dog food i get them in two deliveries and i loaded the first one thousand pounds into the freezer the next day my neighbor gave me slabs of slate for a walkway she's 65 widow living by herself i loaded them into my car and i was pulling them through our yard when i got back to my house i started to feel back pain and when i lifted my leg my left leg there was a sharp pain i couldn't lift my left leg then a few inches i would walk and suddenly was forced to my knees screaming in pain no warning the screaming was involuntary and i was getting another one thousand pound delivery in three days i'm a widow and i live alone and this wasn't good after the first day of experiencing this walking screaming in pain forced to my knees i decided instead of screaming in pain i would say praise god i'm healed the devil was putting horrible thoughts in my head you're alone you can even go to the market without looking like a fool screaming on your knees there's no one to help and you have to load the freezer again in three days alone screaming i discovered a youtube video of audrey mack teaching at charis on healing she is so funny [Applause] so i watched that over and over and then i recalled how andrew womack had back pain and was laying in his driveway also the time that the rock rolled over him and he was healed so his testimony and the teaching kept me going so for three days i played all of that over and over and over but the symptoms of severe pain were still there i could barely lift my left leg satan kept telling me i was never never going to heal it's a ruptured disc and you're going to enjoy yourself even more loading up the second delivery into the freezers you're never going to heal and you're going to make yourself even worse on the delivery day i took my ipad to the garage and on that cold february morning i played audrey mac's teaching on healing over and over i left when she had back pain but instead on going scuba diving i rejoiced when her appendix was healed and she went on the mission trip i could barely lift my leg let alone move 40 and 50 pound cases but the testimony i heard kept me going if god is not a respecter of person then i can receive healing too healing is mine and i have it now i'm not moved by what i feel but by the word of god i was able to put all the frozen food away and i went into the house satan said you really really damage your spine now you'll never heal you will need surgery and every time he threw me to my knees i yelled praise god i am healed well the next day when i woke up i was completely healed no pain at all and it never came back i give god all the glory and praise jesus for blazing the path for me in this time and age a widow woman living alone can take her ipad and learn from some of great teachers anytime any day and or night and she can be filled with a word amazing time we live in etc etc a 65 year old widow who got ahold of the word and decided that she was not going to be intimidated by the devil by the sickness by the pen pain but she had that inner courage to press through without any fear and there is so much more but tonight if you're here tonight and i believe that was my assignment if you're here tonight and you see yourself being the type of person hindered by fear by shyness by timidity being intimidated if that's you i'd like to see your hand yes i see those hands yes yes yes i'm gonna ask you to stand up if you can and you know paul said god is not giving us a spirit of fear but a power of love and a sound mind it is a spirit and you don't have to accept it you can be free from it because god needs you to be of great courage not to be intimidated by the attack but to attack the attack head on and look at it and say devil that's all you got so father god just put your hand on your heart but here is something thank you honey but here is something we're going to pray tonight to be free from that spirit of fear and timidity because that fear has been plaguing this nation that's the whole plan of covid that's the whole plan of what the enemies try to do to put the people of god in fear and if you're in fear you can walk in faith so i pray right now in the name of jesus i say fear be broken over their lives i command a spirit of fear to be broken over their heart over their lives right now shyness go humidity go fear go i pray right now that courage just like the disciples pray that they would have courage and boldness i pray father for great boldness great courage to come upon them father in jesus name filled with your spirit freed from that spirit of fear some of you right you're gonna have now to confront the fear you know what i get emails all the time when people tell me i'm afraid of germs i tell them go in the dirt and roll in the dirt if people tell me i'm afraid of a fly i say go and book you a flight somebody said i'm afraid of going in an elevator i say go into an elevator and go to the top floor you've got to confront your fear head on that is the only way you can break its power over you declare after me i am free [Applause] because god has not given me a spirit of fear but a power of love and a sound mind so i am of good courage no matter what the enemy throws at me i will confront it i will fight it i will overcome it because greater is he that is in me that he that is in the world hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus be free be free be free be free be free hallelujah you know what that means that whatever the devil told you you could not do you confront it go and do it and so tonight i hope it's okay i've got as i was praying i got a few things a few words last time i don't know how long ago it was if it was two years ago or three years ago i don't know time goes i pray for people that were bound with depression and you know that whole covet thing that's what it did also people being quarantined out of work all kind of stuff i mean that that whole year has just been demonic at the x degree but it's caused many people to get into depression so tonight i pray right now and whether you are here in this room or watching live stream i remember when i prayed for depression to be broken there was a pastor in texas that was watching healing is here live stream who had been in depression [Applause] day there was a pastor who was watching the healing is here and as i was speaking against depression that pastor for 25 years had been under severe depression was going to the psychiatric under heavy medication and as i was praying against depression and breaking its power over people that man thousands of miles away felt tingling in his brain and overnight got totally free so if you're there on the other side wherever you are take your healing by force take your freedom by force what is good for people here is good for people there so i break depression if you've been suffering from depression from suicidal thoughts from panic attacks from insomnia from whatever has been attacking your mind your brain i want you to put your hands on your head right now all over the place [Music] and in the name of jesus you heard the testimony of that woman right here she could not function she had to be bathed carried she wouldn't get out of the house and by one touch from god broken so i pray right now in the name of jesus i call right now depressive manic depression i call any kind of suicidal tendency dementia brain problem chemical imbalance bipolar dementia schizophrenia autism i break its power over your mind right now in the name of jesus be healed receive it receive it it's yours it's receiving it's yours and you're gonna have to stand against it tonight you received it as a point of contact but tomorrow you're gonna have to stand in courage declaring i am free i left the old me yesterday in that auditorium but today it's a new me and you take it remember that little lady how the devil was talking to her but she talked back to him sometimes that's what you have to do there is somebody you've had kidney damage it's like sharp pain in a kidney is there somebody with kidney damage sharp pain in the kidneys anybody kidness problem stand up kidneys not the kidney but the person with the kidney wherever you are if you have kidney damage kidney problem night's the time you take it the violent take it by force don't be moved by what you feel don't be mum or what you see be moved by what you know tonight is your time the violent take it by force i declare right now key nays be healed put your hands on your kidneys right now kidneys i command you to be healed right now in the name of jesus kidneys be healed kidneys put your hand on that on that young man there kidneys be healed your kidneys are in the back sir thank you kidneys be healed kidneys be healed whoa hallelujah glory to god kidneys pain go be go infection go in jesus name allergies if you've got allergies whether it's pet allergy food allergy weather allergy people allergy what kind of allergy just stand up [Applause] you getting sir are you getting an overall tonight i declare right now allergies i cancel your appointment over those people right now i call i command those food allergies weather allergies bed allergies any kind of allergies i call them canceled over your life i command them to stop right now tonight here in jesus name take it in if you could not breathe start breathing if you could not eat go eating not never later whatever it is remember the violent take it by so you attack it head on and you do put pressure on the devil he tells you you can do that you said oh watch me [Applause] [Music] allergies gone declare after me i am free from allergies because god lives on the inside of me and i can do all things through christ who trans strengthens me you are free brother you are free free if you have bad allergy go to the go and get you a pet if you had you know flour or what pollen allergy go and roll in the grass i don't know confront it head-on and some of you it might take like that lady you keep pushing pushing until one is giving up and it shouldn't be you if you've been this afternoon in the panel we talked about that the power of perseverance the not giving up attitude until we see that which is ours courage no fear fearlessness hallelujah [Music] this is what i saw i saw a big scar that either got infected or a scar that is hurting you because something was left on the inside if there's somebody like that a big star at scar you have a big scar cha te kereve trouper affair super marche anybody with a scar a scar with complication a scar with complication anybody raise your hand if you've got car complication one one one come come run to the front i'll go to you sister [Applause] where is the scar right here father in the name of jesus i call right now infection to go pain to go complication to cease in jesus name i call healing in that body and i call that scar healed and well pain must stop right now take a big breath in the name of jesus be healed be free in jesus name in jesus name hallelujah is it right here right a big scar that's it there is a complication with it father is there pain big that means big bad pain back pain right well are you ready to be free yes come on father i pray right now i pray for the pain of that scar to cease to go and stop in jesus name be healed right now lord i thank you for this word you knew it so i thank you lord in jesus name your whole family got touched this weekend didn't it hallelujah so i pray right now in jesus name be healed healed healed father i thank you right now put your honey come here sweetie i'm gonna have my husband put his hand on you lord i call that scar healed in jesus name any pain infection complication has to stop and go in jesus name take a big breath is there pain right now was there pain before yes the pain is stopped yes praise god hallelujah [Applause] do you have pain right now from one to ten how much pain do you have um just when someone's pressuring on it so when there is pressure on it from one to ten how much um depends on the pressure so right here no not not really so what kind of pressure is is um well it's just like um inflamed acne scars okay so father i just thank you right now in jesus name i call those cars healed i call the the pain to cease and to desist to go thank you for healing this body right now pain never to come back inflammation never to come back i call freedom in this body for jesus died for that body for the freedom for the healing so it's yours right now in jesus name amen hallelujah hallelujah do you feel something uh yeah just uh something's going on in my body something is going on in your body something good yeah yeah i just feel the power of god it was honestly kind of making my arm shake a little bit um well just get more in jesus name kid get it down get it get it get it might as well get it in jesus name more more more more feel him lord more that's good the joy of the lord is your strength [Applause] filled built built what is going on a bunch of scars mercy scars scars scars a lot of scars in the room we're talking here about scars that are hurting with complication right okay hallelujah put your hand where this car is [Music] oh thank you that's why i brought my husband along so he keeps me in line you laughing because i just spoke french do you speak french no so why are you laughing at me put your hand on the part of the body that has a scar with complication amen right now in the name of jesus i call healing healing healing healing healing be healed be healed be healed i call that back right now there is scarves there healing some of you might hallelujah be healed healed be healed be healed right now be healed right now be healed healed even more than a scar paper [Laughter] glory to god be healed be healed be healed be healed the scar is right here emotional emotional mental yesterday hey it's car father i just pray right now healing in our heart jesus came to heal the broken heart so i caught healing right now healing healing healing father i thank you right now healing healing be healed start moving your legs start doing things you couldn't do before you ready for it sure [Applause] stop moving your legs what's happening in your legs how is it feeling okay feels okay could you do that like that before uh a little bit i have to check your life in my feet both of my feet father we just thank you right now numbness you go in jesus name numbness you go in jesus name right now right now in jesus name uh kidney failure well we prayed for kidneys already right so father i thank you right now kidneys be healed hallelujah start moving hallelujah scars be healed we call this car healed infection complication hallelujah is there pain in your legs legs are broken this was a compound fracture in january so i broke tibia fibia in both my legs compound fractures so so how much pain do you have right now if i touch it it hurts when i walk around it hurts so from 1 to 10 how much pain uh i'm just standing around three if i'm touching and aggravating it like five seconds and if you run if i run yeah that's how much i typically can't i mean it's not that i can't it's just a lot of pain oh okay well you're ready to be free come on now so lord i thank you right now i call those pain gone i call bone healed spain gone i call every muscle ligament nerves right now and bones to be healed by the power of god right now in jesus name be healed receive it right now receive it right now you ready try it come on come on what's happening could you do that hallelujah what's happening [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] keep running [Applause] come on run to your seat where is this car father i just pray right now lord i thank you right now pain be gone we call any complication to stop and i thank you right now what the enemies meant is reverse right now in jesus name be healed right now be healed be healed what's happening in your body [Music] um [Music] jesus heals the broken heart so be healed right now we call any spiritual score your heart be healed by the power of god yes lord great joy great joy healing healing healing healing in jesus healing healing is my strength the joy of the lord i declare be free right now yes be free be free right now in jesus name i call you free free sometime you know how you become violent you start laughing lord i call right now what's happening what's happening physical pain is this where is the pain right here father i just call right now pain you stop in jesus name pain you stop [Music] is it a good burning it is a good burning hallelujah [Applause] that's the holy ghost so lord i thank you right now what you started and heard you finished it it's the holy ghost healed it's really hard it's the fire of god she's healing your body right now and healing your heart holy spirit thank you thank you shh take a big breath just let the holy spirit work on you here right now hallelujah father thank you right now healed healed shh thank you lord thank you lord father i thank you right now healed i call all the pain all the pain to be healed right now where is the the scar [Music] so what is it that you cannot do okay well father in jesus name we call healing of the hand every nerves muscles ligaments joints every part of this hand we call it back into full function in jesus name lord i thank you even better than before start moving your hand [Music] i'll take a massage any time feels good [Applause] it feels cool actually hallelujah the coolness that's good all right i'll take another massage oh that feels really good thank you hallelujah praise god it's yours [Applause] what's happening um where is the the scar yes i see it is there pain with it did they take your thyroid no they were trying to give me a simple uh sinus biopsy in the toilet oh they torn up that's it so father i just pray right now i speak healing in this throat i call right now in jesus mighty name what the enemies meant i call this complication right now to be reversed i call freedom right now pain to leave her body and total freedom total freedom in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah take a big swallow do what you couldn't do before how does it feel you feel any change anything swallow you swallow better than just keep swallowing somebody give her some water is there a bottle of water here well we might gonna put you to work there it is here it is take a few scoops there you go right here father in jesus name glory to god come on drink [Music] how is it going good feels good hallelujah keep drinking acting how does it feel good better lord i thank you in jesus name fullness yes total total healing in jesus name not just a little bit all of it in jesus name amen thank you father i call right now healing in this body i call healing is there pain in your body you did i did then in the sky area okay how you have pain now no it's gone when did he leave um two days ago over here oh so you you don't have pain anymore no so why did you come forward because i want the scar to go so well father let it be done according to her faith we call this call god in jesus name in jesus name glory to god no more pain no more pain we want the fullness not just the pain with the scar in jesus name hallelujah [Music] right here you have pain from radiation from radiation right here father i just thank you where is the pain from one to ten how much it's always a five oh you have five now yes so father i i call that pain gone in jesus name i command you to leave this body in the name of jesus i call free from pain in jesus name would you do me a favor would you raise your hand to praise god just touch your toe go down and touch your toe come back up yep go down check your back how is it okay is the pain still there no the pen is gone it's gone hallelujah you're not lying are you no hallelujah hallelujah what's happening uh pain in my neck uh neck surgery neck surgery tear after this okay two ruptured discs okay can you look around you have pain when i turn to the right from one to ten how much pain five to six are you ready to be free yes tonight not tomorrow tonight father in jesus name i call that desk nerves ligaments this to be healed pain you must go in jesus name be healed right now be healed in jesus name [Music] holy spirit thank you [Music] start looking to the right and to the left in jesus name in jesus name what's happening no pain hallelujah glory to god it's gone move it good good it's gone give me a fight hallelujah move it around glory to god what's happening right here father may i put my hands father in jesus name i call that that right now that that's car cancel the pain to go complication to go i call full restitution full in jesus name that's right and we declare that what the enemy is stolen it will be given back that's right in jesus name you have pain right now dress no pain just every okay well we call muscles totally healed no more pain never to come back that's right never never in jesus name i agree amen hey father in jesus name i call that scar right now healed pain do you have pain yes it's a lot and that's affecting my leg and my intestines so your pain right now not right now because um when i was out there so and i agreed with you the pain went away oh when god said to come up oh um when you started praying for scars oh so you prayed and the pain left right there i agree with you yes praise god jesus thank you jesus so right now just pray is it hindering you from walking and rhyming and it's pulling my spine well father in jesus name right now i call i'm going to ask can this gentleman move because we're about to be like we're going to run you over brother father i just pray right now for that scar to be totally healed i call ev although the pain is gone we thank you father but i declare right now any complication any hindrance any uh anything that would hinder her we call it stopped and we call it reversed in jesus name so father i thank you right now for full motion that she is able to run to stand to climb to do anything father that she could not do before in jesus mighty name fullness of healing right now in jesus name are you ready my knee is not hurting me your knee is not hurting you no pain is good hallelujah god is good hallelujah glory to god what's happening brother pain right here you have pain oh yeah from one to ten how much pain you have just about a six six six well fathering are you ready to be free yes oh hallelujah father i call healing in his back right now i call his that pain to leave his body right now i call any complication father with a scar any damage done to his back his lower back to his nerves muscles ligaments his desk whatever it is father we call it healed in jesus name right now be healed be healed in jesus name thank you lord do you feel that heat right now no well i do so far what's going on right now i'm just muscle and all uh in the hole that's what a scar is and i was i was thinking you know maybe it's growing back inside father thank you for healing him right now in jesus name hallelujah thank you father go back up jesus and what's happening what's happening i've been so long curved over a little bit uh just a lot of pain in my back i uh that's where the two uh discs are [Music] you still have pain right now father i just thank you what is it that you cannot do i haven't done much in a long time would you like to sit down [Music] let's find a chair to sit down father in jesus name [Music] i call right now hallelujah i call the penguin what's happening in your body right now yes my big ass i scratched both sides of there [Laughter] i like your honesty let's get real father i just pray right now in jesus name get back up in jesus name [Music] yeah and they damaged you huh [Music] i thank you father lord this is your son and we thank you for the pain to leave right now just don't even pray just just sit here in god's presence pray right now just stay right there i'll be right back to you amen are these all scars my goodness back problems and hernia and back problems back to her operations okay from one to ten how much pain i'm having a lot of pain in my back right from one to ten how much pain are you five five can you show me touching your toes i'd like to see that you cannot go any past that okay okay i just need to know that because you're going to be set free right now in the name of jesus i call right now the pain don't pray just receive i call pain be gone i call every muscle nerves ligaments to be healed in the name of jesus right now receive that healing be healed take a big breath now is the time in jesus name be healed and be free do me a favor touch your toes right now without even thinking go down go back up go back down in jesus name go back up go back down go back up what's happening go back down look at that what happened to the pain it's gone it's gone praise god go and do a little run there for me come on [Applause] where's the pain father in the name of jesus from 1 to 10 how much pain i'm not paying just extreme discomfort from a scar where i had surgery okay it may be growing back can you touch your toe yeah probably try it for me okay good job father i just pray right now what is it that you cannot do [Music] well father in jesus name we call that discomfort gone we call right now freedom a movement we call that scar right now whatever damage pain and whatever um damage was done we call it reversed in jesus name so be healed right now in jesus mighty name amen hallelujah you're more scars healed scars on the eyeball from surgery and it's thrown my back off my spine i have pain all the way up my spine and then my left hip and leg right now is okay but as i my left hip was a six when i started standing here and it's down to about a three and a half that's good yeah just standing here and then the spine pain is about a five hallelujah well just show me what you can well i can touch my toes the lord told me i will restore your youth like the eagles amen and every time i see a child run and every time i see a child move i say body that's what you're supposed to do amen that's amen well father i thank you right now we call this body healed and whole in jesus name we command the pain to leave and we call father strength to be restored into this body in jesus mighty name in jesus mighty name be healed and whole fullness of freedom of movement lord i thank you strength strength ready yes let's just go and run make way [Applause] [Applause] she said she said let's go again [Applause] glory to god thank you lord you didn't think you were going to do gymnastics in church yes hallelujah praise the lord hallelujah could i have the prayer ministers come forward please pray your ministers if you could come forward thank you guys hallelujah if you were here the other morning and i preached about the anointing and i said the anointing is not the person that heals the anointing so you're gonna see those people you're gonna go every one of you go find one prayer minister hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] praise you jesus praise you jesus [Music] my [Music] keep your eyes on jesus keep your eyes on the anointing if you need healing in your body you can go to those persons thank you lord andrew daniel [Music] let me also ask if any of you were coming forward for prayer about your marriage this morning and we didn't get to you please take advantage of it right now sometimes people respond just emotionally and they get touched and so they do it while they're feeling something but the bible says in romans 11 29 that the gifts and the callings of god are without repentance and so if god spoke to you this morning the same thing still works tonight amen and if you did not come and get prayer you need to go ahead and come forward and let someone minister to you okay so make sure you do that praise the lord let one of the prayer ministers here minister to him listens to you all the time she's been chasing you in the halls and she's just hurt and blind so father we agree right now and we just release this healing power of jesus command these ears to open blindness to be gone autism to be gone father we release this anointing right now satan you looser and let her go in the name of jesus thank you father thank you all right here's the anointing power of the holy ghost [Music] ears you open right now in the name of jesus [Music] praise god praise the lord what's your name angel father we just agree release this power you said she watches me and listens to me we had surgery on one of her ears and she started listening to you on my phone and um she won't listen to anybody else so well she's not totally different is she no but we don't know what she hears hey man praise god and she was born with very few welcome very small but i do believe one angel's gonna be she's non-verbal i believe one day she's gonna share her own testimony hey man so father we believe that you open up her mouth too and that she's able to speak hear and see in jesus name god bless you ain't it she wants to kiss you on the cheek he don't want him sugars he knows you don't need to stay with him you got to come with mama yeah come on you come with me praise god amen hey man so we're gonna have our prayer ministers here and and minister to people so please take advantage of it man that's awesome we've seen a lot of great great things happen today amen all right god bless you i'll turn it back over to tracy thank you so much for our prayer ministers are going to be here with you this evening uh just they will lead you to each prayer minister that ushers as you leave please take your items with you do not leave them in the auditorium because they will be taken to lost and found so if you could do that as you're exiting the property there are two lanes to turn right right out of the property and then going on to trout creek road and then when you get to the light on 24 there are two lanes to turn left don't forget our book signing that's happening tonight with jeremiah class and mike and carrie pickett come back tomorrow at 8 30 and our speakers will include mike carrie pickett michael and auster mullins donna jones and daniel and carly our cafes will be open in the morning have a good night and be safe
Channel: Charis Bible College
Views: 13,395
Rating: 4.8636365 out of 5
Id: Vd-R5SO87HY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 168min 28sec (10108 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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