Healed by Grace - Full Movie | Faith, Friendship, Love | Great! Hope

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[Music] thank you I think it's nuts I think a hospital it's a training facility it's just therapy with the horse that's all so uh what's uh what's wrong with this kid anyway she's physically challenged challenged they call it every everybody mentally challenged physically challenged emotionally challenged I got 35 stalls to clean and now I gotta babysit a right tell you who's challenged me I'm challenged you'll never ever know she's here golf okay I promise yeah yeah I'll bet he can't walk she's gonna ride massage I don't like it it's like a bad movie it's just therapy golf I ran it by Uncle Bill he said your Uncle Bill ain't here every day that's what he pays me for he's got businesses to run me these horses are like my kids it's what I do somebody's gonna get hurt goth I promise I'll take full responsibility all right one slip Casey one stall left unlatched one saddle out of place I'll shut it down you understand me thanks Goff you're the best [Applause] hey Monica yeah Riley hey can I get going I'm gonna be late for class tell you what you take Ralph's cheesecake then you can get going you think you'd notice if I took a bite I think he might it's tempting all right well I gotta go see a Monica thanks here you go Ralph bless you thank you could I get a little bit more whip dream wow wow oh wow I told him the energized and I know [Music] my Jesus you open the door for me to believe but sometimes [Music] of me being all that I can be [Music] one step ahead today is my day how can I complain when somebody's praying [Music] wow wow [Music] whoa think about all you gave me so amazing my Jesus over me and I'm clean it's hard to believe [Music] [Applause] [Music] away with less water to cut the erosive ability of the Colorado River was greatly reduced [Applause] Mass wasting processes thus began to become [Applause] relatively more important than they were before steeper Cliffs further widening the Grand Canyon in its tributary Green Canyon system occurred find your seat continue Brandon okay on average reach the Colorado River the smaller side Canyons excavate the larger Canyons uh that's about it [Applause] Riley Adams State your topic I'm going to discuss how the sudden appearance of life forms in the geologic strata coincide perfectly with the projected time frame of the great flood let me guess Miss Adams Noah's flood right the great flood the biggie here we go again all right Riley you have five minutes what are sedimentary layers yep that's me Riley Adams College sophomore devoted daughter dancer chronically late are because of over millions of years Bible has actually been proven in Laboratories that's Aaliyah Adams yeah Aaliyah Adams what are the odds of that both 19 years old both dancers same last name and no relation whatsoever she's hated me since grade school and she's never late living proof that God has a sense of humor why not a worldwide flood [Applause] well that's all we have time for today we'll finish the presentations next Wednesday expect a quiz Monday over Pages 87 through 123. oh and uh pick up a copy of your term paper assignments on the way out tomorrow you dance in front of one of the Premier judges on this planet and believe you me Dimitri Stone will not cut you any slack now it's going to take energy passion and focus Lily girl how long you been dancing eight years some of you 10 11 years some of you dream of making dance your career and you can I have do you want to teach dance or do you want to dance this is it you get one shot one shot at something that you've worked for more than half your natural lives do you want it do you want it all right that's what I wanted to hear hey sorry I'm late Lexus it's fine just bought Riley so are you and Brandon going steady now Riley you have a boyfriend that is so cute are we good we're good okay group hip hop from the top [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] all right I like what I see that's it everybody back here sick Sharp what's up Riley and Aaliyah Riley don't forget to bring a picture of your boyfriend tomorrow Lily you two are my solos this year [Applause] I expect you to show leadership and give it everything you've got your first show me what you got [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] you're up [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Applause] looking sharp I like it how do you both feel ready to take first you pretty good I think I could do better though in front of Dimitri Stone 80 won't cut it this is gonna feel more like a final exam than a recital there's no cheering audience to feed off of it's just you and the judges you really think you can give me more all right let's run it again Leah I'll see you tomorrow break a leg thanks take your position [Applause] ready to go [Music] foreign [Music] what was that must have been a wet spot where's it hurt hamstring I don't think it's bad though you sure yeah I'm fine okay I stat tonight I want to make sure you're ready to win tomorrow in your dreams oh okay okay looking good so you're gonna be okay if you're a recital Dad it's not a recital it's the regional qualifier right that that's what I meant sounds exciting did you want cheese so am I going uh you'd be bored it's like a private review just you and the judge well that sounds uh well you're probably right sounds boring yeah I'm the judge he's like the toughest Big Shot he's like the Simon Cowell of Dance and you say you're doing this voluntarily Dad if I win this I'm one step away from being a professional dancer it sounds like I'm one step away from empty nest syndrome thank you sorry father thank you for this food and thanks for sending Jesus your son to die so that we can be forgiven for all we do that offends you Lord amen amen prepare the stuff you teach us through your word doubling so what have you been reading exactly pray for your enemies that's a toughie any enemy in particular you have to ask oh yeah well you just keep praying for Aaliyah you have no idea what God's doing behind the scenes I've been praying for Aaliyah since grade school God needs to get busy honey it took Abraham years before he saw the promised son oh don't forget about Noah you would bring that up hey um I think I'm gonna head to bed I'm tired well honey we just sat down yeah I know but I have to be up really really early okay I'm sorry love you you have heard that it was said You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy but I say to you love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you if you love those who love you what reward do you have Lord I just want to pray for Aaliyah she really needs you in her life Lord forgive her for what she did today it helped me not to hold it against her [Music] just patch me up Lord help me do my best tomorrow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay let's head out where's Riley oh she late again Lily honey will you call her she probably chickened out [Music] foreign hey are you almost here everyone is loading up right now what I think Lexus is getting a little testy P.M you kidding me Riley you better get here quick good luck Riley Riley where are you Alexis I'm an idiot I set my alarm for p.m what do I do Lily get my clipboard please are we going they've given me nothing to go on I have no way of knowing when you're gonna dance but get moving okay thanks Alexis I'm really sorry what are you doing um I was just gonna remind Riley to bring a picture of her boyfriend here goes nothing [Music] [Music] thank you Riley good luck today dance for God's glory and give him your very best I'll be praying for you remember whatever you eat or drink or whatever you do do it all for the glory of God First Corinthians 10 31. love you squirt dad [Music] [Music] Riley uh excuse me Michael take over for Lily what I can't do makeup Alexis I'm so sorry David set your stuff up in there and start warming up how's the schedule they're already running late and they haven't told us a thing just be ready I thought for sure you'd chicken out hey Lily can you help me with my necklace show me a picture of Brandon and then we'll talk jewelry gonna have everyone's attention please this is Ron Atwood one of Mr Stone's people as you may be aware Mr Stone's flight was delayed however I just spoke with him and he will be arriving momentarily we expect to be starting in just a few minutes Melinda Baldwin event coordinator you don't want to get on her back side lucky for you he was late she's gonna need all the luck she can get today that girl needs a serious attitude adjustment [Music] Mr Stone it's such a privilege so sorry about the delay but the bloody Airlines I completely understand don't worry dear keep things moving right along shall we right this way that's Dimitri Stone it could be my dad I think he's kind of hot [Music] we'll be starting in about 10 minutes with group Hip Hop [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] that was very nice you may exit to the right can you do that no stay cool [Applause] Alexis did you see that team from Muncie I know he cut their music before they even finished wow uh maybe it's because they stunk oh all right they're running behind schedule so they want to ramp it up senior solo division is next Riley release just do what you were born to do Aaliyah focus on performance make him want to see you dance this is your day girls it's an audience of one all dancers in the senior solo division follow me [Music] foreign Miss Hamilton you may leave the stage exit to the right place Riley Adams you may proceed [Music] thank you [Music] thank you thank you Miss Adams you may leave the sage what's happened not sure Kelly Owen what happened honey I don't know I was going fine that makes no sense tough break you still have to get through your dance Aaliyah I just don't get it I don't know Riley he must have seen something we couldn't see right I want to ask you something did you dance for an audience of one yeah I did just what you said don't get mean Dimitri Stone everything happens for a reason and we'll figure this out later but right now we need to Rise Above This and do the right thing Leah wants this just as much as you do so we need to go support her whether she deserves it or not [Music] Aaliyah Adams you may proceed [Music] foreign [Music] that was fine Miss Adams you may exit the stage great javalea you could wait in a staging area we'll call you back with the results Aaliyah you look great yeah I know I've got a feeling that attitude adjustment is coming really soon not soon enough for me looks like it's just not your day Riley good thing daddy wasn't here to see it what well Riley honey look at it no Alexis she is really good and I just got scratched why does she have to act this way Riley what there's more to this than dancing Aaliyah doesn't have what you have in here participants in the senior solo division please return to the auditorium at this time would all competitors in the senior solo division please find your places on the stage we will be announcing our top three finishers the top two will compete in our national championship in Orlando Florida in eight weeks third place will serve as an alternate in the event that any of the top two cannot compete Mr Stone thank you Mr Edward as you all know merely standing here places you among the nation's Elite dancers you've all represented your teams and your schools splendidly I salute you all in third place with a score of 92.6 and invited to serve as alternate in the National Finals Aaliyah Adams excellent job Leah in second place with an even 94 points Brooke Hamilton I'd like to make a brief apology if I may unfortunately due to time constraints we've had to cut a few Corners haven't we that said I know a superlative performance when I see one I'd like to direct this apology to our first place winner who I can assure you all will certainly have the opportunity to perform her routine without interruption at our national finals in Orlando with an outstanding 98.7 points our first place winner Riley Adams one [Music] one [Music] foreign hey my dad's calling me can I call you back okay bye [Music] well Riley you've had quite a month haven't you I think we're uh we're ready to send you home well that's great when can I start dancing look Riley I know how bad you want to start dancing again Nationals are only a few weeks away and need to get started training Riley maybe we should hear what doc has to say your dad's right I want you to listen to me very carefully you suffered from severe brain contusions for a few days you were in a medically induced coma your motor skills are coming back but this could take a while honey what Doc is saying is that we're going to have to be realistic I don't care about what's realistic I care about what's possible okay I agree I think when you're filling up to it you should dance again but you need to understand Riley there's no shortcut it's going to be like starting all over again I can do it I know you can do it you've been bullheaded since you were in diapers I wonder though what I spit it out doc I was just thinking about something that's been effective for patients with cerebral palsy you know uh permanent brain injuries not like Riley just cheer me up okay you want to get the fastest results you can right okay if you just work on Dancing you will get frustrated you see you have the type of brain entry that wants to just heal at its own pace but if we help her develop new skills it might just help move it along does that make any sense what what are we talking about Equine Therapy what what about horses it'll help developer coordination and strength get her out in the fresh air I'll try anything oh it's if it's okay with your dad what she's an adult whatever you think's best well I'll go ahead and make a call and I'll get back to you later today [Applause] thank you no turning back now you're sure you're ready for this I'm ready can I help you [Applause] I'm Michael Adams and this is Riley she's here for her therapy name's golf take care of most of the horses well come on we got some rules to go over [Applause] it ain't yours don't touch it upstairs off limits you ain't got proper shoes stay out of the barn and we'll let it go this time don't let me catch in the tack room attack room's off limits unless you got your own equipment and you ain't got your own equipment and never and I mean never go into a stall or heaven forbid get on a horse without proper supervision we clear we're clear Mr Goff yeah all right dinner because we understand each other you can be back pick her up at four o'clock shark yes uh Mr Mr golf just golf um could I have a word with Riley alone yeah suit yourself but make it quick and God all day you're sure you're up to this I mean we could go to a different stable dad I can do this I've got to make Nationals but honey it's just that he's he's such a tool no I can handle it thank you bro I've got to do this well all right listen I gotta work late got some catching up to do I told Marge to pick you up here at four okay all right all right love you sweetie love you too bye dad [Music] thank you Riley Adams yeah hi I'm Casey uh Goff told me you were here Riley Adams yeah I know I just said that right sorry I'm gonna be working with you oh goth I thought yeah never mind yeah he's a ray of sunshine isn't he yeah well you'll get used to him he's a good guy but it's a little rough hey Benji come here I don't want you to meet somebody this is Benji he helps me out around here hi Benji it's nice to meet you why do you talk like that oh it's okay got a little mac on the head well I've had a few of those before hey uh Benji why don't you start watering down at that end over there can you sweep the aisle too he's a little cutie yeah he's a good kid uh so are you uh a horse trainer no no not really though golf is the horse trainer I'm trained as a physical therapist been around horses all my life and Equine Therapy kind of is a natural fit I sometimes um volunteer with kids through my church too so uh so that's where Benji's from uh yeah yeah exactly he uh he's had kind of a tough home life so so is this the the horse Grace now she's my cousin's horse I think she's a little too much for a beginner but uh I don't know you never know if if you ride as well as you can dance anything's possible she's beautiful yeah she's quite a horse she uh had an injury a while back so she's been on style rest for a while now she just needs miles exercise on the long line help build the strength back up Goff says she's born to compete guess we've got something in common that's what I hear yeah she is beautiful so we should probably get to it huh yeah hey Benji can you get the door buddy all right now I'm going to grab your left leg and we're going to push you up and you're going to take your right and push it on the other side okay all right all right here we go ready one two three and I'll swing it over nice here put your foot in there These Boots feel funky well that's all we got now I know you've had some trouble with speech and sequencing and that's totally normal for an injury like yours okay we'll keep it simple for now just focus on getting your coordination all right now if you want to go all you have to do is give a little squeeze with your legs okay to stop close your hand and relax to go right turn your body right and to go left do the same for now that's all you need to know [Music] what I want you to do is to walk stop walk again and turn left use your body go to the left and he'll go that's it and again if you want to go just squeeze those legs stop just close your hand and relax okay whoa excellent job really really good I can't believe this is your first time you did really well on him today hold back you're good all right well maybe it wasn't a star performance but getting a little tongue-tied does not change your passion and drive and that is what's going to take you places uh is this Grace yeah here [Applause] you can pet her really yeah you really like her huh yeah he's like a dancer powerful yet graceful [Applause] I'll tell you what maybe I can pull some strings and we can work with our next lesson really promises but I'll see what I can do you know what it's four o'clock your uh your ride's probably here come on Grace bye so um next Wednesday right all right oh we'll go this way you better just keep your mind on your work Riley did you squirt hey I thought you had to work late I uh felt guilty decided to call it a day make you a nice dinner oh that's nice so uh how was the therapy session it was fun that golf guy didn't seem too fun my therapist said I did really well he must have lightened up then hey do you need help um sure yeah um you can make the salad we are having swans still cry this recipe goes back to the Ming Dynasty the secret is in the peppercorns to grind them just so it's also about the scallions most people don't realize that if all the peppercorns you can actually Salvage the recipe to work magic with the scallions which is amazing because you wouldn't think that the scallions would be such a big deal actually what I I I don't remember how to do it what's the big deal honey it's just a salad here look you just take this no no I I don't I I don't want help it's no big deal no dad I I I can do it freak Riley Riley honey can we talk okay now if you change your mind I'll be downstairs burning the stir fry hey Dad yeah why did God want this to happen to me foreign [Music] [Music] I don't know I asked myself that same question a thousand times in this life it's pretty overrated it's over in a Flash even if you live to be 90. but you're here and I just have a feeling that he's doing a lot more than we could ever guess all good besides you gotta look at the bright side you needed a break from Aaliyah foreign Grace Riley you are a woman on a mission well I gotta be if I'm gonna be ready to make Nationals hey you will be ready I know you will come on let's get her a drink what's up with the Grinch golf he doesn't cope with change too well what do you mean uh well I think he's a little annoyed that we have you on Grace and not Dusty who knows I mean you never know what he's thinking well she sure is a sweetie you guys seem like you're made for each other well I think she's done drinking let's go inside come on come on Grace doing okay yeah so who's her owner my uncle he owns Grace and Dusty and a dozen other horses here it's too much for my Uncle Bill to deal with that's why he hired golf as a full-time caretaker well they got into horses for their daughter my cousin and it kind of spun out of control she rides but she's really not that into it actually she's more of a dancer really well what's her name maybe I know her well here's another funny one for you she has the same last name as you Aaliyah foreign Casey what how wait you guys know each other Beyond ironic hey you know what you should hang around you should watch her she's doing great okay I actually have to be somewhere always an attitude I'm familiar with that well hey if you want to get to the top you better get to work all right come on two three all right both feet in the stirrups yep let's go okay come on a little closer to the circle foreign you're here early doc asked about your progress so I thought I'd stop buying super myself um Dad this is Casey he's my my therapist okay see Mr Adams nice to meet you hey you know what it's almost four so we can rap for the day that's your therapist that's not a therapist honey that's a that's a guy you're the one who said that God's doing a lot more than we could ever guess yeah but but I didn't mean that's not therapist [Music] oh you will never guess who showed up at the barn today Casey I think it's great that we can use the horses to expand your professional opportunities I'm just a little concerned that's all Uncle Bill I thought we went over this what did Aaliyah say Aaliyah had nothing to do with this okay so I just don't think you should have that girl on Grace that's all Uncle Bill she's a natural okay and you know I would never do anything to put Riley in danger it ain't the danger it's a liability something goes wrong Mr Adams very good soup and I'm out of a job golf look I value your opinion but Casey here it's been on my horses since he's been in diapers but but the girl hasn't if he says it Grace is the right horse to use well that's good enough for me okay so you just make sure she follows all the rules all right I'm there Uncle Bill but sir I'm just not sure I've heard enough you two boys work this thing out in the meantime I'll have my attorney check into our exposure I don't think it's a big deal now gentlemen my tea time awaits I swear she breaks just one rule that's it I'll shut her down God you don't have to worry I'll take care right okay well I can definitely see Improvement but I want to keep you on the Equine Therapy for a few more weeks what about dancing can I start training with the team again well that's really up to your coach not me but you know what I don't see why not Riley uh why don't you wait outside I want to go over a few things with your dad what aren't you telling us like the Lord has an amazing plan for her life but not as a dancer but she will make a full recovery right okay it's gonna be a long road what am I supposed to tell her my advice I think she'll figure it out soon enough just keep her busy with the horses she needs to develop new interests I'm praying for you Mike Casey guess what okay girl how are you hey you want a snack I bet you're home what are you doing okay I'll get you something back what do you think you're doing I I was just gonna tack up Grace no you're not what did I tell you the first day you do not go into a stall without supervision I I forgot I'm I'm sorry foreign [Music] well that was short-lived doing hey Benji you are so in trouble you heard what I said Riley Goff just told me what happened I know I I'm sorry I I just forgot you could have gotten hurt I know it won't happen again pinky promise all right just be careful next time please goff's got to run a tight ship here [Applause] yeah what's that doc says I get to get to dancing again so you know what that means Nationals Nationals can you believe it congratulations you would only have both that's incredible wait Aaliyah yeah it's like the big family news what what's wrong Casey don't you realize what that means it means she's not going Casey didn't Alexis tell you what no she wouldn't do that oh please Riley you know how this works I placed third which makes me runner up besides we all know you're not going to be up for it yeah yeah everyone but me Riley Aaliyah do you ever think about anybody other than yourself what is that supposed to mean do you know how hard it is for her to work so hard and get one setback after another yeah Casey as a matter of fact I do I've been coming in second to her since I was eight years old that's not her fault and it's not my fault she got hurt I never said that it was you want me to feel guilty fine I feel guilty all right she had to find out sometime [Music] thank you dad I need you to take me to dance okay yeah I'll just meet you in the car [Applause] foreign [Music] thank you what's she doing here [Music] thank you [Music] enough [Music] why are you doing this need a hug [Music] where are you going oh no home I guess on foot what I can't take her I haven't passed my driving test yet come on [Applause] [Applause] Riley how did you get home I thought I was picking you up in an hour thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] father [Music] you know what Riley's going through right now hey where are you now wanna climb again but you just don't know how here deep inside no way out but running against the tide can't turn back the hands of time no more [Music] me hey where are you now every time you stand you're getting knocked down here [Music] deep inside feel betrayed by all your Foolish Pride you weary and you don't wanna fight no more [Music] you gotta let it go [Music] and let go [Music] [Music] snap pull back all the way back and hit it hard keep it rolling guys back in a minute hi Riley it's so good to see you how are you honey um I've been better Riley I'm so sorry I know how hard you've been working to get back but girl you have to move forward yeah I know I just um I wish I could have heard it from you I guess I really blew it didn't I say that God's teaching me some hard lessons right now I know he has I know he has um I guess I just I I came to tell you that um I understand and I'm glad you're doing what's best for the team you know hang on a second I know you're gonna be back I'm not so sure well I am you listen here's my cell if you need to talk get a latte whatever you give me a call you never give yourself to anyone well you're not just anyone you're Riley Adams and around here that means something thank you gotta get back in there time to kick some booty you want to come in and say hey no it's okay um can I actually talk to Aaliyah for a minute sure yeah Riley kick butt at Nationals okay I know you can do it do it for me okay letting go of my dream to dance was hard but I felt sure that I had done the right thing and I had a feeling something good was around the corner be doing a solid walk Trot encantor by October and get you in at least two shows are you up for it yeah I'm up for it Riley you have talent and and drive and a great attitude I think I think you and grace are going to be a great team I need to speak with you foreign happens come on she broke the rules she went into a stall to pet a horse Grace ain't just a horse I know she's she's the horse okay she's the horse who needs a lot a lot of miles right with with a student who's not going to push and pull and do all that stuff that you hate you should be out there instructing her I ain't got time to train no you've got to be kidding her challenges are temporary yeah oh hey Benji hey just stay busy that's what I do in my parents fight just stay busy so you don't think about it and you're still just hung up on on her going to install the pet a horse you know people do that all the time was 26. I had a student went into a stall just like her going to Pat a horse while the horse boot I had to bury the kid I'm sorry Gothic I didn't know that happened didn't just had to say something to shut you up off okay does this mean that you're gonna help me or what go call your girl tell her to get out to the arena you twerk and tack up Grace the indoor arena we're gonna do this thing let's make it safe do I really have to wear these yeah you better get used to them foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] you can't force a 1500 pound animal [Music] you're religious right yeah all right it was like this you can either line up with God or you can fight with God now what you think's better lining up that's right horses the same way wow that was deep yeah it gets that way sometimes [Music] we gotta find a box to put all your stuff in [Applause] [Music] your name on it [Music] [Music] see you through you want to move [Music] golf I was dead wrong tell them it like Bill said you're in a very precarious position in the event of any kind of an accident if that girl gets hurt well we could wind up in a world of hurt you could even be named in a lawsuit Bill's family is completely liable for anything that happens with those horses Bill we had her sign a waiver with all due respect Mr Goff just golf with all due respect goth your waiver offers no legal protection at all carts will chew up a waiver like that and spit it back out isn't that what the horse barn liability laws for is clearly posted that pertains to an individual using their own animal on the Farm property meaning if it's on our horses well at posting Don't Mean a Thing what is it honey we're in a meeting here I put Dusty out so I'm gonna take off all right Riley and Grace they're a team well you've got a problem then if she's on my horse then I'm on the hook listen I don't know this gal's daddy and a lawsuit is one more headache that I do not have time for I cannot take unnecessary chances at the very least that girl's got to get a horse of her room and until that time I'm shutting it down I'll let Casey know hello Riley hi Casey listen are you uh are you free tonight by any chance sure why what's up well um there were a couple of things about us oh oh um let's stay about seven if I pick you up sure Seven's good I'll see you then okay see you then [Music] foreign [Applause] Riley is everything all right go ahead you can't freak out oh I'm I'm pretty sure you're freaked out enough for both of us I'm going on a date good [Music] Lexus oh you've gotta come help me foreign [Music] you could say that my life has been sheltered I've wondered what I might have missed and the voice of experience but I haven't now I'm riding High I just can't wait for a special moment scientific got to get ready don't want to be late oh the anticipation it's gonna be great thank you Jesus I'm finally going on a date you're gonna slay him oh I gotta get scarce I'll be here in a few minutes call me and let me know how it goes okay [Music] [Applause] statins thank you dad yes squirt wow Daddy's here Casey hey Mr Adams I'm here to pick up Riley wow you look great like um good pizza yeah it's really good so um you said you wanted to talk about us oh yeah um that it's uh it's about Grace um what about her well um there are some liability issues what's that mean if you were to get hurt just say it you're not going to be able to ride Grace anymore what what did I do no you you do anything it's my Uncle Bill if you were to get hurt I mean he would be in a tight position you guys were making so much progress do you remember when you said that my my drive would take me somewhere well lately it just it just seems like no matter how how driven I am find out how how little difference it makes Riley sometimes our ideas aren't God's ideas you know I'm in the same boat as you what do you mean career choices you know I mean I'm getting hammered by med Solutions what's Med Solutions bad Solutions it's Physical Therapy company they offered me this great job and it's in Phoenix I haven't committed to it yet but it's a pretty tempting offer if the whole Equine Therapy thing doesn't work out you know it doesn't work out no why I didn't mean that how it sounded is that what I am to you it's a stepping stone in your career path no probably no that's that's not it at all um can you just um take take me home peace [Music] and the Autumn hailed a pretty big surprise tell the truth the kind that makes you close your eyes and pray the Lord would let it pass on by but I'm glad you called you always make me smile but I'm not so sure I'm gonna smile this time [Music] I know [Music] are you there does he care I wonder where he's right it's not for us to know his plan and I do appreciate the love he's shown love to know you're right there on the telephone but I wish I didn't feel so all alone [Music] well I'm glad you called you've always made me smile but I just can't shake the egg I feel inside [Music] I've cried Too Many Tears [Music] [Applause] [Applause] all right Mr Adams um is Riley home I need to talk to her Riley doesn't really want to talk to you right now please Mr Adams Casey Riley it's okay foreign you brought her with you just listen right you know what Riley you need to stop assuming you know everything that's going on and listen Aaliyah wait a second no I've got something to say and when I'm done I will gladly leave ever since I've known you you've been this Christian girl who never does anything wrong God gave you more talent in your pinky than I could ever hope to have and the worst thing is you're so nice it's disgusting I can't find one stupid thing to criticize and trust me it's not for lack of trying but you know what Riley Adams you don't have a clue about what's really going on at the very least that girl's got to get a horse in her room and until that time I'm shutting it down I'll let Casey know foreign can I talk to you about something it's fine I've got a call I need to make sure what is it honey I'm on a bit of a time crunch here you said if golfer Casey train Riley on our horse we're liable in the event of an accident yes that's right we're liable if anyone uses our horses so if Grace wasn't our horse we're not liable well yes that stands to reason honey but what's your point sign Grace over to Riley problem solved she does have a point you sure about this honey she needs a break okay [Applause] I felt for you Riley you know why because you deserve it that's why people are watching Chris is yours Riley now do something with her you okay I'm here in the puke [Music] thank you close enough I just might down myself and what it was turned into something else [Music] but you chip away without even trying [Music] [Applause] [Music] your pale blue eyes sink into me underneath [Music] what you doing to me [Music] it's beautiful out think up you're beautiful [Music] my heart is [Music] the show's coming up next weekend yeah I know you think I'm ready for it you can do anything you put your mind your mind yeah as long as you're there to help me well actually I wanted to talk to you about that what golf what what about him God's really using you in his life you think I know you mean a lot to him he's put a lot of heart into you too so what are you getting at I want to ask him to coach you at the show you'll still be there right yeah but I'm gonna lay back let's let Goff take the reins so to speak okay yeah I think you're right [Music] kind of funny way of talking [Music] got a brand new way of walking time [Music] It's a Wonderful Life It's a Wonderful Life and she's still living it gets better all the time [Music] It's a Wonderful Life yeah I just let YouTube be alone so I'll be outside [Music] you ready for this Casey yeah it better be you guys will do great hey just remember don't be nervous have fun I will think you promise well hey I still have to braid her main stuff I'll let you get to it see ya I'll be watching you better be [Music] It's a Wonderful Life [Music] crazy kind of funny way of talking hey Adams break a leg but not literally well despite all the encouragement and through no fault of Graces I failed miserably for the first time in my life I didn't even get a ribbon but I didn't care God had shown me that it was about so much more than winning I had experienced a healing I didn't even know I needed and my life was changed by the people I least expected goth It's a Wonderful Life Casey even Aaliyah It's a Wonderful Life and a beautiful Friesian mayor named Grace but my story doesn't end there what's going on well I can't stay long but no you won oh my goodness go girl I knew you knew you could do it well I couldn't have done it without you oh geez don't start no I'm serious Riley if anyone deserves this trophy it's you oh oh yeah you don't you don't have to do that do what Oh I thought you were gonna try to give me the I like you Riley but not that much [Music] now that's the Aaliyah I know [Music] oh and one other thing I should probably mention okay now if you guys want to feed a tree to a horse You Want to Hold Your Hand like this flat like that do you remember that hey you know what we're out of time hey who's going to come back tomorrow and help us feed the horses all right yep Casey and I got married and soon we were blessed with a beautiful baby girl okay everyone time to line up at the gate sometimes God's plans are different bye you guys oh speaking of feeding oh actually can you hang on one second sure but the Lord's plan is so much better Casey and I started a Ministry using the horses to reach out to all kinds of kids and as the opportunity arose I tried to pass on a little bit of the encouragement others had given me along the way great job lining up guys you went really fast [Music] nothing can get in the way of me being all that I can be [Music] how can I complain when somebody's praying praying foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] three one [Music] scenario's highly unlikely for me but sometimes life throws you a twist the credit is due he's got something I just can't resist you could say that my life has been sheltered I've wondered what I might have missed and the voice of experience might come my nerves at least if I'd already been kissed now I'm riding High I just can't wait for these special moments scientists of paint got to get ready don't want to be late oh the anticipation it's gonna be great thank you Jesus I'm finally going on a date [Music] close enough I just might down myself what it was turned into something else can't resist the way you see all I've been I feel the sturdy wall but you chip away without even trying [Music] [Music]
Channel: Great! Movies Hope
Views: 57,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: film, movies, free movies, full movies, hollywood movies, free youtube movies, full length movies, best movies, family movies, christian movies, inspirational movies, healed by grace, healed by grace full movie, healed by grace movie, saved by grace, faith movies, love, romance, faith, friendship, Larry Bower, Tom Downing, Mark S. Esch
Id: lQ7NA6En0Oc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 36sec (6696 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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