Head Modeling Tutorial Part2 | Learn Maya

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[Music] welcome to my channel trim it kala and welcome to the second part of the human head modeling we are modeling this human head in Maya and in the first part we have done the blocking of the eyes nose and lips this part we are going to do the blocking of the year and the detailing of the entire head let's start the modeling so now let's move to create the ear you can say this is the position of the year I don't have enough loop in this area to create the complicated here so I am inserting a couple of edge loops and I am equalizing it coming to the side view and taking multi cut tool and splitting the ear Here I am NOT splitting the outer edge of the year but I am visualizing the inside connection where the ear is connected with the original surface little bit adjustment by selecting the edges and all the four corners you can see I have created four Pentagon's and four triangles so that also I need to split and I have to rectify it so from the corners up to the triangle I am splitting it for all the four sides and now you can see everything is quads so now once again by selecting the vertices equalizing it [Music] before moving forward let's discuss about the shape of the year then the modeling process will be a little bit easier for us I always divide the shape of the year into five parts first of all this is helix this is called anti helix this is draggers this is lobe and the negative area of all these four areas so helix is one and two helix second part trackers third part the lobe is fourth part and this fifth negative area so in my model also I am going to do the blocking of these five areas so let's go to the modeling once again first of all I'm selecting all the phases from the base of the year and I am extruding it pulling it out and rotate it forward so that we can have a volume of the year now I have to scale it up to match the outer part of the year so here I'm matching the outer line of the Alex and this is looking fine and you can see I am getting the volume of the year so I think I need to rotate it a little bit okay that's looking fine I have to blend the plane of the year with a plane of the chicks for so for that I am selecting this edge going to edit mesh and collapse you can see the edge I am converting into a vertex now these two planes are blended and I am keeping these two triangles intentionally later on I am going to rectify it now let's create this helix part so selecting all the faces of this plane once again and I'm going to extrude it scale it down here you can see I'm making room for the helots so this is the room for the helix but the helix direction is different than this so I'm going to split it in the direction of the helix file splitting you can see I am creating so many Pentagon's and triangles but don't worry about that for now we are going to rectify it later on so this is the direction of the helix and now I will rectify the loops a little bit I'll clean it and I'll try to make everything quads [Music] or the loop for the helix is ready and here and there you can see some triangles and Pentagon's so I'm going to rectify it later on I'm pushing this faces inside because the source point of the helix will be a little bit inside so rectifying the vertices also with the same plane here after doing some modification we will move to block in the helix now I'm going to select the faces of the helix and you can see this is the area this is the origin of the helix so from there I am selecting the faces I am leaving the last face to spin my edge and extrude it and pull it out scaling it down similarly at the origin of it I am pushing it inside and selecting that edge I am spinning it I am using the keyboard shortcut ctrl alt and forward arrow [Music] adjusts divert Isis okay so this is fine [Music] for the end part also I am spinning it inside [Music] that's fine now let's move on to the antihelix area so this is the region of the antihelix so again I am going to split the shape of the anti helix [Music] this side also I am splitting it by selecting the edges I'll delete it and I will draw a proper topology so you can see I am drawing a continuous loop and now gradually I will split it I am trying to keep everything in quads if not now later on definitely I will convert everything into quads so here you can see two triangles are converted into two quads a little bit adjustment [Music] now selecting all the faces from the antihelix area and I'm going to extrude it pull it out and scale it down okay now I have to adjust the edges and definitely I will see the reference image and I will tweak it accordingly I can see some edges uneven so I have to equalize those edges by sliding it and now selecting the components I am trying to give the shape of the anti helix [Music] again I am correcting the shape from the side view by tweaking the vertices [Music] now let's move to create the trackers in this area we can see I don't have enough look so I am going to split it here you check how I am trying to increase my loop from one loop I will divide it into three so I am already having two loops over here now in between I will give another loop so from one low I am dividing it into three loop this is the way you can increase your topology in certain parts of your model so you can see this is the area of the trackers so I will slide my edges a little bit upward to create room for the trackers at least I should have two phases to extrude the Traverse part I am also thinking to add another look in this area then it will be a better the loop will not look stretched now it will be easy to make the room I'm against sliding the edges so now you can see I'm having two phases to extrude also modifying the vertices to give it a circular shape okay this is looking fine now I can select the faces and extruding it pulling it out and scaling it down and by selecting the edges I will push it inside so that the area look a little bit circular now selecting this edge and spinning it and trying to create a continuous loop now by selecting the vertex I am modifying it according to the shape in this area this face is having 7 vertices so I will split it and we'll try to create the quad still I can see 1 Pentagon I will modify that also now by selecting this edge I am spinning it then by selecting the vertices I will trying to make the room for the negative shape okay that's fine now let's rectify the topology of this area so I am splitting it and I'll delete this edge and I will split and all the loops are going towards the negative shape and I will also modify the vertices according to the shape so adding mode loop and you can see now that Pentagon is converted into quartz I am also spinning the edges for a continuous loop [Music] sliding this edgeloop I will also slide the edge Lopes to equalize the topology or the loops you can see these loops are too close so it's necessary to equalize it other ways after smoothing the model sharp edges can be seen in those areas so now by selecting the vertices I am trying to create the room for the negative shape because after that I am going to extrude it [Music] [Music] now let's rectify these faces I can see so many triangles in this area so I am splitting it and I will delete this edge so both the sides I have created two triangles over here I am continuing this low and I will slide it I will equalize this area so that I should get a very nice curve of the helix okay that's fine now I'm deleting this edge and splitting this area adjusting divert Isis select this edge and I'm spinning it I'm going to select all these phases and I'm extruding it pushing it inside and scaling it down this will be the negative area of the helix antihelix draggers and the low and now I am modifying the vertices now let's rectify this area I am taking multi cut tool and I am splitting this area and deleting this edge that's fine deleting this edge also and I will continue that low by using multi cut tool up to the bottom and now you can see this faces looking quartz spinning this edge and let's modify it a little bit I'm also spinning it here what I am trying to do is the source of helix should look like it is ending under the antihelix so I'm trying to create the topology like that and I have got the topology correct in this area it is looking clean now and a few adjustments I need to do by tweaking the vertices and the edges to create some groups so I am doing that by pushing the edges inside coming to the side view and by selecting the vertices i am tracing the inter tragical knotch and later on I am going to extrude this area so I'm making room for that I am splitting it and I can see some possibility cleaning up this area so selecting the edge and spinning it you can see the flow is looking better now select this edge and delete and I'm going to split it again continuing the loop and you can see now everything is looking quartz only another split I need to do [Music] okay that is also looking corn and this is the final split okay now the area is looking much more cleaner Here I am splitting this area to trace the area properly that's looking fine now selecting these two faces and extruding it pushing it inside sculling it down again extruding it pushing it inside further scaling it down that's fine and delete it that's looking fine at the inter tragical notch I'm giving another low just to exaggerate that edge now again by sliding the edges I am trying to equalize that apology okay the front face is looking fine now let's go towards the back of the year you can remember I kept these two triangles intentionally so that whenever I am going to add a new loop to make the adjoining area sharper it will be restricted in between these two triangles [Music] so let's give the edge low and you can see it is restricted in between now selecting these faces I'm going to extrude it scale it down rotating it at the y axis also scaling it down and keeping the faces on that plane only [Music] that's fine I need to rotate it more [Music] okay [Music] now selecting this edge spinning it inside and spinning this also in Word now let's modify the topology Here I am sliding it always after inserting and splitting the edge loop my job is to equalize it [Music] keeping everything on same plane also sliding this edgeloop and rectifying the volume let's rectify the volume of the lowball so [Music] Here I am doing some more modification or the volume correcting the shape and equalizing the topology I am planning to make back of the helix shopper so I'm inserting one edge loop in this area and also you can see I need to equalize it because two loops are appearing too close so sliding the edges okay this is looking fine I'm done with the blocking of the head now I'll go to the individual areas and I'll add some very small small detail into it and then we are done coming to the eyelid and inserting one edge low then of course we need to equalize it so sliding the edges also modifying the edges in soft selection mode rectifying the shape of the eye a little bit same for the lower lid Here I am going to do an alteration the upper eyelid should overlap the lower eyelid in our topology also that sins should be visible so I am going to split it so from one edge loop I will just change the direction of the edge loop so by splitting I am going to do that so you can see from one edge loop I'm splitting to the other edge loop so that I can change the direction of the edge loop and then delete the in-between edge so you can see direction has been changed from one edge loop to another edge loop same thing I'm going to do this side I'm equalizing the edges a little bit now let's split it [Music] so you can see and changing the loop over here also from one loop to the other now select the in-between edges and delete it will give the sense of the overlapping so inside also I'm inserting another edge loop and I am completing that flow and the other side also I'm going to split it at the bottom I am going to give another loop and again I'm going to split it is complete and in front also it is complete so we are done with this a little bit adjustments with the edges [Music] I will modify the edges in this area to exaggerate the corners of the eye now let's come to the lacrimal area and I will block in that also let's modify the shape a little bit so sliding the edge loop and inserting another edge loop in this area and now I will delete this face now select these two faces and go to edit mesh and bridge you can see I have got new faces in that area so that will be the lacrimal area just to modify this shape I am inserting another edge loop in this area again I need to equalize it now by selecting the edges we can modify it [Music] now selecting these two faces I am going to extrude it pulling it out and scaling it down [Music] that's fine by pulling this edge I am trying to add some volume to it [Music] this is looking fine now by selecting the components I will modify the shape a little bit [Music] [Music] okay this is looking fine now let's move towards the ellipse deleting half of the model going to mesh mirror option and here I am selecting negative exit and mirroring it and you can see this is the complete model now selecting the open edge of the lip and extruding it pushing it inside in global axis and translating it towards the waii again extruding it pushing it more and again translating it towards the z-axis this time pushing it inside more for this model I am keeping this much only and if you want you can create the entire inner mouth area by extruding it [Music] now again selecting the half of the model and I'm deleting it and again duplicate special selecting the edges of the lips and I'm modifying it pulling it upward just to exaggerate the lips pad also modify the corner vertices [Music] this is looking fine now only a few modifications to equalize the mesh [Music] so far looking fine now I'll select half of the model and delete it going to the mesh mirror and with the negative X I am mirroring it and this is my complete model now going to mesh and going to the option box of this smooth exponential with one subdivision level I am smoothing it you can see some deformations here and there that's why I'm going to sculpt it so went to the sculpt tab and this is smooth I'm smoothing it so all the necessary areas you can smooth it some areas you can pull or push so from the sculpting tab you can select the tools and can sculpt the entire model [Music] okay you can see these are all deformations now taking the sculpt tool and pulling the chin area a little bit okay now I am going to smooth it that's fine okay so this is the model I have got finally after sculpting so you can see the close-up shot of it I am quite happy with the result the sculpting process can be done in other application also like ZBrush in Mudbox so this is my today's output hope you have enjoyed the video thank you so much for watching and don't forget to subscribe see you next time [Music]
Channel: TrimitKala
Views: 75,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Head Modeling Tutorial in Maya, maya tutorial, mayamodeling, mayamodeling tutorial, maya head modeling tutorial, maya face modeling tutorial, face modeling tutorial, animation, topology, face topology, head topology, edge flow, maya, how to, beginner, animated face, animated head, head animation, head modeling, face modeling, modeling tutorial, tutorial, character modeling, character modeling tutorial, polygon, speed model, eye, female, easy, maya training, 3d, Maya2017, Learn Maya
Id: C16ouy98WUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 23sec (2003 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2019
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