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and I have a mini mag which is really rare that barrel was like 300 bucks if you want everything then what do you want for the Epiphone the guys can see it is a nice and warm 11 degrees outside this morning so let's go hit some sales right okay we can go in okay great thank you on the front door okay sure we just anything we're just looking around yeah all right cool thank you very much Jordan I'm so cute on Frank oh yeah Oscar is the old guy sleeping on the go Oh awesome well thank you okay great thank you just just books instead of oh oh sorry okay no problem where there were tags on them I got okay okay yeah okay thank you cute little puppy just chillin on a couch good I got in the basement first I'll paintball the paintball game I'll ask them about that right over almost seems like something that was like super toy factory are you selling the paintball gun over there oh there is what are you thinking on those don't really uh yeah this is the one I saw oh yeah there's a kind of a chibi razor blue one yeah um old pink nails I don't work probably anymore yeah has a sniper barrel with it in one of these tubs there's a those are old paint so I wouldn't use it yeah one of these tubs there is another barrel that goes to it okay the original barrel this one's the aftermarket that barrel long is like 300 bucks oh wow but that's it's gonna go with this I'm not looking for too much because it's painful nobody really does baby yeah I just I've never really wanted to get rid of stuff oh wow and I have a mini mag which is really rare and I did it all up with I was really into it for a long time yeah Wow I got a couple Oh No kidding you get everything you're ready to go to war this thing you're gonna it may not pass inspection okay I got the first sabers which are really awesome to have yeah this one came off of the a5 yeah original barrel for it oh I can tell you right now you're gonna pick somebody's head off at hundred yards with that it's that's really cool I went to that one in the end and the mini bag this one I bought because I saw it on the shelf and I had the grips and the lower grip and everything um because they're rare and I was reading magazine that time I had some money for it but they're really accurate but it's a slow firing rate if you fire too fast they break the balls really know if editor accurate for a shorter barrel yep especially in the brushy areas and stuff yeah you can wear like one girl exactly that's pretty cool man yeah if you want everything then 250 for everything 250 that that gun alone I think I've got about 600 into it this is oh sorry this is I used to carry yeah this is the original yeah this is this neighbor I used to have I was the dumbass I had an extra one yeah okay let me think about it for a bit I'll look around a little more and well you know you're the first person to even look I really in the sale been going on ER is this the first day this is the first day I came some o'clock this morning Wow from out-of-state yeah and we'll go now I'm trying to do this so I can restart again right Oh airsoft yeah all right well let's look around a little more and then we'll come back ok I said there's some stuff that's gonna be like video game stuff or I do okay yeah yeah no we're it's a little out of time there make him respect thing I'm just giving the whole lowly make sense no that's okay can I just ask I do have an Atari I probably passed the Atari yeah go upstairs yeah yeah he's a good boy Hey hmm see it's a nice guitar but Epiphone Les Paul guns oh yeah [Applause] [Applause] yeah sorry I could I could though I just have the original film and stuff you just have to get more inspired how much is this guitar for sale yes how much is that oh I didn't even see there's another one yeah oh yeah nice did you play guitar I have gained much trouble yeah I'm on this and one corn song and that was it yeah here yeah faith I could learn it I play it a little bit less right here Red Hot Chili Peppers yeah Wow what do you want for the Epiphone what do you think I it was a gift so I'm not really sure exactly how much it was I think they go for like 175 200 or not really that expensive yeah starting a tire yeah yeah puppy OH you still not for sale though sorry mister yeah that's what I was gonna say 75 on that and then on the paintball stuff but you do 200 yeah yeah I'd have to give you a deposit come back though I don't have that okay let me uh let me give you what I have and then I'll come back so I got 20 40 60 80 hundred twenty twenty sixty okay and then I'll just go run the bank okay I'll be right down you dead okay you know where the bank is from I'll find it all right so rookie move usually I have plenty of money on me but today we're in a rush I just grabbed what I had for money but uh of course didn't have enough money on me for what I wanted to buy so I gave him I brought like 170 bucks I gave him that yeah it is right so we're just gonna run the bank real quick get the rest of the money and I'll get the rest I think that paintball stuff is gonna do fantastic I think it's really high-end stuff it felt high-end like paintball stuff usually is like great money so I don't know I'm hoping for the best it's pretty much a blind eye I don't know anything about people's stuff he was claiming yet six hundred dollars into just one gun so I'm trusting him on that I think he's he seems like a pretty stand-up guy hopefully but we'll look through all of it when we get home and see what we got all right got some more money luckily the bank was like two seconds down the road so was it that big of a deal first time I've ever had to do this all right hey you ready let's go get our stuff what did you get I don't even know what you bought you're talking about something in the basement oh okay so I gave you 170 perect all right that's coming out again yeah so I owe you a total of 275 right 20 40 60 under twenty sixty seventy nine forty sixty eighty hundred that's two hundred there's that will go twenty forty sixty eighty this two eighty you know if you don't have a five it's no big deal okay yeah five thank you you want to get your stuff back yep she's got to I've got one the paint and then the tub awesome thank you very much good luck with your sale Harry was a successful sale I think I'll have to look everything up see what it's worth but I think I think we'll do all right alright guys so we got everything home here we'll show you guys real quick we got this tote these three cases which there's a gun in each one of these there's two guns in this the guitar and some paintballs we spent two hundred seventy-five dollars on all this stuff we want to go through all of it with you guys but that's gonna be in another video that'll be in our next video I think we'll be showing you guys the big haul I've been comping out some of the stuff here and I think where you're gonna do very well I'll just leave it at that you guys will see in the coming days this has been a really fun video we're very excited to come across a really good deal and hopefully make some money Pam's on the couch here with the puppy huh let's say hi to everybody yeah thanks for watching everybody make sure to hit that thumbs up that helps us out a great deal we really appreciate it if you do and if you're not subscribed make sure you subscribe so you don't miss any of our fun adventures because we love sharing all of these adventures with you guys anyway until next time we'll see you guys later right bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Thrift Mine
Views: 27,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garage sale, moving sale, garage sales, garage sale finds, garage sale score, thrift mine, american pickers, moving sale tips, garage sale hunting, garage sale tips, moving sales, reselling
Id: 75XEta1W50E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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