Genius Punishing Pawn Attack Stuns Him! Morphy Bob vs Captain Catlan

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign hahaha today foreign through here foreign is likable no he never had that I mean chip no it's Mommy okay thank you cheers check them into this position there's no way okay okay no nope because she checked you right away okay so what do you do now so what do you do now there's no way you can see excuse me excuse me thank you you only had 35 seconds right that's where your game is in the toilet over there thank you don't listen to none of that foods that you're talking the woman is not well don't listen to nothing she's talking about I'm gonna say it one more time the woman is shut up I I graduated to third grade that's it no more thank you so what I needed they're great foreign here in a beautiful attack by morphe Bob to finish it off Pawn takes with check and normally you know Paul Murphy does it when you think of Paul Murphy you think of peace is attacking not pawns but this Pawn is freaking brilliant and Captain Catlin he correctly calculated what would have happened if King takes can you guys see the continuation for white if King takes here yes Bishop check only moved King up and you'll mate on F7 so beautifully done morphe beautiful attack and it kind of didn't matter if King takes or not because this would have been force made anyway beautiful use of the pawns to kind of draw the king in and beautiful morphe-esque attack by by Murphy bot finish it off on a great player Captain Callan and this game was decided by this Pawn but also believe it or not the inflection point was about the pawns as well even though the material was equal so going over here in this position we had uh Knight takes C5 went from 0.0 to 2.9 that is a huge huge uh jump right favor of white but the the thing is like take take take take take and you look them the material is pretty even right I mean white does have the bishop pair but why does the computer evaluate white at 6.7 here that is huge right so let's go all the way back here instead of Knight takes C5 we'll be another move for black here yes Rook takes Bishop takes Queen takes protecting this pawn and this could be one consideration A6 and now you can play something like sneaky like B4 if takes then boom this is pinned and um black will be up so the reason why so going over here right so the computer values is zero let's go back here in this position see what happened and basically when Rook over here Rook over here works too but another idea for white is to play here Tempo the queen and basically this Pawn is going to drop and now you can concentrate on rolling this Apon to Glory and same way here in this position in the game we had um Bishop H3 but let's go move back you can also snipe this Pawn as well and that pawn is going to be dangerously close to queening computer has white winning at 6.2 and the board is open for these uh for these Bishops here as well after you kind of reroute either way but just goes to show you how kind of the pawns can decide the game too even though they're like overlooked as just kind of like foot soldiers but uh but beautiful game by morphy Bob to finish it off and Captain Catelyn just kind of didn't have the right angles to defend here and Bob's King was attacked safely into the corner and no counter play whatsoever and this will be a nice finish for Bob there beautifully done boys hope you guys enjoyed it let me know that the game comes below don't forget to like share comment and subscribe to both kitchen things we'll see you guys tomorrow [Music]
Channel: Coffee Chess
Views: 19,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, chess hustler, chess hustling, chess hustlers, chess trash talk, blitz chess, chess endgame, chess tactics, chess openings, chess middlegame, chess opening, banter blitz, chess trash talking, chess trash talker, trash talking, friends playing chess, chess with friends
Id: lLjbd3onE1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2022
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