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[Music] whatever it's well vocalizing - I have a very special guest today and I'm excited this is the first time we're doing fancy stuff yeah I know how they're doing and so this is the exciting they have three cameras today so the production values are definitely going to be elevated today if you have not subscribed to the channel please subscribe hit the notification go also this is going to be kind of an introduction to the 1,000 transformation series that's that's the goal for 2019 we're gonna we're going to facilitate 1,000 transformations hopefully with the help of yesterday and I damn near busted your mind if you guys are not familiar my man has a phenomenal transformation story that I was super impressed with I appreciate that we met I want to say two weeks ago yeah about two weeks ago yeah I think yeah about two weeks ago matter of fact I'll let you tell the story okay but um yes we said how's that the why and I saw you know it's like Brandi he looked just like but I was like not no I no way no way no it cuz I just thought that she was like on the west coast in my mind that's what I just thought so I'm like not in a way and I was like you know what what's the worst that could happen just walk into my man asked I'll tell yo you look just like I just do died following IG and I just remember you saying yeah that's me and I was just like whoa yeah I've been following you for a wild manages following your transformation and it just blew my mind where you were and to see what you're doing now so it was a to see that out anxious to meet you in person all that whoa like it was dope man I was really excited about it thanks bro so and I thought she was a athlete athlete right but then he show he shared with me basically that he had lost a lot of weight and he showed me picture another know what's blown away Raisa I'm always intrigued or you know very interested in you know talking to people who have had similar trial having been there right anxiety right it's only it's not that many of us crying sheepish but I believe this so that everybody could do it exactly exactly support no doubt um so would you lose your heavies my heaviest I was uh roughly just at 250 standing at five seven so your five seventeen your heaviest was right at that height you don't necessarily go up you go out you know I mean you don't got a lot of room to go up you know I mean it's that you expand so yeah man definitely yes so all right were you always yeah growing up yeah I remember being a kid and I guess that as a kid you don't really know like oh you know you you're overweight you're obese so you kind of like you're walking around a house with your shirt off but whenever my sister's I have five older sisters so whenever my sisters would bring friends over I would run to the room and I think I'll get a shirt oh yeah okay let me go put a shirt on real quick or give me a five-minute heads-up so I can go do that so yeah man it's something that I've always struggled with you know for the greater part of my life so you five seven and you were 250 so what year was it that you that you've decided to take control of your health 2014 March 1st 2014 is when I made that decision March 1st 2014 yes sir great well like my decision was made March 1st 2013 Wow the synchronicity is rude all right all right so on that day right what went through your mind with me the light bulb go off what made you snap and say you know what that's it well I mean I just I I guess I got to a point where I was just like I was tired of losing but just being like real the catalyst of it all you were trying to title of losing what do you mean by that losing I was just tired of not seeing progression I got you know 2014 the years before that I tried multiple times like you know me out trying so many different things I tried like the with raspberry ketone and then the freaking just tried to one point man I tried to sleep in a plastic bag to sweat off the you know me - shudders that's a rare rap thing I tried all these different things and it just wasn't working so I just I got to a point I was tired of losing but the catalyst was I was going through a serious transition in my life I just found out that my wife had ex wife now had an affair and you know telling me things like I don't want you you know me we're not you know we're not there anymore and it broke me man if it's true like it broke me all right I know what I was gonna do I was like what 21 yeah in a foreign land I'm from Milwaukee Wisconsin so I'm living in Hampton Virginia so I'm just sitting there and I'm like bro what do I do next and so just like you I'm gonna make her want me back you know some vein some vanity stuff but I'm gonna make you with me back you won't you don't want me now but I'm gonna glow up and then you know we go see what happened and it worked you know me but like I said I always say like it's a great thing that it worked because it was just it was proof to me that I could do it but I think it was a there's a possibly a negative thing that it worked could the the fuel that I used wasn't the best view you're right about that the few wasn't right but it got you moving in the right direction right right and that's when the process started happening for you right so that's when you know you're because I think any personal weight-loss journey but essentially turns into a personal development journey any significant weight loss right I mean if you if you lose in 10 15 20 pounds it mean it just made me a wig loss thing right but I feel like for the people who lose 60 70 100 hundred plus pounds it transform your life right right no so you had the the wrong fuel in the beginning which is nothing wrong with that thank you what I'm saying because at that at that point you just needed to get started you can exactly start moving in the right direction all right so what are what are some of the the roadblocks that you ran into during your transformation doubt is one of the heaviest things for me man just because my entire family deals with of being either being overweight or obesity you know my dad had to watch my dad use a machine to go to sleep growing up because he has sleep apnea due to his weight you know just last year I lost my mom to type 2 diabetes you know cuz that's what something she struggled with throughout my entire life she had type 2 diabetes man so and you know I got nieces nephews sisters everybody so it's just like what made me think that if everybody else struggles in this area what made me think that I can do it like Who am I to say that and I would say doubt and that honestly I was probably because they just laid into other things like consistency struggling with consistently struggling with perseverance but it all I think really stemmed from a place of uncertainty and insecurity so most of your weight loss right what's the time period that that it took place like was it a year was it two years like the biggest the most of it I would say well that's crazy I would say maybe about like six to eight months of just like the bulk of it and it blew it blows my mind because over eighteen years of trying and then six six eight months later you just see this transformation but it's just it's the power of consistency and like I said just going after it it's powerful so and I know a lot of people get inspired when you're total when you tell him that like yeah it took me six to eight months it really was most of the weight right my story is the same but also we were literally obsessed right out of our minds and it was a part of your your destiny I hate to use that whimsical word right but but to sustain the you know for you to find the consistency for you to stick with it but now you're passionate about sharing it with other people right and I try to get rid of the timelines with people because it's not always it's not always gonna take six months to lose it's different for everybody a different server so I think the most important part and my audience knows I say this all the time is to slowly change your habits right so what are some of the ways that you were consistent like why were you why'd you why were you consistent enough it's to make it a lifestyle I have to after you know after the whole thing of the divorce and everything like that my family started to recognize it you know they started to see that hey you know you're making a shift and it was just inspirational to them just to see me going after it consistently and I just decided to just keep going with that and you know just me really like all of a sudden you know you got muscles all of a sudden you got you got some ABS coming in so all of a sudden I'm starting to feel myself and I was like man let me just keep going with this see how far I could take it but there was a lot of just being real there's a lot of a back and forth with it there was times where I wasn't necessarily consistent I see a little bit of weight come back on and let me get back on it but for the most part I just I just decided that it was my time to just to go after it and make it happen for me so what was the most weight you came back I was saying maybe about 20 25 pounds that I got down to about like one 180 and then I jumped back up to like to 205 so yeah I mean I guess I was like I started to revert back to my old thinking like well maybe not everybody okay I did it or maybe not everybody's supposed to be fit and you know there's other things to be happy about and excited about right right and I think that's something that a lot of us do when when we seem like we can't get past it or we seem like we can't you know keep it up we just try to make other things more important when we're not really happy where we are you know me and that's something else I was probably doing because when your body changes especially when it changes fast right there's a part of your menstrual that kind of lags behind right so what I mean by that is but you look like a new person people are treating you like a new person but in your minds like I'm speaking personally right in my mind I was still fat bright oh my god I'm so glad you hit on that sure how did you deal with the you know with that aspect of the transformation I was just being real in some areas I'm still dealing with it you know because it's crazy I sometimes I feel like I'm still you know you like fat jermiah you know I'm still like that do like the people used to come flick my chest because I got boobs you know so I still look at that um but I would just it's like you said just the personal development you know just working on yourself mentally not just physically not just going to the gym and just beating yourself into submission but working on yourself immensely and then letting yourself know that it's okay to be proud of where how far you come it's okay to not relish in it or you know you get over competent but just to to acknowledge that yo you did this sir you might like like you may have helped you and guided you but you got to put into work and nobody else can do that for you so you did this and enjoy that and just allow that to lead you into you know the greatness that always for you how important was it the control of your environment right so like what you had in your house that people you hung out with so how did you how did you deal with that sort of thing yeah our environment was everything like I growing up in Milwaukee you don't really have like like fresh markets or Whole Foods instead like that you have Walmart and you have nothing no say because Walmart but you know yeah you have a you know you know like basically we had seven kids growing up I said I had five older sisters and a younger brother so we had to sacrifice quality for quantity you know if we had to make ends meet so um environment for me was crucial I had to transition to after coming here I hung out with some friends and you know we just partied all the time and you know drank and ate whenever we wanted to not really worry about sleep and things like that but after I got with a couple of friends we and we just made a transition to eating vegetarian vegetarian for a year I think that was a major game changer for me you know and we just started to be more health conscious and watching documentaries and things like that so the people that I hung around with yeah yeah your circle is crucial man because if they not and they're not like-minded I said it's like you know you you're one individual alright so eventually the people you hang around with once one or two things laughs either you gonna adjust to what they're doing or they're gonna adjust to what you're doing and the strength is the number she not means it was one of you and it's multiple at him so you got to be mindful that and I think that was a game changer for me and I wanted to make sure I mentioned that man because that is one of the most important factors right and successfully being able to change your lifestyle all right because you know the cliche you are the average of the five people you run around most no-no if they're not with it as far as you know making healthy eating choices and lifestyle choices right it's gonna be very very hard for you to climb up that mountain all right it's a tall - exactly so alright did you ever think about having weight loss surgery yeah yeah I did I did I mean I thought about so many different things maybe cuz I was just like I just knew I was at a point where I just didn't want to be there anymore so I thought about weight loss surgery I thought about I was that one I can't take a very intimate weight just by you're definitely considered weight loss surgery right what are some of the craziest most drastic things you you've ever done to travel that was way in the past I definitely like I stopped eating you know me I just I just thought that you know if I just don't but you know ignorance to the whole thing but just I figured if I don't bring in a lot of calories then that makes sense like I lose the weight so I cut my calorie intake drastically ended but you know that messed me up I think that one of the another crazy thing that I did with like I said the whole wrapping yourself around the saran wrap man it just it made sense when people broke it down but I'm like that don't work yeah yeah yeah so me adjust that I would say that's probably when it's a couple the craziest things I did man if you were to give if you really give someone two pieces of advice to help them prepare for their weight loss journey what would it be man can I get three principle that I live by that I love so faith perspective grind like you got to have I think I faith I put faith first cuz that's you just have to start there like you got to believe that it's possible because if you don't it doesn't matter what work you do it doesn't matter it's just it's you have to at least believe that it's possible for you to that for it to happen and then perspective just realize that yo you didn't you didn't get this way in three weeks so it's not gonna happen for you to three weeks you know I mean you didn't you you have to keep things in perspective and realize they maybe this is your first year but you know I mean it's it it takes a while for the transformation to take place you're not me perspective is just everything for me and then grind you got to put in the work nobody can do that for you got a you have to you know make the sacrifice you got to be willing to say no and say yes to yourself you got to be willing to put in the hours or an hour but you got to be willing to put in the time at the gym and make the healthy choices in the outside of the gym you know you monitor your sleep and things of that nature so man that's that's where I'm at faith perspective I like that all right did you ever deal with binge eating oh yeah I definitely my emotions you know when I was a kid I definitely had my motion just it just there's a eating and like you know eating drinking you know using drugs and I thought they are synonymous with one another when you're experiencing things like depression anxiety and things like that so they can make you feel better it releases serotonin and things like that so I would definitely you know eat when I didn't necessarily feel the best or feel confident and then try to justify it with the what I'm happy you know me or it makes me happy or things like that so yeah definitely I bet you still deal with any sort of binge eating I would say no I definitely eradicated that I mean I tried to treat myself you know me and maybe I need to do it better honestly I feel like I'm on the opposite side where I felt like I maybe I need to do a better job of treating myself because right there any more balance because I feel like I'm so I'll look at it like nah I'm good but you know and that could be you know mental thing where I feel like maybe I'm still like I said still battling with the whole thing I like looking at myself at your mic because I don't want to go back but right right I mean I think that it's a constant I think that's what people don't realize about the whole weight loss journey and the personal development side it's an ever growing theme but you can't there no point that you get there like you got to keep keep developing keep working towards it and you know until you can't anymore you know huh me too like your breath leaves you right right right right there's one thing to get there but it's a whole nother animal to stay there it's a whole nother animal absolutely so like the binging thing are because i transformed against in 2013 so that was the year that was my year right and I just now got the binging under control probably in the last year so I struggle with that for a while even after I lost a lot of weight where I still would find myself I wouldn't say binging sounds aggressive I'll eat 10 cookies alright that's a lot right right but I've heard benjin stories when people like really put away some food it's never been that bad for me but I up until last year it's still at Toms I still when I don't feel my best but see now I got to the point now when I'm recognizing that an emotion is causing a desire to eat or to drink i divert myself buddy awareness was it's very key for me right I didn't have that awareness before it was kind of subconscious right if I felt hungry I mean if I felt depressed I'll exact inches I would automatically grab some some something to eat right means okay I saw a big part of why I'm pretty sure both of us lost weight is we were self conscious we didn't like to tell no dad do you do you still struggle with body image issues that you still feel like your subconscious and so some areas yeah I would say cuz I guess cuz there's always the possibility to do more be more or have more things like that so you know I am I my best cannot you know should I be trying to you know go further I think sometimes man that survivor's guilt I don't know if that's this kind of is in the ballpark but feeling like like you did it but you know this but how can I enjoy me doing it when I noticed other people who haven't done it you know I me or nothing but I like George it want to do it but they are struggling with the same things I struggle with with the whole doubt and insecurity in and not knowing you know if it was possible so yeah man I just think that that's a big thing for me right now like looking at it like manner because it sucks but you want to help them but you know I mean it like everybody has their own starting point and maybe they're not ready but it's just wait man that's that's the first I've ever heard survivor's guilt connected to weight loss because that's something like there were two because I'm like you I'm from a very impoverished neighborhood and you know I didn't came up a little bit right right so for any sense the other day you know when a storm happened I picked my family up and we drove down to the beach to Pensacola Beach right we were there for a week and I remember the days when that wasn't even an option right yeah I got to work I don't have money I don't have guys I want my colony is not gonna be right and the whole time you know while I'm down there I'm just I'm just thinking about the people who are stuck right and they don't have that option and I realize this is kind of taking a left turn this is important but that was an important known connection because yeah that's true well you know and that just shows your heart that shows that you actually care about people but the best thing you could do is what you're doing right now you know share share your story with the world no duh and just let people see that as possible right that's what I'm saying because it is neither one of us have any special ability that any person watching right I just feel like yo this thing we just we're just people okay you know we need air we need food to breathe you know anything like that to survive just like y'all so it's possible no no so bro I appreciate know appreciate you having me I look forward to making some more content with you in this relationship no doubt no doubt you inspired me bro seriously man and the world needs to see more than just me telling them this stuff you know they need to see that it's a lot of people out here who have done the things that this to do wait you know it's got a she's got a rewired you know the mindset this where does that's where it all starts bring all of his you can win this you can win it's the rest of it I appreciate you guys for watching please give the video a big thumbs up okay subscribe to the channel go to Britain is calm and stay tuned for the information about the 1000 transformations let's go I'm gonna start qualifying people for that cuz I I think that's something that can change the world wrong good we spoke about it before I appreciate y'all that's how much
Channel: Brix Fitness
Views: 281,042
Rating: 4.9499636 out of 5
Keywords: Brix fitness, healthy lifestyle, weight loss tips, weight loss expert, weight loss transformation, weight loss motivation, black vloggers channels, interracial couple, fitness transformation, fitness motivation, fitness blender abs, lose weight fast, lose weight workout, lose weight in 1 week, how to count macros, fitness, weight loss transformation men, healthy lifestyle tips, healthy life happy life
Id: iy5XRTVPqLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 21 2018
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