He DOMINATED the GOD-destroying BULL with his WATER POWERS that he received from the GOD of the SEAS

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after meeting his demigod brother the son of Poseidon must find a magical artifact to stop his enemy from resurrecting a Titan who will destroy the world today we're going to recap the story of the movie Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters from 2013 the Olympians are real Gods who have had halfbreed children with human beings Percy Jackson is one of them son of Poseidon the god of the sea 7 years ago during a trip to Camp Half Blood a safe place for these people only three young people found the place and one of them stayed behind the teenagers run frantically through the forest suddenly a huge branch is thrown and hits Grover so TOA Grace decides to cover for her friends and face the monsters alone she wields a knife and charges at the men however she is surrounded and one of the opponents pulls her from behind and throws her away the girl gives up her life to save her companions however Zeus who is Tia's father casts a spell that turns the girl's body into a tree and this creates a barrier to protect all the half bloods in the can in the present day Percy Jackson undergos an endurance test at a kind of Festival full of mythological Monsters the young man tries to reach the top of a tower but is knocked down by his colleague Clarice even so he manages to get up and is distracted when one of the participants falls from the structure at that moment Percy decides to help him but this causes him to lose the competition and Clarice wins the race soon after he meets his friends and the winner comes up to mock him but Annabeth Chase claims that Jackson is better than her since he saved a person later Percy uses seawater to heal his wounds while talking to Poseidon the young man leaves the place hurt because his father doesn't answer but he doesn't notice that the water moves when he turns his back to the Sea meanwhile dionis talks to someone who has arrived at the camp claiming to be the son of Poseidon later Kiron summons Percy to the big house then he reveals to the group of friends that the young man has a cyclops brother called Tyson which surprises everyone Jackson's brother reveals that his father helped him find the place because he was in a forest and a trident appeared and pointed him in a suly direction enabling him to find the camp during lunch they are interrupted by a sudden earthquake and Tyson reveals that the cause of the Tremor is a cow everyone runs to the edge of the barrier to observe and notices something shaking the protection then it breaks and a Golden Bull appears the Beast starts head budding with its giant horns and knocks over the students who run desperately soon after Percy is run over and a flamethrower comes out of the monster's mouth Jackson distracts the Beast and Annabeth prepares to attack it with a spear but the enemy advances against the young man even so the girl manages to get her weapon into one of the creatures gears which continues to move and is now running after the young woman Clarice seizes the opportunity and mounts the bull in which way she strikes a sword blow to its back but is easily defeated before the creature can continue its attack Tyson steps in front of it and manages to grab it by the horns at the same moment the monster uses its flamethrower to roast the young man who emerges unscathed from the fire leaving everyone impressed the other teenagers then throw a tree trunk at the animal which runs after them and Percy tries to tie it up with a chain but is dragged to a rock wall where the creature traps him in this way Jackson throws a weapon into the bull's mouth the object becomes a sword and begins to destroy the enemy From the Inside Out causing a huge explosion the young man is stunned after the impact and is attracted by Luke's voice who confesses that he was responsible for the attack he starts talking about a prophecy that Kiren and Mr knows about it and it involves Percy but the young man takes an amulet out of his pocket and a glow makes it disappear after the battle Clarice wonders why the Cyclops wasn't burned by the fire not knowing that the young man's species is flame resistant looking at the barrier the young people realize that it is very fragile because Tia's tree has been poisoned Percy appears and reveals that Luke provoked the attack in order to achieve his goals of annihilating all the half Bloods the young man asks Kiren about the prophecy and the Centaur replies that certain knowledge can be a burden for a new person nevertheless the man asks Percy to enter the attic to find out the whole truth the place is full of strange objects like candles that start to light themselves Jackson finds a skull that is the spirit of Deli speaker of Apollo's prophecies and destroyer of the mighty python the creature tells them that a long time ago Titans Ruled the Earth they were led by Kronos an evil monster who devoured his own children however one day three of his sons escaped his control Zeus Hades and P siden they destroyed their own father and banished his remains but he has vowed to rise again and take revenge what's more only a half blood son of one of the three Gods can defeat him Kiren claims that Percy is the only young man alive with the characteristics described in the prophecy because he is the son of Poseidon but the young man is worried about destroying Olympus without meaning to because he isn't good enough Annabeth then says that the Golden Fleece can heal the tree and restore the barrier so she asks Mr D for permission to go on a mission to the Bermuda trium angle in search of the object the man believes that this is a bad idea but he still tells all the young people at the camp about the plan he also appoints one of the strongest saders as his guide on the mission and the best warrior in the camp the daughter of the god of war known as Clarice Percy warns the girl that Luke is still out looking for the fleece and that she should be careful but she ignores him Jackson and annab Beth are looking for their friend Grover in order to go after the magical artifact even though two other students have already been chosen to carry out the mission as they pass pass through the forest they encounter the guards protecting the barrier and hide from them however Tyson appears and causes a lot of noise which makes the Warriors discover the group's location but Percy manages to fool them by saying that he is helping to guard the camp Cyclops warns them that the fleece is protected by polyus a half blood of the same species as his finally the group decides to take Tyson on the mission as he can help Annabeth is annoyed because the young man makes a lot of noise and the fact that he only has one eye can attract people's attention because of this she uses a magical perfume on him which makes his face like that of all the other youngsters Grover uses his Keen nose to indicate that they should head south then Annabeth whistles and flying lanterns appear revealing a cab in the darkness inside the vehicle Three Strange women who have no eyes drive the car in an uncontrolled manner suddenly a tree appears in the way so they split the cab in half but Percy stays in front of the obstacle and his friends pull him back to one side of the vehicle Jackson qu questions the women about the prophecy and threatens to destroy one of their eyes that falls into his hand they then point out several pairs of numbers and say that the son of bidon will know what it means when the time comes after the group leaves a coffee shop for Half Blood Grover passes near an alley and is captured by unknown men he tries to fight back using his crutch but the guys use a magical artifact to disappear along with the young man Percy believes that the men are Luke's Partners since he needs a Seder to find the fleece Jackson and his companions go to a delivery service store owned by Luke's father Hermes they meet the guy at reception then reveal to him that his son has attacked the camp Hermes opens a door inside the store that leads to a giant Factory he uses some kind of Staff in which petrified snakes become real the man asks the snakes for help in finding his son the guy hands Annabeth an object that can unleash the Winds of the four corners of the world and is startled when the girl tries to open it inside the factory what's more Jackson receives a ribbon capable of making objects disappear the snakes then then locate Luke near a beach traveling on a yacht the group of friends go to a port by the Sea and spot hermes's son's boat but they don't know how to get there so Tyson decides to ask Poseidon his father for help suddenly a hippocampus a horse-like creature appears in the sea the three companions Mount the animal which Glides through the water towards the boat they enter the yacht quietly and while they're talking they don't realize that there's a giant Scorpion's tail swinging behind them what's more one of Luke's henchmen a bizarre monster can sniff them out on the outside of the boat a manticor prevents the group from continuing Luke tells him that Grover is already on his way to the Bermuda Triangle since he followed the path with the man's other henchmen he also reveals that he is after the fleece to carry out his plan to revive Kronos and that he has already found the remains of the Titan's body after being locked in the cell Annabeth confesses to Jackson that she believes Tyson is dangerous and even if the young man doesn't believe it they should beware of Cyclops later Percy uses his power to cause giant waves in the sea which make the boat move suddenly from side to side in this way Annabeth manages to reach the backpack and get the magic ribbon the demigod uses the object on the cell's grading which makes the irons disappear and they manage to get out they cross a room where the mantor is sleeping and manag to reach the outside of the boat where they meet one of the enemies seconds later one of the opponents starts fighting with Percy who throws him off the boat at the same time Annabeth and Tyson are surrounded but they fight back Jackson climbs to the top of the yacht and his friends find a dingy in a hidden compartment when he puts the vehicle in the water the Cyclops fails to engage the engine causing it to fall into the sea Percy who is still on top of the yacht uses his powers to raise a wall of water and prevent the enemies from reaching the boat soon after Annabeth uses a magical artifact to unleash the winds from the four corners of the world which propels the boat which leaves the site at high speed what's more Jackson uses his powers to create a giant wave which he uses to Surf to his friends however Luke catches up with him but is thrown into the sea after receiving a blow from Percy during the boat trip Annabeth reveals that she doesn't like Tyson very much because it was his kind that ended toa's life suddenly dark clouds appear in the sky and the device that was propelling the boat breaks due to the Cyclops recklessness fins appear in the sea and the girl believes they are sharks but it is a circular structure that is part of the body of the guardian of the Sea of Monsters the group tries to get out of the whirlpool and Percy uses his powers which don't work because the place is not under Poseidon's control the small boat descends at high speed towards the circle in the center then dives into the sea through a bizarre tunnel in a few seconds the group arrives at a cavity that they realize is the stomach of the guardian of the sea and everything that disappears in the Bermuda Triangle is there they hear clarice's voice and find the girl with the crew of her ship who are zombies suddenly all the water in the area begins to be sucked towards a giant structure which indicates that the monster is digesting but Clarissa's boat remains immobile as it is trapped by chains nevertheless the Moorings break and the small ship moves towards the meat grinder Clarice asks the crew to aim a powerful weapon at the structure so Percy has the idea of giving the creature a stomach ache so that they can get out through the intestines soon afterwards all the crew hide and Jackson drives the giant gun the boat gets closer and closer to the crusher so the young man starts shooting at the walls of the stomach which causes cracks in the place at the same moment lce changes the direction of the rudder to the affected area and the glass in the cabin window begins to crack due to the pressure of the water they go through the wall and reach the Bottom of the Sea and the glass cracks more and more however they manage to reach the surface suddenly Jackson begins to see coordinates in the sea the same numbers that the women in the cab told him about this reveals that the speedboat is in the southwest the group arrives on an island where there is an amusement park called curland while walking through the abandoned site the team finds one of the roller coaster carts that leads them to a tunnel path inside polyus the fleeces protector throws things at Grover who disguises himself as a cyclops to avoid being devoured by the monster while the Seder distracts the creature his friends lurk around him Clarice tries to steal the fleece which is on the man's back but he smells her and realizes the group's presence Tyson decides to show up and talk to the creature of his species but he claims that the young man is a traitor to his people at that moment Percy manages to steal the magical artifact by jumping on cyclops back however Tyson receives a powerful Blow from his enemy after that Jackson is thrown away but manages to throw the fleece to Annabeth she is also cornered by the bizarre Cyclops and throws the artifact to Clarice who passes it back to Percy at that moment Grover takes off his costume and draws the creatur's attention so everyone manages to escape out of the cave knocking over various things along the way and this prevents polyus from catching up with them however they find Luke and his team waiting for them outside the lair Jackson warns that he won't give the magical artifact back to the man who points a gun at him and fires it Tyson steps in front of his brother receives the projectile instead of him and then falls into the sea which leaves everyone shaken Percy believes that the prophecy is being fulfilled because he failed to protect Tyson but his friends and even Clarice trust him as a leader at the same time Luke begins a ritual and prophecies that Kronos will revive from his tomb as he places the fleece on the coffin lights begin to appear around him after being arrested by the criminals Jackson takes a pen from his pocket which he uses to cut the ties That Bind Grover the pen then becomes a sword and Percy advances towards the fleece he gets into a battle with Luke and drops his sword on the ground the son of posidon receives several blows from his opponent who begins to squeeze his neck and is about to deliver the final blow with the sword but Tyson appears and stops the enemy throwing him away the Cyclops shows that the seawater healed his wounds when he fell off the cliff which is why he made it back alive suddenly they are interrupted when an explosion erupts from inside the tomb and shakes everything around them several Stones move in the air and come together to form the body of a giant monster indicating that Kronos is being resurrected at the same moment Luke puts himself at the creature's disposal and it swallows him without a second thought Jackson picks up his sword and heads towards the monster but mantora appears and stops him from attacking Kronos devours everyone around him including Grover at the same time Percy is cornered by manora who ends up receiving a blow from the floating stones in this way he manages to cut off one of kronos's feet which causes the Titan to fall at that moment the son of Poseidon realizes that the blade of the sword drains some of the creatur's energy into the tomb realizing this threat the opponent tries to attack Percy who manages to jump on a rock and retrieve his sword so he jumps into the creature's hand however the monster tries to crush him but the young man uses his sword and jumps onto his chest delivering a fatal blow that destroys him in a few seconds and frees Grover and Luke who fall before pemus after all the evil Titans energy has been drained Tyson removes the magical artifact from above the tomb on the other hand Annabeth receives a lethal Blow from manticora and Grover charges at her with a spear but is also cornered Clarice manages to cut off the monster's tail then its body begins to dry out and it is destroyed they check on Annabeth and place the fleece on her body even so the girl's eyes close and and she loses Consciousness however a glow emerges from the magical artifact and lights run through the young woman's body causing her to wake up instantly she thanks Tyson for saving Percy's life and claims that she can now trust him later they take the fleece to Tia's tree and a light emerges from the object which restores life to the plant as well as the camp barrier the next day everyone runs to the tree where a girl has emerged after the fleece has been acting on the roots all night The Unknown girl tells them that she had a strange dream in which she lost her life then says that her name is Tia daughter of Zeus so what did you think of this movie leave it in the comments below and if you like the video like And subscribe for more movie Recaps see you next time
Channel: Prime Recap
Views: 38,637
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Keywords: how to beat, beat movies, sumarring movies, defeating movies, horror movies, scary tales, recap, film summary, film summarizing, movie summary, movies recap, mr recap movies, mr recap animes, mr recap
Id: hKKTmynCqa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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