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we kind of blend in a little bit all right where's the seeker oh the secret's right there oh my gosh you not see me what what what does he not see me before this video starts i need you guys to click that subscribe button and slap the bell to never miss another video ladies and gentlemen welcome back to roblox today we are actually playing hide and seek so we are in this massive workshop playing hide and seek now it has been a really really really really really really really long time since i played roblox hide and seek and i'm just playing with a bunch of random people right now just whoever is on the game um it's just me and a bunch of random players so we're gonna see how this goes now i like i said i haven't played roblox hide and seek in a really really long time so i'm gonna try to jump up here i guess this is a pretty cool spot i like this i'm gonna go run over here you guys know i love hide and seek whether it's in roblox whether it's a minecraft whether it's a fortnight we always do it on the unspeakable plays channel now i need you guys just to do one thing real quick and that is to leave a like on today's video leave a like and click that subscribe button if it's red and glowing red waiting for you guys to click on it is that the guy that's it or is that just his skin i think that's just his skin how do you tell who's it i haven't played this game in so long hey bud how you doing what's up what's up you got is that is that doge that's pretty cool okay where are you going oh i'm gonna stay up here i'm gonna hide up here for a little bit longer there's three minutes remaining and there's only six hiders left um i have no idea where the seeker is i don't see anyone down here it looks like under me there's some stuff i see someone under me all the way down oh i didn't mean to fall oh flip that's not good that is not good um okay i see a guy right there and i see someone right there that might be the hider i think that's the hider i feel like that's the hider i don't know if you have particles on does that mean you're the hydra i don't flip it no or the seeker all i know is i'm gonna start running because i don't know where the secret is i'm currently not in a hiding spot oh that's the guy that's it right there you see him he just ran right from under me so the guy that's seeking has a giant it sign next to his name which you know makes sense i'm sorry guys i haven't played this game it's so so long this is literally like my first game that i've played in like forever okay i have a pretty cool idea i know where to hide i know where to hide i just need one of these things real quick to bounce me up there we go all right there we go get bounced up there okay now i know that this is always a good hiding spot ah i just missed it flip flip flip flip flip okay come on there's only four people hiding uh that's left so i'm one of those four so it's down here yeah this is a pretty good spot i feel like it is i feel like it is what if we jump to the other side there we go now that is a pretty good spot all right we got one minute and 20 seconds to sit here now the last like 30 seconds i'm just gonna go run around see if i can even find the guy there's only three people left so and also i kind of feel like my roblox avatar needs some customizing so i feel like we should make a video where i customize my roblox avatar and that would be the video i think that'll be cool i've seen a lot of other youtubers do it um maybe if that's something you guys want to see oh no i hear someone below me how are you go away thank you me and her or me and that girl or i don't know if it's a girl or a guy but we're the only two oh that's the person that's it right there oh my gosh guys look right here there he is oh flip okay i said it 30 seconds i'd start running around so where'd he go he was chasing that other person 17 seconds remaining i'm just gonna start running around he's not gonna catch me there's no way there's no way he's all the way over there nine seconds remaining come on buddy come here come on come on come get me come on he's like i give up i'm not gonna make it over there good game gg time to select a new map what are we gonna get i've never played the attic before that must be a new one from the last time i played oh we got the kitchen okay well it's time to make some vegas game is starting all right so that is the seeker right there so emma um or me emmy all right well i am definitely not going to be what if i just hide in here how funny would that be there's nowhere to hide in here unfortunately i'm just going to hide i don't know where to hide actually i have no idea oh look at this savage boy look at this dude i'm behind with this dude look at him oh my gosh hold on hold on how did he get up there there we go look at that all right i'm gonna hide on the other side of the door this is literally the other side of the door of where this seeker comes out and um she is going to be released in nine seconds this is an absolutely terrible idea but um you know it's hide and seek let's see if she even notices all right she's released wait for it wait for it has she not even ran out yet oh my gosh there's no way she's actually afk oh my gosh she's actually afk look look oh my gosh why are you oh no she's not afk oh flip she's just standing there what do you do but it's just stan look there's another guy right there that's just a zooming tag oh my gosh okay whatever whatever whatever whatever it's cool whatever brand new game and the person that's it is zombiekiller09 alright and we are in the attic as well so i've actually never played this map it looks huge there's a massive pool table there's a massive ladder oh my gosh this is sick there's a huge weight bench right over here playing hide and seek in the world's biggest minecraft house world's biggest fortnight house and now the world's biggest roblox house all right so i'm gonna climb up here because i just want a view of like the whole entire house okay there's a bunch of coins up here oh my gosh there's so many places to hide there's so many places to hide i only have 13 more seconds to choose but we're gonna run over here a little bit probably not gonna find my hiding spot just yet but um that's okay i want to hop down on something so there's a huge pool taper oh my gosh there is so many places to hide in this map i feel bad for the seeker where do we hide oh i guess we're going right here okay i don't know where the secret is so this is kind of nerve-wracking i see a bunch of people jumping around everywhere oh no this is not good i cannot hide here i cannot hide here where do i go where do i go where do i go okay hopefully this sneaker doesn't see me he's already caught a couple people so we're just on the opposite side of the map from him so that's why he just hasn't or we haven't seen him yet well me and you are going to sit here together and um eventually we'll have to run oh there's another dude over here what are you doing why don't you just hop in here there's someone hiding right over there but they're just running into a wall i don't know what's going on over there oh my gosh where do i hide where do i hide i don't know where the seeker is i'm so nervous i'm gonna go up this thing what is up here two minutes and 30 seconds i still haven't even seen the seeker yet i have absolutely no idea where the secret is i'm nervous though but he hasn't found anyone else so that's good oh he found one more person oh there's someone up there on the weight bench that's sick okay i need to crawl back up on top that i feel like that's where you can hop onto all the good spots i'm gonna crawl all the way to the top here the seeker has found a couple of people um but there's only a minute and 40 seconds left i don't even see i have no idea where he is watch him be like right here i mean i don't blame the seeker there's so many places to hide in this map it's you know kind of ridiculous oh i barely made it onto the weight bench i fell back down you've got to be kidding me well i can hop back up here maybe there's a way i can get back up this is a pretty good hiding spot right back here ah there is a way to get back up i believe can i hop onto this yes i can alright we're back on the weights here oh my gosh this is an op spot hiding on the other side of the weights this guy will probably never find me there's only 50 seconds left and he still has to find six more people and there's a lot of other people this map that are in very obvious places compared to where i am i think we're good we have feet the seeker we we have i think we can probably go running around the map for a little bit and he probably still won't find us 27 seconds left and there's still six more people to find oh he's right there he's not even moving what are you doing bro there was literally someone standing right in front of you i think he has just given up here i'm gonna go give him a high five hey bud i want to give you a high five for at least trying it because i know this is a big map and it's stressful and all right i tried okay now we are in the backyard so i'm gonna go ahead and hop in my favorite spot of all time and that is this spot and doesn't this teleport you somewhere oh that's pretty sick i really want to hide look look it's so that's where i used to hide when i used to play roblox hide and seek i would hide above where the sneaker spawns and they would never check that spot now it's probably been discovered quite a bit and you know people have probably messed with it still i think it's a cool place to hide okay so where do we want to hide there is so many places the backyard is massive but there's a lot less places to hide because it's really really open i think i'm gonna start what you can hide inside this thing oh my gosh that is so overpowered okay well we're gonna hide inside the the flower pot that is so open what okay that's pretty legit well the seeker has been released he's already found one person um and we got three minutes and 47 now 46 seconds to hide let's try not to give ourselves away there's the seeker right there you guys can see him he's going he sees a lot of people that haven't even found a hiding spot yet i'm going to stay in my flower pot there he is right there i'm going to watch him tag a ton of people there's like four people that are on the couch they're not even in hiding spots oh no he's coming my way oh flip no way how does he know i'm up here i see him look he's right there i'm pretty sure that's the secret maybe i'm just bad i don't know i thought the seeker had a bunch of particles on them maybe that is the secret i i don't know all right well if that is the secret then i'm gonna run the opposite way i'm gonna go chill with everyone on the couch because everyone on the couch looks like they're having a real good time he's running that way i'm pretty sure that's the seeker hello how are you nice nice to meet you um i'm gonna go to the couch where everyone is literally having a party there's also a bunch of plants over here i think i'm gonna hop in these plants real quick because that seeker is about to tag a ton of people he's coming he's coming he's coming oh no oh no no no no no no no oh my god she's headed straight for me i'm gonna run i'm gonna hide i'm pretty sure that is the seeker okay i'm hiding what this game is so glitch you can literally just run it inside this giant bush you kidding me right now that is so overpowered where'd he go oh look there he is right there how is he not tagging anyone maybe that's not the seeker here let me go up to him let's put this to a test is that seeker no it's not the seeker that is not the seeker so that guy is not oh i know he is the secret i saw the it thing on him i swear i just saw the it thing on him oh my gosh why is he not tagging anyone or is he just that bad hey buddy so are you the seeker i thought the seeker had a bunch of glowing particles no i don't know he's chasing people look he's chasing people he's so oh he got someone oh flip he's coming after me now there's no way he's gonna catch me it's not gonna happen it is not gonna happen buddy buddy ol pal no no no no no we can play hide and seek around this tree all you want oh no he ran off oh i thought he was on the other side of the tree i thought he ran up here with me just gave up oh my gosh well guys that was hide and seek interesting interesting enough um i think we should do a hide and seek with a ton of youtubers i think that would be a ton of fun now also i was never the seeker if i get the secret on this round i will play it if not i don't i i want to be the seeker come on no i'm not the seeker well guys that is gonna wrap up this video hopefully you guys have enjoyed um this has been a really really fun video but before we wrap it up we're gonna play this last game for those of you guys that have made it all the way to the end of this video you guys get a special treat it's one extra round look it's captain underpants oh my gosh i've never seen captain underpants captain underpants is honestly like one of my favorite books i used to read as a kid i'm not even kidding what the heck is going on here oh my gosh all right just let me hop up there that'd be nice thank you that okay all right well we only got about 15 seconds left to hide so i'm just gonna hide on the other side of the leg of the chair and i'm gonna stay here the whole entire game and the seeker will probably not find me we kind of blend in a little bit all right where's the seeker oh the secret's right there oh my gosh you'd not see me what what what does he not see me no flipping away no way no way this guy's that bad no way there's no way oh my gosh he's walking away oh my gosh all right well guys you know i'm gonna win this game it's gonna happen the seekers are gonna win i think this is the same guy that was seeking last time you know i'm just gonna walk up to him i'm just gonna i'm just gonna sacrifice sacrifice sacrifice come here buddy it is so sad there you go you attacked someone now you got to come after us come on come on just a little bit oh a little bit come on there you go all right now now follow me up here oh i missed oh you jumped up there though and now i'm going to hide behind here oh my gosh he left i'm trolling this guy so hard all right come here buddy come here look dude i'm literally right behind you i'm literally right here hey right here right here no not that way wrong way oh oh come on you want it you want to tag me you don't want to attack me okay i'm literally chasing the seeker and he can't even tag me i finally got someone there you go good job buddy poor dude all right well let's play this chair game again because that was honestly really fun oh okay all right let's let's get all these people together all right let's get all these people together all right you got to get those people all right all right get those people come on come on you can oh he finally tagged me literally because i ran into him interesting ladies ladies and gentlemen this is probably the most interesting game behind the scene i've ever played i want to thank you guys so much for watching this video um let me know in the comment section below what you think of hide and seek in roblox hide and seek should i do more of it should i stop should i play other games let me know down in the comment section below but guys thank you so much for watching this was a ton of fun trolling and messing with the seeker he's got a cool skin though i like his skin next on roblox we customize our own skin and we are going to make the coolest roblox skin you have ever seen how to save a fantastic rest of your day stay safe stay awesome and of course stay unspeakable and i'll see you guys tomorrow in a brand new video [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: UnspeakablePlays
Views: 765,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakable, unspeakableplays, mini game, game, custom, crazy, challenge, modded, games, maps, secret, redstone, funny moments, mcpe, minecraft pe, pocket edition, unspeakablegaming, trolling, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, glitch, funny, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, how to, parody, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakableplays minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 30 2018
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