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ladies and gentlemen today's a sad day my best friend cheated against me I'm still not quite sure how to process what has happened to me in today's Advocate calendar episode but please leave a like down below and subscribe to the channel if you have not already oh this is serious news guys welcome back to day 12 of the advent calendar if you guys have never played spot the difference it's very very simple let me teach you there is a person who is the difference and if you are the difference that means you have to place a block down in the map if the spotter finds the block that the difference placed down the spotter is awarded a point if the spot of chooses the wrong block then he is not awarded a point the point would go to the difference if you are the spotter you must snip out the differences block mine it with your pickaxe and if you choose correctly you shall be awarded with the point - ladies and gentlemen please let's not forget how sad this is that mr. wuffles cheated a kid's food it's payback for episode 2 of the advent calendar man you've gotta watch the entire video through guys because when he cheats against me it's very very sneaky and once again ladies gentleman please leave a like down below subscribe to the channel check back tomorrow for the next episode of the advent calendar cuz today is an amazing episode alright I shall be the difference mr. Werfel Anil shall be the spots and you shall tried to find me and you will crush the differences so the new Carabas you break let's say the one you chose was magenta concrete powder it breaks every single magenta so like okay even if you didn't break the one I placed it breaks every magenta on the map so you would by default wait I mean so you got block detector yeah type of block the difference is that's insanely good I know I got it somehow decide where to place your stroke you dude this is actually kind of a hard one for like the the difference you will see it does it you get 30 seconds to check it out there I'm gonna join if he's smart here okay please to sob you have 30 seconds to memorize you like this looks like Texas yeah looks like Texas what are you talking about it kind of looks like Texas okay okay let's see kitty come on man come on I believe believe right now yeah this is the oven touch the middle you don't know what I've been you don't you don't know I have been you don't know the things that seed mr. waffles I don't think you touch this this is this looks weird right there oh you got to drop this okay drop the firework for it to work oh okay now I see now I see okay now I see are they gonna get her guys I'm excited you dirty man you second chance is actually a pretty good one I'll say this second chance is actually pretty high yes two more good five that's not even a second chance that's four chances that's ridiculous dude you're be stinger okay Rob can can I give you a hint yeah give me a give me a good hand dude give me a good okay I can't give you a good let me just tell you something it's not concrete powder I'll be Abie to spotter one point fair play fair play say like first of five yeah okay like first of five I like it pretty fast I'm gonna go this chance is actually super high second chances I'll change it up I'll change it up oh my gosh all right zigzag zigzag zigzag zigzag for anyone okay this is kind of difficult to remember though man yeah 20 seconds I'm not worried about that baby it's in the red maybe the more fake yellows perfect the djinns is nearly perfect why don't you place it as company powder okay so Christmas levels we've got igloo frozen cake I like it you say it's good oh it's not tough cuz each spot the difference map is kind of cute it's kind of small slow but petite you know I'm saying let's just say that if you just mess up once by finding the difference then you pretty much lose this race to face a real bad but we always an attempt for redemption though because some sneaky stuff might be going down yeah I definitely think that you should have a countdown on like how long yeah like how long I'm not but we're not doing this like super trihard slow or anything like that you know yeah like I'm kind of trying yeah okay I know you're trying hard you're born that way yes look what do you mean what you serious look at how small it is literally the smallest seconds left okay okay it's literally the smallest map ever I can't with you right now you're actually hurting my brain yikes yikes to the big hikers in the chat or about this we could play without fireworks yeah alright no fireworks okay so technically okay technically the firework will activate at one minute so you fully muted and stuff but you can't see I can't see anything okay I think that's more fair that's more fair okay wait wait wait and just hear it that was it you promise in sheep I promise I can't I'm recording I know what your blog is wait you know it is how do you know my Bacchus because it's white concrete that's what I chose walk detection so it tells you which block oh yeah so I know you're not pumpkin which is nice cuz that was whatever and pumpkins though that was TI those are those are good so what detection is kind of interesting then I can't like that one so you know I know you're not one of these three seven rows one two three so we're good oh [Laughter] [Music] that's some serious parkour to get up there I don't think that's possible to get up all the way there I'll be honest there's sketchiness there's all kinds of non sketchiness like you know get up there man I'd be really impressed that's really impressive so I did you like a momentum quad jumping it up there from right there yeah but that block wasn't there is just the red one oh let's go boys let's go okay here we go okay I know you're not gonna do with the Canes like there's no flippin Biff and tripping whooping all right see the mail and see the mail and ship check in the mail and Jett has worried about the Malone's to be honest I think I know exactly which one you're gonna go for so I should be paying a little bit more attention to them but I'm not being kind of stupid right now I'm like 900 percent sure you chose something how'd I do this how do I do this okay [Applause] oh my gosh I did not check the pumpkins out enough I think I lost someone guys I think I lost this one I'm gonna go inside of you I like we're looking inside I'm gonna choose the leaves I actually tried super a good spot and I could not I should have been the new Gert dad got it oh that's an L that's a that's a big yeah just do you and do ice Oh sugar on me this is a hard one mate this is this is a hard one just hitting myself No okay these mats are almost to flip it easy I'm angry I'm paying good I'm feeling this is gonna end in a tie and I'm okay with it no I need to do something big here guys like I need I think I need you guys to charge me up okay guys charge me up right now if you're watching this vid you need some charging okay keep pickin pick a spot dude can you stop it oh I guess the difference okay just time to pick a spot to my friends actually the hardest this actually might be the hardest thing I've ever done in my entire life okay you're rushing me I feel rushed I feel rushed tree I wasn't rushed the entire time I devised a very skillful thoughtful plan a plan of many attacks I might say one might add this plan of plans was such a plan that it was planned by mr. Stanley eldest from the horse the olden movie back in the day where his daddy swims in the lake where do you see the name new putt the noob Hut would you come what are you what are you what are you uh I got five chances here that one that one's a loser I hate that one dude I actually hate that one doctor thank you so much doctor everything about your arm is wrong you're a monster stop your finger Morgan stop it this is like that's the hardest math as the difference it's so hard no it's not no it's not see boy it is very silly it is such an easy map dude because they don't even give you snow why not get snow that's what I want to really talk about like where is he snow snow what I made it actually do you do get snow though you shouldn't see this you didn't see the snow where was the extra snow my friend like there should have been snow you know I really wanted to do Rob in the future I think you should be able to play sound multiple items like three and then it's way more fun good luck Larry litmus everybody we got the green zip up Hoodie new holiday blitz eggs the Fire Nation team autographed Minecraft sword here new orange flame team and new distressed five teeth please go to Preston style calm and check out all these new items or Santa won't be nice to me this week there's so many options why do i why am i missing this [Applause] dude the igloo is terrible dude that one okay like let we didn't have a tiebreaker on one of the harder ones to men no I mean of loud that's gonna be anything you want to have okay 30 seconds to 30 seconds so I find it you know I mean and place it quick okay quick it's like put it like whack fire rapid fire wait rapid fire I rude to me man your motive you didn't even come down to Texas to celebrate Hanukkah with me and my family okay I was busy hosting the number one at for tonight youtubers videos I said fine I got it I got it we're good we're good here it goes my brother Robert he's trying to find it can't got a jobber yo you checking checking the corners man oh don't do that antenna don't go inside the blue and red present rod you spoil your presents I bought you for Christmas and Hanukkah Chrismukkah don't be smiling don't spoil don't spot no no no no don't be like that it's no biggie I curse the guy this is why P where I pull ahead all right maggots on you are the difference it doesn't activate it wait check your inventory to see what the block did you choose me which one did you choose I was supposed to be able to see the difference okay do you want me to do want me to give you a head I'll give you a big hand cuz I'm a good guy okay sure I believe yikes I believe alright I promise I believe I promise on a leaf oh boy a lot of spots here you could choose wrap so many spots okay gate go to the map bro I get go to the bath the pressures on guys the pressure is nice let's go let's go boys this actually could be where an L happens okay could be epic an epic w might happen as well my friend I don't think I don't think it's these four I think it's this one a lot could be a lot could be lies this is way too hard that's why this one's difficult and so this one's mad difficult [Music] it was hard it is hard okay okay so I won this one Rob but now I go to be despot sir okay this is where I could shine guys this is where I need to I need you guys to charge me up damn blend Kim its blues all right Rob let's see what you got bro let's see oh my nothing wrong quick dude none let's go okay all right I'm missing missing missing missing Roger Roger Roger missing missing okay all right right right right everything's missing over here all right come on anything missing over here all right nothing missing over here all right I'm feeling good boards I think you got this morning the bag rob was a little bit of a confident he's gonna pay for dad in the payment the pavement I am take my headset off Rob please head dude five work tanks I don't want to see the fire things I've got my eyes closed my eyes over my eyes and my eyes hands over my butt a merry Christmas to you Oh Rob if it's behind here oh it's not wait I don't lie man this just it's Pisces and this just get sad I miss something was I overzealous oh no oh no I might have been overzealous I might have been but not God I counted that there's only one block from each present missing how did I do that do ask this one here I just can't did you cheat Rob did you cheat oh my God my mom's calling me hey mom yeah yeah oh okay I gotta go now okay alright I do I gotta go right now man you're such a scumbag I was like dude there's no way what'd you do did you go to game on a break it yeah I broke going so he was like one missing on all the presents and I was like oh shoot dude so I was like oh I better make a missing president [Music] you know the mean from the hangover movie or it's like the math in his head and he's counting cards that throws like it's not possible that was insane and answer alright guys that was it amazing according Robert big props to you because I almost let it slide you always got away like I was just like no no no flippin I was like it was just very much knew this was happy I was just like so close to being like that was good guys Ruvo seven calendar day number eleven completed all those halfway there thank you guys so much for all the support on this series it's been a blast oh I have an amazing safe day and we'll see you guys in the next episode of the advent calendar blurrier eaters Bert your ears my Frank dude oh wow that crack a little crack Lyle back crack yeah [Applause]
Channel: Preston
Views: 3,760,145
Rating: 4.9187431 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, prestonplayz, preston, prestonplayz spot the difference, spot the difference, preston playz, preston plays, spot the difference prestonplayz, popularmmos
Id: 0I7MmHj7b5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 11 2018
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