He Built His Own TANK, But What Happened Next…

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have you ever hated the way laws are carried out in your city maybe you've gone to a city hall meeting for citizens and felt like you couldn't do enough to get your point across unfortunately there's not much we can do to persuade local politicians whose minds are already made up Marvin Hamer however had other plans for when a town hall meeting just wouldn't cut it anymore born Marvin John Hay Myer the Grand Lake Colorado local was an automobile muffled repair shop owner as well as a welder he didn't always live in Grand Lake though but he had lived in the area for a decade and was tired of politicians and their zoning rules even though he didn't live directly in Granby he had been feuding with local officials for years more specifically for fines and zoning disputes his fines were typically for violating ordinances put in place by the city and Zoning issues that were affecting the muffler shop he owned in Granby by the title you must already know that hey Myers guilty of going on a rampage with a killdozer what exactly is that what specifically triggered him to go on a rampage the zoning dispute more than 27 years ago in 1992 Marvin Hamer had purchased around 2 acres of land from a federal agency this federal agency called the Resolution Trust Corporation is meant to handle assets of failed financial institutions I think foreclosures and banks after getting squared away with finances and a location he had purchased the acreage for $42,000 in just a short time later he would build his muffler shop on this land this transaction couldn't be easy though with someone as maniacal as marvin hey meyer now could it after purchasing the land hey meyer made an agreement with mountain park concrete's code edo chief for a concrete plant on another part of the property even though he only bought the entire piece of land for $42,000 the two agreed on a sale price of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars for a portion of the land set for concrete ventures after the agreement was made Haim Larry decided that he wanted to change the price to a cool three hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars nothing too big right his price gouging didn't stop there though as he eventually wanted around 1 million dollars this later ties into the zoning issue and why he went on a rampage however from the way hey Meyer handles finances and negotiations we don't think the killdozer rampage was justified there are rumors that the negotiation and price jump were discussed before the zoning proposal was heard by the City Council although that's not confirmed we aren't sure if we would get an honest answer either as we all know how politics can be in how crazy hey Meyer seemed in 2001 about nine years after hey Meyers initial purchase for $42,000 in the purchase price to buckle the Zoning Commission approved the concrete plants construction he then attempted to appeal this decision but clearly wasn't very successful so why was Marvin hey Meyers so upset at the zoning of something he willingly put a price on and sold he claimed that the concrete batch plant was blocking access to his business and instead of working around a new entryway he decided to have an absolute fit because of the violations his muffler business had due to the lack of proper access he was fined but that wasn't the only reason he was fined the town had also fined hey Meyer for multiple junk vehicles on the property as well as the business not being hooked up to any sewer line the reason why he didn't hook it up to a sewer line was because he had to walk only eight feet in the other zone to hook his business up to the sewage system if he had only done that kept his business clean and made proper access to his business he may still be alive after it was found that he didn't have his business hooked up to the sewer line hey Meyer was discovered to be dumping waste from a tank he improvised yes that's gross into a ditch made for irrigation slapping another fine on him now that the town councils eyes were on Marvin his rampage begun the rampage wasn't the next day after he was fine in fact he hatched a plan to modify a Komatsu D 355 a bulldozer in order to carry out his fit of rage months before he went ballistic he took his business in leased the location to a local trash company he no longer wanted anything to do with what plucked his last straw notes that were found by officials from hey meyer stated that this all started because he was unhappy with the decision of a concrete plant being built near his young muffler shop The Grudge ignited a fire within him that couldn't be stopped in one of his notes Marvin wrote I was always willing to be reasonable until I had to be unreasonable sometimes reasonable men must do unreasonable things yes it does sound like something out of a superhero movie that a villain would cackle on about in the night but hey Meyer took this as reality and made the Komatsu D 355 a bulldozer into a potential killing machine the bulldozer build Marvin had armor fitted onto the bulldozer just in case he got into a scuffle with local police the armor was makeshift plating that covered the entirety of the cabin composed of 5000 PST quikrete concrete he sandwiched the concrete in between tools steel to make a type of composite armor besides the cabin being covered he also covered the engine and tracks on some areas of the bulldozer this armor was more than 1 feet in thickness imagine trying to get through that and penetrate metal hard enough to disable a rampaging bulldozer very hard to do although we can't imagine the weight it had to move on top of what it all read Wade then he put many video cameras all over the bulldozer linking them to multiple monitors that the dashboard had equipped on them he also made sure that the cameras were safe during his rampage putting more than three inches of bulletproof plastic around them Marvin hey Marv was so detailed in his killdozer creation that he had equipped it with compressed air nozzles to blow away any dust that would get on the cameras the bulldozer wasn't the only deadly weapon he brought along as he also put explosive resistant arms on the bulldozer equipped with the ability to withstand explosions and more than 200 rounds of police ammunition of course Marvin wanted to be comfortable as he terrorized the town and he made sure to put onboard air-conditioning and fans to keep him cool beyond this he made three separate gun ports for his own artillery made for a 50 caliber rifle a 22lr rifle and a 308 semi-automatic rifle each one was always fitted with a half inch thick steel plate for protection ultimately his goal was that he wasn't leaving that cabin no matter who attempted to overrun his kill dozing machine investigators believe this because of a grim discovery in the creation of the rampant machinery inhe Myers garage there was a homemade crane that was suspected to be used and how Marvin got in the bulldozer since there was so much armor plating on it he couldn't get in normally and used the homemade crane to put the top on once he sat comfortably inside he knew that once he shut it he wasn't going to get out the killdozer rampage the grand finale of the story the rampage itself three years after the purchase was finished between the concrete plant and the town a Meijer gotten a bulldozer and drove it through the city on June 4th 2004 he started his rampage by taking down his former business the quote demon business next door the concrete plant and then went straight for the Town Hall he didn't just stop there though as he decided to take down all those he had legal disputes with in that city he drove his bulldozer through the office of journalists who wrote articles against him and his disputes and then running off to the home of a former mayor who must have seriously angered him at the time the former mayors Widow was living there other buildings were bulldozed and each one of them had a connection to hay Meyers disputes now you must be wondering how he was able to take down 13 buildings in total and navigate throughout the city on a bulldozer without getting taken down the machine that Marvin modified withstood more than 200 rounds of ammunition from local police and his lack of speed didn't even matter in total his rampage lasted two hours and seven minutes gathering up more than seven million dollars in damages he even knocked out natural gas services around City Hall in the former businesses while damaging many other things in his path thankfully no innocent citizens were killed in hey Meyers rampage an early tactic for reverse 911 to everyone in the city to declare the city's emergency and to stay away from certain areas they wanted them to stay in their homes despite hey my are going quote out of his way not to specifically harm anyone there were explosions there were grenades thrown but hey Myer wasn't done just yet the SWAT team in under sheriff Glen Trainor tried jumping on top of the bulldozer like he was riding a bull in attempts to open it and get in disabling hey Myer in the moment unfortunately all attempts were not successful he was forced to jump off the maniacal machine so he wouldn't get hurt from debris of bulldoze buildings because of how long it went on and local officials fearing hey Meyer turning on citizens next they were in talks with alerting the National Guard they felt their only plan might have been to use an Apache attack helicopter equipped for such thick armor ultimately officials went against this plan because of a missile air strike being so dangerous in the heart of Granby after some time on his rampage hey Meyers tank was taken quite the hits after he destroyed a local hardware store the bulldozers radiator was damaged and the engine was hurting to the point of leaking despite the armor given the engine began failing and he dropped tread into a nearby basement but couldn't get himself out within a minute the SWAT team approaching heard one single gunshot in the cab of the dozer hey Meyer had committed suicide his gun of choice the 357 caliber he had equipped with him on board now this story was insane but the city actually had to plan ways around people taking souvenirs off of the bulldozer when the town officials ordered the disassembly of it after parts were removed bits and pieces that were unrecognizable were taken to various different scrap yards so looter hock type people couldn't get their hands on pieces of the dozer the town wanted the ordeal to be over with on April 19th 2005 the fate of the bulldozer was met and the various pieces were scattered amongst various metal graveyards around the area found inhe Myers home were a hit list of targets and various audio recordings of his unfortunate mental ramblings some of the words he spoke on these reporting's included quote God built me for this job and that it was quote God's plan for him did not marry and very out of this attack suffice to say he wasn't all mentally there and it wasn't just the local officials that had ticked him off in such situations you really start to feel a bit for him and wish they had gotten help that he needed what would you have done if your business was destroyed by an enraged man has something similar on a much smaller scale happened around your town let us know in the comments below [Music]
Channel: MAD LAB
Views: 173,967
Rating: 4.6404901 out of 5
Keywords: killdozer, man made tank, tank, man, happens, made tank, man made, homemade, marvin heemeyer, granby, colorado, komatsu d355a bulldozer, bulldozer, heavy machinery, custom, diy, bulldozer rampage, armored bulldozer, story, homemade tank, marvin, heemeyer, armored, how a man made his own tank, mad lab, killdozer footage, tank rampage, news, footage, extreme
Id: itdFqpSMAYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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