He built a whimsical TINY HOME hidden inside a CARGO TRAILER

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hi there welcome to my channel where I take you on  tours of unique homes and showcase inspirational   stories of people living alternatively in this  week's episode we're traveling to Colorado to   meet Kaylee an artist who has converted a stealth  trailer into a secret and Incredibly crafted tiny   home tired of paying high rental prices for a  shared space Kaylee started looking for other   solutions to provide him with happiness and  security and while the outside of Kaylee's   home is easily overlooked the inside will  leave you speechless for me I'm living in   a piece of art this is my my masterpiece I guess  you could say I know you're probably excited to   see the inside and jump right in but before we  get started please make sure to subscribe and   hit that notification Bell so that you know  every single time we publish a new episode make this house hi I'm Kaylee and this is my  stealth tiny house the stealthy stag   foreign [Music] I was living in an apartment  with roommates uh every other year we would move   somewhere new that got really old I was paying a  lot of money to live in Boulder Colorado I felt   like I was surviving but not thriving so one day I  sat down and I made a list of all the things that   made me happy and for me tiny house living was the  one lifestyle that allowed me to have happiness   and security now that I live in a stealth tiny  house it's just me and my cat and I don't have to   worry about landlords or roommates or anything of  that I'm going on three years of full-time living   in this thing I ended up going with an enclosed  trailer because I like the security aspect of it   in close trailers are all over the place so when  you see them you don't really raise an eyebrow I   was able to buy this trailer off the lot for 8  500 dollars I started the build in a driveway   of a place that I was renting I got a real basic  setup built into it a bed and a countertop once   my lease was up there I just moved into it and I  was essentially camping as I lived in it I started   to add to it I started to build it gave me a  lot of time to think and plan but it was also   really difficult to build while I was living in it  because I had to move everything around I had to   have my tools in here sawdust all of it I would  work on it for three or four hours a day and it   took me about three years so far I have about  twenty five thousand dollars in the trailer if I had to guess I would say that I probably  have 500 hours in this house the amount of   Labor that I put into this thing far outweighs  the amount of money that I put into it all of   the custom wood carving all of the attention  to detail it was truly a labor of love for me   I'm living in a piece of art this is my my  masterpiece I guess you could say [Music]   we're on the outside of this stealth tiny house  it's a 7 by 14 foot enclosed trailer with an extra   18 inch height that's called contractor grade  it's dual axle it has leaf spring suspension   the only real modifications that I did to  the original trailer were mounting propane   tank bottle holders on the front and adding a  window as well as a couple extra vents that's   what these black covers are I essentially  mounted 12 volts computer fans behind those   so they're constantly moving the air in and  out of the trailer I think keeping things 12   volt kept it relatively simple I got to avoid a  lot of inverters and things like that the entire   rig with everything on uses about as much power  as a 50 watt light bulb so that's pretty cool   I use propane for both my heat and my cooking  as well as my on-demand hot water heater I'll   go through one 20 pound bottle during the winter  every two weeks or so it's pretty efficient and   pretty cheap on the roof I have a 200 watt solar  panel I've mounted it flat so that nobody could   see it and I use VHB tape with angled aluminum  so I didn't have to drill any holes into my   ceiling thus I avoid any leaks and I still  have a complete ceiling I went with silver   because it doesn't attract the Heat and it's not  as visible as white it seems to be pretty low-key some trailers have the double doors that open  up I decide to go with the one with the ramp   door that folds down because I eventually  want to turn it into a deck so I can have   little barbecues and things out here what's  nice about these ramps is they have a spring   assist so I barely have to pull to make it come  down and I barely have to lift to make it go up   this portion is the back of a bookcase I'm  eventually going to be mounting that on an   ATV winch so I can lower it down and it will be  level with my bed we'll see that from the inside [Music]   let's go inside and see the fun part [Music]   alright welcome to the inside of the stealthy stag  I got a lot of inspiration from old apothecaries   you walk into those and they have all these  compartmentalized areas with jars and things   right lots of little Cubbies I've always  really liked that I've always really liked   the intricate woodwork I was kind of going for  like a wizard kind of Treehouse Vibe it's all   pine that's stained with polyurethane not as  heavy duty as mahogany or something like that   one of the first things you'll see when you  walk in is this snake wrapped around a tree   I sculpted this using a real tree and expanded  styrofoam there's actually lights inside of its   eyes so there's wiring running up all through  the middle of it I think it's pretty cool   if you follow over you'll see my hand carved  cabinets these also took a lot of time I would   say 20 plus hours per door but the final product  was pretty awesome I really wanted to bring an   element of nature indoors so I tried to add  as many branches and little details like that   that I could I think it really comes together and  makes you feel like you're inside of a treehouse   the Apothecary concept uh kind of lets me see  all of my snacks I really like the open concept   however when I need to move I usually take all  of that and either pack it into a drawer or put   it somewhere in my bed to keep it from breaking  it doesn't take a lot of extra time and honestly   it's worth the aesthetic I keep Cali's catnip  up here no matter what area it's in she seems   to know which jar it is so when she wants catnip  she jumps up on the counter and pulls the jar   down by herself and lets me know that she wants  catnip these stag antlers have been in my family   for a long time they're really important to  me and it's actually what I named the trailer   after uh the stealthy Stags so there's actually  LED lights inside of it and at night I can flip   them on and the lights shine out this Crystal is  uh particularly important to me I found this in a   cave um I was crawling through a muddy Boulder  cave and I saw a little bit of quartz sticking   out and I dug that out so I wanted that to be  the centerpiece of my tiny house it actually   is removable and it has lights behind it as well  lights on everything I have a large sink so I can   do a lot of dishes at once and if I have dirty  dishes I can fill the sink if I have somebody   coming over and I want to hide the mess and just  put this over it also gives me extra counter space so now if we move to the other corner  of my kitchen I have my propane stove   above my stove I have my tea and my spice rack  and it's kind of hidden back here but it's there   one of the more time consuming aspects of my tiny  house was all the custom woodwork so all of the   wooden mushrooms the Stags head the butterflies  all of the tree branches all of that is hand   carved so that took many many hours but I'm pretty  happy with the end result this is a cool little   feature I inherited this Cleaver from my family I  don't know how old it is but it's really old and I   wanted to make sure that it ended up in my kitchen  so I made this special little holder for it down   here is all of my water storage I have a 30 gallon  water tank back there which is a pretty manageable   amount honestly I would go through that in about a  month my gray Waters tank for my sink back behind   here we have an on-demand hot water heater so  as long as I have water I have hot water for   my battery I ended up going with an energy Apex  it's a thousand kilowatt hour battery honestly   it's more than enough for what I need my house the  entire house uses about 50 watts per hour so that   will last me several days and this is actually a  false drawer which is the ceiling to my cat box it's actually accessible from the  inside so I can take out my trash cans   and there's a hatch that opens  here so I can access their cat box   she actually has her own fan in there that pumps  the air to the outside so I never smell the kitty   litter box one of the main features of my tiny  house is this tree in the middle kind of gives it   that Treehouse Vibe I looked for longest time for  a tree out in nature a real tree that I could put   in here and I couldn't find anything so I opted  to sculpt one instead there's actually wiring   running up through the center because there's  LED lights in the ends of all the branches so   at night I can turn it on and it kind of adds  an ambiance I also have this bar I use this to   hang in the morning stretch myself out I can  also do pull-ups I also have this Farm swing   and I just clip this to some steel rings that are  on the pole I usually use this as guest seating if   I'm having people over it's fun so moving towards  the rear of the trailer we have the bathroom I built all of this medicine cabinet myself as  well as this under sink storage it's actually   a floating cabinet so I can slide stuff  underneath it there's no vertical supports   we have a composting toilet that I'm building  it's kind of a work in progress but for now   that's where we're at I use corrugated steel for  all of the metal siding it's really durable it   also has air gaps behind it so once you seal it in  and caulk it in it's actually extra insulation for   my bathtub slash shower I ended up using a stock  tank for watering animals probably went a little   bit bigger than I needed to but I wanted it to be  big enough for two people I can take full baths in   there if I have enough water my favorite part of  the bathroom is the towel rack it's actually made   from an old pickaxe that I found at a yard sale so  I refinished it and uh made it into a towel rack   moving from the bathroom towards the bedroom  is the window area this is where I do most of   my work I don't really like sitting when  I work so I do a lot of standing so it's   nice to be able to work at my laptop and be  able to look out the window I own and operate   a local printing company here in Boulder  Colorado Boulder banners and I'm also a   graphic designer when I'm not doing that  I like to make art I like to be creative   this is Cali's spot she uh pretty much takes up  this spot all day every day a couple years ago I   decided I needed a cat in my life and I looked at  300 pictures of cats before I decided on this one   and we're Inseparable we do everything together  she sleeps in bed with me she's always beside   me we go hiking camping everything together so  I lucked out I have a pretty perfect kitty cat   as we move to the bedroom one of the first things  you'll see is this step up figuring out the height   of the bed was kind of a balance between having  enough space to sit up in bed and not have my   head hit the ceiling and having enough space  underneath in my storage closet area to where   my clothes weren't dragging on the ground so this  is the under the bed storage area this is pretty   much my closet my garage everything combined  I keep my long board for traveling around town I was able to fit a queen size bed in here  which is really nice I really like the vibe   of like a little Nook or a cave that I can sleep  in especially uh if I'm sleeping during the day   it gives me a little bit of privacy kind of keeps  me in the shade the back bookcase is actually its   own separate piece I'm planning on having that  lower down with an ATV winch or something similar   it would eventually come down to be level with  the bed so that would be one giant open window   when my back ramp is open I designed the height  of the Shelf to essentially accommodate my feet   when I'm laying down I'm 5'8 and I sleep  pretty comfortably in here this trailer is   seven foot wide so as long as you're not seven  foot tall you should be able to fit in here   on the side of my bed I have this fold down  cabinet door this is where I keep all my musical   equipment I'll set up my machine MK3 here and  make electronic music on this TV the spider web   on the ceiling of my bedroom uh is actually lights  and that goes along with all my party lights for   festivals and burning man stuff I designed the  house to have essentially like a normal daytime   lighting scheme and then there's an entire second  scheme of like party lights colorful lights for   Burning Man festivals Gatherings things like  that I like to be surrounded by a lot of color   especially when I'm hanging out with my friends I  like to add kind of a magical Ambiance to the air   as for my plans for the future with my tiny  house I want to travel around and create art   and use this as my home base as a passion I like  building things out of Willow sticks I've been   working on this large Sphere for a few months now  I have a company called arbora it specifically   builds things out of Willow sticks I also make  these Arbors out of Willow sticks make these   for weddings and ashrams places like that kind  of gives you a little bit of a magical path to   walk through this is uh called The Sacred serpent  Garden it's a giant Effigy of a snake I started   building this at the beginning of the pandemic  just as a way to keep myself sane but I also   thought it would be appropriate because snakes  are a symbol of rebirth and Enlightenment so this   draws a lot of families and kids out here people  are always coming by to visit it walk through it I think in so many ways tiny house living has  made me a better person giving me a better life   given me a better outlook on life I need less to  be happy I spend more time in nature I'm spending   more time with my friends my family I'm spending  more time in my community those are all the things   that I didn't foresee happening when I moved into  this house the lifestyle changes and the positive   aspects of that change has been a surprise for me  it's brought me a new level of happiness [Music]   thank you thanks for watching this week's  episode I hope you guys enjoyed it please   make sure to like share and subscribe and I  will see you soon with another unique home tour
Channel: Tiny House Giant Journey
Views: 145,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiny house giant journey, tiny house, Tiny houses, tiny homes, tiny house tour, stealth tiny home, stealth tiny house, tiny home tour, cargo trailer conversion, trailer conversion, cargo trailer, tiny house diy, tiny house build, hobbit house, hobbit hole, whimsical home, stealth camping, stealth life, stealth living, stealth camping van, van life, tiny house movement, minimalism, living big in a tiny house, tiny house tours, affordable housing, affordable house
Id: v2Lr0yPOpvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2023
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