He built a house in the forest with his own hands. Start to finish

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Channel: Lesnoy_Offline
Views: 206,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bushcraft, bushcraft skills, dugout shelter, bushcraft camp, dugout, camping, dugout house, log cabin, dugout building, solo bushcraft, building, dugout in the woods, bushcraft dugout, bushcraft solo, woodworking, camp, primitive technology, bunker, the forest, do it yourself, diy, diy projects, how to, crafts, Lesnoy_Craft, Lesnoy_Near_to_fire, Lesnoy_Offline, Lesnoy, Lesnoy_Badger, building a hobbit house, do-it-yourself hobbit house, dig a house, forest life, hobbit house
Id: XbgvTpLt_iE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 31sec (2431 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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