HDMI interno PLAYSTATION 2 SLIM - super simple!
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Channel: Mundo Yakara Colombia
Views: 347,086
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Keywords: yakara, tutorial, ayuda, retro, ps2, play station 2, playstation 2, mod, moding, modding, modificar, opentuna, opl, lag, velocidad, sd, jugar desde sd, disco duro, sata, hd, hdd, solido, compatibilidad, mx4sio, sio2sd, pines, soldar, interno, instalar, driver, OPNPS2LD, beta, configurar, memoria, memory card, jugar desde usb, sin dvd, sin lente, sin lector, sin chip, play 2, maximus32, test, led, estado, cables, 90001, 70001, 77001, fat, slim, puerto, hdmi, ps2 2 hdmi, ps2 to hdmi, ps2hdmi, alta resolucion, full hd, 1080
Id: 7atlMTu2zq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 55sec (3595 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 21 2021
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