HD Last laps of the amazing Monaco Grand Prix 1984, LIVE BBC COMMENTARY

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Diner Peter Gein the new team manager all very much on their toes worrying about what's happening and I'm going to give you the time interval now between the completion of this lap for Alam Prost in the lead and Senna who is in second place with the news that Ki rosberg is closing up on our new for fourth position as louder completes the lap by foot now Prost has gone through the Gap was 21 seconds louder looking at d War's car taking an interest in everything around him perhaps wanting to delay the moment before he gets back and we're still waiting for Center to come through and here he is the gap now is down to 18 seconds so Alan poost in the lead is being caught quite rapidly here is Alam frost on his 29th lap hon Center has got the gap down from 31 seconds to 18 yes this means that um as a rate of Progress Center uh rather Pro is going to have to find another here because Center is catching him quite comfortably enough to do it well before the end of the race with plenty of time to find a way around him here's the leader Senna second Bell third the two new boys of gr PR racing this season in second and third places are new is fourth rosberg is fifth the catching are new the Angeles is sixth the last man to be on the same lap as the leader Alberto is a lap behind in seventh place ginani is the highest ever he's ever been in a gr free in eighth position in ninth place is Jack lafi then four laps behind the leader but now out of the race for try as is louder Winkle Hawk is retired manel's out PK's out ano's out there are very few people left running in the race and there's going to be even we must watch the tunnel very carefully because although it was watered at the beginning of the race of course it hasn't been watered since whereas the rain has continued to Belt down on every other part of this Monaco lap now here is the leader coming through again the Gap was 18 seconds he goes round sand devot and starts to climb the hill for the 30th time in what we expect to be about a 60 lap race and the gap between himself and Aon Center is now 15 seconds Aon Center is catching this man number seven race leader Alam Frost marbar McLaren at the rate of 3 seconds aaps so in five laps time if he keeps doing it Aon Center is going to be right with the race leader with only just over half of the race run at that time well I think we are watching the arrival of Aon Senna has truly outstanding talent in Grand Prix racing the rain is coming down even harder now we got a real Cloud on now uh but a center has um the same tires that Alan Frost is running the same tires that the other melin Runners is on melin tires and he's catching Alan brost at something like 3 seconds of thatp and that is a truly staggering performance uh the Tolman is obviously a good chassis which is a great credit to their team they put it together it's quite new look at the rain now you can see that it's much heavier the track is much wetter than it was a couple of laps ago and now that's about the view you get when you're following another car that brief one he just came through and all the spray came up and it's really horrible conditions but an and Center is coping with him and he's catching Frost hand over fist for the I can't believe that they're going to keep running this race the the conditions are the worst I have ever seen in a long long time of watching races now here is CR coming through again and I'm going to start the stopwatch 15 seconds was the Gap if Center is continuing to close at the rate of 3 seconds and that cross is waving his hand cross goes through waving his hand at the officials he wants to stop the race and who can blame him now I'm just waiting for Center to come through and the the Gap as Senna goes through quite dis passionately is down to 11 seconds he's taking 4 seconds out of FR lead yes Prost uh with his experience once the race stops and uh I can't name him for that because uh I would started is it but uh the fact of the matter is it's a very slow track here there's a lot of Corners cars don't get very fast and aqua planing is not normally a problem I I can't from this position sitting here say that it is or it isn't a problem but normally there isn't enough water on the track it's a very hilly track so don't get a lot of lying water and and this as aquaplaning there is in fact uh from a a purist and a dispassionate point of view no reason to stop the race but a lot of engines are drowning now Anu has gone past with a badly misfiring Ferrari engine followed almost immediately by Ki rosberg with the same trouble and I would suspect that they are both both running on only five cylinders uh do you not suspect maray possibly that that's because they're using half throttle because the conditions have got so bad it may be that it isn't a misfire it's just the the way they're driving the engine possibly it could indeed be just that because it affects the turbocharger balance and that's Alberto catching Prost now Alberto has in fact been lapped and Prost is slowing right down and Alberto keeps going I'm beginning to think that Prost is in some sort of trouble don't forget that we suspect that Nikki louder's engine was drowned the Gap and we are now coming up to complete the 31st lap in what we expect to be a 60 lap race if it goes the full two hours Alberto having been push started once more we'll take the gap between Frost and CNA first and second it was 11 seconds having come down from 15 on the previous lap Prost waved his head the previous lap but not this one and there goes Center and it's only 7 Seconds now and what will happen if the race is stopped well at this point it could be that they will just decide the conditions are so bad that they can't restart it in which case the positions as they are now would be declared to final race positions and half points would be awarded and it might conceivably mean that as in the French gr pre a couple of years ago the race will be restarted later when hopefully the conditions have improved a bit although I can't see much likelihood of them doing so and out is going the red flag the race is being stopped there's an official front of me with a red flag The Monaco gr Prix is going to be stopped and I was about to say that I felt that Prost had a very big Advantage being the lead as a Frenchman when the conditions got this bad because it is French official them and I think if they stop the race Tolan and uh Aon CER will have a very very reasonable Grudge as he goes through catching Frost hand over Fifth and I think uh that this is is what I would call French timing uh to be as polite as possible it does seem to me a bit wrong and the C Center could catch him but he's got the Ferrari in the way well there goes cross into the rcast corner chased by Center in second place just about two or 3 seconds behind him now there's an official right in the middle of the road now showing the red flag and the cheer flag is going out they are stopping this is going to be the end of the Monaco gr Prix with Al and cross his stopping and S crosses the line before he gets there now that's amazing proster sto actually on the line finner passed him as he got to the line but subject to official confirmation I'm virtually certain that Prost has won with Senna second yes I think pross crossed the line just before Senna did and uh it will be uh really a tragic result in sen how however he's not about to be world champion this year he will undoubtedly be world champion in the future if his career continues so well see has every reason and every justification for being very upset he he will uh have he's got a big future The Monaco gr Prix having been dramatically stopped on the 3 second at the end of the 30 second lap and having been won by Alan Prost who is therefore now won three grand PR and finished second in one this year to extend his world championship lead a magnificent second the man you are looking at now Aon Senna who seems conceivably to think he has won judging by the way he's waving his hand in third position Stephan bellof equally magnificent in the turle ahead of the fourth place man reny aru in the Ferrari in fifth position KY rosberg and in sixth place Elliot the angelist
Channel: Peggy26
Views: 1,084,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alain Prost, Ayrton Senna, Rene Arnoux, Keke Rosberg, Elio de Angelis, Michele Alboreto, Piercarlo Ghinzani, Jacques Laffite, Stefan Bellof, Riccardo Patrese, Niki Lauda, Manfred Winkelhock, Nigel Mansell, Nelson Piquet, Francois Hesnault, Corrado Fabi, Johnny Cecotto, Andrea de Cesaris, Derek Warwick, Patrick Tambay, Mauro Baldi, Marc Surer, Phillipe Alliot, Eddie Cheever, Thierry Boutsen, Jonathan Palmer, Martin Brundle
Id: ZxYX2RZ4Ei8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2010
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