Crazy Final Three Laps in Monaco! | 1982 Monaco Grand Prix

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and as price goes into the tunnel he is now on his way to his sixth Grand Prix victory in two years three wins last year South Africa and Brazil and there goes Prost oh did our new my goodness what about Patrese II now that tells you how wet it is now is portrays ecoodysseys yes he is Patricia's through safe and he's in the lead what an incredible developments Riccardo Patrese he takes the lead on the 74 slap out of 76 and he is on his way to his first Grand Prix victory Riccardo Patrese II who for four years for arrows and several times came near to winning a Grand Prix at South Africa in 1978 last year at Long Beach takes the lead now and he's coming through on left 74 he gets a frenzied signal from the problem teeth and into lap 75 the penultimate lap goes the new race leader in second place valve in Didier Pironi in the Ferrari in third place now then is Andrea de Chasseur is in fourth place and he's been lapped Derek Daly in fifth place is Nigel Mansell in 6a is Elio De Angelis and in seventh place is Brian Henson and we now only have ten cars left in the race so Ricardo proses you now has all the pressure off the anyhow screws around the person he's sliding in his office zero Derrida can he keep the engine running because he can still win the race if he can just get the car going again and it's obviously getting very very slippery out there we thought a nagger they goes Pirelli through the leaf really nice Didier Pironi leads and portrays he is stalled well incredible unit numero uno is the signal that he gets from the marshal and Rick I'll add PDA Peroni is on his way to winning his second Grand Prix's this year and the third in his career because the French Ferrari driver number there he goes Didier Pironi number 28 won at San Marino and he will know that he has really got to tiptoe around Monaco because he has seen Pross lucid he has seen Petrelli losing and now it is Peroni leading it is Android and treasure is in second place up into third place comes Derek daily and look how slow Peroni is going and look how the car twitches it's really slippery there on slick tires no trade at all now Peroni is about to start his last lap or are they stopping the race the blue flags are waving that means give way well well soon know it's tremendous you can there's an enormous electric atmosphere here and Peroni is going through he sniffing as he came through one lap he has been given the signal by the start line official you have one lap to go and he is now behind the new third place man Derek Bailey well Daly in his second race for Williams he's going to finish in third position and who could possibly have four cars back earlier on last lap take it easy fellows all the marshals are saying great shame for Derek Daly's that the rain didn't come a little bit earlier because he is a real master in these conditions Derek Daly in fact will move up very fast in these conditions he's got amazing talents on a slippery surface there goes Derrick daily still ahead of Didier Pironi who is very sensibly playing it cool he knows he's on his last lap he doesn't know of course how far the second-place man is behind him at least I wouldn't think he does he may have been getting signals from the Ferrari pits but the signals would have been rather about how far the man ahead of him was and there goes for Tracy port rages on the move again very fast but no hope of catching Peroni who goes the tunnel for the lies that Brody stationary it is my goodness the third leader in two laps he must have run out of petrol there's a big problem for up the Ferrari engine it's very very thirsty they have a fuel problem and he could have run out of petrol and that is the trigger is his car but the treasury's would have taken the lead if he went Peroni so that means to say that Derek Bailey can win this race for tres well portrays he could win now there if he's pushed started he will be disqualified well the treasure is out he portrays he could win Phil portrays he got through he restarted you heard me say that he'd gone through and portrays his film and Heydar very clearly or was and now there is Derek daily coasting to a standstill this is unbelievable we've got this ridiculous situation we're all sitting about the start/finish died waiting for a winner to come past and we don't seem to be coming one Daly has hit something you can see his near side spoiler is missing we're just hoping that Ricardo portrays he comes in because if we if he doesn't heaven knows who he's going to be the winner would be Nigel Mansell the men and there's procced with it obviously hurt his foot a lamp Pross with his racing boot and sock off there's Bailey's car being pulled in well Pross later went out portrays he later went out Peroni lid and wait out the Treasury's lid and went out and now portrays he is coming in to win without adults there is the man who who could have said this he's going to win the Monaco Grand Prix despite having spun off Riccardo Patrese II come up to the line to win his first Grand Prix's he takes the checkered flag and win certainly the most eventful exciting momentous Grand Prix I have ever seen you
Channel: FORMULA 1
Views: 3,195,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: F1, Formula One, Formula 1, Sports, Sport, Action, GP, Grand Prix, Auto Racing, Motor Racing, Monaco, 1982, Prost, De Cesaris, Pironi, Daly, Patrese, Monte Carlo, Overtake, Crash, Spin, Battle
Id: L3_WOtyg9Dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 21sec (381 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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