[HD] GEEF: Special Conversation with Jack Ma at Yonsei University BKM

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so now we'll invite the speakers to come to the stage please remain seated thank you thank you please be seated take your seats thank you [Applause] so please welcome our two distinguished speakers and this session is designed the special conversation between chairman ma & sakurajima van so secretary-general ban will take over the floor from me and floor is yours secretary general president Kim Yong hak Yonsei University former president of Austria Heinz fish excellencies dear students distinguished speakers ladies and gentlemen it's a great honor and pleasure for me to welcome all of you this to this special conversation with Jack Ma chairman of Alibaba Group and special advocate of the United Nations secretary-general for sustainable development goals are we been working together very closely in trying to attaining the fulfillment of sustainable development goals there are some people who do not need any introductions so therefore instead of me introducing him already it will be boring so I'd like to ask you to watch trip to three minutes I shot video clips about his own personal life for history his commitment and his vision how she has been working hard together with the United Nations and other partners around the world to make this world better not only people of China but the whole world of the world whole people of the world so let us watch and after that that we will continue our special dialogue thank you [Applause] transform this village for centuries the villages of Warsaw have made furniture for reeds fish start of pawns but they can never get their products to market now China's online shopping revolution means millions of potential customers are just a click away Hmong Lili was among the villages Aaliyah's combats our business now has a dozen staff and sales of more than a million dollars a year when I started this business my neighbors thought I was just playing computer games they couldn't understand what I was doing sitting in front of a screen all day but gradually we got more and more orders now my family make a lot of money we've bought houses and cars and are living the dream ain't you a new suit out and foreign changing the Goron prom changing the luigi he does justice out go li ping star somehow feel a guy here later Chinkin sonya want to get a chicken without pay so your sights hunter from your late order pan Asia I've seen choking considered from Cuba catch attack upon hinging him at the center of what we moved under killed by human rights we need your help to make sure the sustainable value enforce the fitness of all business and the PD so for all the people I'm not here to ask you to give money to the United Nations I'm here to align your business operations and your pigeon submission to align align with the United Nations sustainable development goals and the vision on climate change Lamia yummy so gooey Tatsu sad to see soldiers any pizzas on see that it's all about vomiting fight a she don't take a shower as a home for me it's a Cheney I invited her community Lucia you hunted superpower that already some Easter time so it generally it's the guy in the simple cabin on the decision so it was Peter wants a hidden sure you the pink I show you achieve a life Alicia show you on the Chilean foreign body well chairman ma is a great pleasure to meet you here in Seoul my home country as you know I was in your company and you attended the sin philanthropy conference which was successfully forced by you in July 2015 I remember the death I think a conference put together lot of philanthropy pioneers in China and many experts experts around the world to foster an idea how the business communities can work for implementing their sustainable development goals I was a fascinated by your opening remarks which you have watched just if I make what you said that it's not enough to have a goodwill but we also need the talent and planning and execution to make a sustainable world in China and in the world in the same vein as a secretary I have been always emphasizing in my keynote speech the is not the only government we need the stronger partnership between government business communities and civil society leader leadership this is a very important partnership which I have been emphasizing I have been also emphasizing that we are the first generation which can put an end to abject poverty as China has been really a passionately doing under the leadership of President Xi Jinping and we are also the last generation who can put take some actions against the continuing accelerating climate phenomenon this is what I have been emphasizing and as we have just watched you have invented one Chinese character as I said this is a shame you have what have you seen have you known this word Shin I I know how many people can invent any character or any language king sejong of korea he invented Hangul Korean alphabet I don't know when who invented Chinese character but you are only one Chinese maybe who has invented this Asham character let me just ask you your philosophical thoughts why you invented this in philanthropy I know that this is something which you are carrying for other people so I think many people should be very much interested and curious about this letter yeah thank you so much security Channel and thank you so much for coming I'm very happy to be an honor to be invited let me first answer the court that the new world the changing on the top is the family and the bottom is the heart so we believe that the world should be like a family like it should not be the world full of wars full of angers and what's the meaning of making money I think I'm asking myself from a very poor family from nobody to today willing to be such a size what's the purpose of being rich we don't want to spend the money in the hospital we are rich they die in a miserable way you're sick you don't want to spend the money when you have money the environment is bad you don't want have the money because the wall the world is full of wars and anger and hatred so I believe that Iran poppy is that you should treat the ball like a family you should treat to the things with the heart giving money away is simple and easy but giving your action is different the difference between charity in France a fee charity is more about giving money Fran therapy is more about giving actions so the shiiin platform we build up is try to enable and encourage millions of people in this world they don't have money but they have a great heart they do tiny things they change themselves so I think when you give money to the others not necessary to change the others and not necessary a change in the world where you give money give action to the others you are changing yourself right when there's an earthquake happen in Japan earthquake happen in China I donated my money my colleagues donated the money and I told my colleagues the money you donated will not solve a lot of problems in the earthquake areas but the action you do it change yourself when if only when everybody has changed the world can be changed so this is our philosophy we from my view we should encouraging people with good heart with tiny actions to improve the world by changing yourself I improve the world by having a little bit and doing philosophy different from the charity is charity you give the money now you go away from poppy is about make get the result so I think when you want to do something good it's not only about a goodwill it's about a good execution so that is why we think we should at the fountain feast you have to work together with government business and scientist scientists would teach you what is the right - way to do the right things business is all about doing this thing in an efficient way I found a lot of people in this world they have a business of heart but they have a frown simple way they do the opposite I think we should have a we should have a front to pay heart but in a business way business people is about a result business people is about efficiency so a lot of people if we do this thing takes about three dollars if you don't have the business skills you may spend thirty dollars to do this this is not efficient if it is not efficient differentl peak can never last long so this is what we believe that agreement thank you since you are here here in Korean I'd like to tell you a very good story about you a lot of people and not only have interest I think your recent book which you wrote is now being sold like hot cake and I also bought one book like Mao in the future I saw like the new challenges and opportunities in the era of theta technologies in that book you mentioned something you know were related to ash in philanthropy effective altruism I think this is an important characteristic which is a fast evolving social movement and dedicated to maximizing the impact to or help others who would otherwise be left behind it aims to persuade I know that to give a civic significant portion of your time and money to improving the world and to do so in a most cost-effective way you said that in your book that this is one of the way to shift the paradigm it really helps a paradigm shift in our world effective altruism really really promotes equity and also a technically for many people as a second general I have one of my mottos is that not to leave anybody behind right so left nobody behind regardless of your racial economic status political status or gender whatever it may be so it's a very important motto of the United Nations I think this effective altruism seems to aim to achieve that kind of a world some people even economic experts colors or multinational Development Bank ahead they said that would it be possible to eradicate completely the abject poverty by 2030 which we aim in sustainable development goals how do you think your concept of effective altruism will help achieve our common goal of addressing sustainable development goals thank you so much well for the question first I did not write the book I think this is a book it's about all most of the words and speeches that my thinking people come because I think one day I will write a book the book I want to write is Alibaba 1001 mistakes all the mistakes that I made and we make will be the most attractive things for the human beings especially for young people to learn from the mistakes that we make people today say Jack Mario is so smart Alibaba people are so smart we were not smart we're smart because we learn from mistakes and we want share the book with you sure how stupid we were when we were young make a lot of mistakes but I like your story the question first people were later we'll discuss about technology the new technologies revolution is coming if we are not ready for this technology revolution very possibly it will become a social revolution a lot of people's gonna job is gonna be away I don't think government is ready I don't think people are ready especially those successful people today we are not ready for the next of 30 years technology revolution because problems that bring a lot of great opportunities for human beings much more problems will be solved but lot of new problems will be created next 30 years but I would have say 50 years later our next generation after next who will be benefited from this technology of loosing but our generation all our kids is going to suffer the first technology revolution my view is cost directly or indirectly the first world war ii technology revolution directly or indirectly caused the second world war now we are coming to the certain technology revolution what's the third world war is the third world war is about human being should work together against the poverty the war against the poverty the war against the disease the war against environment so I think the technology of today you're talking about our increasing is about enabling the IT technology is to enable yourself to make the power much more powerful the data technology which we are going to enter link is to enable the poor enable others it's a great opportunity for our generation for our people so I think everybody should be know all the young people here if you want to be successful in next to 30 years think about others more than think about yourself this is how Alibaba succeed because in the past 20 years I work with my team think about a small business think about a young people think about women how you can enable them to be successful if they are successful you can get tiny out of it if all the people you supported all bankrupted you have no chance to win so this is what my view is about when we do things we have to be effective we have to have our sink heart inside but we also have to the enable capability execution capability to make things happening I love the technology revolution but I worry about technology revolution that is why I go all around the world to talk to government offices talk to the leaders talk to successful people please get ready for the next 30 years it's going to be good 30 years later but it's going to be tough next to the years that is why we have to be effective thank you very much before I senior let me just explain why I talked about your poop I'm glad to know that you have not written any book until now as I had not been doing in fact there are many books are written about me many people asked about what they read in that in those books but unfortunately I have never write written a book about me whatever subject maybe I'm going to write a book let us see it is good it is good I was very much of flattered when I was reading at the back page there was several reporters but there was a one photo taken with me and with you in between you and me so I was very much a fret fretted about the textbook anyway this was a book about your conversation with the with the President Obama Jack Trudeau of Canada or some other happiness leaders of the world so it was quite inspiring to understand how you think about the future how you can really use your power your capacity with money and energy and technological innovate innovative ideas for other people since you raised the issue of women and youth I think it is not for us the reason why we are working hard is not for us in fact we are working for our succeeding generations and there are still many people youth and women whose political economic and social status and opportunities have not given properly I know that you you have employed a lot of women a lot of women sitting in the boardroom this excellent there's excellent in fact if we combine some number statistics the half of this award is our women at least more more than men then if we combine the number of a young people from age 10 to 25 or so there are 1.8 billion people dead accounts about 75% of our global populations are either women or young people but in that young women will be included in any way a 75 percent of our global population those who really we have to care for their future a generation in fact I have been saying that you are the leaders next tomorrow but even today there are many young people we have taken very strong active leadership role this is a very important role and I ask you to continue as such kind of work caring for women and for young people in fact even in Korea we my government is having serious a problem because of a high unemployment rate of young people but this is not only in Korea but world worldwide worldwide the problem and that's why I for the first time in the history of the United Nations I appointed a special envoy for youth yes again I again established for the first time in the history of the United Nations UN Women a super agency it's like a Ministry of women agenda empowerment epic night noises that's great yes indeed is hard to believe that United Nations has not taken much on youth and women that's what I did during my time as a second general now with your capacity now as one of the most successful business leaders in the world how can you do more I know that you are leading by example I know that about 24% of board members women in your company and the almost a 50% of your employees are women that's fantastic and I ask you to continue lead by example but how can you ask your partner's or you may have but you must have a lot of millions of business partners yeah it may be very important for you to emphasize the importance of doing much more first thank you first I always share my secret sauce of the success of Alibaba the secret sauce of Alibaba success because we have almost 49% of the employees of the company and women 37% of the senior management of Alibaba Group are women let me tell you thank you I would I want to i want to thank women to supporting us let me tell you if you want your company or organization to be ok high men if you want your company to be good high at least fourteen fifty percent of women if you want your company to be perfect you should make men and women working together this is three ways I found a lot of companies a lot of men their company okay you know there is nothing that is good but a lot of company good they must have a lot of women site if the company is perfect women and men work harmoniously for my company I would say that once improved what sure we are entering a world with great experience customers need great experience women has the best care heart than men women care for their husband parents and children see a lot of women go shopping wouldn't go shopping a lot but they go shopping not only buy for themselves they buy for husband and parents and the kids this we are entering into the world it's not a competition of muscle it's competition of wisdom it's competition of of careness and I'm a strong believer that in the 21st century if we have more women leaders this world will be much peaceful and wonderful if we have more presidents from women if we have secretary-general of you now nation of women the water this is true cuz women they care man well I don't say men don't care normally men care about themselves more than women care for the others this is I have done a lot of Statistics both online and offline so I think if you want your company to be user-friendly custom love you with great chemistry in your company please put that effecting side this is the magic ingredient of your company my company will never treat him he or she we just retreat if she or he are capable and young people are the future young people our hope a lot of people say hopeless your company hopeless because your company don't have young people if your company have a lot of young people young people have a lot of great ideas when you have great ideas you are always fuel of hope for the future so my company today average age is 20 is 33 years old we're getting old but we encouraging every year we should have more young people to bring us different ideas young people have problems tell me who has no problems in this world all the people have the problems even much more difficult there but just stubborn there with the young people young people embrace the change see we are entering at the internet appearing Secretary General said 1.8 million people in this world they are young people and today in this world more than 1.5 billion people are using Internet they breathe they read they eat they sleep with the internet and they are the reformer of tomorrow they at least they are trying for the future at least they can hear the future they feel the future we don't so a lot of people try to see the future by their experience let me tell you you may have experience of life but you don't have the experience for the technology that is changed so rapidly young people have so please high enough young people to make your company full of hope please high enough young people to make your company don't worry about the future please high enough women to make your company to be perfect this is this is there's no other ways that you can do it and I've seen this I proved this and I'm telling most of my partner's colleagues this is the way and you like it or you don't like it young people will be the leader of our country of our world you see so many young leaders today in Europe used to be all the guys now young people you see so many women leaders are coming it will come emore no matter you like her don't like it and get ready to welcome them and embrace them that's what I said I like your comment I like your comment but don't tell it to Antonio Guterres when he comes tomorrow morning - there there is a one woman lady woman leader who is now sitting with us who became almost my successor secretary-general of the United Nations didn't have a cover she was director-general I still regret because the selection of a secretary-general is turned by the member states of the United Nations second general doesn't have any control but I have been sending out some message you know on official messages it's a high time for United Nations to have a woman leadership at the helm of the United Nations I believe that they will come yeah it's a matter of time it's a network and then I think most of you might have read this a fortune 500 they surveyed their board the composition of board members those companies where more women are sitting as board members they were more prosperous more successful in their business this is exactly line with what you are doing now I'm asking you consider or employ more women and more young young leaders in your jobs I also need the ladies and gentlemen some encouragement of approach of encouragement for me what I have done after listening what I'm normally known as quite a man very conservative educated under the heavy influence of Confucianism but when I became the second general I was surprised that there were very true women leadership in the issues can you believe that since 1945 when right Nations was established until 1992 during 47 years there were thousands of tens of thousands of UN staff but of course among the senior level like assistant secretary general or undersecretary general level this is comparable to vice ministers or ministers there are only three such women appointed during 47 years it's unacceptable situation then of course my thesis predecessors like accordion and they've been trying hard but not much not much by the end of my time as a second general I have appointed almost 225 that's already then the UN Women head of human women came and can we pray coop appreciation then one very important the women group India based in New York last year created on a word in my name pan given a word for gender empowerment I went to New York to confirm this pan-german over two or three global leadership women Gloria Steinem I think you must know her she came to Korea who cross that is a DMZ with women leaders as she was one of them and I was very much honored that they have created on a word in my name after my name that is what I can tell you that's great I think I deserve some applause good lemme lemme because I love this topic about the women leadership as I say you like it don't like let me tell you one thing the past centuries of human beings people competition of muscle especially past 200 years its knowledge-based society so when knowledge-based people learn how to be smart but a Confucius the Confucius the toys and the Buddhism is all about inward looking but the knowledge-based society is outside looking the smart people what's the difference between smart and wisdom smart people know what they want wise people know what they don't want that's the difference right so a wise people know this is not what I want they don't want it so they will not make a lot of silly mistakes but smart people always I want this I want that when I have women leaders in my management they always ask him you crushing jack are you sure this is what we want always a good question because human being became so greedy in the past 300 years we want everything not only on the earth we want on the moon we want on Mars but we have to ask is that necessary you want this is the question of wisdom and women has the talents and instinct of death better than men so it will come thank you thank you very much let's now move to a some other very important subject about technology you said you said that we are moving from IT to a PDE data technology and we are I think all the on the doorstep of all this industrial fourth Industrial Revolution now this technological development has been phenomenal and very much even some people say that it's moving at the light to speed we then we don't know where our technology level will will reach now at this moment when we are talking about fourth Industrial Revolution there are many people who express the concerns whether we are going toward the right direction of course it will be very important to take benefit as much as we can from the transformative development of technologies and communication as a true but at the same time some people say that when this artificial intelligence reach a certain stage to control human being when you know that the very famous alphago has beaten ISA door you know who is the world-class ho player this alphago has beaten all chinese world-class and japanese world-class go players the incident has won just one set out of five sets and nobody that we are now told that they may have some emotional capacity some passions which only human being can have this a privilege of God's creatures but now what will happen if we reach a certain stage when the artificial intelligence control human being they say that by the by the time we reach 2100 there will be absolutely no jobs necessary is it really a reality then you are one of the most visionary a person who has been using this technology of information and data technologies I think when the g20 summit meeting was held in Hangzhou in 2016 you proposed to sort of Yee World Trade platform it's the first time that the g20 leaders have adopted in the final declaration what the padishah leader has been saying so you are the only one as far as I understand that your vision of ewt typically has been included in final declaration of treat 320 summit meeting again let me just ask a direct question what do you think how you view where we will be reaching in terms of industrial revolution fourth Industrial Revolution and what's the role of a human being at that time thank you for the question let me tell you that the data period the artificial intelligence the robots all the things you worry about is coming so stop worrying it's coming second that this is very natural a lot of people worry just like a first revolution come the Warriors second members should come they worry and those people worried are always older people and rich and successful experience the people young people don't worry so you don't worry for the young people right young people said don't worry about us what about to yourself it's just like the early days where the mobile phone people say how can you use a mobile phone that much get the screen is so small scree is not small your eyes is getting old something is coming next thing I would say robots artificial intelligence will never ever replace human being this is a my true belief human being are so smart so wise no matter how smart computer is human being will win let me tell you when machine when car was invented the people who hated was the horsemen they tried to destroy all the cars you cannot stop it and we know one thing that machine is stronger than men when car and trains came we know machine will run faster than men so the day when alphago came I said how stupid people why not a computer with alphago alphago that machine will be smart to play chess with you just like a car is going to be faster than human being human beings shall play with human being human be sure not play with machine remember that if you want complete compete with machine who can play chess better you are humanly to yourself don't do it they remember that everything they never get a type they never get angry they never get a happy so they calculate human being no have chance so don't do that but the world is not about smartness the world is about heart wisdom is from the heart brain is about the knowledge if you compete with the knowledge machine will win but if you compete about the wisdom machine has no chance so I said if you want to be successful you should have IQ high IQ but if you don't want to lose alright say sorry if you want to be successful you should have a good high EQ because II could people love him give him more opportunity but if you don't want to lose quickly you should have high IQ but if you want to be respected continue to wink you should have lq the cue of love which machine will never have it so the challenge today is that everything we are teaching us don't worry about look don't worry about the machine artificial intelligence because the artificial intelligence today is trying to make machine learn from human beings learn from human brains how much we know about a human brains less than 5% the brain we know ourselves less than 5 to 80% how can less than 5 and 80% thinks the machine can do better than us so don't worry about it the thing we have to worry about our children how we should change our education system how should we change the way we teach the content that we teach that making sure that our kids will not be stupid enough to compete with machines on the things the machine can do better we should teach our kids do things the machine can never be able to do by the way I'm happy a lot of people don't have a lot of jobs on the jobs the machine can do better human beings should do things the human being can do better you like it don't like it let me tell you my grandfather working worked 18 hours a day he said oh very busy he worked in the digging in the prom we work eight hours a day five days a week we feel very busy let me tell you our grandchildren work only like a 3-4 hours a day three days a week they would tell you they are very busy they are traveling all around the world in our life we only visited 30 cities their life they will visit 300 cities in their life they are always on the way they are always exchanged they are using machines to do a lot of things that a human be don't want to do but of course next the 30 years will be tough that is why it is good it is bad that is why we have to find a solutions get ready for it you cannot stop it nobody can the only things how we can change ourselves to be harmonious ways the coming technology we don't have choice guys so we're a lot of things the Prime Minister and president worry I never worry I only worry about the things the promise to do not worry I have lot of things my words so I've said how can we change our kids so the thing company like us we have a responsibility to share our know how to improve of technology using technology to enable people live better instead of using technology to make yourself powerful or your company powerful this is going to be disaster last centuries or century before last human being used the technology to make themselves more powerful like the other people down then if the technology level to become social revolution we should be using technology to be inclusive enable all the people in this way society next to 30 years is going to be peaceful this is my suggestion thank you very much I'm a little bit relieved to learn that what you said the human being will be able to wisely control and overcome this concerns that's what I have been also thinking even for I'm not a scientist I'm the futurist but I have also been asked to so many times and that kind of a question which I asked you but it turns out that the UN so and my answer seems to be same I have been always saying that thinking about the how human being human kind has been able to overcome all the challenges to journey like million Alania years yes in the end the human being humankind will be able to overcome this challenge that's one thing I firmly believe and thank you very much for for your such inspiring my grandfather worried about my father my father worried about me you know but I do better than my father my father better than my grandfather so don't worry about us don't worry about young people young people can do better we have to trust them and I trust them this is why our company grow [Applause] okay one last comment is that it's not political comment but listening to what you've been saying that our succeeding generations will say it complained that why I'm being so I've been working so hard etc etcetera this seems to be what the president moon Jane of Korean government is saying he's asking pushing out all the government officials and employees or business communities why don't you keep eight hours straight time and enjoy your leave and they are giving even paternal leave emotionally in a nation a nation too much honor leave I think this seems to be far reaching a vision but there are some many business people who are also expressing concern but listening to you I think the presence moon seems to be right is this not political comment by a little bit conscious of our time I think we are supposed to have a dialogue for about an hour so hour has almost a pest James James behind you it's a great joy to be here at Yonsei University and thank you very much to Mr Bond for having me here once in a while you'll go to a live event such as the one we have today and you'll be wowed by a speaker who's truly transforming our choices and our opportunities on this particular occasion we had not just one but two such figures and we heard them also in conversation so what we want to do now is to elevate that experience for everybody here in this room as the sustainable development goals are inclusive and spirit so we want to bring your voice into this town hall so to speak so we've got mics all around the room including in the upstairs gallery you've got the face book where the Yonsei page you can ask your questions and we're going to use the next 30 minutes to tap into the ideas insights are the two global visionaries that we have up here on the stage so let's start off with one from Facebook we had one from some up--bam I know my pronunciation is very very bad but he talked about Alibaba because when we think about Alibaba a lot of people reduce it to a retail shopping experience but he taps right into it he says we've heard about Alibaba trying to promote social welfare by Adi pay and other systems could you give us some details on how Alibaba is trying to improve the quality of lies with Chinese people and by helping disadvantaged groups and of course if you go to the Alibaba campus in Hangzhou there's a beautiful corporate Museum and you can look at the ways in which they're helping to find missing children through their big data they're also using big data to predict extreme weather patterns so mr. ma perhaps we can start with a wider idea on how you're trying to help people live the best lies that they can yeah thank you for the question for giving me time to advertise my company oh yeah Ali people know about Alibaba because were ecommerce company but ecommerce is only like 20% of what we're doing the market captured a we listed in New York we only have like 30% of colleagues working on that 70% of the cult employees of Alibaba work nothing to do with the company we believe the world should be inclusive we believe the world should be sustainable that is why we develop all the technology and data for the future and different from the other technical companies we think our technology should enable human beings our technology improving globalization I think nobody can stop globalization when people only work of three four days a week three four hours a day how can you stop them traveling you cannot keep them in the house they're traveling around the world the businesses so our vision is try to use the Internet technology enable every people every small business every women they can global by global cell global delivered global pain and global fan global travel with funds so this is what we are doing this is called a wtp we used electronic world trade platform now we called ewt TP electronic world trade and tourism platform we believe a lot of countries don't have things to sell but if they keep their good environment and culture we can bring a lot of tourism to them also can create a lot of jobs so this is what we are doing thank you for the time okay so let's look around the room who's got a question we'll take somewhere from maybe towards the front of the room first who's got a question you've got the question okay it's got to you you can tell us what your name is what your question is and who it's for first of all thank you very much for sharing your insight mr. pan a mister ma my name is Jay Jin Lee I'm Korean and I'm working for a startup company in Korea which are we are fighting for the fine dust problem in China and in Korea and these are young people and I realized that we have a lot of ideas and we would like to action more and more for fighting all those problems but at the same time we realize that there are not so much financial helps yeah so I would like to know if Alibaba is a founder of Alibaba do you have any plan to invest to those startup company especially in Korea who are fighting for those environmental problems thank you environmental problems yes yes and no yes we would be very happy to join the force together with the young Korean young people with their great ideas technology innovation join the force together fighting against the environment problems know is that we need good people to organize to make sure things are done in a proper way and can be executed in an efficient way an effective way so there are a lot of things we should do we can do and we must do and I think great ideas fighting against poverty disease and environment these are the walls which I call the third world war should fight together and this is where the money should be this is where the technology should be but the only thing is now as the CEO chairman of Alibaba I have a tiny timer for that but later when I become the retired founder of Alibaba I would spend a lot of time on that thank you for the question I keep that in my mind and I would join the force together with you guys thank you so we can turn to this part of the room I don't know how I think we've got about a thousand people in the room we managed to find the only Chinese who wants to ask question as well Oh Thank You mr. pan and mr. mark I'm John from Nanjing China and now I'm doing research on AI application of medicine in as a medical center I have questions to post mr. pan and Miss MA how to make a balance between individual happiness and social responsibility or global responsibility and there's another question for mr. mark besides thinking about a woman or thinking about how to love do you have any practical tips for the 30 year old generations and I watched your movie consult our last night as a young people as a young people I'm more curious about how to get along with the authorities I think unconditional obedience is not a good idea so do you have any suggestions for us thank you you already say this because you're not in China right now right and there's three questions okay we'll take the first one first let me the first part is a very important one we are living in a lot of our conflicts individualism nationalism versus global visions without global vision global citizenship we will continue to see all these kind of conflicts and problems not only poverty particularly the Fighting's and extremism terrorism because of this lot of people have to free and their home countries the land of hatred a lot of Fighting's I have been always emphasizing to foster the global citizenship but that is why recently the dis month last month in Vienna I have established Panjim a center for global citizens because I believe that the fostering and strengthening global citizenship will help promote global solidarity there is no country no company no business however successful you may be there is nothing which we can do alone for example like let us I think about which countries the richest and most powerful easily you can say United States and the European countries so they are most resourceful countries however powerful and resourceful one may be you cannot read along therefore is very important to promote and foster global solidarity rather than individualism rather than nationalism I have been speaking to world leaders please to not erect walls among people or among countries instead build bridges tell the previous among people that's what we have to do but unfortunately for so many people so many countries in now if this kind of a conflict situation continues I think penis people may not be able to engage in sustainable way to make their business work that's my my concern at this time and for young people to really prosper tomorrow and day after tomorrow and we have to create as such conditions thank you so my answer is that let me tell you a bad news the bad news is that today in this world we don't have a lot of global citizens like mr. ban ki-moon very limited good news is that we're going to have more for sure because people like him sacrifice whole his life for the world peace and prosperity not so many people able to do that have feet you know have the vision and heart big heart like him but I think these kind of group people is coming bigger the good news so my advice to people like you if you don't have anything a good global city know first be a good son be a good father you're a good brother you're a good citizen of your city that is the step that we can all be done we have more power money resources do more things for the society but when I was tiny I don't have you know I want to change the world my father said change yourself first now I have money when I have all the resources when I have got more than 65,000 great employees and technology we have let's do something not for me but for the world so this is what I think that that's care for our self care for family our our community our city and then we'll grow it will grow I believe if you really care for your family your community you one day will be able to care for the world and you will be powerful but after 30 years old the person I've said last time in Korea with your 20 years old please follow some good company a good boss a good teacher to be disciplined to learn how to be a right person right employee when you're 30 years old if you want to do something yourself do something yourself when you're 40 years old do something you are good at where you're 50 years old spend time helping young people when you're 60 years old spend time with your grandchildren so don't worry bad about the movie thing it's a fun part of my life CEO should have is alive and I think authority obedient if they're right will follow if they are not right we convince them communicate with them but finally we follow we're gonna take one more question over here then I think we're gonna jump up to the upper gallery young jelly yes and your question I have a question to Jack Ma yet I thank you very much for your perspective and years ago I listened to your speech here on YouTube and you told me just you said before in your age of 50 you have to do something for youngsters so I've written this book and named English called your most respected person is Forrest Gump right so I take the name of the Pope from that Forrest Gump and I know you were the English teacher for six years and what is the best advice to all over the world of the English learners how can we master English easily and fast thank you with the artificial intelligence and robots you don't need English a lot of people say because Robert you put a chip inside you understand all the language but this is no good I strongly encouraging that everybody tried to learn the other language yourself no matter how great the equipment's will be because it's not about a skill it's about you are opening a door for another country different a culture because I think my English is no good a lot of people speak excellent English much better English than I do but I would say I understand Western culture much more than the most of the Chinese people I read a Bibles for several times so that's why I understand a Western but a lot of Westerners have never read a Buddhism Confucius for even one page they start to criticize oriental so you if you don't know so language is so important I don't know how to improve it quickly there's nothing can be critical if you want to be good quickly it's always no good slowly enjoy it they would be good [Applause] you know Jaguar was introduced up on stage with the founder and executive chairman of Alibaba you hear people call chairman ma but I know that having gone to your campus people call him mala sure which literally means teacher ma it's not an exalted title but it goes back to the roots of his original career and what he wants to impart with people they think ban ki-moon has been very much the same you're the head of the IOC Ethics Commission yes you have your bank human center for global citizens and also you'll now want to think of less than 10 elders in the world today is there a commonality what's the common value that unites those three roles and you told the world a few years ago that we are now the most dangerous point since the end of the Second World War since you have the young world in front of you now what would you say they must know now urgently when I said that we are living this the level of tension is the most serious since the end of Korean War I was referring to the situation on the Korean Peninsula but your question about my role as IOC Ethics Commission chair or one of the elders of the world they should be much broader one of course the situation on the Korean Peninsula has global implications not not only regional it has serious implications in this dhoti station but if we do not the properly manage this situation and wisely then this will elevate into a global security concerns I I hope that even thought there are some mixed feelings among a Korean people or even in our relationship with some friendly countries the mace there seems to be some differences of abuse how to manage a current situation the first of all one needs to be very practical that is important that we have to carry on this event only becames in Pyongyang most peacefully and make it the venue of reconciliation and peace that's fundamentally important after that we must make sure that this small opening of dialogue should be led to a genuine genuinely meaningful dialogue leading up to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula in the process may be extremely difficult everybody should be patient and flexible and creative and try to see a bigger picture bigger picture rather than just one a bit by bit what is happening now between South and North Korea now number two North Korean leader Kim yong-nam is coming I think he must have arrived then I see hope that the president moon Jane will take this opportunity of engaging with the many world leaders of friendly countries and Alliance and also even with North Korea just my sincere hope and concerning the overall overall international picture I think we are living in one of the most difficult periods in terms of political situation the more extremism more terrorism have now taken place when I finished my job when I began my job in total seven there were less than 20 million refugees then by the end of my term after 10 years the refugee number rose to 65 million my commitment at the beginning of my term was that I will do my best to make this world a better for all whether I have made it possible or not that has to be left to the judgment of historians but it was not only me alone the UN Secretary is one of many global leaders but I couldn't do all when the leaders of the world were not the fully cooperating were not United and we're not cooperating with the United Nations one other prompt were not providing a necessary financial support then this is what we are now seeing now as one of the elders of this world even though the elders means does not mean that I am world I will do my best to do whatever even without any official title official title that I give you my strong commitment that's a very that's a very unfair title they give to people calling them the elders but anyway bunk human one of the world's Yonkers I want to quickly give the floor to say two more questions in the audience the lady in white do we have a microphone to go up to the upstairs gallery we do right over there and as they get to you let's take a question from oh well since you're waving so frantically the one with a face mask but you're not in Beijing so I don't know why you're wearing a face mask but the lady in green I can't see so we'll take the lady in there first [Music] so hard to see so um it's just an honor to be able to speak to you in person and the question I have actually one comments and one question for you one comment is I personally don't believe that just giving out job opportunities for women it's not really good enough because I strongly believe that all men also need to learn those values too so like I believe we're living in the world where masculinity is being like overly dominating and femininity ripping regarded something as very weak and something that's to be avoided so I believe if you not only give job opportunities to women but also kind of make the output atmosphere in Alibaba to be more like careful like regardless of gender you know or the sex that they were born with so I think it'll be even better for your company so I just wanted to make that comment and it's like um the question that I have is you actually mentioned that if people it's actually good that people are not having job anymore but I actually could have really like wholeheartedly agree with that because I thought they are actually losing their job like and it was not um they were not volunteering me like losing theirs out there like I'm losing their job regardless of what they wanted and I think it is actually a bad sign for um the widening gap of the poor and the rich so like the rich they don't have to work but poor they can't afford anything because they cannot work so in terms of this problem in coming so-called like fourth revolution I just wanted to hear your opinion in steel thank you thank you for the first to comment I think it's not that we're giving jobs for women our company is the women give opportunities for us they having they trust in us and they join us that make our company different we do not think we're giving jobs for women it's the women giving us chance they are not joined the other company like a Google and Mozilla giant Alibaba right every I told the first day when we don't have enough in Prior I told the company that people we can hide different people but people they're giving the best time of their life in our company and we should be thankful it's not they should thank us giving job it's we should thank them I absolutely agree with you and second about those people who losing job next 30 years that worry to me but there is only one thing we think I do is try to learn there are a lot of opportunities today do not try to stick to tomorrow when I was a teacher I did a lot of jobs in my part-time I was I would probably be business the teacher and when I was a student I bred from University I apply so many jobs all rejected so I did a lot of part-time jobs and I believe one thing one day I will when you're turned down and I let me tell you one day the technology revenue coming if I prepare now if I study now one day I will be successful so if you don't prepare one day I will permanently lose my job so now spend your time on computer games spending time on the things that you learn that school future it's going to use and remember all the young people that I don't think I will be here be able to sit next to such a great and honorable person like secretary and you guys I never thought in my life I'd be there but when I was young I thought one day I will be something if I do study learn now I overworked there most of young people but I never disappear like a look when I rejected by people I never disappoint I think I'm not qualified these guys don't have the vision thank you you know I think it's so special for everybody here in this room to be listening to you both in conversation and who would like to have a photograph with ban ki-moon and Jack Ma I can't hear you you do well I feel a little idea I don't know if you're up for it but what if we take a selfie of everybody of using and who the tick would you take the selfie yeah okay let's find a camera who's got a camera okay you go one okay you don't need to stand you just said and then we'll take you but you got away [Music] from another angle no will be done more what are you wave good okay we good thank you okay one more thing yeah before we say goodbye we're going to invite the speakers from today and also the board members of the Ban ki-moon Center to join us up on stage for one last photograph thank you [Applause] so all our speakers and board members from Vienna can join us up on the stage maybe mr. bother mr. mark would come right to the center to the front a little bit Oh
Channel: IGEE Institute for Global Engagement & Empowerment
Views: 58,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jack Ma, Ban Ki-moon, geef, Alibaba, Yonsei, igee, 마윈, 반기문, 글로벌지속가능발전포럼, 알리바바, 글로벌사회공헌원, 연세대학교, bkm
Id: nRqIc5yVAzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 17sec (4877 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 05 2018
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