Hazbin Hotel - ADDICT [Little V Cover] (Silva Hound)
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Channel: LittleVMills
Views: 1,234,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Little V, LittleVMills, Little V Mills, Epic Metal Cover, Little V Cover, addict hazbin hotel, addict cover silva hound, addict cover hazbin hotel, addict metal cover, addict hazbin hotel lyrics, addict guitar hazbin hotel, addict guitar cover, addict male, addict male version hazbin hotel, addict male cover, addict male version, addict hazbin hotel remix, silva hound, silva hound addict, silva hound metal, addict silva hound metal cover, addict silva hound metal
Id: H0o0CuhwJSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 2sec (242 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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And what does he bust out for this cover?
The Schecter Hellraiser 8 String
Fuck yea
. . .Why do so many covers of this song just cut out that last bit at the end of the original song?
"I'm addicted to the sorrow, when the buzz ends by tomorrow, there's another dose of poison flwoing into my veins, giving me a dose of pleasure that resides by the pain, I'm addicted, I'm dependent, looking awesome, feeling helpless, I know I'm raising Cain by every highway in hell, maybe things won't be so terrible inside this hotel?"
Like without that last bit doesn't it leave the song feeling kind of . . .unfinished?
Otherwise I more or less liked this cover by Little V. Unlike a lot of the covers he actually seemed to try and keep the different tone of singing voice that differs Angel Dust's lyrics and Cherry Bomb's.
OK, is it cool to like Hazbin Hotel on this sub now?
Yo, the new DMC6 soundtrack sounds great
Hazbin Hotel?
More like Hazbin Ho-tel.