Devil May Cry 5 - Bury the Light [LITTLE V COVER]
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Channel: LittleVMills
Views: 4,914,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: little v, littlevmills, little v mills, epic metal cover, bury the light, bury the light cover, bury the light remix, bury the light metal, bury the light lyrics, bury the light DMC5, Casey Edwards, Victor Borba, DMC5, devil may cry 5 special edition, devil may cry 5 bury the light, Devil May Cry 5, i am the storm that is approaching, dmc5 vergil theme, dmc5 vergil, vergil theme, bury the light vocal, bury the light guitar
Id: 8HqPyp1Uq7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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I can't accept the fact that he's wearing red for this song
Now I just want to see Little V take on Calliope Mori's remix challenge.
Yeah, I guess I can listen to Bury the Light again.
Shockingly, it's real good.
I love this.
The lyrics are edgy trash in the best way. It's like going and getting a burger at a dive bar. It's not good but I just need to put that garbage in me. I just need it, man.
Did he add the callback to Devil Trigger for the cover or is that in the original? I like that a lot and it's a legitimately cool thing to have that connection between Nero's song and Vergil's. I want to say that it's prog rock as fuck, but I don't know if that's exclusively a progressive rock thing.
This came up first when I searched Bury the Light just now and I didn’t even realize I wasn’t subbed to him for some reason. Sorry V - but that also means this cover is blowing up.
Incredibly good cover as expected.
Gotta say I still prefer Borba's voice on this track. As someone who doesn't really listen to metal, the vocal performance on the original still gives me chills when I hear it.
And now for the first time, in my opinion, Little V has surpassed the original of the song.
This is his best work in my humble opinion