Having To Use The Restraint Chair | Full Episode | Jail TV Show

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about a scale of one to ten she's about a six right now I've dealt with a lot worse [Music] after arrest and before trial comes jail all suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law s [Music] [Music] been with Clark County Detention Center for three years I love every day not knowing what's going to happen how I'm going to handle a situation I've seen so much stuff not a lot surprises me anymore but you know it's a career I chose [Music] oh my God yes [Applause] please okay you want the nurse there's the nurse what do you want to know I have depression I'm an alcoholic and I have four suicide attempts anything else you want to know and I've got severe tendonitis in both my arms so what they did just really hurt severely can you stand up for us I need you to hold no you're not going anywhere don't grab my arms then hold still listen to direction we won't have to okay listen to me don't move anything base this way you ever play that game called Freeze when you're a child and go she has just go over there and just try to relax I'm gonna check back into you in a little bit okay do you know what she came in here on um I believe it was battery DV I'm not sure yet her paperwork hasn't come up but um when the transporting officer had me Pat her down he said that you know to be careful with her she was pretty upset because she was involved in a domestic violence issue with her boyfriend so she came in was she fighting when she first came in she was pulling away from him when he was bringing her in yes [Music] just try to relax because I'm on your side oh sorry I'm just a little pissed off because my arm is in a spear amount of pain because y'all why do you think that you brought that on yourself ma'am you put that on yourself because you can't listen because I got beat up by my boyfriend I'm right here you don't have to yell at me I'm right here I beat up by my boyfriend you're still yelling I got beat up do you understand that Force us to do this the hard way now you're going to be restrained in our restraint chair until you calm down and have a seat [Music] because that's what I know much better it didn't have to be like that okay never mind I love you too she obviously couldn't calm down she also said that she was suicidal so we don't have any rooms where the suicidals go and uh so we had to put her in the restraint chair she's gonna be sitting here for a while till she can calm down and relax did you get this side no not yet ma'am what happened to you nothing that doesn't look like nothing that looks like a lot of something did you get in a fight no did you trip down the stairs no those dogs calm the cops on my head into the ground were you running from them no why would I write I don't know I'm just wondering why you have a gash in your head no was he saw my answer to the ground because he's bastard go see the nurse go down to the nurse she didn't to walk out with a 28 bar tab at which point they cannot make contact with her and she slapped the bartender in the face so security try to take her into custody and she kicked one of the security guards so they took her back into security and she attempted to bite me so we pushed her head out of my way and then uh she kicked me and also spit on my face there's a lot she wasn't telling us no not surprised about thanks so all ones are the feisty ones thank you okay come on CE you have a seat in this first chair right here you want to scoot over there so did you try to bite the officer and kick the officer I probably did okay so do you understand that you can't do that yes why are you so feisty he came up and slabbed my head into the ground but this was after you bit him no no no no no no no no no so you're telling me that there's no reason why he pushed her head down but you were just standing there he was pushing my head down because he was tired of hearing what the I had to say I'm sorry that happened to you today [Music] oh she's going straight back to a side cell I got her ouch yeah it doesn't feel good spread your feet behave and act like an adult okay okay let's take the jacket off Step Inside Man we're gonna bring you a shirt when she came in she was so aggressive and wouldn't behave that she had to be put into the code 5 chair I'm just gonna make sure she's doing a little bit better she's had a few hours to wind down all right do you remember what exactly what happened yeah I started being a smart ass all right what happened before that I was attacked yes I was attacking my boyfriend back I think I probably kicked him with my feet so he starts on me and grabs the hair and takes put social hands around me and start slamming my head against the window that's why I jumped on a moving car I was asked by one press charges I said yes next thing you know I'm the one that's going to jail when you get out of here are you going back to your boyfriend [Music] it's your choice [Music] she's been in there for a while that she can think about what's been going on and reality's hitting her right now so I hope she makes better decisions next time and you know good luck to her [Music] [Music] [Music] what it takes to be good at being a correctional officer I believe is patience patience and uh respect you gotta learn how to give me make respect and in return image is going to respect you [Applause] [Music] see what they got going on right okay one more time face the wall s they got my cups low come on come on Facebook quiet quiet shut up it's not your turn Sergeant will interview you in a minute as we talk all right sorry until then you don't see nothing right there sit down sit down sit down face that way do not eyeball them it's over it's over a couple of stitches what was this fight over last week we had an altercation so you know so nothing really happened so today he was about to get in a fight with somebody else so he said well I'll fight both of you I'll jump you so I said I'm not trying to fight you I got up and just said what I said and then he actually I know it's nothing punched me in my eye then I was on the ground holding my face he snuck me again he went he's a fact enough of that crap okay he assaulted me come on I'm gonna go see the nurse practitioner don't say anything so I said you know what I held back on you guys hands up and we just started going that I told him not holding back no more you know I let you live I'm not holding back I'm gonna show you because from that one fight a whole bunch of other little guys in there started like you know really testing me you know so I'm like telling them look only reason why I didn't fight him back two weeks ago is because Mia was cool when he first came in we were sharing commissary and everything one day he got mad I got mad at him for not waking me up for um for all law library so he gets mad at me I don't know what he was mad about I see he just got off the telephone he said oh we all men in here I gotta wake you up so I said what's that all about I thought we was cool oh this and that and I came over there and he just hit me in the mouth booming back from two weeks two weeks ago and I didn't jump on him ever since then but it was hurting my pride and today everybody kept edging it on and you know I said look y'all better let it go cause I'm not holding back no more you know so when he stood up God came up towards me again I just started throwing punches because he was coming towards me in a threatening manner all right all right and they keep calling me big punks God let him live that last time you know they think because I'm fat and out of shape now that you know they can yeah these guys know you know they take advantage how to take advantage of that now you know but I still got a little with me all right we gotta lose weight like I'm doing it I am I've been eating salad I'm trying Frank now when he when he comes back through here okay so yeah I'm fine regardless of what he said Sticks and Stones Frank okay all right all right oh a little out of breath huh not as easy as you used to be there you know what you know what it really is right you know what it really is right should I go to the old word what's that you're getting old man you're getting old there's wolf okay so he has no pizza let me find out okay right now I just called uh Center control to verify piano keep Shepherds I'm gonna play some more than sdu sales I just want to make sure before I put them in another cell with somebody I had a problem we don't have no instant so I verify he has no keep separates at this time he's probably gonna be charged with a assault on the other inmate so for tonight Who's saying here and tomorrow I'll go for a heron on his charges and hearing board would decide if he's going to stay in this to you get sdu time he might get up to 15 days for his assault charge [Music] [Music] I've been on Las Vegas Metro for eight and a half years every evening is something different tonight pretty much we're going to have business all night long so we have multiple vehicles coming in not only Patrol units but detectives coming in with uh their rusties okay we got a code five let's let's go on a roll we just received a phone call code five female arriving the unit just pulled up I got the officers out here with their strength chair standing by so we're gonna get out here and find out what's going on all right got camera rolling you're on okay hey Sergeant hey buddy basically she's uh she's been drinking okay and uh she's been real back and forth one second she's trying to kick out the windows okay going crazy the next minute she's she's fairly calm okay code five inmate is an inmate that is being unruly combative kicking spitting just being destructive to themselves or the officers you've been doing any kind of drinking today three shots [Music] White Russians okay you take any kind of medication I'm gonna have my officers take you out of this car we're going to place you in the the chair there for an observation period okay there you go I'm pissed I'm pissed off okay I can understand that I am most of the time when the inmates come in being code five as soon as they see the officers they're in the restraint chair they automatically want to calm down I'm Gonna Leave This up to you and you know when I have never ever even been arrested okay loose them because they hurt my determination of you taking you out of that chair or moving your hands from behind your back is on your behavior okay well I may not if you keep acting this way you hurt me and you know what it's intolerable and I don't appreciate it okay going four or five watch he's only in here on a minor minor charge right now but because of her behavior she's going to be extended uh for further observations have you ever been treated by no no have you ever had to take any medication or any mental disorder well why are you acting like this you know what it doesn't matter if I'm talking to you or not they're not going to let me out and they're not going to loosen these ma'am do you want me do you understand why I'm pissed off thank you shut up okay I don't want to hear you all right here you go I'm asking please all right I haven't done about a scale to one to ten she's about a six right now I've dealt with a lot worse just called up to female isolation to see if we have any room for her due to her current behavior and her uh temperament she's probably need to go upstairs where she can be monitored a lot closer there could be like rapists and Killers you could be out there catching no they're in the other cells really yes not somebody that didn't do anything but drive home as soon as she comes down off alcohol and she'll be just fine probably won't even remember a lot of this just another evening of what we go through Hey sir yeah okay I'm in route it's been very eventful tonight a lot of side cells people in Restraint chairs now you've done it now you're going to get what you wanted okay you got it please be careful please be careful we are being careful back it up back it up down the camera as for your protection as well as mine as well as all my officers that are involved you've already shown that you didn't want to sit still on Instagram she's been on the streets like five years not only has she been on drugs she's been on multitudes of drugs been out soliciting and she's been and out of the facility a lot hopefully she can get herself back on track and get back on the right Road thank you the young lady that we put in a restraint chair a little while ago has been taken out she is now in a side cell all right I just called records trying to see about getting you out of here because of your charges okay you're on the end here on a trespass charge they're talking about getting you worked up for a release right now okay that's rehab even though you've been here with me five times I hope that you're able to go up there and really get help okay I have no choice I'm gonna die you really need to get out of here I've been in Vegas for four years [Music] I've been on the streets the whole time [Music] I've been kidnapped I've been raped at the drugs if we pull up your your picture since you've been coming in you know as well as me it just keeps going down we went out there [Music] it's not worth it as soon as my guys get you worked out for a release they'll come over here and get you all right all right this town's hard on young people it's hard on people to have bad addictions and if they're not willing to go get help it just sucks them in even deeper Austin Moore is here to take you over get released okay so once you come on with Mr Moore all right take care thank you I hope not to see her again I really wish the best for I do and I hope she takes care of herself but the chances her being back is probably pretty good because I think she's hasn't really got tired of being tired yet and once she does that then she'll actually go get help [Music] inside the Night hits my face and it brings me to life oh Lord now I might not jail tonight another night in my street another night in my hair now I'm kicking and tripping without the cause on my chair now my hands on the wheel and my fingers real tight I'm gonna go home to my family tonight [Music] and the doors open up and they leave me outside I'm gonna go home to my family tonight [Music] [Applause] foreign
Channel: Jail
Views: 647,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jail, jail tv show, jail full episodes, jail las vegas full episodes, jail documentary, cops tv show, jail tv series, jail tv show full episodes, cops jail, suspects in jail, jail reality tv show, real crime, real jails, true crime, prison documentary usa, arrested, suspects, police documentary, cops jail las vegas, jail tv series full episodes, jail house, inmate, police department
Id: Z2OwabSsNu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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