Haversack Loadout

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hey guys this is Dan mohawk with coal cracker bushcraft today I wanted to do just a quick video on my haversack I get a lot of questions about what do I carry my haversack why do I carry haversack and I thought it would be a good idea to do this video because some people may not even know what a haversack is and this has been a staple of my bushcrafting from when I started it's something that I started to carry early on fell in love with using it and I still use it almost every time I go out in the woods till this day so a haversack is basically nothing more than just an over-the-shoulder pouch with one big compartment to stick stuff in and a haversack is a utility pouch inside and out I mean I carry different things in it at different times but there's always some staple items in that haversack that I carry so I wanted to just go through this with you guys cuz you're gonna see if you go back and watch any of my videos and probably watch them in the future this is almost always with me I have some variations to this kit and other style haversacks I'm gonna show in some other videos but I just wanted to show this is my base kit this is I take this I'm going in the woods this is going with me along with this before we actually break into this haversack I do always carry an axe with me I carry different style axes depending on the season what I'm actually gonna be doing and things like that but I always have an axe with me for the most part so I know that and I also carry some type of blade knife with me also so those things are pretty much a given along with my haversack if I'm gonna be doing some climbing or anything that I'm gonna be doing a lot of hiking I might forego the axe but I always have that knife on me and 99% of time I have an axe with me so let's get to the haversack this is just an oilskin haversack and like I said when you flip it open it's one large compartment on the inside the flap does have a small compartment okay and we're gonna talk about what I have in there so these things in here now I don't have anything else there's a little extra room in here I can definitely fit more supplies but this stuff stays in here so when I get back to my house or back to my base camp this gets hung up stuff doesn't come out this is what stays in it and this is what's in my haversack so to start I always carry a water bottle okay I believe this is 32 ounces with a nesting cup you can do so many things with this plus you're gonna carry water with you if you're out scouting you need to stay hydrated and I carry just a titanium spoon and this I actually just hit on my anvil and flattened out a little bit so it fits right down inside so it's a nice compact package right there I also carry some cordage with me and this is number 36 bank line this always is in my kit so I always have that along with my water bottle and then the bottom I have er sack actually laying this way in my haversack is just a small ditty bag and this is actually made out of an old pair of pants the leg from the pants I just sewed it across the bottom and what I carry in here is just some extra supplies for fire I think it's always important to have some type of surefire with you so here's a fair serum rod I always carry a large ferrocerium rod and sometimes if I have another one on me all the better so I always carry a fair Assyrian rod with me and then I'm a huge fan of fatwood so I always carry a couple pieces of fat wood in this ditty bag also another piece of fat wood sometimes I carry some candles okay this is a hundred percent beeswax candles that I made so I carry this you can always light this if you are having a struggle and get inflamed and then you're gonna have extended flame with you I have another candle in there I do have a pencil you don't need to carry this I actually have this because I've been doing a lot of carving out in the woods so it just gives me something that I can actually trace outlines and things on my wood once I get to that point and then in this ditty bag I also have a piece of brain tan which is just a remnant of a project and in that just see how the piece and I made a little Tong with that just some needles an S needle a big sail needle and then just some basic sewing needles with some thinner bank line I roll that up and just tie it off roll it around tie it off and I have some small repair kit with me so that's what I would consider my ditty bag it might have a second you know this really doesn't take up much room I can also stick I love when I find river birch and I could peel that bark off I'll jam that in here but if I only have this stuff here you could see it folds up real small ways basically nothing and I can just slide it down inside line haversack like that so I do carry that with me let me put that off to the side and then the last two things I carry and this is probably unneeded but I like to carry them with me is this is just an old piece of a tarp oilskin tarp I use this if it's wet to kneel on to sit on if I'm scraping fat wood I can scrape it on here and collect it I can also use this as a tinder roll I could lay this around with all my tinder in there fold it up and I have something else to carry my tinder with so I keep that just tucked up on the inside and I forget about it till I need it and then lastly and I have iced soda in a small pocket into my haversack I just carry a small wooden case that I got at a flea market and inside that I have a small button style compass okay and I got this when I first started bushcrafting I thought they were pretty cool and I thought it's good to have a compass with me I don't really pull this out ever too often but at this points more sentimental thing so I just keep this with me because I had it from when I first started doing all this bush crafting stuff so I keep that in this small container this wooden container stowed away there so that's the contents of my Tavor sack and like I said I take this when I go out in the woods this is what goes with me and there's still a ton of room in here if I have food if I have a project I'm working on if I'm whittling and spoon or a fork something like that I can stick in a crook knife or I could put a spoon knife in here with the project I'm carving a lot of room if you we will scan watch-coat you can still fit that in here so they're very versatile packs you'll see guys carrying with leather canvas different types of things and I'm going to show you in future videos some of my other kits that I carry in different style haversacks but they're all gonna have this same premise in here water bottle some type of cordage and it's some type of fire kit is normally in this haversack so i want to thank you for watching this video if you haven't already please subscribe to my channel and until the next video thanks guys
Channel: Coalcracker Bushcraft
Views: 67,630
Rating: 4.9757576 out of 5
Keywords: haversack, haversack gear, what i carry in my haversack, ditty bag, whats a ditty bag, what gear to carry, EDC, everyday carry, every day carry, bushcraft and survival, survival and bushcraft, coalcracker bushcraft, prepping, gear for the woods, what gear to carry in the wood, 18th century gear
Id: QhzGLFDwp1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 13sec (433 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 28 2016
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