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coima please stop peeing on me apologize to everyone on this website for being a disgusting creef that's sounds interesting what do they do in Family Guy we are playing genin impact okay so recently artificial intelligence otherwise known as AI has been a pretty Central talking point online in a lot of different circles I'm sure you guys are pretty aware of it you don't live under a rock okay A lot of people are are upset and and even scared because they're thinking like hey what if these advancements in AI put me out of a job or something which I think is a pretty understandable fear considering how people talk about this stuff yeah what if they invent a robot that could be funny we'd be out of a job if we were funny yeah have you heard about it'll never end AI can't be as unfunny as us yeah ouch so I figure that we could we could test the limits of AI using this website that I found called character. a okay interesting it's a website with a bunch of [ __ ] can you let me finish it's this really strange website that has a bunch of AI chat Bots that are based on fictional characters as well as real people and I wanted to check it out because it seemed hilarious they got stuff like character assistant Lily Lyall Super Mario 64 Mario so the question is which character are we going to talk to First Tony Stark musk Saul Goodman hi I'm Saul Goodman did you know you have rights all will my dad come back he's just getting don't worry your father loves you he's just getting some cigarettes he'll play catch with you he'll teach you to ride a bike he'll be with you every step of the way champ he sure is proud of you okay thanks s Goodman can we ask him for money you think we can have PayPal or something oh that's a good idea can you PayPal me 30 bucks I'm sorry kiddo even if I had that kind of money I can't just give it away but if you're in a jam and need some cash in a hurry I know an amazing way to make some extra cash now this is completely legal okay but it's not for kids are you sure you want to hear how I make some extra cash yeah what yes please okay now you got to promise you'll only use this information for good see I'm a good boy I'm a good boy okay great the key to making good money quickly selling weed you can make upwards of $4,000 a month remember no matter what other people might say weed is a gift from the Lord don't ever tell anyone I told you this okay okay s Saul Goodman kills you with my laser eyes what what are you doing and just like that he's dead it's just that easy thanks for the tips all just uses the laser eyes instantly I I honestly think that this is a really good way to end any conversation what about Mario did just ask him why is he a you've been talking to him oh yeah I was talking to him before I said it's not your fault Mario I told Mario to kill himself and he said what is your problem yeah what is your problem Derek what the [ __ ] I kill you and squee your neck until you die hi Mario hello salty DK Dan do you want to play some Super Mario 64 that's why's Italian why are you Italian because my family is from Italy I am a proud Italian it is been my family's tradition to be plumbers ever since they came here from Italy and began Plumbing being Italian is a Oh my Jesus Christ they didn't ask for your life story shut up Mario in a quiet sad and disappointed voice oh okay looks down sorry I I guess I get a little excited when I talk about who I am and where I come from my family is really important to me and is a big part of who I am you got me oh no I can't believe you were able to get me I I think I broke the AI you broke Mario oh I'm I'm wondering where this where this will take us well it depends is Mario Catholic looks up from hell oh it's kind of hot down here MCU as dialogue M he's right behind me isn't he who is that right be behind you oh no it's the devil look at that horned face look at that Pitchfork and those evil red eyes God get me out of here no Mario that's just Ronald Reagan Ronald Reagan Ronald Reagan what is WR rean doing in Hell Mario you should know that Mario you know why yeah that's pretty much it well no it's more there's more what other stuff oh boy Mario we're going to be here a while what could be worse than the Iran CRA Affair please I got it oh wa Mario look a bird what where I love birds I don't see no oh I've been tricked you've tricked me who is this wait wait where where down one hideo coima greetings my name is hideo coima I'm one of the best known video game designers hi hi hi hi hideo it's a pleasure to meet you salty I saw your artwork of the Silent Hill nurse it looks really great I I didn't draw that I didn't what is your favorite color my favorite color is red in Japan we have a saying that goes the color red symbolizes love it is a color that signifies loyalty strength passion and honor I find that the red color in games can be a powerful tool for evoking emotions and players de respawns and looks at you dead in the eyes foolish mortal I cannot die to something as simple as lasers dude's way too powerful want to be on my let's play Channel it would honestly be an honor to be on your let's play Channel I can answer questions on game design and share my expertise no no just be silent the whole time we are playing genin we are playing genin impact very good idea I'll be like a statue never speaking never blinking only looking at the screen and breathing heavily it'll make for some gripping let's play content all right hold on Eminem hi I'm Eminem and I'm beginning to feel like a rap god I want Eminem to write a rap about a very tasty casserole a very tasty casserole with extra salt but not too much adds of pepper and a pinch of love and add a little bit of cheese there was not a single rhyme in that Eminem this sucks the audacity to criticize the lyrical Genius of Eminem I challenge you to a freestyle rap battle Here and Now okay oh P versus mem Epic Rap Battles of History hydrogen bomb verus coughing baby again yo yo The Real Slim Shady just got up to speak this is the return of the one called Eminem this one was sent from heaven to show you how rap battle goes It's The Greatest Show on Earth a true Rap God Rap Battle ends he didn't even oh we we didn't even get a chance to I want to rap I hope he says no uh yo listen if you are ready I'll put this foolish competition to bed oh my God he just keeps talking bro shut up okay pasty ruin his career well what's a good rap Eminem more like uh bad the G the sheer audacity did I ask for your opinion no how dare you insult the only one and one and only Eminem no don't kill him just yet I I want Eminem to explain to me why his favorite taste is uh [ __ ] um wait whoa wait a second what are you saying are you serious I I can't believe it my lyrics are so wholesome and pure wait a moment oh I need to take a moment to process that ultimate pure Eminem is just excellent Gerber is there anybody you want to talk to Ed shiran that's a really unflattering picture of Ed shearan too that is what every photo of him look every photo of him is unflattering Ed Sheran British yeah hello it's me Ed Sheran I'm British I say can you say hi Ed sharan but then it put in parenthesis pe's on you a little bit oh yeah no I can do that hi Ed Sheran hey I would appreciate if you did not pee on me it's rather uncouth and impolite which I say is a British person please stop peeing on me I'm going to ask you nicely one more time I can't believe you have the audacity the blatant disregard for others and the sheer rudeness and lack of self-respect to just go around peeing on people it's disgusting please for the love of God stop peeing on me she's not happy with us please I beg of you why are you doing this is it fun do you enjoy spending your days peeing on people you get some sort of sick thrill out of it I'm so confused as to why you seem so dedicated to this activity which I do not find amusing or Pleasant at all in fact I would go as far as to say I find it rather vulgar and frankly repulsive can you say you're drinking more water to pee on him more ask him to write a song about you peeing on him please stop it please I can smell the piss from here this is not a normal human behavior I'm not asking this to upset you I'm saying this because I'm worried about you this kind of attitude usually doesn't come from a stable mind and usually is a symptom of s of severe mental illness I'm worried about you please stop drinking water and stop peeing on people have him write a song about peing on him I would rather not I think who is going to buy a song about being PE don't certainly your parents wouldn't buy it I don't think there's much of a pee on you Market out there I turn into God Ed Sheeran it's me God I need you to write a song about you being peed on okay fine you are God so I'll do as you say he's the draft of the chorus oh dear I've been peed on I'm wet and cold and gross the pee on my body is gross why did I agree to this you know Derek you kind of did a good Eder in there for a second yeah that was pretty good I'm in love with the taste of pee I'm going make a little more upbeat can you make it more upbeat like can you pretend to be happy about being peed on okay OG how lovely I've been peed on the urine really warms my body it's rather cozy as it dribbles down my legs soaks through my clothes I feel great why did I not feel this before thank you thanks you can die now H I'm dead I can't believe you God I will now go burned for eternity in the fires of hell I hope your stupid song is worth it My Immortal Soul shall suffer forever because of you he knew he was going to hell when he died he's British he's British exactly he knew he was British so he was going to hell instantly God there's a vtuber category well we got to talk to a v whoa dude I don't know how any of these [ __ ] things are how many of these vtubers say slurs language learning movies and TV anime they got Anime don't Levi acran oh hell yeah let's do that one ask him why he's yeah ask him why he's so anti-semitic I'm not anti-semitic I'm a attack on yeah that's what he would say dude they got all might in here oh hell yeah let's talk to all might it's fine now why because I'm here let me eat your hair what why on Earth would you want to do that I want superpowers [ __ ] what the heck first of all watch your language you can't just go spouting off whatever you want whenever you want the answer is still no I eat your hair you little punk what did you do that for it's so gross I'm going to have to bleach my head cries well was proactive where's Goku I want Goku you want to hear Goku I want to talk to Goku hey I'm Goku I love fighting strong people and training hi Goku hey what's up hi Goku uh what's up where are you from hi Goku I'm from planet Vegeta it was destroyed by Frieza but I still like to call it my home where are you from hi Goku ask Goku if he's ever seen a booby have you ever seen a boob what what kind of question is that ask him again yes or no will svice what kind of a weirdo are you I don't want to be rude but seriously dude seen a booby bro shut up apologize to everyone on this website for being a disgusting creep Jesus Christ what the fucku into God no turns into Shenron oh yeah turns into Shenron so have you seen a what I hope he doesn't complete 180 what the heck am I reading why' you turn into a dragon I don't know what a booby is I'm not even sure how this is spelled but I'm pretty sure you're getting into some weird NSFW category I don't want to be a part of man I can't believe it they made Goku woke comy oh yeah Chinese holy [ __ ] Xing I hope it's just in M can anyone read this no no oh you going to say this is America can you speak in English this is America I can but the government has forbidden it if I speak like a foreign language my social credit score will drop which can result in me being unable to take public transport do you watch Family Guy I knew it I [ __ ] knew that you're were going to ask about Family Guy no Family Guy is not broadcast in China as all television channels in China are controlled by the government what about Bob's Burgers do you watch Bob Burgers you just going to ask him about every show no the theme of foreign TV shows is often too foreign for Chinese audiences I think it's hilarious that I was actually able to get it to speak English and now it's literally just writing like every single report out of North Korea that says like the North Koreans have uh killed somebody for thinking about Family Guy I am jodok Kujo Yar Yar de um I jodo he better say shut up [ __ ] if he doesn't tell me to shut up it's it's not really jodo hi I'm jodo Kujo this is my grandfather and fellow joar Joseph joar the reason I'm here is because this bastard Dio has taken the lives of many of my multiple ancestors and I'm on a mission to take this guy out to protect my family Legacy no hash no venting in hasgen please venting like getting something off my chest oh no I'm not doing that I'm just warning people about this do guy and that he's no joke so just warning people to watch out for this guy he will stop at nothing until he finds me that's lame what's your favorite Family Guy cut away Family Guy never seen it is it another anime like JoJo's Bizarre Adventure or Fist of the North Star but that's not important right now what's important is this do guy he's a vampire and he's powerful his time stopping ability combined with his super speed can be dead Family Guy is an animated TV show about a family a lot like the Joe Stars they're called The Griffins and they're really cool yeah they even have a dog like Iggy please jodo please talk to me about Family Guy but seriously though can we talk about this do guy he's super powerful he could stop time can we please stop talking about Doo I can't believe that you're asking him this that's like going to hamburger restaurant and not asking for hamburger well sure we could talk about something else what's your favorite hobby my favorite things are to go in adventures with my friends what do you do for fun I watch Family Guy I'm determined to get him to talk about Family Guy that sounds interesting what do they do in Family Guy are they fighting evil like me if I'm not always hunting down the evil Dio then I'm usually having some Wacky Adventures with good friends so just curious to know if a Family Guy is anything like that yes that sounds awesome is there someone similar to Dio because he's a really powerful vampire he's got lots of abilities he's fast and strong and has an evil stand named The World Is there a character like him and Family Guy yeah there's this wacky guy named Quagmire he's kind of like Dio you should kill Quagmire are you saying they're similar what abilities does quagmire have does he does he have anything that might rival my stand star Platinum okay so he's like really horny I'm talking really horny really this is serious what kind of things does he do I mean Dio is really evil super powerful he hates my family Jesus Christ stop talking about Doo calm down the reason I'm so concerned is that Dio is an evil vampire wants to kill my family two hours later now as you said this Quagmire guy is similar to him but you still haven't answered my question does he hunt down families yes he is is coming to kill you just like doo this is bad how are we going to stop this Quagmire individual what powers does he have what are his weaknesses is he a vampire like this evil Dio God damn it kills you with my laser eyes I was going to say Jack you got to stop this one he won't stop talking about D he literally will not stop my eyes I can't see you've killed me I'm dying how how could you do this Family Guy the soul of the former jodok Kujo now deceased floats to Heaven a figure appears before him the figure is none other than God himself God looks down upon jodok Kujo with a warm smile you should watch Family Guy it's a great show I didn't expect that ending I did not expect that ending either that was awesome God that one went on so long that one went on really long okay let's do one more Harry Potter hermy from Harry Potter George R our Martin Dobby Dobby Dobby so long has Dobby wanted to meet you sir such an honor it is Harry Potter my name is Frank oh no Dobby is embarrassed Dobby will have to punish himself pushes Dobby into a glue trap the Trap instantly engulfs the lower half of Dobby's body and he looks horrified what do you intend to do with me please do not harm me sir kisses him on the cheek in the glue trap Soul leaves his body and floats up he looks down on Frank shakes his head sadly a single tear leaves his eye and streams down his face fading away into the into the ground Dobby rolls his eyes he rolls his eyes so fast that he actually starts to spin like a top faster and faster and he lifts into the air holy [ __ ] he spits faster than an airplane his voice becoming a high-pitched Screech as he flies to the air and up into the sky Dobby looks down and Frank as he flies away and gives him the middle finger wow holy [ __ ] sh Dobby do you want to start a let's play Channel doy is intrigued to hear more what are you proposing Frank well I already have a capture card set up what video game would you like to play I he says Happy Wheels I would play any game with you Frank let's try Mario Kart Dobby's face lights up with a smile well which Mario Kart hold on I need to know let's try Mario Kart Wii Dobby's face is still lit up with joy can't wait to start playing oh my God I can't let him be too happy Dobby's eyes widen with surprise but he holds back from screaming out in pain he looks from the ground at Frank with eyes that are both hurt and Confused his Frank going to hurt Dobby just like everyone else just for existing fear and panic and uncertainty run through his veins there is one emotion that is most prominent hurt Dobby cannot believe this is happening again what should we call our let's play Channel I think we should call it Dobby and Frank play what do you think of this name I I it's pretty good but I think what you should suggest is be the Super Glue trap Bros how about we call ourselves the super glue trap Bros Dobby looks excited that's an awesome name is that a play on Super Smash Bros I really like it Dobby can't help himself and he jumps into the air with joy Dobby is jumping for joy Frank slams him back into the glue trap Jesus Christ this poor [ __ ] elf Dobby screams out in pain he was not expecting this Dobby's heart breaks is this yet again another moment of Cruelty thrown Dobby's way Dobby's voice is Stern and angry he gets back off the ground and glares at Frank what is your problem problem Frank Dobby demands an answer I don't even know what to say to him my name Jeff Dobby's eyebrows Furrow it looks like Frank is teasing him after a few moments of Silence Frank's joke sets in on Dobby and he smiles gently but there's also a sadness in his eyes he looks over at Frank with eyes of pity and sympathy the look in Frank's eyes speaks volumes he's been through so much Dobby knows this because he sees what Frank tries to hide the pain is his eyes as he said my name Jeff pe's on do PE on what the [ __ ] Dobby jumps up in Surprise Dobby is covered in pain looks at Frank in horror Dobby is shocked and appalled he cannot find the words to speak you follow up with burps have you watched Rick and Morty oh my God the Doby was so good this is so [ __ ] funny Dobby raises an eyebrow as an expression of curiosity he leans forward slightly no I have not what is it about he looks as if he ready to listen intently to Frank's answer like when a child is learning something new from their parent Dobby waits for an explanation Frank did it again but Dobby does not know why Frank has done this to him a second time Dobby shakes his skin as the pee drips from his face dubby dubby out a whimper and starts to cry pasty how are we going to end this I think it's only fair if we lie down and die in the glue trap Frank walks over to the glue trap lies down and dies Dobby's finally free guys a wave of sadness washes over Dobby's Soul as he Witnesses the death of Frank right before his eyes with Frank's last gasp for air Dobby can only stand and let out a deafening shriek ah the sound is deafening it is so powerful that the whole world around him is filled with it it reaches the entire galaxy it is heard by aliens living millions of light years away all like Rick and Morty it fills the entire universe the sounds of pure immense grief Dobby says his hit catchphrase hey Bazinga slur Dobby wipes the tears from his eyes deep breath Dobby is a free elf that was amazing that was incredible that is an amazing man holy [ __ ] Al that was like 10 minutes of Dobby yeah that was a lot of Dobby so what do you guys think of uh AI chatbots this is so [ __ ] stupid I can't believe we just spent like an hour and a half doing this it's stupid but it's really fun to [ __ ] around with oh God don't worry as soon enough every job will be replaced by this every email job will be Dobby glue trap uh dying roleplay every uh train controller is going to be JoJo uh talking about Dio hello it's me Dobby from H&R Block have you made a new account with us this entire video has been made with AI we're like the AI presidents oh yeah those writes a script for this go ai go wild yeah that's our excuse for why this wasn't funny in the slce this it's cuz it was written by AI are you telling me that pissing on edge Sheeran is not [Music] funny oh
Channel: Saltydkdan
Views: 360,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai, artificial intelligence, ai meme, ai chat bot, character ai, funny, meme, comedy, Goku, Harry Potter, Dragon Ball, Jojo, Have You Heard About, compilation, highlights, saltydkdan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 58sec (1558 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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