Have they BANNED table saw dado sets????

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welcome to shop blog number 33. it's been a while since we did one of these and i got a lot to talk about i especially want to dive into the argument over dado sets because it's not like our european viewers are already trolling me enough over the metric system so why not talk about the other thing that really sets them off don't worry though i have a solution that i think will end this debate forever i'll also share some other interesting tidbits from behind the scenes of the stumpy nubs woodworking journal shop and of course between segments you get to see some of the projects we've been working on like this one [Music] so let's talk dado sets particularly how our friends on the other side of the world view them you see here in the united states we're perfectly comfortable with stacking several table saw blades together so we can cut wide kerfs for dados grooves rabbits tenons and other joinery that's right i said rabbit not rebate we say weird stuff in america too you should hear the way we pronounce aluminum but outside the land of the free and the home of the brave enough to have dado sets some folks view them as table saw's version of the wood chipper at the end of fargo in some countries the government has taken one look at all those spinning teeth and immediately taken legislative steps to save their citizens from themselves other countries have merely said you can have a data set if you want one it is your choice of course you can't have a table saw with an arbor long enough to fit one but you can totally have a dado set the result has been that many of our international viewers have little or no experience with data sets and when they see one in a video they brace themselves expecting it to shred my arms to the elbows at any second as an american i've used dado sets for years and for a long time i wondered if the europeans knew something about dado sets that us dumb backwater hicks in america didn't keep in mind that i'm no expert in international law and while i am having a little bit of fun here i understand that not all european countries have the same standards so forgive me if i make a few generalizations that don't apply perfectly to where you live i know you'll feel free to correct me in the comments if i'm at all imprecise but as near as i can tell the european dado set issue comes down to two things brakes and blade guards many table saws over in the old country particularly those used in commercial activities must be equipped with some sort of electronic braking system that stops the blade from spinning within 10 seconds of when you hit the off switch that's relatively fast especially if you have a heavy blade or a stack of them in a dado set the arbor nut that holds the blades on threads in the opposite direction that the blade spins so the opposing force of the teeth cutting through the wood cannot cause the nut to loosen up but if you stop a heavy dado stack too quickly the momentum of that now unopposed blade stack may actually loosen the arbor nut theoretically the blade could come off that is why it could be said that dado sets are not technically banned in some places the law isn't about the dado set it's about limiting how long a saw blade coasts before it stops the braking systems that are required to stop that coasting just aren't compatible with heavy blades like dado sets so the law limits the length of the arbor so you don't find that out the hard way the other reason for banning dado sets that i often hear is that you must remove the blade guard and the splitter or riving knife to use one and this is true a dado set is used to make cuts that do not go all the way through a work piece so the splitter that holds your blade guard on top of your saw must be removed to use a dado set normally when you remove a blade guard you replace it with a riving knife to prevent kickback which is often caused by wood pinching against the side of the blade and being lifted or ejected when that pressure is on the back teeth that are coming up from the saw and towards your face a riving knife shields those back teeth from that pressure if it is of equal thickness to the blade it wouldn't be possible to make a riving knife equal in thickness to a dado set because dado sets are really thick and they're adjustable but kickback is really rare when making non through cuts such as you would with a dado set it can happen but i believe it is far less common than it might be if you were to make a through cut without a riving knife so those are the reasons why many countries do not allow dado sets or they at least make it hard to buy and impossible to use them in a couple minutes though i'm going to solve this age-old problem and generations of debate and bring peace to the world [Music] as you know i love history and i think i have that in common with a lot of those who practice traditional crafts such as woodworking i also enjoy cycling so i've been listening to an audiobook called an american cycling odyssey by kevin hayes it's a retelling of this fascinating story of george nellis who rode a bicycle from new york to san francisco in 1887. now before you say a guy rode a bike across the country was the big deal remember this was 1887. this was when there were no major cross-country routes almost no pavement outside a few big cities most roads were back country wagon paths and forget about modern bicycles he rode a penny farthing style with the big front wheel imagine how bumpy those trails and wagon ruts felt on a wooden seat and hard rubber tires taking a header was a pretty common term in those days for flying over the handlebars because it happened quite often also imagine direct drive pedals they spin out of control as you go down a hill you couldn't coast like a modern bike you had to lift your feet up off the pedals and hold your legs in the air unless they get broken by that spinning crank still he completed the journey in just 72 days which was a record and he wrote about his experiences along the way in articles for newspapers and magazines because everybody was really eager to hear about this this guy riding a bicycle across the country what makes this audio book so interesting though isn't the cycling so much as the picture it paints of how different things were back then especially rural america this was before automobiles when people didn't often travel very far from their homes all the gas stations and the party stores and the places just pop in for a break and grab some lunch they didn't exist he had to stay out in the open in barns have breakfast with local farmers that would take him in and feed him he survived dust storms and thunderstorms on the open plains in small towns everyone turned out to see the man on the bicycle some even followed him for miles after he left an american cycling odyssey is just a fascinating story that i highly recommend you can get it or another of audible's thousands of titles for free if you visit audible.com stumpynubs or from your phone you might just text stumpy nubs to 500 500. that'll get you a free 30-day trial and access to their massive library i've been a paying member of audible for years long before they became a supporter of this channel i love listening to audiobooks while i work when i travel when i walk the dogs or ride my bike i even listen to podcasts from their plus catalog which includes unlimited listening to thousands of titles again that free trial is at audible.com stumpynubs or text stumpy nubs to 500 500. [Music] so you're ready for me to solve the great data set debate no the answer isn't just to use a router table although many of the things you can do with the dado set can also be done with a router table the problem is a router bit usually has two cutters on it while a dado set has dozens of cutters guess how many router bits you'll dull before you dull a dado set dado sets aren't cheap but they are vastly less expensive in the long run than rudder bins they're also much faster and more powerful i have a good router table and excellent quality router bits but if i have a lot of tenons to cut or dados to plow i'm using my table saw and a good dado set to get the job done so if a router table isn't the answer what is floating blade guards i think they solve two of the three problems authorities have with dado sets since it covers the saw blade it no longer matters how long it takes for that blade to coast to a stop it's covered so electronic brakes then aren't needed and then there is no worry that a heavy dado set could come to a stop too quickly and loosen that arbor nut i've never had my arbor nut come off because my blade doesn't come to a stop too quickly a floating blade guard may also keep the blade covered during non-through cuts so that is no longer an issue either the only thing this type of guard doesn't address is the incompatibility of riving knives with dado sets but as i said kickback is exceedingly rare in my experience when making non-through cuts with a dado set i admit my solution isn't a perfect one i'm sure some of you will poke holes in the idea maybe it won't bring world peace after all although i don't think the united states is at war with europe i'm just throwing it out there for the sake of discussion not because i think that the regulators are actually going to adopt this idea these guards are also pretty expensive to buy for large cabinet saws like this one but i've seen some homemade versions as well and i'm sure a inventive marketer could come out with an inexpensive version for even smaller table saws i don't know maybe it's a good solution maybe it's not but at least i'm working to get you europeans your dado sets back so you're welcome next time i'll solve the other issue dividing american woodworkers from the rest of the world our rip fences [Music] [Music] you've probably noticed we have been putting out a lot of videos lately more than a dozen in the last three weeks frankly i've been behind schedule and i've become this video making machine trying to catch up really i would like to get a bit ahead of schedule so i can do some vacationing in the second half of 2021 with the pandemic and everything it's been a long time since i've traveled anywhere not even for business so i am really looking forward to taking some time off i have a trip to the upper peninsula of michigan planned in september that should be a lot of fun there are countless waterfalls all over the u.p and you hike back to them and you're rewarded by this spectacular view sometimes we also have sort of an annual kind of like guys camping trip planned with mustache mike and a couple other friends for the beginning of october i like to try and forget about work when i'm vacationing but when i camp i do like to do some wood carving it's very relaxing especially in the middle of the day when there's just not much going on and if i mess up it's easy to destroy the evidence the last time i went i took a dslr to film a little bit of my carving to make a video because even though i am on vacation i can't pass up the chance to get some good footage i'll probably at least take a gopro with me and see what i can get i don't know how that footage will look but it'll be something so you can look for that in a video this fall but even sooner you can just keep an eye on our instagram and you're going to see that kind of stuff you might have noticed we've been posting a lot more on instagram the last year or so some of it is personal stuff but most of it is woodworking or project related such as this staircase we've been building or pete's range hood instagram has been a big resource for woodworkers for a long time and we've had a page for years but we've really started posting more over the last year or so and i highly recommend you follow stumpynubs on instagram you'll see things there that you'll never see on our youtube channel [Music] well that's about it for this vlog it's a little short but i'll try to do another one really soon so thanks for hanging out sit back and have yourself a cold one because you've earned it rich carbide is the best cup secret in woodworking i kid you not their saw blades are second to none both in quality and performance and they're less expensive than the other ultra premium brands do yourself a favor use the link and the discount code below this video you will never go back to cheap blades again wait don't go yet if you're new here please subscribe and remember to ring the bell i would really appreciate that give us a thumbs up or better yet leave us a comment i always read them and be sure to check out the latest issue of stumpynub's woodworking journal it's always packed with tips tricks and tutorials designed to make you a better woodworker
Channel: Stumpy Nubs
Views: 338,636
Rating: 4.8733315 out of 5
Keywords: woodworking, stumpy nubs, tips, workbench, table saw, scroll saw, drill press, quick tip, band saw, bandsaw, lumber, hack, hand plane, sharpening, tormek, worksharp, diamond stone, water stone, wood turning, bowls, lathe
Id: mk-UCTVjf7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 28 2021
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