Haunted Places in Ohio

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from creepy and classic music halls rumored to hold more than just concerts on their ancient stages too dark and twisting drives leading to haunted bridges from the depths of one's worst nightmares it's gone by many names the mother of presidents the birthplace of aviation even the heart of it all but don't let its pleasant necks fool you extreme evils and infestations beyond human comprehension lurk in the darkest shadows of the Buckeye State down every alley through every field which is why the speakeasy is absolutely thrilled to present our newly remastered list of picks for the most haunted places in Ohio if you saw our first video you really haven't seen anything yet here we go number 10 the Buxton in the Buxton Inn is located on East Broadway in the village of Granville about seven miles west of Newark it boasts the title of the oldest continuously running in in the entirety of the Granville region the area was first settled when Europeans began arriving around 1802 in 1806 when Oren Grainger purchased an unassuming plot of land in the center of it all and though originally of no significance just six years later had used it to construct a large building known as the tavern the tavern which it definitely was provided much more than good food and drink in the form of multiple guest quarters a stagecoach court dining room even a ballroom after a rise in popularity of the building was chosen to moonlight as the town's first post office as well as an official major stop between Columbus and Newark it said that Oren Grainger was good friends with then general and later President William H Harrison one local legend tells the Harrison after hearing of a party being held that the inn actually rode his horse up the front steps and into the ballroom in what we can only assume was the most epic lay entrance ever made in 1865 the inn was purchased by none other major Buxton and his wife who held ownership of the end until 1905 and after whom it's named to this day by the 1970s the old building had fallen into disrepair and to the shock and horror of many locals was considered for demolition that is until Orville and Audrey or purchased the property immediately setting to work restoring it while also purchasing several additional homes and plots of land surrounding the inn to expand the number of guest rooms offered in 2014 the historic Inn was sold once again to the Schilling family who hold the ownership to this day over its long existence many reports of supernatural occurrences have sprouted up the first of which occurred in 1829 when the then owner's sons snuck out of bed in the middle of the night for a snack he reported running into the ghosts of old Orin Granger himself who he claimed gave him approval over the state of the end before smiling briefly at the boy and then vanishing into nothing during renovations through the 1970s construction crews reported sighting the apparition of a man dressed in blue and after a point actually refused to enter the in after dark the full-bodied apparition of major Buxton himself has been cited all across the premises especially in the lobby a look of contentment on his face as he usually lounges in one of the many chairs another ghost sighted across the property is that of Ethel Bonnie boo Nell a former innkeeper who is said to have died in room number 9 dubbed the lady in blue bonnie is often cited in the affirmation room as well as across the grounds moving furniture opening and closing windows and strolling the yard peacefully room 7 and 9 are said to be the most haunted and many staying in these rooms have reported strange knocking sounds flickering lights and even full-bodied apparitions waking them in the middle of the night not confined to any rooms in particular many guests report a ghost cat seen running through the hallways sleeping in chairs or even following the living whenever the cat is approached ever it promptly vanishes into thin air reported throughout the entirety of the n R orbs cotton photographs the sound of coins hitting the floor and strange shadowy apparitions seen mainly at night on several disturbing occasions guests report being followed by these shadow men and even hearing their names called in rasping voices number nine Egypt wrote bridge Egypt road bridge or cry baby bridge too many locals is located along what used to be a section of West Pine Lake Road off the east side of Egypt Road in Perry Township near Salem the Salem area was first settled in 1806 and incorporated later in 1830 echip Troad along with the whole of east and west Pine Lake Road were carved out shortly after the portion of West Pine Lake Road that intersected with Egypt Road was closed when it was discovered that the swampy land just east of the river literally couldn't support the byways way through the 60s and 70s the bridge is said to have been the site of several suicides but today a number of legends passed down suggest that many may have been lost to foul play some claiming occult practices rituals in 2010 tragically the body of an elderly woman was discovered burned near the bridge her cause of death strangulation disturbingly her murder got away and the case remains unsolved to this very day currently the bridge lies semi hidden behind guardrails and foliage the road mainly and access to power lines it's been described as overgrown rusted eerie and vandalized and with how downright horror movie-esque this entire scene really is it should come as no surprise that many local legends have surfaced over the years some claiming the area was used by a cult or some satanic organization while others state that rope still visibly hanging from the bridge was actually used to end someone's life whatever the case the general consensus is that the entire stretch is cursed haunted or both through the 1930s stories of a cult operating out of the woods flared up and disturbingly a number of men women and even young children disappeared never to be seen again many claim they were murdered in a ritualistic event but these reports have never been verified another legend claims that a baby drowned under the bridge though details get a little hazy depending on who you talk to some claim a negligent mother and father fighting didn't see their child sneak off until it was too late resulting in the child's death by accidental drowning others claim that a depressed mother actually murdered her child and even more out there versions claim that something evil caused the child to crawl into the water and that the mother actually jumped in herself drowning in turn in this version it said the father in a daze or distressed runs wildly into the forest and is never seen again creepy although the story is very quite a bit the hauntings don't and many who venture to Egypt road bridge whether day or night report hearing the chilling sounds of a small baby crying from under the bridge apparently in extreme distress also reported at the bridge and along the old road are disembodied voices shadowy apparitions and the unmistakable sound of a mother sobbing and shrieking in more disturbing instances witnesses detail what sounds like a baby gurgling and gasping from the water along the road many report a strange man soaked shivering waving his arms and panic this startling apparition is said to vanish into thin air when any slow or approached it's believed he is the spirit of the distressed father number 8 the Cincinnati Music Hall the Cincinnati Music Hall which really needs no introduction is a classic music performance hall located on Elm Street in none other than Cincinnati impressively it boasts one of the largest most comprehensive and well-equipped musical stages known to man the halls history is a long line that spans all the way back to 1818 when the city of Cincinnati purchased a four acre plot from Jessie Embry along the west side of Elm Street just north of 12:00 in 1821 construction began on the state's first insane asylum the commercial hospital and lunatic asylum of Ohio in 1832 following a massive cholera outbreak the land was also used as a pauper's cemetery burials continued until 1857 when the growing city forced the asylum and its boneyard to move their operations to the outskirts of town in 1859 the property was converted into the Elm Street park rather morbidly the park and old buildings were used for a series of exhibits and musical shows until 1876 when the Music Hall Association took ownership of the entire property they immediately set to work demolishing all remnants of the asylums dark past beginning construction on an official music hall the center portion opened in 1878 with the north and south wings opening a year later in 1879 this prestigious Music Hall has undergone numerous remodels and renovations over the years most recently from 2016 to 2017 during which time the building was completely closed down today out of the original compound the Ballroom remains intact and features the restored Alva Mighty Wurlitzer organ the first floor axes offices for the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra Cincinnati Pops and the May Festival rather chillingly much of the land here still holds human remains in varying states of decay and many legends nudge toward the fact that restless spirits from these improper burials and of those whose bodies were moved coupled with souls from the lands time as an asylum may still be lurking about the old Music Hall many reports shadowy apparitions moving through darker areas objects moving on their own or even floating in mid-air and the unnerving feeling of children's hands tugging on clothes props and set pieces had been known to move spatially and several have cited full-bodied apparitions and clothing from different eras seated throughout the house during rehearsals also reported throughout the hall are orbs cotton photographs strange mists ghostly forms knocking sounds and extreme cold spots disturbingly a number of employees and performers have reported interactions with people who they thought were real living individuals at the time only to turn for a moment or even blink and have them vanish into thin air though most occurrences on the premises are considered harmless the elevators are a different story many claim to feel a malevolent presence and sometimes even here angry whispering or feel hot breath on the back of their neck while riding the empty lifts lastly and can find a no particular area many have reported apparitions of men and women dressed in fancy clothing from the 1800s sometimes accompanied by old-timey music dancing and laughing but seemingly far off several have reportedly stopped and danced or chatted with said people for good chunks of time before the crowd simply fades away leaving all presents still in shock number seven Woodland Cemetery and Arboretum Woodland Cemetery and Arboretum is located off of Woodland Avenue in Dayton and boasts its reputation as one of the oldest garden cemeteries in the United States woodland was originally founded in 1841 by John whitin Van Cleave it began as 40 acres and was intended to replace the city's previous burying grounds in 1889 a large Romanesque gateway Chapel and office were added astoundingly they were constructed entirely of stone recycled from the first cemeteries wall interestingly enough the highest point in Dayton is within the cemetery grounds and during the Great Dane flood of 1913 it was actually used as a refugee post and shelter today Woodland Cemetery in Arboretum spans over 200 acres and holds more than 100 thousand monuments 3,000 trees and several hundred varieties of plant specimens in total there have been more than one hundred and seven thousand burials that woodland with space to accommodate roughly 50,000 more some of the most notable internments here are those of Orville and Wilbur Wright along with their father Milton with such a long history over its existence a number of local legends have sprouted up surrounding the old cemetery and its many hauntings one of the most infamous and widespread stories surrounding the yard involves little Johnny Morehouse a five year old boy who said to have fallen into the nearby canal in the 1860s as the story goes Johnny's dog jumped in to try to save him but it was too late Johnny was laid to rest in Woodland but here's where the tale gets even weirder many accounts tell that the dog refused to leave the boys graveside those visiting Johnny and the yard began worrying about the dog eventually people started to bring food and water for the dog as he wouldn't leave after spending the rest of its life in the cemetery loyally guarding its masters grave the dog finally passed on it said it never once left the boys side many entering the cemetery or specifically nearing Johnny's grave report a host of occurrences the sounds of playful shouts the jingling of a collar or leash and even disembodied panting sounds on a number of occasions graveyard goers report sighting the full-bodied apparitions of the ghostly duo sometimes seemingly made of a misty substance playing an eternal game of fetch throughout the rows of headstones the spirits of the legendary Wright brothers have been sighted in Woodland from time to time as well their operations have been described as so solid and real that most encountering them think them reenactors before watching them vanish into nothingness though these tales and their characters are quite notable it's believed that a number of lesser-known entities may roam was as well and many reports citing the silhouette of a teenage female sitting at the top of the main hill the spirit of a small girl who is often seen peeking out from behind headstones watching visitors and the ghost of a beautiful young woman in a flowing old-timey dress that's actually been known to stop and hold full conversations with passerby 'he's fading away after a moment number 6 the Ohio State House the Ohio State House is located on Capitol Square smack dab in downtown Columbus and boasts the reputation of one of the oldest working state houses in the US when the need arose a handful of Columbus citizens actually donated their land for the creation of their future State Capitol the City of Columbus was officially founded in 1812 and took over as the state capitol in 1816 construction initially started in 1839 with the building opening to the public nearly 20 years later in 1857 though construction wasn't technically finished until 1861 eerily it was built with prison labor and many died on various hard jobs from 1861 to 1865 during the Civil War the Statehouse was used as a meeting place namely for Union troops a large portion of Columbus's population was involved in the war to some extent and some say the Statehouse was also used to store bodies until burial throughout the years the building underwent a series of modernisations renovations and additions and by 1989 the original 54 rooms had been expanded to over 300 rooms the Capitol houses the Ohio General Assembly consisting of the House of Representatives as well as the Senate it also contains the governor's lieutenant governor's state treasures and state auditors offices we don't know about you all but just looking at this old castle like monstrosity gives us the creeps and as with most old castle like monstrosities a number of terrifying supernatural stories have arisen from its many halls one story tells that and by the name of Thomas Bateman was a senate clerk in the building for over half a century shortly after his passing a number of reports detailed encounters with his apparition almost daily with many claiming he'd appear at 5:00 p.m. exactly distend the staircase and vanished shortly after leaving an abnormal chill and flickering lights in his wake all across the premises staff and visitors tell of a wide variety of occurrences not textbook with Batemans ghosts such as certain rooms getting suddenly unnaturally cold or hot exceedingly high EMF levels and light switches flipping from on to off on their own sometimes leaving unsuspecting individuals in the heart of the building surrounded by darkness a host of full-bodied apparitions have been sighted through the state houses many rooms including those of prisoners and ancient uniforms Union soldiers seen attending tasks from life and even medics hurrying to the bedsides of patients long deceased one story tells that following Abraham Lincoln's assassination in 1865 his body was actually sent to Illinois from DC it said that his body was laid up in the Statehouse overnight on one of the stops and a number of sightings from individuals with no knowledge of this legend seemed to confirm its validity a handful of sightings detail a ghostly man with unmistakably familiar characteristics could this be the spirit of Honest Abe himself according to legend you can judge for yourself as this entity is commonly sighted walking the Rotunda late at night lastly a number of sightings detail a ghost that many claim belongs to none other than Kate chase daughter of former governor salmon chase in life she was known as a legendary hostess and that trait seems to have crossed over with her as many reports citing her in various locations throughout the Statehouse seemingly entertaining large parties and sometimes even living guests number five the historic prospect place a state the historic prospect place a state or the trenway and prospect place mansion is located just south of trenway off of ohio interstate 77 this creepy old castle was originally constructed by abolitionist george wilson adams through the 1850s as a sprawling twenty-nine room abode for he and his family his family lived in a small temporary wooden home on the property until the completion of the main house but strangely just as the house was first completed in 1855 it actually caught fire and burned to the ground the cause of the fire is not fully understood but some claim it was started by an elderly Native American woman who was angry that the house was constructed atop a sacred burial place though that story would make for the perfect haunted background the more widely accepted theory is that one of the bricklayers possibly a man by the name of George Blackburn actually burnt the residence down to create more work for himself George was caught bragging drunkenly nights after the blaze and was arrested but escaped shortly after Adams and his family set to work immediately rebuilding the home finally moving in in 1877 late but happy it said they lived in peace and contentment for decades George eventually transforming his home into an incognito shop on the Underground Railroad he assured hundreds of slaves to freedom in the north with some today speculating even more maybe thousands during the Civil War George opened his home to any parties affiliated with the Union offering food shelter and care following George's death in 1879 the home was passed to his eldest daughter Anna and her husband William Cox Jr it stayed in the family's hands until 1969 when William and Anna's son George sold it to a distant relative Eugene Cox who in turn used the land to open Cox gravel company which he began mining off the estate's acreage over time the mansion was subjected to vandalism and forms of abuse leading to its plant demolition in 1988 but just in the nick of time a man by the name of Dave Longaberger purchased the property as a perspective business office he promptly started renovations but fell ill and the process was halted in 2001 astoundingly at the great-great-grandson of George W Adams actually returned and purchased his wayward ancestral home he continued the long halted renovations and in 2003 he created the GW Adams Education Center incorporated which has owned and managed the home officially since 2006 repair work continues to this day as workmen attempt to restore the old estate to its original appearance it has been open to the public and extremely high-profile ghost hunts as of late over the years a number of reports of paranormal activity have sprouted up from across the estate from owners workmen and visitors alike including exceedingly high EMF levels disturbing EVPs and orbs cotton photos and video several have reported strange fog light clusters floating with seeming cognition and a slew of reports detail have formed apparitions appearing later in the background of unsuspecting photographs the ghosts of the original George Adams has been cited frequently usually walking the ground floors or seemingly busy with something George is also known to commonly spook visitors on the top floor when he materializes just in time to watch perfect Sun sets during less civilized times one legend tells the barn was used to hang bounty hunters and several I've reportedly heard their tortured cries emanating from the area followed by a swift whack and the creak of rope pulling on wood many entering the barn report feeling unseen bodies rolling in to them as well as the inexplicable feelings of complete terror another spirit believed to be a young girl who was injured on the railroad has been sighted in the basement as well as around the grounds a solemn look on her face it's believed she expired at the house before she could reach her destination another legend that sprouted up through the 19th these states that the home was actually used for satanic rituals and that strange symbols and altars were found in various rooms some claimed demonic presences may still remain until a testament to that claim our reports of breath on the back of necks disembodied voices knocking and even deep otherworldly growling sounds coming from empty dark rooms some local legends suggest William [ __ ] disappeared under mysterious circumstances and a long-standing rumor tells his spirit wanders the halls forever attempting to communicate his killer's name to the living number four the Ohio State Reformatory Ohio State Reformatory or Mansfield reformatory is a historic prison located up olives burg Road in none other than Mansfield the land was originally used as a training camp in 1861 for Civil War soldiers or at least that's what recorded history tells us some speculate it was used much earlier by native tribes to the area and several legends tell it may have even been used as a burial ground construction of the prison began in 1886 and lasted until 1910 due to construction delays and funding or lack thereof and a half completed State the building actually opened its doors and began housing prisoners officially in 1896 with the first waves of inmates assisting with the construction of additional portions the reformatory stayed in operation astoundingly until 1990 when after several investigations it was closed due to overcrowding and inhumane conditions in 1995 the Mansfield reformatory Preservation Society was formed in an attempt to preserve the rather historic building if this prison looks familiar to you and you're not a former inmate chances are you've seen one of the many pieces that feature it including various series paranormal television shows music videos and very notable films that's right Ohio State was the actual prison used in the Shawshank Redemption popular in 1994 film by Frank Darabont based on the 1982 novella Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption by none other than Stephen King today Ohio State is open to the public for tours and has welcomed multiple historical as well as paranormal investigations with open arms over its long existence many have claimed a number of hauntings may plagued the old reformatory halls a result of the many deaths for murder disease starvation and suicide their shadowy apparitions have been sighted moving about unnatural cold spots are fell and cell doors are said to slam randomly sometimes followed by disembodied murmurs are talking from within some of the more commonly sighted entities across the premises are those of former guards usually seen at their old posts seemingly unaware of the living disturbingly several female visitors to the prison have reported terrifying encounters in which the ghost of an angry rotting man actually attacks or chases them screaming you shouldn't be here over and over again also reported throughout the old building or disembodied footsteps the full-bodied apparitions of prisoners and first-hand accounts of individuals being touched grabbed or even hit by unseen hands if you visit this haunt you may want to give the cellblocks and solitary confinement space a wide berth as the spirits in these places are said to enjoy tormenting the living reported are cases of even the strongest men boasting the hardiest constitutions being reduced to blubbering incoherent and tear stricken space after entering these areas alone strangely at some point in time staff and visitors began smelling roses throughout the old offices later identified as one of the superintendent's late wives old perfumes when the superintendent later passed away staff began reporting smelling his cigar smoke alongside her perfume as if their souls were joined in death also reported throughout the prison are lights flickering and flash lights dying completely disembodied voices and laughter following loans staff members and even several rather dangerous instances in which visitors were pushed or bullied toward dangerous ledges by what they described as a crowd of invisible bodies the showers are said to be haunted by the ghost of an inmate who ended his own life by way of hanging and many claim they can still hear him gurgling splashing and the squeak of his feet kicking across the floor from time to time tragically one legend tells that a fourteen year old prisoner was beaten to death in the basement his spear is commonly cited there but when approached he's known to turn quickly and run in fear lastly and possibly most disturbingly during the building's operation one desperate prisoner actually doused himself in kerosene and lit it up violently burning to death several reports detail his apparition a charred corpse fully ablaze that's been known to appear suddenly sometimes in a cloud of smoke startling any nearby number three Molly stark Park Mollie Stark Park in Louisville is located on the grounds of the former Mollie Stark sanatorium the hospital originally opened its doors in 1929 to treat those with more advanced cases of tuberculosis it was founded on the belief that sunlight fresh air in compassion were important elements in treating patients it was named after Molly Paige stark wife of American Revolutionary War General John Stark who actually opened her home as a hospital and cared for soldiers affected by smallpox in 1938 tunnels were installed allowing for travel between the buildings on colder rainy days in 1952 the building was expanded to hold even more patients in 1956 as medical treatments for tuberculosis advanced and less and less were hospitalized the name was changed to Molly stark hospital it began admitting a wider range of medical cases shortly after the last tuberculosis patients were transferred from the hospital in 1970 and it began focusing solely on rehab and continued care for the elderly and handicapped in 1995 as overall need for the facility declined and as the building itself was literally beginning to fall apart its old doors were finally closed the property was turned over to the Start Community Park District who turned it into the Mollie Stark park we all know and love today in 2015 a large fence was installed around the building in an attempt to fend off its many trespassers some with less than honorable intentions for the space this is for their safety however as its said that continued exposure with even so much as the air inside poses a serious health risk over the years a number of legends have sprouted up from both the sanatorium itself as well as the park and in their earlier years many claimed the restless spirits here were those who suffered cases of abuse mistreatment and neglect while these stories might make for an entertaining horror flick they simply weren't true and in recent times paranormal experts have speculated that the restless spirits harbored here are in fact from those who suffered due to their ailments coupled with the emotional longing to be home with their families and dying before getting the chance the formal investigations have never been approved at Mollie Stark this hasn't stopped various self-proclaimed paranormal researchers from running all manner of tests across its expanse nor has it stopped local Daredevils from sneaking around after dark a large number of reports of an exploitable activity also come from police officers doctors city inspectors and other officials with business at the park or old structure some of these reports include the disembodied sounds of chains rattling ghostly voices calling to park goers especially around the old sanatorium extreme cold spots and mysterious figures staring out from the building's windows watching passers-by ominously before disappearing stories of hauntings began before the hospital closed down and several early tales tell of nurses doctors security people and patients experiencing strange equipment malfunctions finding the elevators running on their own citing strange white mists that would enter and leave patient rooms and most disturbing would respond to frequent alarms set off from behind locked doors with no explanation on one chilling and infamous occasion a group of police officers were monitoring inmates removing rubble and artifacts from the dilapidated old building all members of the party reported hearing something seemingly heavy and metallic being dragged across the upper floors when they went to investigate they found that a large bed had been dragged a sizable distance across various rooms scratch marks still visible in a fresh layer of dust when break-ins were becoming a problem an officer was stationed in the old building overnight the officer witnessed a man in a brown suit darting between the rooms since this report others have cited the strange apparition as well walking the grounds or running through the old building some speculate this is the spirit of a former director while others claim he's the ghost of a former doctor who loved his job on a closing note if you want to experience these haunts but aren't looking forward to a breaking and entering charge don't worry legend says you can catch a good deal of them from the outside with many simply walking by reporting sighting strange lights akin to lanterns drifting over the grounds and through the windows orbs caught by accident in the backgrounds of photographs and even several full-bodied apparitions that are commonly seen on the building's balconies staring off over the park briefly before fading away number 2 Franklin castle Franklin castle or the treta moon house is located off of Franklin Boulevard in the Ohio City neighborhood of Cleveland the home was constructed from 1881 to 1882 for Hans treta men and his family in 1891 honza's fifteen-year-old daughter Emma died from complications of diabetes shortly after his mother died in the home over the following three years three more children were lost all still infants Hans built onto the home extensively some say in an effort to distract his grieving wife others to distract himself when his wife Louie is passed away in 1895 finally sold the saddled home to the mul Howser family from 1921 to 1968 it was used as a meeting place for various cultural organizations in 1968 however it was finally purchased by the Romano family who settled into the musty old abode with their six children what could go wrong almost expectedly the Romana family quickly began experiencing ghostly encounters eventually seeking the help of a priest who was recorded as having sensed an evil presence in the home he refused to do an exorcism but rather instructed them to find a new home the family later contacted a paranormal research crew for help but it said that they were sent running from the house screaming the Romano's exausted sold the property to Sam Muscatello in 1974 a businessman Sam held haunted tours and even offered overnight stays in an attempt to raise the funds necessary to turn the castle surprisingly into a church then Muscatello struck gold or rather marrow in the form of human bones found within the castle disappointingly an investigation turned up that Muscatello had planted the bones as a publicity stunt this all leaves us wondering where did he get the bones in the first place from 1984 to 1994 the property was acquired by Michael de Vinko husband actress Judy Garland he spent nearly a million dollars renovating the old abode was modernizing many of its features Franklin castle changed hands several more times throughout the years until in 2011 it was purchased by ODIHR productions who performed a series of repairs in 2018 as repairs and renovations we're nearing completion Norton records leased the property from ODIHR productions and continues to operate their business out of it to this day need we even say it over the years pretty much everyone speculates the extreme nature of the paranormal occurrences reported on this property are the results of its tragic past disturbingly reports of haunted happenings were recorded as early as when Hans was still in the home local legend tells that one of his daughters didn't actually die of illness that she was hanged and that he had also killed his mother maybe even the other children and even his wife of course these are merely bedtime tales that have more than likely been diluted over the years to unrecognizable hogwash but all stories start somewhere right modern reports of hauntings began again circa 1968 when the Romano family first moved into the home their children were the first to experience strange things reporting disembodied footsteps small voices and the sounds of someone unseen fumbling with various items through the home eventually they described interacting with the spirit of a young girl over time adults began experiencing these phenomena as well and described them as increasing in intensity to this day many entering the old home report disembodied voices objects moving on their own even floating spatially across rooms cold spots and strange wafts of fog seemingly floating with cognition many have reported the sounds of children playing even babies crying and these noises are suspected to be the spirits of the many children lost here doors have been known to slam on their own and a chilling lady in black has been sighted wandering about staring at passers-by through various windows another apparition commonly cited at Franklin Castle is that of a ghostly white figure seen on the stairs this figure has been known to bring with it a slew of happenings including random electrical malfunctions such as phones and cameras going dead instantly as well as strange sounds emanating throughout the house another local legend claims that while the home was unused by the German Socialist Party through the start of the 1900s a group of early Nazis were gunned down in the basement this legend has also never been confirmed lastly many entering Franklin Report being followed by a large entity that stays in the corner of its victims vision always just out of sight it's said to make those it follows extremely uncomfortable stalking them sometimes even touching them disturbingly one visitor reports actually being poked by this thing number one the Moonville tunnel the Moonville tunnel is the decommissioned historic railroad tunnel near the site of the Moonville ghost town located in Benton County right along the Moonville Rail Trail its story begins back in 1856 when the Marietta and Cincinnati railroad began building tracks through the area in an effort to conserve time a deal was cut with property owner and longtime miner Samuel Coe the tracks would cut directly through his land and in return the train would shift coal for Samuel the Moonville tunnel was created with those very tracks as one can easily see the land surrounding the tunnel was lush beautiful and within just years after the area's unintended discovery or recovery numbers flocked in its direction seeking mining opportunities or new places to live slowly the town of Moonville was born despite public desire through land management it kept its numbers small and the town's official population hit just over a hundred at its peak through the 1870s Moonville was isolated with many having to walk the train tracks to neighboring towns for supplies several deaths occurred over the years namely pedestrians being struck by trains the mines began to dry up near the turn of the century and gradually the town was left abandoned the last family departed officially in 1947 by the 1960s one could say nature had reclaimed what once belonged to it leaving little left to show that anyone had ever lived there today all that remains are a handful of foundations a cemetery and the now infamous tunnel surprisingly trains continue to run the line until 1988 when the tracks were finally removed the old line was eventually turned into the 16 mile hiking trail that many of us enjoy today over its impressive history a number of legends have emerged from the old tunnel as well as the surrounding area and history tells that at least 26 individuals met sudden and grisly fates here 1882 trains accidentally collided near the tunnel killing the engineer in one and the fireman and another shortly after townsfolk began reporting sighting a glowing white figure on the tracks this figure was known to appear suddenly in front of trains causing great distress for all aboard until upon the moment of anticipated contact it would simply vanish many believe this is the spirit of the engineer attempting to light the way for others some aren't so sure about this theory however and several describe the figure as donning a white robe having a flowing white beard and carrying a lantern a figure matching this description has even been captured in several photographs over the years but to date no one can pinpoint exactly who he may be also reported around the tunnel are strange lights in the skies above and orbs seen as well as cotton photographs flying through the tunnel and over the nearby gravestones another spirit rumored to stalk the area is one dubbed simply the brakeman as the legend goes a young brakeman was drunk on the job and ended up falling from a train at the tunnel to his death a number of reports and witnesses claimed to cite the man's entity appearing around twenty years in age trudging the tracks with a dimly lit lantern lost confused many speculate walking off a hangover he'll never forget history shows that a total of four brakeman died and very close proximity to the Moonville tunnel a third notable spirit reported around Moonville has frequently been referred to as the lavender lady in recent times a number of paranormal researchers have come to the possible conclusion that the lavender lady is in fact the spirits of several women all stricken by trains while walking the tracks history tells that at least three women from Moonville were killed in this very way some report citing the apparition of a young woman some an elderly one and others cite both together walking hand in hand when this or these entities are cited many report that the air surrounding them is suddenly filled with the relaxing smell of lavender that a certain calm falls over the area the lavender lady has been known to follow visitors who are alone especially at night if this happens to you take comfort in the fact that many believe she's actually keeping those she follows safe it's not all flowers and fun at the tunnel however and the lavender lady is a farce dried from our last Moonville entity which is arguably the most famous this entity is known simply as the bully it said the bully lives above the tracks it's believed this malevolent presence is the spirit of Baldy Keaton a man from the Moonville area through the 1880s Baldy is said to have been a drunk who started frequent fights at the local saloon it said that one night he started a fight with the wrong people left for home and was never seen alive again his body was discovered the next day on the tracks but many feel his moment of death happened further away the corpse had been hit by at least three trains it's now speculated that he was beaten within an inch of his life then left to die on the grille of a steam engine or three his spirit began appearing shortly after his death especially to those who knew him in life and it said that he was vengeful to this day many report near attacks from the bully who's been known to throw rocks from the ground above the tunnel some easily capable of killing the living needless to say if you go here keep your eyes up down and all around lastly and confined to no particular landmark strange fog has been known to descend upon the area extreme temperature changes are frequent and the sounds of phantom train whistles screeching and shrieks are said to be a nightly occurrence with the absolutely chilling range of hauntings surrounding this old hole coupled with its ridiculously fascinating and grisly past it's no wonder we chose the Moonville tunnel as our pick for the most haunted place in Ohio thank you everyone for tuning in to our list of the most haunted places in Ohio if you enjoyed watching this video as much as we enjoyed making it for you don't forget to subscribe to our channel and turn notifications on so you know when fresh content is coming out click that like button down below and most importantly share this video and our channel with anyone you think could use a little scare see you next time
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Keywords: top, ten, 10, most, haunted, places, in, ohio, columbus, cleveland, cincinnati, dayton, toledo, akron, youngstown, kent, Findlay, chillicothe, zanesville, wooster, westerville, house, church, cemetery, murder, school, university, college, supernatural, paranormal, ghost, demon, cryptid, horror, scary, creepy, spooky, poltergeist, clown, 2019, 2020, new, must, see, caught, on, camera, fact, or, fiction
Id: 1vhv5ihX1WE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 2sec (2762 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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