Haunted Places in California

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from breathtaking beachfront resorts hiding dark secrets below their seemingly serene sands to prestigious cemeteries holding the bodies of Hollywood royalty where it said the show continues long after death the Golden State is packed with fascinating history and hauntings worthy of the silver screen are you ready for the most haunted places in California number 10 Knott's Berry Farm Knott's Berry Farm is a fifty seven acre theme park owned and operated by the Cedar Fair entertainment company that in 2018 was the 12th most visited theme park on the continent the farm hosts an impressive 4 million guests each year the site history begins way back in the 1920s when all that existed was a small roadside stand operated by Walter Knott and his family the stamps old namely berries preserves and some of the best pies around fun fact Walter was actually the first to successfully cultivate the boysenberry in 1934 the Knott family began selling fried chicken dinners from mrs. Knott's chicken dinner restaurant on the property these dinners grew greatly in reputation and began drawing large amounts of tourists after which the family of realizing opportunity is set to work on several other shops and attractions in 1940 Walter began construction on a replica ghost town transporting actual buildings from Calico California and Prescott Arizona these would serve as routes to the present-day theme park through the 1950s the park began hosting a summer long fair and in 1968 implemented an admission fee the park continued to grow rapidly at remaining in the Knott family until 1997 when it was sold to its present owners over the parks lifespan a number of reports of the other-worldly have emerged from peanuts Playhouse many reports strange noises inexplicable cold spots and disembodied voices staff in the Playhouse often report never truly feeling alone and watching as lights turn themselves on and off the spirits of a maintenance worker and a young boy were often cited around the old dinosaur ride before it was torn down and near the area that once held the parachute attraction the ghost of a man who jumped his death in the mid-1980s has been sighted roaming and has been known to disappear when approached lastly on the second floor of Virginia's gift shop many claim the spirit of a former employee since deceased still lurks about this presence has been known to open and closed doors knock from within the walls cause abnormally cold breezes and even top guests who always turn to find absolutely no one within arm's reach number nine Hotel del Coronado Hotel del Coronado is a historic beachfront hotel located on Coronado Island just across the bay from San Diego that is one of the few surviving examples of the American wooden beach resort as well as the second largest wooden structure in the United States course was set for the hotel's construction in 1885 when five investors went in together to buy all of Coronado and North Islands at around 4,000 acres in 1886 these investors created the Coronado Beach company at utilizing their operation to develop surrounding beachfront and land Hotel del Coronado opened its doors in 1888 boasting the title at the time as being the largest Resort Hotel in the world the hotel held large cisterns in the basement for rainwater though they were never used for their intended purpose they were said to come in very handy during Prohibition when they were instead used to hold alcohol from this point onward Hotel del Coronado began acquiring an impressive celebrity guest list including Charlie Chaplin Clark Gable Joan Crawford and more during world war ii the hotel was used to house navy officers and pilots but was never fully commandeered as were other resorts of the era today while the hotel may look old and honestly it is numerous renovations and care have kept lodgings up to date the entirety of hotel grounds are said to be haunted by the spirit of one Kate Morgan as the story goes on Thanksgiving of 1892 Kate checked in alone and unhappy it said she was waiting on a gentleman to join her but after five days of waiting and no one showing up she took her own life by way of self-inflicted gunshot wound at the time of her death kay had no identification on her which led to a nationwide search for who she actually was when she was eventually identified it was discovered that she was separated from her husband and had been working in a wealthy la household several witnesses reported seeing her fighting with a man on her way to the hotel but not much is known past this local legend tells Kate's spirit roams the property some say Restless over her lost love others over the lack of recognition upon her passing and others still that she was actually murdered Kate's old room room 3327 is said to be the most active those strange happenings have been experienced all throughout the hotel including flickering lights televisions found turned on behind locked doors strange smells odd sounds from vacant rooms and even several reports of objects sighted floating spatially through the air many guests have also reported disembodied footsteps voices doors opening and closing on their own and uncomfortable instances in which their rooms get exceedingly hot or cold with no explanation the full-bodied apparition of Kate herself has been sighted roaming about the hotel as well as along the adjacent shoreline a look of sorrow on her face number 8 Yosemite National Park Yosemite National Park is an American National Park located in the western Sierra Nevadas of central California that covers a whopping 748 436 a KERS spanning between four counties human habitation of Yosemite Valley dates back 3,000 years possibly older - when native tribes of the area lived here prospering greatly in trade when the California Gold Rush hit bringing European immigrants to the valley it resources became harsh competition in 1855 advertisements for the area were funded in an attempt to draw in tourism and in 1864 Abraham Lincoln signed a bill establishing the Yosemite grant rather interestingly this is actually the first instance of park lands being set aside specifically for preservation and public use through the US government in time several businesses were introduced to the area and in 1916 the National Park Service granted a 20-year concession to the desmond park service company it purchased up what was their continuing to build and just a year later in 1917 changed its name to the yosemite national park company yosemite remains open to the public year-round offering a multitude of opportunities for day visits as well as extended stays as local legend has a Yosemite holds a number of haunted hot spots many have perished by slipping and falling near the parks waterfalls while these deaths can be explained away by the wet precarious conditions many blame them on an evil spirit dubbed pehoe no pehoe no is said to be a trickster figure that takes the form of an impish wind capable of pushing people right off the nearby cliff sides at grouse lake the wailing of what sounds like an injured puppy can forever be heard drifting eerily across the waters astoundingly the first reports of this phenomenon came from a park ranger circa 1857 he was told by native tribes that it was the sound of a ghostly little boy who drowned in the lake long ago they warned that any who follow his call will be pulled into the water and drowned by his icy little hands through Tenaya Canyon dubbed locally the Bermuda Triangle lies a treacherous trail reserved only for the most experienced hikers legends surrounding the canyon tells the alwah Nicci leader chief tenaya enraged after the death of his son placed a curse on the canyon today a ridiculous number of accidents disappearances and mysterious deaths have occurred here lastly a number of ghostly tales have emerged from the majestic yosemite hotel formerly of the awanee the sixth floor is said to be haunted by one of the building's developers Mary Curie Tresidder who passed in 1970 and her sixth floor apartment while the spirits of two spectral World War 2 era soldiers have been sighted in the mezzanine hotel staff have reported returning to locked rooms to find the mysteriously tidied up guests have reported the sensation of being tucked in in the middle of the night and a rocking chair once used by John F Kennedy has been known to rock while completely empty number seven the Hollywood Forever Cemetery the Hollywood Forever Cemetery in Los Angeles is a full-service funeral home crematorium and cultural arts center located smack dab on Santa Monica Boulevard in Hollywood that's known for holding a massive amount of past talent both local and international the Hollywood Cemetery Association was originally formed in 1897 when several cemetery organizations combined efforts the cemetery itself was officially opened in 1899 at 100 acres as quite simply of the Hollywood Cemetery by 1920 Paramount Pictures in cahoots with RKO Pictures purchased 40 acres of the grounds with a portion of the remainder reserved as a Jewish burial ground in the early 20th century the cemeteries name was changed to Hollywood Memorial Park in 1939 Jules Roth a convicted felon and millionaire purchased 51% stake in the cemetery using profits from the grounds largely to fund his personal life slowly the cemetery State began to decline in 1974 the crematorium was shut down following incidents in which bricks began falling from the structure during incinerations eventually the families of those interred began complaining of the state of the grounds in addition to rampant vandalism following the Northridge earthquake of 1994 Roth could no longer afford to repair damages caused he was all but forced to sell shortly after in 1998 the new owners which actually remain owners to this day and renamed the old yard Hollywood Forever Cemetery painstakingly restoring every detail the yard has since grown significantly in popularity and hosts events year-round over its long existence and out of the many heads crossing through its gates a number of local legends have emerged regarding the graveyards many hauntings staff and visitors often report orbs visible to the naked eye the feeling of being watched or followed and strange winds that pick up out of nowhere that are seemingly confined to the yard alone a number of full-bodied entities and attire from different eras have sited both in the cemetery and throughout surrounding buildings and properties most seemingly unaware they are dead going about tasks from life the figure of a woman in all black has been sighted leaving flowers on the grave of Rudolph Valentino and has been known to appear each year on the anniversary of his death this is thought to be the spirit of Pola Negri his fiancee at the time the Psalms and Abbey mausoleum is said to be another hot spot where many near report hearing whispering voices cold drafts the smell of old Cologne and the full-bodied entity of Clifton Webb who passed in 1966 lastly perhaps the most famous legend from Hollywood forever surrounds one Virginia Rappe it's said that on Labor Day of 1921 during a party for Roscoe Arbuckle Virginia became deathly ill requiring the services of an ambulance though she made it to the hospital she died a few days later many claimed Rosco assaulted Virginia or that he'd even had her poisoned to cover the crime but these stories were never substantiated those nearing Virginia's grave often report feeling an icy chill or hearing a perturbing sobbing and several visiting the yard have even run into her full-bodied apparition sitting at the edge of the pond on grounds crying softly into the night number six the u.s. grant hotel the u.s. grant hotel or officially the u.s. grant a luxury collection hotel is a historic hotel located in downtown San Diego's prestigious Gaslamp Quarter planning for the hotel started all the way back in 1867 when one Alonzo Horton arrived to the area and bought what is now downtown San Diego he laid out the city grid carefully and began selling off lots on this particular site a Horton House Hotel which was San Diego's first major hotel was constructed in 1906 ulysses s grant jr. son of the one-and-only purchased the Horton house quickly demolishing it and setting to work on his own project his prized business the u.s. grant hotel which was named after his father would open its doors in 1910 in 1952 the hotel's signature restaurant the grant grill was opened and later through the 1980s plans were put in place for a total refurb of the property sadly however halfway through refurbishments the grant fell into a financial slump and things were put on hold it changed hands several times through the 1990s until in 2003 it was purchased up by the secured band of the Kumi Nation they closed the hotel down for a time finishing much of its incomplete renovations while adding a host of new ones to the list the u.s. grant hotel was finally reopened in 2006 today operations are managed by Marriott Hotels & Resorts as part of its luxury collection the hotel is said to be haunted by the spirit of grant Junior's wife Fanny who passed away shortly after its opening grant jr. went on to remarry and moved into the hotel with his new wife many speculate that Fanny was unhappy and resentful about this fact and that it caused her soul unrest her full-bodied apparition has been sighted in an old-fashioned white dress roaming the property as if searching for something also reported across the grounds and not textbook with Fanny's behavior our object sighted moving on their own faucets found turned on in locked rooms disembodied footsteps voices and strange noises from the hallway when it's seemingly empty lastly at guests have reported terrifying instances in which they were awakened in the middle of the night by the figure of a man standing ominously over them several claiming he only disappeared once they'd shut and reopen their eyes number five Alcatraz Island Alcatraz Island off the coast of San Francisco is a spit of land famous for harboring the notorious Alcatraz prison which is now open to the public for tours and events it all started in 1853 when the US Army Corps of Engineers began fortifying the island labour continued until 1858 when the first version of what was dubbed for Alcatraz was completed in as early as 1859 the island was used to house soldiers many guilty of war crimes or abandonment by 1861 the fort had been fully transformed into a military prison for use by the Department of the Pacific and was utilized to house Civil War POWs beginning in 1863 the island also held civilians unlucky enough to be caught for treason and later in 1867 a brick jail house was constructed in 1898 the spanish-american war raised the prisons population from 26 to over 450 inmates and a 1909 work was started on a huge concrete cellblock which was completed by 1912 in 1933 the United States Department of Justice acquired the land utilizing as a prison the very next year the prison quickly grew in infamy as it was used to hold some of the most notorious criminals of the time including Al Capone Robert Franklin sound or the Birdman George Machine Gun Kelly and more the prison claimed no one escaped though a total of 36 attempted the fee 23 were caught alive 6 were shot and killed 2 drowned and 5 were listed as missing and presumed drowned the prison finally closed its doors in 1963 namely due to the fact that it was just too expensive to operate and required consistent maintenance to fight off erosion caused by constant exposure to salt water which as a result made for easier escape attempts following the prisons closure the island was occupied for a number of months by native tribes of the area protesting federal policies in 1972 the island and all associated structures were merged in as part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area ensuring their continued preservation both remain open for tours to this day astoundingly reports of paranormal activity on the island began with native tribes of the area who believed the island was inhabited by evil spirits this belief was furthered after early guards described both hearing strange sounds and sighting full-bodied apparitions of Civil War soldiers and native peoples many who served time at Alcatraz were declared insane following their releases and eventually at rumor grew that this was due in part to the prison's paranormal happenings all across the island many report disembodied moaning and crying whispering and voices coming from old blocks and disturbingly a cell doors that have a habit of shutting and locking visitors in by themselves one story tells that years prior an inmate in cell block D began screaming of a monster in the middle of the night yelling that it was going to get him he was found deceased the following morning purple-faced bulged eyes and strangulation marks around his throat visitors to the cell often report feeling an extreme and unnatural coldness enveloping them reported all throughout the old prison are the sounds of musical instruments and machinery floating lights sighted drifting about shadowy figures and the jingle of chains the melody of canary singing can be heard from the former cell of the Birdman where his full-bodied apparition has been sighted the ghost of Alvin creepy Karpis has been caught in the bakery and kitchen and the spirit of Machine Gun Kelly has been known to frequent the prison's Chapel also reported across the island or the sounds of cannon and gunfire alarms set off without cause the sensation of icy fingers grabbing touching or hitting one's person and the spirit of former inmate a B mal de Witts nicknamed the butcher who was murdered in the laundry room and whose restless soul is said to remain lastly a history tells Al Capone spent much of his stay playing the banjo often in the shower rooms where to this day an old-timey melody can be heard seemingly always just out of sight number four the point Vicente Light the point Vicente Light is a sixty seven foot tall lighthouse looming off the South Westerley most point of the Palos Verdes Peninsula in Rancho Palos Verdes that boasts a reputation as being one of the biggest and brightest lights on the California coast and that has served as a base for numerous notable rescue operations over the years the point itself was originally named in 1790 by Captain George Vancouver amidst his exploration of the Pacific Coast for England he named the point in honor of his good friend friar Vicente following years and years of both ships and sailors sent to watery graves courtesy of the rocky shoals near Palos Verdes an initial light was constructed in 1926 making use of a Parisian Fresnel lens that had been utilized earlier in Alaska from 1886 and onward in 1934 the Long Beach oh station opened in a neighboring building and was used to watch for incoming distress signals the light was manned by civilians until 1939 when the US Coast Guard took over operations during World War Two the light was dimmed and blackout curtains were installed kept hung at the ready in case enemy ships were sighted approaching following the war the lights and her windows were painted to prevent the rotating light from shining into the windows of newly formed and rapidly growing neighborhoods the light system was fully automated in 1971 and in 1980 the radio station closed its doors after its tasks were transferred to a new station the point Vicente interpretive Center opened its doors in 1984 offering exhibits on the light and surrounding areas history the light remains operational to this day acting as a navigational aid though the lighthouse itself is closed to the general public organized tours are an auction and surrounding grounds are always open for walking and viewing records of the lights haunting date back to when the windows were first painted though many claim it existed prior to the structure itself around this time lighthouse keepers and those living nearby began reporting the silhouette of a woman clad in a flowing early 19th century gown this woman has since been dubbed the lady of the light there have been several theories as to her true identity from life some say she was the wife of the first light keeper who stumbled and accidentally fell from the edge of the cliff one foggy night others that she was someone awaiting the return of her true love and that when it became obvious they were lost at sea she took her own life and other still that she's the spirit of a broken hearted woman who threw herself from the cliffs when her love abandoned her the Lady of the light has been sighted up into recent times walking the cliff face in the tower and accompanying buildings also reported across the lighthouse grounds are disembodied footsteps ghostly voices and crying heard emanating from the tower at night shadowy figures have been seen darting about orbs and strange mists are commonly captured in photographs and the apparitions of sailors an old fashion clothing have been encountered lastly many who visit the light report feeling as if they're being watched followed or even brushed up against by someone unseen shortly before being overcome with an inexplicable feeling of sadness number 3 mission in Hotel and Spa mission in Hotel and Spa is a historic landmark hotel in downtown Riverside that's considered the largest Mission Revival style building not just in California but in the entirety of the United States it may surprise that the property initially started out as nothing more than a small Adobe style boarding house called the Glenwood cottage which was designed by engineer and surveyor Christopher Columbus Miller who hosted the cottages first guests in 1876 in 1880 Christopher's son Frank Augustus Miller purchased the boarding house and grounds from his father as California's economy boomed through the early 1900s the boarding house grew into a full-service hotel pulling in wealthy investors and eventually travelers in 1902 Frank officially changed the houses name to Glenwood mansion in Frank continued designing and building onto the pre-existing structure gathering a number of treasures and art pieces for the hotel until his death in 1935 following Frank's passing the hotel continued to operate under the management of Frank's daughter and son-in-law until 1956 after which it was passed through a number of owners in 1985 the property was acquired by the Carley Capital Group and was promptly closed for renovations after some unexpected costs arose exceeding budget the property was sold the Riverside businessman Dwayne Roberts and his wife Kelly the duo completed renovations quickly reopening the hotel Mission Inn Hotel and Spa remains under the ownership of the Roberts to this day and features its own Museum which aims to educate all interested in the histories of not just the end but of the inland of Southern California itself over its lengthy existence the inn has hosted a number of notable names including Pat and Richard Nixon who were actually married in what is now the presidential lounge Nancy and Ronald Reagan who honeymooned on site Harry Houdini James Brolin Glen Campbell Albert Einstein Henry Ford II additional US presidents and or the in is said to be haunted very simply by the spirits of the Miller family who loved the property in life and many have encountered their full-bodied apparitions in various rooms as well as in the courtyard Frank and Alice Miller's rooms are said to be the most haunted drinks old room is actually locked in off limits with some legends claiming to seal in the hauntings Alice's room is open and a number of reports of detailed guests awakening in the middle of the night to find her full-bodied apparition at the end of their bed reported all across the property our shadowy figures seemingly watching guests from dark rooms strange orbs of light visible to the naked eyes sighted floating in the halls disembodied voices and singing footsteps and old-timey music emanating from thin air lastly many exploring the N alone report extreme chills and feeling as if someone invisible is constantly following them with several describing the sensation of being touched grabbed or even pushed by unseen hands number 2 Los Angeles City Hall Los Angeles City Hall located in the Civic Center district has acted as a center of government to the city of Los Angeles since its completion in 1928 construction of the City Hall initially started in 1926 lasted two years and was intended to replace the older 18:8 City Hall which was demolished upon the new halls opening in 1939 an art gallery was added to the third floor showcasing a range of state artists from its completion until 1964 the structure claimed the title of being the tallest building in the city of Los Angeles and in 1976 it was designated a Los Angeles historic-cultural monuments under way a seismic retrofit allowing it to withstand minimal damages following an eight-point-two magnitude earthquake at 454 feet in height this remodel made the building the tallest building in the world to be retrofitted with base isolation City Hall offers an observation deck on the 27th floor free to the public and open during business hours and houses the office of the mayor as well as the meeting chambers and offices for City Council the building itself along with surrounding streets have been util in a number of movies and television series including the 1950s Adventures of Superman 1976 is bad news bears LA Confidential in 1997 Gangster Squad in 2013 and many others disturbingly City Hall reportedly once held a morgue and local legend tells the property may be hanging on to a number of restless spirits that arrived attached to freshly deceased bodies several security guards have claimed that floors 2 3 F 4 27 and 28 are the most haunted and many unsaid floors have reported feeling as though someone unseen is always walking right next to or directly behind them in Hall security cameras have captured inexplicable things such as orbs starting about or flashes of human silhouettes at night when the building is locked down reported all across the property our disembodied footsteps from empty hallways voices emanating from thin air strange flashes of light and full-bodied apparitions donning clothing from many different eras doors and windows have been known to close on their own light switches often flick from on to off when no one is around and many report catching half-formed apparitions and the background of photography also reported across the premises our extreme cold spots objects sighted moving spatially through the air and locked drawers or doors found unlocked and left ajar lastly but certainly not least the ghost of a raggedy looking man dressed in old fashioned clothing has been sighted all throughout City Hall and has even been known to disrupt council meetings or disturb those using the restroom number one Disneyland coming in at number one and really needing no introduction is what summed up the happiest place on earth the initiator the original the first Disneyland officially Disneyland Park and located in Anaheim this Disney theme park was actually the only park designed and constructed in its entirety and to completion by legendary Disney creator Walt Disney himself Walt initially developed the parks concept after visiting various amusement parks with his daughters through the 1930s and 1940s as he watched his girls writing a range of rights dreamt of a place that parents and children could enjoy together a place where age was irrelevant and where everyone stayed young he would go on to pitch and open his dream Park in 1955 in the form of Disneyland from the time of its opening to the present Disneyland has welcomed a host of expansions and major renovations including the addition of the beloved New Orleans square in 1966 bear country or what is now critter country in 1972 Mickey's Toontown in 1993 which on a side note we were actually there for Star Wars Galaxies edge in 2019 and much much more through the 1990s work was started to expand the park from just one park and its associated hotel to something much bigger surrounding property was quickly acquired and plans were set aside for the Disneyland Resort Disneyland was officially renamed as Disneyland park to distinguish it from the separate complex and in 2001 Disney California Adventure Park was constructed partially atop the original parking lot in 2004 the park underwent major renovations in preparation for its happiest homecoming on earth an 18-month long celebration held from 2005 to 2006 in honor of the parks 50th anniversary immediately following the celebration the year of a million dreams began lasting through 2008 in 2015 Disneyland celebrated 60 years introducing the paint the night parade and Disneyland Forever fireworks show in addition to adorning Sleeping Beauty's castle with diamonds and a large sixty Disneyland remains open and continues to serve pure unrefined happiness to the general populace to this day offering a wide range of rights attractions shows events food and drink options and as local legend has it it's a very own host of resident hauntings the spirit of a woman in a 19th century gown has been sighted on Main Street after dark this apparition has been known to appear to Lost Children guiding them to the Disneyland baby care center where staff turned to thank her only to find she's vanished from sight in 1973 two brothers stayed on Tom Sawyer's Island clothes they attempted to escape by swimming across the rivers of America sadly the older-brother drown it said that now late at night his spirit can be heard splashing around through the dark space Mountain is rumored to be inhabited by a large male spirit with red hair and a heavily freckled face this entity has been cited in the cast member locker room and has been known to sit next to solo writers who are scared but always disappears before the ride is over in 1966 the teenage boy was struck and killed by the monorail on grad night some legends tell he was attempting to sneak in while others say he was just messing around his spirit has been sighted at night a grin on his face as he runs alongside the train at impossible speeds in 1984 a woman named dolly young was killed when she was thrown from a bobsled since her death cast members who walk the tracks can still hear her disembodied voice in 1967 a teenager was killed on the People Mover ride which was later closed in 1995 it said the spirit remains now roaming Tomorrowland and has a habit of pulling the hair of blonde guests all across the park and confined to no area in particular staff and guests have reported extreme cold spots object sighted moving on their own machinery and electronics starting when no one is around disembodied voices full-bodied apparitions from different eras orbs and photographs footsteps from empty areas doors opening and closing and the feeling of being followed or watched by someone or something unseen if this ridiculously long list of local legends isn't already giving you chills never fear we saved the best for last construction of the haunted mansion began in 1963 and legend tells that one of its first guests was so terrified she actually died of a heart attack on the spot several cast members in the haunted mansion have reported odd happenings hair ribbons getting untied props found moved across entire rooms under impossible timeframes and a general chilling feeling that actually keeps employees avoiding certain areas while they work rather eerily several legends tell of mothers who've poured their children's ashes both in the Haunted Mansion as well as into the waters of the Pirates of the Caribbean and many have reported sighting ghostly children blending in with animatronics on both attractions finally the fire station off Main Street is said to be a major hotspot where both guests and employees have reported knocking from the walls disembodied footsteps and voices and objects sighted moving on their own at one time the man himself Walt Disney had an apartment above the fire station when he was present at the park he would turn a light on in the window to let everyone know the light remains on to this day in tribute to his memory before this tradition began however it said that an unnamed cast member closed for the night making sure to turn off all the lights when she returned the next morning she found Disney's light on and just as realization hit her heard a voice whisper softly I'm still here astounding history my long list of urban legends and ridiculously mysterious yet friendly hauntings considered it was easy for us when choosing Disneyland as our pick for the most haunted place in California thank you all for tuning in to our list of picks for the most haunted places in the state of California if you enjoyed hearing our histories and ghost stories as much as we enjoyed telling them to you don't forget to subscribe to our Channel and turn notifications on so you get an alert when fresh content is on the way throw us a like if you feel we deserve it and most importantly share this video and our channel with anyone you think could use a good scare we'll catch you all next time
Channel: The Speakeasy
Views: 82,444
Rating: 4.8075147 out of 5
Keywords: top, ten, 10, most, haunted, places, in, california, state, 2020, summer, knott's, knott, knotts, berry, farm, hotel, del, coronado, yosemite, national, park, hollywood, los, angeles, forever, cemetery, graveyard, us, united, states, grant, point, vicente, lighthouse, light, alcatraz, island, prison, mission, inn, spa, city, hall, disneyland, anaheim, san, diego, riverside, church, school, university, college, creepy, spooky, scary, paranormal, supernatural, ghost, caught, on, video, chills, horror, murder, death, spirit, occult, demon, francisco, beach, road
Id: 9sIavKxLoWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 46sec (2086 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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