HAUNTED LOCATION!!! - Stirling Castle - History, Legends and Ghost Tales!

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top of the city of Stirling surrounded by cliffs and graveyards sits one of Scotland's most mysterious castles drenched in legend battles mystery and fairy tales the history surrounding the castle seems to still be speaking today so come with me today as I explore some legends ghost tales history and beauty of this amazing place [Music] [Music] today we're exploring a place with special significance to me about 10 years ago I spent a year of my life living in Sterling Scotland it would come to be one of the best years of my life I came to Scotland not knowing anybody but when I left I felt like I had family there and a community of people that I loved and would miss greatly during my year there from time to time I would come up to Stirling Castle at the top of the town I would think take a walk pray and just explore the grounds I even saw the great Scottish band The Proclaimers give a concert at the castle on Hogmanay which is the Scottish New Year the castle sits on top of the town and it's surrounded by cliffs and graveyards on three sides it was one of the most important castles in Scotland and it dates back all the way to the 12th century because of its significance many important Scottish royalties were crowned here including none other than Mary Queen of Scots it's also said that her ghost might still haunt the castle grounds people have been born here and people have died here and so of course there's a few ghost stories surrounding the castle so come with me today as we explore this entire castle I hope you enjoy this episode of Matt's rat show [Music] sterling castle [Music] [Music] from time to time this little map is gonna pop up and will give you a better sense of where we're located in the castle the legend surrounding Stirling Castle are numerous from stories of ghosts that still haunt a castle walls to a man who jumped off the cliffs trying to fly to France there's even some possible connections to the legendary King Arthur and the knights of the round table the castle holds few secrets - including some children that have gone missing when they were working as chimney sweeps [Music] there's also been secret binary codes found edged into some of the wood carvings in the castle and it was found that it was actually musical notes [Music] everybody's gonna st. Augustine right there there's a mysterious feeling as you walk around the castle it's almost as if the history comes alive and it's watching you [Music] James v king of Scotland who lived in the castle was said to have been known for sneaking out of the castle at night exchanging his royal garments for everyday rags so he could mingle with the people have a bit of fun after his death King James the fifth daughter would succeed him to the throne she was only six days old when she is seated but in her lifetime she would come to be known as none other than Mary Queen of Scots take a look at this lookout point here lovely thing reminds me of one of the guys can hear that but not always very facing in here captures all of my babes this reminds me of st. Augustine it wasn't one of these little things and say now this thing is a lookout towers there's amazing see everything you see the wallace monument over there you can see the front gate kind of look drawbridge area taken there and there's been a very strategic spot to put a rifleman it looks like there's some some spots were they shot some stuff in here I'm getting shot in here maybe some writing on the walls [Music] CEO of sterling come up here not even inside the castle just yet [Music] [Music] more cannons up here for obvious reasons [Music] a little Torah thing this one's got some more to look at holes in this one looks out over the the hills and that cliffside castle looks again at the the front gates they're kind of the inner gate area you can see the other tour we were in the floor over on the other side there [Music] down the stairs here oh there's the graveyard we were in in my other video you haven't seen that check out the video I did in that graveyard I run the castle now the bodies of at least nine people have been discovered inside the castle they were buried in a shallow grave in an old army kitchen researchers say that at least six of the bodies were males and that they were all given a Christian burial with their heads to the west awaiting the resurrection [Music] holy cow this castle is so beautiful [Music] [Music] [Music] below the castle he'll lie something known as Kings knot or to the locals as the cup and saucer at one point the field was used as a part tear with extravagant gardens and passages but there's a lot of mystery surrounding the feature and stories have been told for hundreds of years that this is the actual ancient location of the legendary King Arthur and the knights of the round table recent geological findings have actually supported this claim as archaeologists have discovered that there's something underneath the knot and its shape is round though nobody will ever be able to say for sure could this be the ancient location where King Arthur and his legendary Knights gathered before battle in Scotland they're legends continued to grow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right walk it into the main big gate into the castle walls here first thing you notice is a Great Hall here you just it just kind of takes your breath away I mean they just you're not sure what to look at there's so much cool stuff to look at so let's just look at it all here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] here's the other side of the castle it's surrounded by another graveyard walked back and forth passageways and looks crannies in this castle you can literally spend two days here you probably still wouldn't see the whole thing [Music] [Music] by dangerous - in some areas they just have sheer drop-offs on the one side I love 1015 feet drop then you can just totally do if you're like taking a picture and you just back up like whoops watch your step [Music] you can imagine since there is a graveyard on a huge graveyard by the way on both sides of the castle the one side of the castle is a sheer drop-off and the other side is basically the streets in the roads where people come up to the castle they've also found bones inside the castle and of course there's been numerous battles fought in this castle many people have died there's numerous ghost stories in this castle too very spooky stuff there's a few of those ghost stories now the first ghost story has been named the Highland ghost he's been seen by many visitors to the castle who have actually mistaken him for one of the tour guides a full apparition but to their surprise the ghost who was dressed in traditional Scottish kilt disappears right before their eyes he's been seen since 1935 when a man who was surveying the castle was taking pictures they were getting ready to do some work on the castle and when the pictures were developed both the negative and the actual photograph contained a possible capture of the Highland ghost another ghost supposedly haunts the grounds of the castle is one they have nicknamed the green lady it said that the green lady was one of Mary Queen of Scots servants the story goes that one night Mary Queen of Scots was going to bed and had her curtains set on fire by one of the candles near her bedside her servant is said to have saved her life but lost her own in the process she allegedly died saving the Queen's life and some people think that it's her ghost that they've nicknamed the green lady she can be seen throughout the entire castle perhaps still trying to serve the Queen and of course the other lady who possibly haunts the castle is none other than Mary Queen of Scots herself though it has been said this particular ghost could be another woman to which I told the story of the pink lady in my episode on the old town cemetery in Stirling Scotland she can be seen wearing a pink flowing dress and has seen most as she walks from the castle through the graveyard to the Church of the Holy Rood and there's many other reports of hearing footsteps from the empty chambers of the castle [Music] [Music] [Music] now in kind of the main courtyard area of the castle the most protected spot of the castle I'd say surrounded by floor building let's go to this main building here though this main hall during one of the castle Royals Prince Henry's baptism in 1594 the castle built a ship inside this hall to serve food out of it even had live mermaids and shooting cannons [Music] [Music] [Music] legend has it that from this area of the castle in 1507 a man named John Damien proclaimed that he could fly from here to France in a homemade suit that looked like a chicken people watched with excitement as he stood on top of the castle walls from this spot and with a big jump he leaped into the air flapping his wings all the way to the ground below it's actually amazing that he only sustained a broken thigh bone he blamed the mishap on the fact that he had to use hen feathers instead of eagle feathers saying the head feathers were attracted to the crown as opposed to eagle feathers which of course are attracted to the sky the attempt did give him a new nickname though the Birdman of Stirling Castle [Music] [Music] on this side of the castle right here that I'm looking at you can see the field Sterling and Sterling Bridge where Wallace sometime around the late 1200s took on part of the English army and defeated them and that's where the Wallace Monument sits on top of that that Craig over there that hill that area and that's where Wallace he stood on top of that cliff then he watched the English army come over the bridge and he waited till just enough of them come came over the bridge that he could still defeat them and then they charged down they had the high ground and they were charted down that hill right there and they met the English forces and they defeated them they pitted that they defeated about five thousand infantry from the English and about 100 of the Calvary I think those were the guys on horses and stuff and just defeated them and sent the English army back and that what he did is in their national anthem sent Prince Edward's army home again to think again is amazing and of course it's the first battle in a movie Braveheart but it was very strategic they don't show the bridge in the movie and how strategic that was but that's really how he defeated them and it was just a bunch of like volunteers and just they defeated this amazingly huge English army incredible and Wallace was supposedly just this massive ain't got this massive Scottish guy with this huge beard like six foot something rather than this gigantic sword and he defeated the English right there that's exactly right there where it happened there's a football pitch a football um what do you call a football field down there soccer field down there and it's kind of cool rugby field down in that area where they they fought the battle now kind of amazing that all that happens right there it's incredible [Music] as a school you've got a Wien kitchen exhibit here shows you how they cooked and made food for the guests of the castle [Music] mind your head oh cool [Music] this is really cool but it's really crowded in here [Music] just for fun is that one of these guys actually like a live actor to be killed [Music] biggest northern fight for dinner [Music] wants to buy fresh abides for you thank you sir I'll have to [Music] there's a crow which we have depart of the castle so far hmm maybe this part actually this part beautiful it's all pretty beautiful definitely the edge yeah the stairs along the edges that's probably the best but also the oldest part of the castle over here yeah the original entrance is pretty cool yeah it's really cool picked a nice day pretty colors today yeah daredevil yeah these things are scary like because that's just like a 6 7 foot drop right there and like how many tourists are like filming and there's so much beauty around you that you're like you know you're standing right here and you're filming this and you don't really forget that there's nothing behind you you just step back and how many people have like died from that I hope nobody I hope nobody may be this this is this is the area for all the tourists that have accidentally fallen off the wall walk edge [Music] [Music] yep [Music] right steep [Music] this [Music] [Music] of no [Music] still walking around the castle the castle [Music] and of the one of the oldest entrances into the castle now for tradesmen I think they said [Music] [Music] no back there didn't wanted to get in cool dancer neat check it out it's a castle trash can the only one they have I guess I got that many and that's it higher castle [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah that would be ideal [Music] and knockin [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right now we're in the Queen's chambers the Queen's room the chemistry of the unicorn tells the story of the unicorn being hunted it parallels the story of Christ being hunted and in the final image the unicorn is killed but in the actual final image the tapestry the Unicorn is alive looks like a resurrection story but here you have the Queen's chambers and the royal throne of her majesty it's quite lovely in here [Music] Ashley's going up three stairs there it's not going to take a wee but Jeff and noe Castle it's not really a we castle is a quite big [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we are now walking in royalty footsteps this was the princess walk and only the princesses and queens were allowed to walk here with their children from time to time it's quite interesting actually they've got a lot of statues in this area lot of figures some of the one of them is it the devil apparently is even depicted right here and the devil has bosoms in this particular statue it's quite interesting sometimes the devil was depicted with Muslims back in the 15th century apparently but it's very interesting all the different statues and characters and things they put to kind of protect the castle and to kind of represent the struggle between good and evil military protection there's some men at the very top that [Music] different pieces of armory I guess to protect the castle and I don't know it just definitely gives the palace a lot of character [Music] well getting ready to head out of Stirling Castle we spent like six hours here today or more probably still more to see thanks for watching this episode guide the Matt's read show I appreciate you watching stay tuned for check out some of my other Scotland videos I've done all kinds of Scotland videos some other castle videos as well and next wash my sweatshirt please like subscribe share this video guys right talk to you later go back to the castle [Music] there we are [Music] you [Music]
Channel: MattsRadShow
Views: 303,443
Rating: 4.8330159 out of 5
Keywords: Haunted Castle, Castle, Historic Castle, History Comes Alive, Scotland, Castles, Britian Castles, British Castles, Haunted British Castles, Ghost Stories, Haunted Scotland, Stories and Tales of Scotland, Travel Vlog, Matt's Rad Show, Haunted Locations, Haunted, Castles of Scotland, Worlds Best Castles, Green Lady of Stirling Castle, The Pink Lady of Stirling Castle, The Highland Ghost, Pink Lady Ghost, Green Lady Ghost, The Birdman of Scotland
Id: Jc12eP0JJOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 22sec (2242 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2018
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