Haunted House - Perfect Plant | Horrid Henry DOUBLE Full Episodes

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[Music] stop the car I want to get out don't be Horrid Henry you're going to Aunt rubies whether you like it or not I am not spending the weekend at stuck up Steves no way are you upset because Mom and Dad are going away Henry get lost worm Henry well it's all right for him he's going to tidy T oh yes we're going to play Cowboys and cleaners you'll have a great time with Steve but he's so stuck up he never lets me play with his [Music] [Music] [Applause] toys [Music] well you don't let him play with your toys so what do you expect just be nice to him for 2 days please we'll be back to collect you on [Music] Sunday no let me go get your hands off me thanks for having him be good Henry I'm not staying in this [Music] dump Henry Steve that's a very nice secondhand jumper you're wearing at least it's not green like yours this isn't green mom he's got a goo shooter give me that while you're a guest in my house you will behave yourself I won't put up with any Mischief ow get it off get it off I don't know how that got in there sorry Aunt Ruby show him to his [Music] room I've put all my toys in my room and you're not allowed to touch [Music] them you're up here in the [Music] attic I bet you're scared of the dark of course not good because this room is haunted H it'll take more than a silly ghost to scare and me I love ghosts you see that stain that's where the ghost [Music] [Laughter] vaporized of course if you're too scared to sleep here maybe the ghost will let me play with his toys you better hope so because up here no one will hear you scream [Music] ah I'm Henry am I scared [Music] huh it was a Night Like This when the ghost fast appeared you mean this really is a haunted house oh don't be silly Steve that's just a story we've never seen the ghost ourselves oh dear not another power cut spooky go on Mom tell him the story Legend has it that the house was built by a rich old man to hoard his gold he had dozens of servants waiting on him and and foot but he was scared they would steal his gold so one night he sneaked out and buried it in the wood he built secret passages in the house so the servants wouldn't see him creeping out at night to check on his gold but one night it was so dark he couldn't see where he was going and he stumbled into the well and drowned it's his ghost that wanders the house s searching for his gold yeah well serves him right with all that money he should have bought a [Music] torch that's enough silly stories it's time your boys went to bed everybody knows there's no such thing as ghosts [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's something in the wardrobe just waiting to get me don't be a scaredy cat Henry you're not afraid of anything except injections and ghosts let me out let me out that rat locked me in [Applause] hang on a minute I'm King Henry the horrible I'm not afraid of [Music] [Music] anything just wait stuck up Steve just you wait Revenge will be mine [Music] morning Henry did you sleep well very well thank you after breakfast why don't you two go outside to play Oh that'll be fun a't [Music] Ruby that's mine we'll see about that it's [Music] mine look [Music] out Henry Henry where's my [Music] gold made you look made you [Music] stare did your boys have fun today oh yes Aunt Ruby it was well good no pudding for me thanks Aunt Ruby I'm going to bed no pudding all that playing has tied me out good night Steve see you in the morning good night Aunt [Music] Ruby good night mommy nighty night darling [Music] [Music] do do is somebody there Mommy moner [Music] [Laughter] [Music] momy help [Laughter] monsters huh [Music] [Applause] hello [Music] there's nothing here there was a monster under my bed I heard it Steve we both know there's no such thing as [Music] monsters it's only me now what should I play with first oh fabulous flower with petals so pinky could never be said to be stinky so strong towards the sun you'll grow unless we have unseasonal snow quiet smelly nappy baby some of us are trying to sleep you know what they say Henry the early bird captures the worm you're the worm worm and I'm the bird so if you don't stop that stupid poetry right now I'll be coming down and catching you but I'm just trying to no poetry poetry should be banned stop it now but it's not poetry no singing no poetry no words no nothing but your lips are moving [Music] nothing no uh just what do you think you'll doing talk to me droopy pants and what's that it's my new plant woohoo Miss Lovely gave it to me why we're making our plants grow up to be happy plants by playing music and singing to [Music] them what's that for feeding time growing plants need to be fed regularly so what are you feeding it I have some very nutritious plant food but what if it wants a sandwich I'm not reading you poetry hey would you like to see the latest issue of kung fu [Music] cockroach what one ah we need [Music] music do you know what time it is yeah it's quality time what are you doing I think your plant likes me of course it does you've got the same IQ get lost FY features oh look Henry's finally got a friend just a Pity it's a vegetable actually it's not a vegetable its Latin name is oh up early boys Henry housework today remember the Hoover won't run itself he doesn't like poetry [Music] he if I had a PL i' teach you to eat rubbish so I'd never have to clean up ever again did you ring the bell brilliant wait here a [Music] minute wow that plant can move by itself Henry you can't have finished already all right all right oh this is exhausting yay finished [Music] time for a little [Music] rest stupid Peter and his stupid plant waking me up so [Music] early it's for me we've come to see you plant how's you doing T oh it's lovely how you get it's a grow a big regular nutritious food and I've been reading it poetry yes it's especially like sardines are you going to play a game boys oh yes what a super idea what shall we play sardines of course how lovely shall I take your plant up to your room Peter yes please Mom Sam and I will count Gordon you hide oh goody one 2 three 10 coming ready on [Music] no I wonder if they're in here hey some of us are napping have you seen Gordon or Sam anywhere no I was asleep fungus head all I've seen was the inside of my eyelids I was asleep but [Music] ouch aha I bet they're in here nope not in here and don't worry I I haven't forgotten about you my little friend it must be nearly feeding [Music] time let go [Music] me get off my [Music] sh Am I Dreaming [Music] you ate Moody Margaret yes oh yeah Margaret's CL food no more [Music] Margaret oh no no no no you don't want to eat me there's lots of other delicious people to eat first like miss battle and Soggy Sid and that old lady who always lets a dog wheel my leg and uh and Peter Plant I command you eat Perfect Peter oh there you are Henry uh yes who were you talking to your plant it'sing margarate and now he's going to eat you my plants you are funny Henry plants don't eat people I must be dreaming oh feeding time I'm off to watch TV there you are little planty wanty lovely nutrious [Music] food what a silly B Billy eating people I blame the television programs he watches but you've just been fun eat radioactive fist Miss crant taste the full fors of my radioactive bile monster yeah get him you we last talk foul I have find no surprise for you you plotted your last plot Dr foul get ready for my fir of Doom but what's this lurking behind mutant Max what Dreadful horror has Dr foul cooked up this time mutant Max primes his gauntlets of Goo unsuspecting as the evil horror creeps up behind him closer and closer and closer look behind you M to Max behind you could this be the end of mutant ma oh that's stupid there's no way Max wouldn't have seen that Max you'll never that's not my stomach what are you doing you you don't want to eat me I'm your friend I played you cool music remember the promise and a g me you don't want to eat me I'll taste horrible and I've got smelly socks oh I don't want to Mom Mom Mom Henry are you okay mom oh you were having a bad dream yeah yeah I was oh never mind I've bought you a little present Henry you did yes I've bought you Tada a plant of your own no
Channel: Horrid Henry
Views: 1,620,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horrid henry, horrid henry full episodes, full episodes of horrid henry, horrid henry movies, horrid henry the movie, horrid henry in english, horrid henry cartoon, cartoon horrid henry, horrid henry english, cartoon of horrid henry, horrid henry song, horrid henry theme song, horrid henry audiobook, horrid henry season 1, horrid henry theme, horrid henry noooo, horrid henry new episode, new episode of horrid henry, horrid henry intro, horrid henry birthday
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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