Haunted Canyon, Superstition Mountains

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lots of folklore on his mum's tells gold murder diamonds off the stuff so how do we go all right we're still walking on this road getting to the trail shouldn't be much further maybe quarter of a mile but it is hot I'm already sweating and I haven't even walked a mile yet and it's relatively flat as well so yeah it's hot it's a hot one the trailhead for Haunted Canyon there it is now according to what I read this goes up a bit until you reach a ridge and then you go down into the canyon so we're not in Haunted Canyon just yet it's a hot one you might think the heck is that this is my smog but as you can see it protects my neck from the Sun and honestly just this right here the cool breeze evaporates all that sweat and the Sun isn't beating down on my neck you may look ridiculous but at the end of the day you all have a sunburn and you might just retain a little more water than you would have without it know how true the story is that I read it before I came up here the haunted Canyon how there's this prospector he got a cop bison Apache Indian they tied him up with rawhide straps hung him upside down and now had hot coals eight inches from his face so as he hung there his brain was slowly slowly being cooked by these hot coals and you've turned his head try to keep his head away from her but there was no use and then all of a sudden the wind started kicking up clouds came in Thunder started cracking it lightning started shooting just started trench the downpour and Apache that were there scared off eventually the rain put out the fire and softened up the rawhide straps on a prospector escaped with his life went back to town told the story definitely water I have big pond over here lots of bugs though here's the inside and just up there would be the cabin so this is where I'm gonna camp tight there's no metal trough oh did you think fire pit a gentleman by the name of William Toni built this cabin and established Toni's ranch in August 1913 in 1914 Toni had a hundred and twenty chickens 25 turkeys four horses and an uncounted number of cows by 1915 Toni applied for his homestead patent and that same year he planted five acres of wheat and laid out 600 apple trees to meet the strict standards of the homestead law the drought years in 1918 to 1920 took a toll on Toni's ranch the lack of water and the rocky soil made it impossible to sustain any kind of crop and by 1919 forest ranger Henry Taylor reported that there were no chickens no turkeys and no milk cows he received his patent for the seventy eight point five acres of land on May 4th 1922 Toni then sold his ranch to George Taylor in 1924 and in August 2008 the superstition area Land Trust gained control of the property you can learn more about Toni's ranch by clicking the links below I'm just securing some water for tonight this is barely trickling out of here it's a long process and still this guy up I brought this from home I wasn't sure about the water situation here so I didn't want to count on it and I don't think I'll ever count on it if I come here because this is not that reliable I don't know how reliable is so we've got a big old pot here the Snow Peak 1400 and we are going to be clicking since to throw that in there just want it's like that let's go let that a simmer for a while set it and forget it more or less all right we'll get back yeah I forgot I need to add some jalapenos go now we can set it forget it see that a little bug well there's a bug in there there he is little bastard that's why I have a lid bugs and nothing we drink always constantly I have these leather gloves on because the mosquitoes are out and they can't bite through that I know that's been landing on your hand and seemed floating around hate mosquitoes or Here I am in the woods and Haunted King does look haunted to you I don't know does it look haunted to you does this place look honky you know I heard something over there over there I heard something I heard something big I it sounded like a hooves animal though so it is probably a deer maybe now I don't hear the elk called up last time I saw elk I heard him going or whatever they do yeah but y'all haunted Canyon everybody haunted the canyon there's some crazy stories about this place okay it's boiling so I'm gonna add this bullion cube that's gonna sort of cut it up into little squares not cut it but break it break it up so that's one Boyan cube that's good for two cups of water and I believe that's about how much water is in here if it needs more salt I've got another bullion cube and I've got salt so we're going to let that cook longer the carrots aren't done neither are the potatoes want those things to be nice and done got some crackers ah I've got my soup it's nucular but it looks good check out there's the soup boom you softened up taste good I don't think I need to add any more bouillon tastes good the little jalapeno in there kicks it off man I'm all bundled up and it's not even that cold and the only reason why I'm bundle up is because I miss you guys but anyways when the Sun hides sky becomes dark the wind blows through haunted Canyon calling to the dead you you you
Channel: Hb Hiker
Views: 251,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Superstition Mountains (Mountain Range), Canyon (Geographical Feature Category)
Id: 0p0o47AAfT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2015
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