Hauling Grain Adjusting Cow Beds and Picking Bales

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like the rest of the bales off that thousand I'm heading out to field right now in the Bale wagon and ripping the case MX to 85 right now odds frequent tractor we're hopefully gonna get all these bills off today [Music] this is a Highline bail wagon the reason why we use business of a big flatbed trailers because our line is still close to our farm we all on these bales one kilometer and so it's really convenient to scoop them on not have to unhook the trailer with a flatbed trailer you would need to unhook it and I go take the bills you can fit more than double the amount of bills want to flop that trilogy Cooper this thing and why if you're on maybe 10 or 15 klicks away from farm it would be since we're not all not far at all we just always abused one of these trailers and to stop in at the barn and grab some coffee it's pretty much mandatory on colder morning's like this I'm some good stuff [Music] so we're coming up to our last billiards on the side of this hill since that's all the mail all encouraging [Music] drop this off the air [Music] or barley grain bin and our dried distillers grain bins are both empty our feed mill is right here it's what we use to dump the grain into our feed wagon for the mill cows and so we're just gonna be moving grain over unfortunately those bins are pretty small so we have to fill them up every two weeks or so hopefully within the next two years we're gonna build a new feed mill and that will allow us to store a feed for longer but for now this is how we do it so it's a lot of extra work but God gets the job done so we already have the augering that tried to steal his grain bin right here this is the dried distillers grain it's a by-product from an ethanol plant it's really high in protein so since it's a byproduct it's pretty cheap source of protein that we can feed to the cows in their TMR now we're gonna start the auger up and let it warm up for a little while it's been sitting here for a couple days now just put the choke on [Applause] [Music] so the trucks full now we're gonna line up the other auger [Applause] [Music] we're heading over to our other yard right now we got barley grain and a couple of bins over there for the next feed bin now we're gonna fill up out here so we're just moving this auger over there and we're gonna have to move this big red auger over as well but first gonna put some fuel in this yellow auger it's not gonna have enough to empty three loads into the truck [Music] [Music] we got the auger line up at that other bin here we just got a few bins here just some more over there - in a little shop basically we got this yard when we bought a bunch a line from a different guy and so we are able to store a bunch of grain oats here as well [Music] cops gonna find me here this thing six hundred bushels and the bin back at home that holds the feet barley is about eighteen hundred bushels tall three big loads will do it it's the next day now last night I was moving grain from this bin into that bin I had to dump this entire bin it was completely full of canola into this one so I had it set up so I could just dump into this truck would go into that hopper and back up into that bin we did this because the aeration pipes in the bin collapsed I'll show you guys what that is so that's in the hopper of the bin this way we can combine when the grain isn't just dries it needs to be for a bin without aeration there's a fan that pumps air through that pipe and pipe has a bunch of little holes in it and it lets the air go to the top and just dries the grain down the air outside needs to be a low humidity it can't be raining but it helps you combine when your grain isn't dry so these are the old aeration pipes they're pretty destroyed got crushed we're not sure why this happened exactly but they're fixed now they did all four bins here these are ten thousand bushel bins we're back in the cow barn again we want to adjust this neck rail here we're gonna move it four inches further out this will hopefully stop the cows from shooting so much in the beds we're having a couple of problems with that there's just too much in the beds this is gonna create more mastitis in the herd and the cows are gonna get dirtier so this is just gonna help keep them clean basically what happens is this girl she's laying too far up into the beds you should be a little bit further her ass should be hanging into the alley and that'll make sure she can shoot in the beds now if she were to take a crap she would take a crap right in the beds which is not great so yeah we're gonna move this neck rail a little bit further out four inches on every single cent [Music] [Music] tear the loops and basically we're gonna do is we're gonna undo two bolts here these two bolts and then that'll make this clamp loose and we can slide it back we're ready to do it for every single clamp on this entire section of bed I think there's about 58 beds here so that's we're gonna do next so we're gonna be using this poreless impact and is to make things a heck a lot easier we go to all the clamps loose down this entire neck rail sours gonna try pulling it forward a bit down the entire length and then we'll suck them all down nice and tight again cows typically will like rub their head off for their back on this brush but this guy's just got her ass back right up on it just get a nice butt rub we got the neck rails on both sides of the beds here moved over that front section is done - that is just a section at the back there that needs to be done yet but we're gonna take a break because on the other side of the bar in there this cows are booking it back and forth a little bit freaked out that's impact drill is pretty loud so we're just gonna take a break hopefully they'll calm down we'll come back later and finish the rest of the beds but that's gonna be it for this video guys if you enjoyed it - hit that subscribe button and the like button down below and I hope to see you guys in the next video thanks for watching
Channel: SaskDutch Kid
Views: 73,323
Rating: 4.9783344 out of 5
Keywords: dairy farm, dairy, cows, highline, canada, 10th generation dairy man
Id: jPFo_8LpPGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 30 2019
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