Hate your Harley-Davidson seat? How about a @saddlemenusa

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as you can see everyone it's seat time so I finally hit the mileage that the minimum mge that I wanted to have on two of the three seats and stick around see which ones made to cut and which ones did not [Music] all right this is my factory roog Glide St seat and after 15 miles on this seat I wanted to rip it off throw it in the ditch and ride with no seat to JMP Cycles cuz I left the dealership went straight at JMP Cycles but this seat Factory is garbage Harley I want my money back for this seat I know good luck Tweedle you and not getting that now once I got the JMP Cycles I was lucky enough they had this seat in stock this is the saddleman extended reach Road sofa in the carbon fiber and I have 6,000 Mi on this seat and have not had a problem instantly out of the box this thing was I mean 100 times better than that Stu seat I actually went from hating that new bike to actually loving that new bike because of this seat because the way I sat on it it actually made the bike fit me better now I have seen videos where people get these sent to them and they put them on and they're not mechanically inclined enough to know that there is a metal bracket that's down here in the bottom of this cutout you got to make sure this goes into the metal bracket and you'll know when it does it cuz it makes this noise it's locked in not going nowhere I've seen them where they put it in and it went everywhere so don't be like her now far as the back seat this is an extended reach so fellas if you're looking at this for your lady that's about as much room she's going to have so you definitely got to consider her size if she's going to fit on this uh I do have the tour pack I have not yet upgraded to the back rest and the carbon material from saddleman it's on the list of things to do it's just not on the top priority list so I can't really speak about the back as far as Comfort goes but I can speak about this front section what I really love about this seat is I go to rallies and stuff the bike will be outside in the rain nothing you can do about that right so I know people has had this in the ls Stitch what's bad about the ls Stitch is the water will get up on it and drain down those holes from that thread going in the material so then it gets in your foam and your gel and all that so you go to wipe it off you're like oh that's dry then you sit on it and all that water comes right out in your butt all the way to your draws so that does not happen with this carbon fiber I highly recommend the carbon fiber seat no matter what brand you decide you want to go to so keep that in mind when you're buying a seat too do you just want to wipe it off and go or do you want to sit there and have to push down and try to force all the water out the seat and still get a wet butt now the negative on this seat I've heard people say 2,000 miles it still ain't broke in I don't buy that this thing was to me was good to go right out the box but I would like to see saddleman incorporate what they did with the Dominator seat and that's put a recess right down the center straight up the back straight up through the back rest and why that's good is because you do have a low lower spot there where your tailbone won't have all the pressure sitting on it and this seat does not have that so that's going to be kind of going over why that's important on the next seat but as far as this seat goes I would give it a you know 9.5 out of 10 if saddleman had that going up in there I would give it a 10 uh I the seat has not let me down it does kind of scuff easy when you get on and off the bike so keep that in mind and I've only had one passenger on it so that wasn't very long so I didn't really ask her what she thought of it but definitely get the back rest especially if you're going to be touring now what can be better than the road sofa and believe it or not it's this seat the Dominator the Dominator has that low spot cut out right at the middle I mean you can see how far I'm pushing down your tailbone will have relief and your spine also because it goes straight up right into the back rest also both back rest lower spot there's a bolt that adjusts front back the top one adjust how far this will go back and forth and both of them well this ain't really loose but both of these will go forward for the passenger to go on and this one has that thing I was talking about that some people miss and don't realize it is supposed to be in there so make sure your back rest goes in there cuz if not it does this and that's not that's not good so don't be like that person make sure it makes this noise it don't make that sound it's not in right now I talked to saddleman and they was saying they're going to do away with some pockets on these back rest which is awesome because I just fold them up there's there's no need for me to have a pocket I could cut it off but you're going to see the top of that nut on the on the uh thing right here and I'm just like well fold over better than nothing um also saddan what's up with these this is the extended reach in the Dominator and they make a t here so I actually put mine right here all the way up against it that gives me just that little bit of extra room and it's still locked in up here so I actually used some bigger washers that are real thin aluminum that'll lock in after I crust them down so leads me to this when you buy this seat you will get two of these hopefully the camera is actually zooming in on it and making it clear one little side's hex other side's round now I don't remember the size wrench and I'm not going to throw that out there because once you lock these down you can actually probably put locktite on the studs and lock them down and it's really going to hinder somebody if they try to steal yourit and speaking of stealing seats all saddlemans have a serial number in them but saddleman you need to go and Laser wrch them onto the plates on the bottom that way somebody steals it they can't cut the tag off so if you get a sement seat with no tag on it in my opinion that would be a stolen seat so I would always check to make sure these tags are on there because if something happens you have to get it recovered that that's also how saton knows that it's their seat so then they can go and recover it and I mean my recover and I mean read material in it now this seat has 2500 miles give or take maybe a 100 um God man this one I love it more than the road so to be honest with you for a long haul going to Daytona I was we did not go gas station to gas station but I could have done gas station to gas station and not had any numbness at any point at all unlike the road sofa as I got closer to the end towards the gas station I would start getting numb spots and but as soon as I move those numb spots instantly went away this seat I didn't even get them now I love the recession in it but I have what I consider a normal size butt and it feels like my hind end is hanging off so I would like to see this seat come out a little wider I think it would be the perfect seat if saddleman widen it because that will help especially if they kind of flared up a little bit in my opinion it would be more comfortable for the longer hauls they say this is 10000 mile seat I do not agree with that because I did 650 Mi and was perfectly fine I do have friends that have this seat and one has that seat with no back rest the other has that seat in LS Stitch and the one that has the ls Stitch loves this seat the other one hadn't got this one yet so get off your butt and order it you know who you are definitely get the back rest the the extended reach with the back rest in the carbon was around 802 maybe don't hold me to the exact number but it's in that ballpark the Dominator I think the back rest was 10 and something and the seat was 200 and something so it's less than $400 for just a solo you had another 100 or 200 for the Brillion if you to choose to go that route I do not know how comfortable the rear Pion is because I don't have right now my bike set up solo and we'll stay that way until girlfriend wants to go riding so my advice to anybody trying to get a new seat be honest with yourself what type butt do you have and you know what I'm talking about I'm not you know there's hard asses soft asses wide asses flat asses princess asses Ken in asses you could go on and on and on but be honest with yourself because when you start throwing money in the seats and you're not happy you're throwing money away go to the dealerships sit on them try them out there there's bunch of them in there on used bikes easy to do ask your buddies if they happen to have the same seat you see me and say hey I really want to see that s see I'll let you sit on my bike to test it out I did it in Daytona um and I'd do it here I've done it here numerous times actually but always try to find whatever you're going to ultimately go with find it sit on it for yourself before you buy it because you could be making a mistake and this ain't trying to lead anybody to saddan or any of the other brands it's just be kind of frugal with your money don't waste it everybody's different so my opinions with these seats may not go along with half the other people riding bikes right now I do know they actually match two other people cuz they said the exact same things that I said about both of these seats and the factory seat so if you have any questions on these hit me up let me know you can get these in custom threads and all that if you happen to do that you have to go through saddleman but the great thing with saddleman is once your order is complete they email you but once they go and make the seat pan uh pour the gel cut the fabric pour the foam all that you get to email at every step of the way to your seats completely built in a box and has a tracking number and shipped out and their customer service is awesome never had a problem with settlement at all and would highly recommend them to anybody But ultimately it's up to you so I'm going to get out because it looks like the rain pass and I'm going to try to go ride so I'll see y'all on the next one get out and ride enjoy it why you still got it [Music] peace [Music] a
Channel: Tweedle D
Views: 9,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: harley-davidson, saddlemen, roadsofa, dominator, roadsofaextreach, dominatorextreach, dominatorbackrest, roadglide, roadglidest, streetglide, harleytouring, motorcycleseat, motorcycleupgrade, touringmotorcycle, saddlemen seats, harley davidson, motorcycle seats
Id: XMlOiqN0sdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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