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hi everyone and welcome back to my channel and to another video so in today's video I'm going to be showing you how you can make the most delicious Hasselback potatoes in your airfryer or airfryer oven so I feel like Hasselback Potatoes just have a really fancy name but they are super easy and simple to make and the best thing about them is that you can actually make them in so many different ways using different ingredients so I'm just going to stick to a very basic Hasselback potato recipe today but like I said you can Jazz it up all you like that's entirely up to you now I just want to mention that please do just take my recipe as a guide for the timing of how long it's going to take for your potatoes to bake as you know different potatoes can take different amounts of time and also the size of the potato has a big impact on the time as well and another little tip that you can use is that you can actually pop your potatoes in the microwave for just three or four minutes before you bake them in your airfryer over in but you can skip this step completely as I did and just go straight into the airfryer or the airfryer oven and guys I've seen that so many of you are still watching my videos but still not subscribe so please if you do enjoy my content then hit that subscribe button it really helps me out and I guess it's time to get straight into today's recipe I really hope you enjoy it and I'll see you at the end so starting off with the potatoes I've got two medium-sized Morris Piper potatoes I have washed and given a really good scrub and now I'm going to take a wooden spoon like this one so essentially all we're going to do is we are going to cut some slices into our potato and The Wooden Spoon is just going to help make sure that we don't cut all the way through the potato so I'm grabbing a sharp knife and I'm gonna start making those slits so you want to keep them quite close together but again be really careful to make sure that you don't go all the way down thank you so once you've cut all the slits your potato should look like this so this is exactly what we're looking for making sure it's not cut all the way through and now I'm just going to move on and do the exact same thing with the second potato and then we'll come back and move on to the next step so now that my potatoes are all prepped I am just going to grab my baking tray which I have lined with some parchment paper I'm going to pop my potatoes on there and now I'm just going to spray with some sunflower oil spray you can brush on oil if you wish and then we are going to season so I'm keeping this very basic I'm just going in with some salt and now these are ready for the airfryer oven so I pop these in into the middle shelf of my high sapientia airfry oven and for the temperature I chose 200 degrees Celsius and for the time I went for 20 minutes to start with foreign so in the meantime I've got some butter here that I'm just going to melt in the microwave and I am going to set this aside for later and then once my potatoes were done after 20 minutes and I took them out and now we are going to start stuffing them so I've got some sliced cracked black pepper cheddar here which I have cut into small little pieces and all I'm going to do is insert pieces into the slits that I made I didn't go into every single one I think that would be too too cheesy even for me so I went in every other one now at this point I did realize that I should have maybe brushed the potatoes with the butter first but I just did it after the cheese so you can do it that way it's a lot easier but yeah I'm just gonna pop the cheese in and then I'm going to brush over with that melted butter [Music] brushing on the butter now but as I mentioned earlier you can add anything you like to these potatoes so I skipped the black pepper because my cheddar does have black pepper in it but you can add paprika chili flakes anything you like to your potatoes foreign [Music] so now I'm going to pop these potatoes back into the airfryer oven to finish off cooking and to melt all of that cheese so again they are going in in the middle Shelf at 200 degrees Celsius again and then I just pop these in for a further 10 minutes but as I mentioned times can vary so just keep an eye on them and now in the meantime I'm going to prepare some um toppings so I've got some fresh sour cream so I'm just going to add a few tablespoons of that into a bowl and then I chopped up some fresh chives that I'm going to add in there as well give that a little mix and that is my little sour cream and chive dip all ready now that I'm just going to set aside [Music] and once your potatoes have fully baked through they should look a little something like this so I just took it out and added the sour cream and chive dip right on top and that is literally it and honestly guys this potato was so so delicious it would go well with any meal that you make um and like I said you can change it up to however you want to make it and it's just a winner and it looks really nice on the dinner table as well so make sure you try this recipe and let me know how it went in the comments down below [Music] Amigo guys that is how easy it is to make Hasselback potatoes in your airfryer or airfryer oven like I said change it up if you want to but they are so delicious on any occasion and yeah they're really easy to do so I really hope you enjoyed this video please don't forget to hit that like button below if you did enjoy this video and I will see you all really soon in my next one take care bye
Channel: Sohbia
Views: 6,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qPgZ9HFWLeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 46sec (406 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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