Garlic Butter Hasselback Potatoes | A great potato option for the Thanksgiving table!

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garlic butter hassleback potatoes they're going to be on the menu this Thanksgiving not just for me but I think you too I'm going to take you the whole step so you can see how to make this beautiful presentation but it tastes amazing so you can mimic this exact thing on your Thanksgiving table let's go Thanksgiving is one of the time that we have the most frood traditions and I'm not going to say you have to change up what you have usually we have those set meals every year but there are things I like to vary in veryy out change up a little bit and these garlic butter hassleback potatoes are one of my favorite ways because they're simple they can be assembled a little bit ahead baked partially and then finished off maybe while the turkey's cooling off whatever it is so what I have here are some of my potatoes and I want to finish with my last one now what we're doing is we're Fanning them this is what a hassleback potato is see how I have them all cut and they open up that's what we need to do now some people like to do it where you take two skewers and you take your potato you can use a Yukon Gold you can use a russet whatever you enjoy and you put it between those skewers and then use those as your guide of how far down to cut cuz you don't want to cut all the way through now that can work the problem is sometimes potatoes aren't flat so some people cut off a portion just to make them flat I don't like to do that cuz it's kind of a waste so I don't know if I'll really use the skewers you know I've made this recipe quite a few times I've made hassleback potatoes quite a few times after a while you get a little bit of a rhythm and you kind of just know now does that mean I never mess up with this no but I will not tell anyone if I do and we'll just Jam that potato against the side of the pan if you almost cut all the way through and it will hold it together maybe but what I'm doing here is just cutting down and using a smaller knife cuz I feel like I have a little bit more control and can feel where it's going but we're just going through and making all those cuts look at that isn't that beautiful I I think this is such a fun thing cuz they're kind of a fun presentation then each person could either you know you could cut them in pieces if you don't want to have a whole potato at Thanksgiving we have lots of food or you can single serve them so what we do at this point is we take olive oil so we need to pretty much roast them and bake them so they can be partially cooked now as I'm putting that olive oil on sometimes I would will try to open them up just slightly at some of the pieces to get it down in but what we're going to do is we're going to roast them at a nice temperature and that's going to allow the potatoes to really almost cook through and then at that point we're going to make a delicious butter that is enriched with garlic and herbs and we're going to add cheese and we're going to really finish these off in what I like to think of as a real Thanksgiving flare because that's the thing at Thanksgiving we go over the top we enjoy all the things we don't do every day we do that day so I'm take some salt make sure to season these up because if you can season it every step of the way they're going to always end up better in the end so I'm putting that all over and I'm going to take some black pepper and do the same and this is the only step you need to know at this point is to season them olive oil and now roast them and then we come back and we finish it up with that butter so I'm going to put these right in we're going to let them roast then we'll finish up the potatoes are just about done so I'm going to finish up by getting the butter ready this is the Garlic Butters going to be herbed so I have my butter right here in a small little baking dish it's not a baking dish it's a saucepan for the stove anything that can melt it and then what I'm going to add is some fresh Sage that I've minced up we're using the flavors of Thanksgiving so we have some fresh Sage I have some thyme leaves that I kind of chopped up small if it's tender stems of time like the ends of them you can chop them up if it's the more you know Woody stems you definitely want to remove that from the leaves and then just do the leaves so then I want to take a couple cloves of garlic and I'm just going to actually press them through you can minc them really fine you can put them through a garlic press I sometimes like the garlic press in this case cuz it really see how it just gets off the essence all that pulp and beauty of the garlic and then you're just left with this huskin here so you can do that with both cloves which makes it so much to me easier and it's like less clean up which I really like but you can mince it too I just like how this really gets that flavor all pushed in there with their juices which we want strong flavors potatoes can take that really strong astringent flavor so I'm going to put all that right in there make sure I get all the garlic then I'm going to put this on the stove over low heat let it melt in the last few minutes the potatoes have before we finish them with some cheese we're going to do some grated cheese also it's all going to come together the potatoes have roasted the butter is melted so the potatoes aren't quite done yet we're going to finish them now with their final roast but what we're going to do is add so much Flavor now but do you see how beautiful they are they start opening up they start getting slightly crisped on the top I love this process it's so easy it's just kind of fun so to put these together I do a few different things so I'm going to start by putting some of that garlic butter on which you can see that beautiful garlic pulp is in there H and see since they open up in the oven it's so much easier to start pouring this on and over and it works down into all of those crevices all those openings and you really want to take time to do that you want to make sure you can actually get this over top of them so I'm going to do a few for you then I have some piece of cheese I like to use a nice sharp cheddar maybe even an age cheddar cuz it has so much flavor you don't put it in every single one but what I do is just every so often take a little piece like this and I just kind of put it in there and then what it's going to do when we go back in it's going to melt so this will just melt into them and get like kind of nice and crusty on the bottom and then you can even if you want to like this is Thanksgiving so if you want to fancy it up you can take some whole Sage leaves you can put a whole Leaf kind of down in some of the cracks I just think it's another way any way to me to dress it up and add something special and it gets kind of crispy and roasted like have you ever had a sage leaf that is fried it almost does that in the oven and it just adds that aroma so you can take the time to do any of that and then at the very end I'll even take some of our shredded parm obviously you can just put it over the top what I also like to do if you have time is just to open up some as you're doing it so it can get down into them you know it's all those little things that are going to add even more flavor more color so I'm going to finish up doing these we'll kind of talk about the final steps and how wonderful they're going to be I'm finishing up with the final parmesan cheese I liked I like how it sits on top it looks like a lot but it does melt into it but it also gets nice and brown and crusty on top which adds a really good flavor component so all these now are ready to go in you know they take a couple steps but they have such a nice presentation and they're so delicious and they're really kind of Rich butter hello but that's what we do around Thanksgiving we enjoy those things we enjoy them once in a while we work hard all the other time so we can enjoy them without thinking about it so these are now ready to go back into the oven they're going to get finished roasting tender get beautiful crusty melted cheese I'm ready are you the potatoes come out of the oven you can see they get nice and crisped on top that cheese gets crispy you know what my favorite Parts is is underneath the potato some of that parmesan or like some of the cheddar that falls off it really becomes like a fro so it has this like crisp like look at this and it just like it's crispy that's Heaven that's good that is that is the chef's snack and you deserve that so at this point you can serve them whole you cut them in half too if you want what's great is they are just tender beautiful morsels at this point you can see how beautifully tender but crispy on the edges they are this reminds me of growing up my mom used to make a hassleback potato uh what I love is the inside of them is like creamy almost like a mashed potato creamy and the outside has that nice CRPS you get that beautiful hit of garlic butter which I love because it really takes on the flavor but then it imparts it on the potato but also you still taste the potato which is what you want and you get those moments of that crispy Parmesan it's one of my favorites it's a great way to kind of change the game maybe at Thanksgiving maybe instead of mashed you want to make these maybe instead of sweet potatoes you want to make these or just add them to the normal that's what I often do is just add a whole another thing so I hope you enjoy it I hope you share this so other people can see how easy it is how you can make Thanksgiving and this is great you can make it any portion size 2 3 1 whatever you want and so share it so other people can see that check my website for this recipe all my other recipes they're all on there Thanksgiving Central is ready and it's ready for [Music] you
Channel: Wyse Guide
Views: 15,401
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Keywords: wyse guide, kaleb wyse
Id: rluRn3zV4zI
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Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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