Harry Styles Covers Peter Gabriel’s “Sledgehammer” Live on the Howard Stern Show
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Channel: The Howard Stern Show
Views: 7,010,435
Rating: 4.9341102 out of 5
Keywords: The Howard Stern Show, Howard Stern, Robin Quivers, SiriusXM, Harry Styles, Sledgehammer, cover, cover song, Peter Gabriel, 80s songs, 80s covers, live, 80s music
Id: Tqm7-zN5s8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 37sec (337 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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Well... I guess I'm a Harry Styles fan now
He's stolen his Grandma's pearls and his Dad's dance moves and still pulls it off.
I know people say this a lot but that band really looks like it was all randomly generated characters.
The whole band crushed it.
I feel like Harry Styles is the musician version of Robert Pattinson.
People underestimate him cause of his high profile/mainstream work with One Direction but like Pattinson, he's made millions and can now dick about and do whatever he wants. Like doing an awesome cover of Kanye's Ultralight Beam. And I challenge anyone to watch his Carpool Karaoke and not come to the conclusion that he's absolutely delightful.
I'll let you all in on a little secret: this song is about sex.
Absolutely amazing cover. This dude is legit
Mrs. Doubtfire chic
Props to the drummer. I’m not a well coordinated person to begin with but she slayed the drumming and backup vocals without missing a beat (heh)