Harry Potter: Best and Funniest Golden Trio Bloopers! | OSSA Movies

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who doesn't love the golden Trio in potterverse but do you know what's even better the bloopers with these three brilliant actors [Music] each one of them had their fair share of hilarious moments on the set [Music] up from day one Dan Rupert and Emma had a lot of fun and they got to behave like the kids they were while they filmed the scenes on the Hogwarts Express the boys actually ate all the sweets since they had to do take after take it resulted in quite a sugar rush get his name turn it in and it hasn't happened I got a whip the boys even got an idea to turn Harry Potter into a musical and came up with the first song listen listen dimples woman we know you're in a hurry but can we have please everything that is on your trolley by the end of the day the young actors couldn't even look at the sweets he says we're gonna do that scene again I might collapse For Better or Worse Emma didn't join the boys in that scene but she had her own funny incidents on the set look at this bit and pay attention to Emma's lips stone that may skull and stops you from dying did you notice that she's mouthing Dan's lines here years later she laughed over this habit of hers elf once the sorcerer's stuck why can't you kill you and she shared that it didn't only happen during rehearsals apparently Emma ruined multiple takes and annoyed the director because of it Emma doing it again she just loved the series so much that she didn't only learn her lines but everyone else is too although she's similar to Hermione Emma wasn't only buried in books the whole time she also played with her co-stars in between takes oh yeah she is and not only when it comes to games for example Emma was very proud of being taller than Dan I'm about to tell him to embarrass you I'm determined to be taller than you are it didn't make a difference for Dan but I don't feel too bad for him Dan's always known how fortunate he is to have been Harry Potter I am so lucky and here's what he considered one of the best parts of his job it's so much better than School can't argue with that one in fact Dan was so thrilled to be on the set that nothing could scare him even when he needed to look frightened by a goblet and gring gods he just couldn't so the director told Warwick Davis who portrayed grip hook to scream at tan and make him jump ing quite scary huh but it did not have the desired effect at all he just burst out laughing at least dad only had to speak to a funny looking Goblin Rupert in his turn couldn't keep his face straight even when he had to spit out nasty slugs [Music] well no one could for that matter Ron say something and the case of Rupert it wasn't surprising because the actor would laugh at pretty much anything on the set even when they filmed more serious stuff Rupert you shouldn't be laughing at the end when you find out that Dan's gonna potentially be killed by slave or when he was supposed to be intimidating shut your mouth I do just shut your mouth he just couldn't stop often he influenced his co-stars and they cracked up too and I can see Rupert laughing in the mirror and I can see I can hear him snickering in my ear and then that set me off and then I said everyone else and it's so difficult to get that scene going needless to say it annoyed the director we'll be doing a scene it could be quite a serious scene and he's in the frame and Rupert will start giggling and he'll pretend he isn't giggling he'll try and ignore the fact that he's gone so everyone attempted to help Rupert stay serious for example Alan Rickman once advised him to just relax his face and not think about anything but it didn't really work to be honest yet there was a moment on the set when no one could keep from laughing all because the actors behind Dumbledore and Snape decided to prank Dan Radcliffe they're completely our own world and we'd like to we like to swim in the deepest Waters if you're a real fan you already know what was happening there they had put a fart machine into my sleeping bag this whole Echo and Michael Garvin had actually been pressing it during the take I found out don't you just love how happy this silly prank made him even worse for Dan was the fact that he was lying next to a girl he liked at the time after that embarrassment he probably never got the courage to ask her out so it was easy for him to relate to Harry who fancied Cho Chang and didn't know how to talk to her you know how much you like this girl yeah confusing women the director didn't even really have to explain anything to him yes a silly question so self-conscious while filming the Yule Ball for example he boasted about his dancing skills but because Harry's not very good number one please I'm actually a champion he was probably just messing around but in this blooper we can see that Dan isn't that bad of a dancer [Music] and yet his legs didn't always listen to him hurry I'm not going to win on another occasion his bra didn't listen to him confused just look at this blooper look away I'm idiot 's not coming up they do that again ladies and gentlemen oh the things that happened on the set of Harry Potter none of us quite have any idea what's going on in the same scene with the seven Potters Dan also got traumatized by Emma Watson Hermione was supposed to pull out a few of Harry's hairs for the poly juice potion and Emma decided not to hold back in her performance instead of pretending to do it she well she actually plucked his hair she got one yeah yeah Dan's ow is completely real here I mean what would you do if someone took out a chunk of your hair sure Emma was sorry for hurting him but it wasn't the first time remember when Hermione slapped Harry with a folded parchment when he called himself the chosen one in the Half Blood Prince here's what you didn't see in the movie you're laughing because you hit me so hard don't you okay what else did Emma have to feel sorry for for ruining takes with her laughter like here for example straight what am I doing well to be honest we can't blame her in the film nagini attacks Hermione who does her best to protect herself but in real life instead of a snake there was just the director yelling well snake so it's easy to understand Emma's confusion what's not so easy to understand is her giggles at another scene in the Deathly Hallows they're in Mr Lovegood's house everything is serious but turns out it was the sound of slurping that got her going the slightest little slurp Emma was come couldn't keep it together so they did quite a few takes to film this scene red card and Watson [Applause] yet there was another sequence that needed even more takes can you guess which one it was the Chamber of Secrets everyone was there for my kiss Dan looked pretty frustrated about that whether he was present during filming or not the scene with Ron and Hermione's first kiss wasn't easy to film it probably had one of the biggest number of takes in the history of the franchise [Applause] thank you we get it though Rupert and Emma literally grew up together and became like brother and sister it just felt like incest that's the only way kissing and so passionately was really awkward [Music] oh they just couldn't stop laughing [Applause] luckily they finally did it from everything we've just seen we can certainly say that Emma Rupert and Dan were a true team they spent a great deal of time together on the set let's go Jay always supported each other never stop cheering for one another [Music] [Applause] isn't it amazing that they became so close who is your favorite from the golden Trio share in the comments below and if you want to see more Harry Potter stuff check out our other videos [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign
Channel: OSSA Movies
Views: 1,197,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ossa movies, harry potter ossa movies, harry potter, golden trio, harry potter bloopers, harry potter gag reel, harry potter funny moments, harry potter cute moments, harry potter funny bloopers, harry potter making of, harry potter funny, harry potter fun on set, harry potter breaking character, harry potter funniest bloopers, harry potter behind the scenes, harry potter actors, daniel radcliffe, emma watson, hermione granger, rupert grint, ron weasley
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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