Harper Row Loves Violet Scene | Young Justice 4x23 Harper Have Feelings For Halo

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oh what is in this thing [Music] my whole life what's wrong nothing you know what to do what if someone sees coast is clear [Music] i'm still not very good at levitating anything except myself i might drop you i'll take my chances so met your new roommate we video chatted she seems nice nice wow great what's wrong nothing i mean you've got new powers new clothes new school new roommate definitely won't miss an old friend who's working at the dwp instead of going to college harper we will always be friends what's wrong nothing it's just [Music] vai you're my best friend and i don't want to mess that up but you're not with brionne anymore then i dump jack so if i'm being honest for a long time i've wanted to be more than friends i'm gonna go you don't have to answer me now just think about it okay i think everyone planning to come to this month's group is here who would like to share i'm all moved in at ivy ready to start classes i also stopped by the muslim student association and signed up for their orientation i feel like i have a whole new life starting that's great why you've come such a long way i'm sensing a butt coming normal sensing nothing psychic someone i care about has expressed interest in me a romantic interest gee i wonder who that could be you knew sveka megan she's been crashing on you for a year who are we talking about you don't have to give us a name but maybe tell us how this person's romantic interest made you feel i i can't tell how i feel because i'm blocked i i believe i am a little bit broken i think we're all a little bit broken or you know a lot broken this blockage it is brion yes i have so many unresolved feelings violet i love my brother and i'd love nothing more than for you to be part of his life but prion made his choices you cannot be expected to put your life on hold for him maybe you need closure what if you reached out one last time call him a text remember we aren't here to offer advice relate your personal experiences but try not to tell others what to do oh right uh when my dad and i had our issues it helped that he tried to reach out gave me the chance to respond he told me it was important to him to know he tried there are no right or wrong answers here only you can decide what makes sense for you thank you andy yeah thanks good share good share proud of you garfield we haven't heard from you anything you'd like to share or anyone this little guy is my new emotional support dog wingman i named him after well wingman the crimson adventure sidekick the very first superhero sidekick yeah we take care of each other i give him food he gives me unconditional love we take walks together so he can do his business don't worry i still do my business in actual bathrooms but it gets me out of the house puts me on a consistent schedule i've been sleeping a little better fewer nightmares no pills well you know except for my prescribed antidepressants that's knew a little dog could have such a big effect wingman's just a part of it i'm doing the work to get better what about your show it's pretty lame without you don't know if i'll go back or if it'll even be my choice but i know i'm not ready for that or the outsiders right now what about the people in your life mcgann and i have talked a lot it's been good everyone's been really forgiving of my prior jerkitude mostly they're just glad i'm getting help booyah and perdita i i haven't gone there yet i really messed that up it's scary
Channel: Mr. Bugs
Views: 237,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Harper Row Loves Violet Scene | Young Justice 4x23 Harper Have Feelings For Halo, Harper Row Loves Violet Scene, Young Justice 4x23, Harper Have Feelings For Halo, Young Justice Season 4 Episode 23
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 50sec (290 seconds)
Published: Thu May 19 2022
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