HappyFunland | Full Game Walkthrough | No Commentary

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hey kids it's B Grizzly's happy Funland happy F land is laid out like the four cardal directions of the compass to the north is fancy land filled with enough whims he didn't to kill any child's fancy to the east is western land land of the Outlaws to the South is any Town Plaza USA an authentic Recreation of turn of the century theme greena to The West is danger land a land of perilous danger you and your whole family will enjoy a happy and fun escape from your sad and futile life at more grizzy's happy fud L South Florida's happiest and funnest team Park hey kids it's bought Grizzly's happy Funland happy Funland is laid out like the four card of directions of the compass to the north is fancy land filled with enough whims even to kill any child's fancy to the east is West Land Land of the Outlaws you had never heard of happy Funland theme park why tragic tale when you agreed to meet a total stranger and Larry in the middle of a South Florida swamp perhaps if you had known about the grizzly events that happened there you wouldn't have agreed to the job hey hey dude you hear to me l watch me clone out here to the do and we can get started you don't mind if I call you Dude do you I call everyone dud Chets D whatever if so I'm Larry thanks foring through my head look I know it's real hard to find someone willing to beat some random crazy stranger out in the middle of the swamp at night and all like this so I do appreciate you com well now look at you yeah you'll do just fine so the first thing we need to do here is had to scrap this wireless video camera on top of your head this here will allow me to see here and record everything you do I can talk at your headphones I'll fill you in on more of the rest of the plan as we go here put this on all right got a signal video looks pretty dark though you know when I told you to meet me here at night I kind of forgot about the whole lit being dark thing and all so you're probably going to want to have a flashlight there's one in my toolbox on that crate over there by the fence near my truck why don't you go over there and get it anyways it being dark and all just help set the proper mood and such PS it just seem to be easier for sneaking in cover of darkness and all flashlights just in the red tool box right there that should come in handy for you oh [ __ ] damn malfunctioning Deltas hard to find quality made products these days get on back here to the dock and we can get on with it so anyways like I said in my ad I needed someone to explore and videotape this abandoned thing Park I found out here called Happy Fun Land you ever heard of it probably not it was closing abandoned in the early' 70s see I make online videos where I explore abandoned places and things and I usually would just do it myself but I came out here last month to do just that but I didn't make it too far till boom damn Gator chopped off both M oh yeah you better believe it's been hell I thought my videographing days were over and my video channel will start losing follow but this here find is way too big to walk away from even if I could still walk so that's where I came up with this idea for just having a wireless video headset and all and just hiring someone else like you with legs to explore the place for me so come on hop on the boat we can get started so this here dock was a close point of entry I can find out here just outside to come the property they got this whole place locked down pretty good with next five venes and off if they still got power there must still be power going this part I happen to know a that way now don't you worry about being detect the Gators out here nothing as long as you're careful and keep an eye on them you should be just fine just don't be stupid like I was you should be able to walk away from this on your own too L but now we're crossing on the gis company property and are technically illegally trespassing and all but don't you even worry about that pretty sure they don't need a patrol this place that much anymore there's another billboard for par par gley happy F home of Randy Road you ever heard anything about Fort gley or Randy Road or about that terrible tragedy that Clos this whole place down D bats just like flying rats little rents demon wings what they [Music] is there's the old entrance to the parking B us be main way in but you can't even access that road in the freeway no more Road's gone all over ground after that tragedy the company just pulled out and shut the whole park down they supposed to pour it all down too but ready it all looks like they just tried to bury the whole thing out of here and swamp left it to [Music] rock hey is that no that's that's not the one that took my legs too small took my legs with wi the size I'd reckon and jacked up on man all right we're almost here now just up ahead there it is your entry way to the fun par just follow that storm drain all the way down and then it'll lead you right to the main electrical room BR and hopefully get the power back on for the whole part I admit ain't the most sanitary me can we in but it'll do you oh and we can discuss your payment after you get all the footage I need fair enough once you get that pound stored you should be able to explore the whole place right on some rides and Stu you like fun parts right but this should be fun you should consider the fun you'll have here as part of your compensation one of the part of the job if you will well go on now get to it that all night Bang skers that's definitely some freaky freaky probably just the wind you ain't scared of no balloon are you anyways this thing Park you're breaking into here was built by a guy named Mor Grizzly well I don't mean built like installing the bramman and doing the drywalling or nothing like that no he was a big money he weren't no animator or nothing like that W DIY fell no B Grizzly made his fortunes of firearms alcohol and tobacco product Randy Ro it was a Grizzly tobacco company cartoon cigarette pitch man you know to hook the kids anyways I read up on him and all and I guess he was facing a bunch of government lawsuits or something and he was trying to clean up his Public Image and all by building this here Fun Park here in the swamp and all like this hey what's that some kind of Randy Ro and Fry or something that stuff weren't here last time I was no idea who could have put it here what's that note say destroy Randy Ro triggers I gu guess you should probably do that too [Music] then oh mother Jesus Mary Joseph and I where the hell did that thing come from damn they're sold of my drawers about Sport with this TR what is that some kind of crazy Randy Roden headed mannequin I swear I didn't put it there dude I mean sure it's true there's been lots and lots of people that have died here off and yes there are rumors this place is haunted and whatnot but don't let none of that scare you just keep going dude don't check it out on me [Music] now so this is about as far as I got the last time I tried breaking in here I was a tuning into the electrical room up there when that damn Gator came up behind me and topped off both my damn legs well I beat him off me and all had to crawl myself back to my boat losing half my blood long the way and all it was pretty brutal but this is where I found my Randy hat though so it weren't the total [Music] loss so uh this is Ed head of Maintenance got a lot of people coming to me with questions all the time same questions over and over think of answering them I'm going to make these tapes so the power goes out in the park can't get the power back on basically it's because usually because it's blew a fuse so you got to replace the fuse now there's usually a fuse in the cabinet you can put that fuse in the fuse box P the Leever to start the power L don't always have to come to me with your problems sure you got a brain you can figure it out listen to the tape hey I think I lost Communications there with you for a bit good job taking some is and getting that power back on and all looks like you're just about to the front entrance of the park now should be just up ahead there's a happy fun lands side and another one of them we're at where fun conquers boredom and fantasy vanquishes reality H should just say where fun comes and die be more like it truth and advertising and all huh God damn watch out for that sucker don't get up on him just let him pass keep your legs on just let him pass there's one of them old time of photo boots over there too maybe you can save your memories of tonight's little Adventure in any one of them [Music] boots all right here at the happy Funland main entrance hard to believe this is all still standing out here and all huh this is really going to help me out with my SCH I I mean my followers help me get more followers for my video Camp see I had a lot of time to learn up on this place while my legs was healing they say they had this whole place almost completely automated very few actual human employees mostly robots are audio automatons they call those things I guess they were very Advanced for the time period and all built by some not a German scientist or something apparently they all went all up the Haywire one day and just up and killed everyone in the parking H that was a tragedy part I told you about t ticket please looks like you're going to need ticket to get in poke around back at one of those ticket boots maybe you can find one there howy this automated ticket booth is currently experiencing technical difficulties please inform the nearest living front employe to manually dispense ticket for you [Music] sorry it get dispensed all right you got a ticket go give it to that a tomone that tomone tiny T Tiny Tim thing at the front gate hell you know what I'm talking about that thing with Wars thank you this ticket is valid have a fun and happy time at more Grizzly's happy fun [Music] life all right you're in Mart grizzley's Happy Fun Land never thought I'd see this hey looks like there's a map over there go check it out all right dude you got a map and a Mini Golf scorecard you might want to hold on to that putter could make a decent weapon if you might need one yeah they got this whole area all blurred out on the googly Earth and all just looks like empty swamping on there can't see any of all this On's here so I guess they were originally going to call this place Grizzly land after Mor Grizzly and H not sure why they would have the do tied to the in golf but whatever well [ __ ] looks like you're trapped in there now well don't get all freaky freaky on me everything's still going according to plan we're just switching to plan B and I'm going to figure out what that is so for you that means just keep exploring the whole place I got to record running so the video should be perfectly fine just keep it going and don't be scared or all it'll just be like a walk in the park for [Music] you a dang it well looks like you trapped in the gift shop now well don't just stand around LLY gaging look around for a way to get those security gates open again I don't want to be out here all night hey this is Ed head of Maintenance got to keep making these tapes got people coming to me the same questions over and over I'm sick of it they just listen to the tape tell you what you need to know so if someone is Tri the security Gates trying to shoplift or whatnot and you're going to have to reopen the gate to get the store open ASP remember the company will dock you for any downtime and we do we know that as a deduction from your paycheck so my advice don't want to get deductions from you paycheck get the door get the security gate raised as fast as you can really it's easy all you got to do is push the button under one of the cash tries do it right and you should be fast enough you don't get do and then you all know how to do it and you could stop Dam r Road of merchandise it would probably have been worth some money online though oh dang it I hate those things probably best you just destroy them then I think you did it good to see you Ain as incompetent as I first took you for don't worry I'm still getting a real good video signal on you and all well there he is Mort Grizzly statue I can see the resemblance I mean sure he killed a lot of people with his products and all firearms Alcohol Tobacco theme part but overall not a bad looking man I imagine he brought a lot of people a lot of happiness with this part well except maybe the ones that died here and all but you know what I'm saying you know there's a rumor he's cryogenically frozen here somewhere in the park 4D huh sights sounds smells spikes wonder what they mean by spikes one man's greed huh I like the way he thinks hey what's that button on the wall there do what Grizzly was a true American original war look at all this fancy stuff take your time looking around at all this stuff in here we might learn something interesting he was also known as the fat not just has an accurate description of his physical appearance but from the acram F A Firearms alcohol and go from when Grizzly built his fortune P got his start in 1920 as an entrepreneurial young lad providing affordable homemade alcohol to those who craved it during the time we commonly refer to in the US as prohibition sales of the illegal drink were pressed from the start and within the air young n he was millionaire never one to let laws morals stand in the way of profit the grizzly firearms company made many lucrative contracts in the War profiteering Industry allowing the business to blossom into what president D D Eisenhower warned us about the military industrial complex the company has grown into today sensing untapped potential in the lucrative youth Market the gley ad company created the character Randy rodent in 1929 to more effectively Market the product of school children Rod was held as the first cartoon animated synchronized sound anthropomorphic talking cigarette cartoon pitch man and was an instant success the 1950s brought more Fortune to Grizzly by now Randy rodent was the household name and all of Grizzly's businesses were moving in the post sore Academy Mort's first T onlyi son Fort dler was Bor and whom Mort considered a disappointment from day one in 1959 Mort had a daughter named patuna who was the Apple his eye the 1960s were turbulent times for America and for Mort Grizzly as well many lawsuits were brought against Fort and the grizzly companies by state and federal government during a meeting with the heads of the New York families in 1964 which happened to be at the New York World's Fair B had an epiphany while riding a boat ride filled with animated dogs with his daughter he realized he had enough cheap swamp land to build a family fun park that that could both Rak in the cash and rehabilitate his Public Image as well as appeal to the lucrative youth Market construction was quick and resulted in many workers deaths but the entire park was design and built within the under the superv of German scientist Dr Hans vban whose genius in robotics made the robots in the park [Music] I to know now what about SP you better hurry and find a way out of here you'll be killed by this SP look around for there somewhere to get that door open before you get crushed by this [ __ ] now I ain't got another one video H that H worth a lot more than I was planning on pay tonight get Dam great job saving theid headset your life and all but that's stra footage you're sending keep it up hey is that Mouse there on the floor careful around protective layer of God [Applause] what's daughter tragically died in a free coton candy accident in park that left for haunted for the rest of his life he began to work expensively the do procedures to extend or restore you stes [Music] [Music] [Music] Adar kill kill kill k k k k k k k holy [ __ ] dude I seen it all damn a tmy tons are alive holy [ __ ] maybe restoring power to par weren't the best idea I ever had probably brought those guys back to life meeting well too late now we need a plan three ah hang on second one of my G is calling hey did you get it it's good oh oh you know I want some yeah just hang on to I'll be right over uh G yet you want to all this excitement out here has made me real hungry as first as I'm going back to the dock and go get me some food or something cuz I'm really starving right now and need to go get something to eat but once I do I'll come back out here again and scout out another way in or something and hopefully you'll still be alive and all and you'll just meet me there all right all right good luck there's a burger place I know I'm supposed to buy so it should take me too long anyways I got the recorder running so the video should be perfectly fine you just keep going and exploring the park and all and I'll be back for you real soon all right and don't let my headset get broke 104 then L out for [Music] [Applause] now [Music] this Zed had of Maintenance taking one of these tapes again got a lot of new hires a lot of new kids coming in here dumb as [ __ ] D in a box of rocks tell them one thing can't keep it in the head so we lock the castle Gates every night if you're opening the park in the morning you're going to have to open the gates so so there's a lever each side of the duck Bol P float you got to pull the lever clean out the pipes be a loading there from the night before clean that out [Music] [Music] k [Music] oh [Music] [Music] k [Music] a [Music] it's time tocc everyone everyone behind walls happy happy fun land where everything is well Happy Happy Fun Land a special kind of hell [Music] be [Music] he [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] two [Music] you [Music] k [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] n [Music] [Music] oh wait I'm getting real squirly up in here I'm going have to give me a nut wo wait I'm going to head out into the City and find me a nut first I'm going to rob the liquor store oh wait the LI sto stop that squ they shop lifting from my store hey stop up yall Pig ain't never going to find me in here I'll just make a quick detour to the club here we go baby come over here love ity call me J love you want a s you want to get a nut sugar wo we that's why I'm here baby [Music] oh get out of here go see my drug dealer you want to buy some drugs yeah I think everything you got W look at all the drugs oh we are flying hard now freeze hippie you're going down oh wait buzz kill filthy hippie oh wait I saw it was one that is SP ad dad had a maintenance so there's a lost kid crying causing a scene can't have that in the par get that out of there it's really more of a security issue got to get him down to the Rock keep cage tell their parents come [Music] them [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] G [Music] for TR you know there [Music] TR k k k a is [Music] hey kids I'm crazy tle y y y y it's happy fun sou Florida's happiest and funest we [Applause] C kill kill [Music] go [Applause] [Music] all [Music] the the [Music] in [Music] [Applause] [Music] Goodness Me and You [Music] [Music] [Music] this [Music] [Music] I we the [Music] r [Music] ah [Music] I [Music] see [Music] Petes Avail yourself One of These Fine fitl pistols they be the best way to repel barers but keep her with their eye out take aim at any of the red targets spy along the way I just don't shoot your eye out like I did great must ready Bo Fire in the h [Music] [Music] ha [Music] you a pig later or you just wi you better a nice jellly Rod nice got your Lassie here for a [Music] swab that's no Pig leg one Warehouse we got wild are new and used wenes of a blow me down so they'll Shimmer your [Music] Timbers like a j like the boy one ass long and sail on down to Wy onee will s w warehouse and tell him one we Slow Me Down come over here oh come over here how would you like a okay bre panes and prepare to be born she's got don't like hes when the boat comes to a complete stop just ahead please take small children firmly by the hair and disembark the boat to the starboard side that's to your right for you land lovers enjoy the rest of your day at Mort Grizzly's Happy Fun Land South Florida's happiest and funnest themed Park and don't think if I wasn't just a h up here on a plaque I wouldn't kick your ass [Music] a you oh for H that shitthead AR K you shiver Me Timber you [ __ ] [Music] hole [Music] [Music] is [Music] a a a you fared [ __ ] [ __ ] you shitthead [ __ ] you you [ __ ] fck [ __ ] what you fck you fcking bastard you shitthead [ __ ] [ __ ] you fu ah [Applause] ah a FL diary day one I left the relative safety of the dark of civilization behind as I ventured forth in my makeshift hollowed out log of a boat always remembering to keep my hands and arms safely inside the vehicle and that no FL photography is pered courageously approaching the Ancient Temple RS I noticed some hippopotami ring cily in the waters suddenly one of the territorial m in danger guard the boat steadfast in my resolve I vented onward deeper into the very balls of the temple cave inadvertently triggering alcane booby trap i j to avoid imminent death [Music] suddenly I saw a same tiger encumbered with enormous comp d by the Seine skin this was no ordinary jungle cat rounding the corner I emerged in the primordial primeval jungle face to face with creatures from Beyond the D of time impossible my scientific mind told me these creatures have been extinct for thousands of years but my feble mind could not rationalize the horrors that lay before me oh [Music] oh [Applause] I'm out to the G I'm out the corner and came face to face with great Abomination a great eight a c absurdity of its massive size in a [Music] I had stood face to face with ma perversion a great a and lived to tell the tale heroically returning to the dark I gathered all my personal belongings and exited to the right when I continued to enjoy my day more DZ happy Funland [ __ ] you you [ __ ] [ __ ] hry that shitthead hurry H sir the marging bastards sh [Music] [Music] for [Music] who the [ __ ] you done [ __ ] up coming in here you're trapped in here now what you going to do now oh you come in here [ __ ] with me get your [ __ ] eyes out man say hello to my little beig my beig your balls let me tell you something I'm going to rip them [Music] oh oh the audacity this mother [ __ ] how many years who you think you big time you going to die Big Time [ __ ] who you are killing everybody in the park feel like I'm in a bleed out [ __ ] you rud you come in here and [ __ ] with me I [ __ ] you up understand pick your [ __ ] eyes out [Music] booah [ __ ] you your [ __ ] R what you think I'm going to back you think I'm going to beg for you you [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] you think I [Music] [ __ ] I'm just a little parrot with that little hydraulic little beak that tears people's balls off listen I'm going to balls there nothing you can do about it [ __ ] you you [ __ ] [Music] rud I never like [ __ ] him [ __ ] that guy [ __ ] you I'm going to [ __ ] kill you I pick your [ __ ] eyes up all I have in this world my beig and I'm going to tear your balls R the [ __ ] off with it who the [ __ ] you you done [ __ ] up coming in here you're trapped in here now what you going to do now you comeing here [ __ ] with me think people president and I think too that I can say know [Laughter] get [Music] [Music] is [Music] get [Music] sh [Applause] [Music] no this do this [Music] k [Music] w [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] can you hear me now can you hear me now nod your head if he can hear me now hey I think you can hear me now hey it's Larry I'm back glad to see the headset is still working and still Rec courton great job keeping yourself alive and all you really helping me out in there I surely do appreciate it looks like you're in the cowboy land there now then huh that's great see I knew I could trust you to keep my headset protected while I was gone and all that thing wen't cheap I'm sure I explained my you bre you bu policy about the video camera before I left and all so there's no need for me to be telling you about that again so let me tell you dude with my research on this place I uncovered quite a few interesting things about this place I guess he'll Grizzly open this part because the federal government was trying to bring charges against him for everything he did RAC extortion insider trading BR Larch it unlaw for human experimentation you name it government was bringing everything they had on him hat and infringements illegal Monopoly practices violating child labor laws unlicensed wailing tax evasion P treason hi treason identity F counterfeit sunshin a decent exposure attempted murder B manslaughter bail fra anyway this part St in charge he never did have to do no time nothing like that course he had an army of lawers and all the money to pay off the P priv the judges and had all the state Sanders in but that all happened well before I C and herp the love bu my anyway Grizzly's only son BT Grizzly G well he's the one running the show now and he's long since taken it a far more look with the vent side Ste par the grizzly Corporation is a big multinational conglomerate nowadays they selling tobacco products liquor weapons drugs pesticides nuclear weapons B grizzley Jr's got his hands and everything Wall Street health insurance bossome Gill industry climate change deforestation offshore oil spelling gun lobby Ponzi and pyramid scen hell they started the whole private prison industry anyways I think this land you're in is where the haunted house ride is you should try to ride that usually I don't like them kind of rides and I keep my eyes shut in them because I get all freak freey in him and all but maybe just watching on the video won't be so bad for me cuz I have always been curious to see what he is making all the noises and what [Applause] not [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e as your eyes accustomed to the Gloom you find yourself in an octagonal room welcome curious inter lopers to Grizzly manner now you may ask yourself in this Eerie hole is it actually elongating or all you just tripping balls what I should tell you as your Grizzly guide is that everyone who's ever come here has died if one thing doesn't kill you then something else will instead perhaps a spike chandelier will fall on your head oh I didn't mean to scare you I just meant to kill you but there will be time for that later for now let's continue our tour in this haunted house of Doom there's something lurking in every room soon come to life to cat you with a sword of life in this Gallery you will find Fort Grizzly's relatives whom all have died around every corner and in every room Grizzly ghosts awaited the Gloom oh look a coffin a funeral who died it's the last fool who came on this slide that's inside onto our library where we have many ghost stories it houses both kinds both Grizzly and Glory the ride has come to an unexpected stop please please remain seated in your Gloom mobile the ride will continue momentarily thank you [Music] kill and it kills [Laughter] there [Applause] [Laughter] people [Music] k dude thank God the video camera's still working dang batteries G out on my receiver and I lost you again there for a bit luckily I found some fresh ones in one of them other ders I had with me good thing I thought pling ah H looks like you stucked in the haunted house right then huh dang dude I still can't hardly believe all this stuff is still out here in the swamp and all like this is still working hell I lived and worked around these parts my whole life and I ain't never knew nothing about any of this even being out here or nothing weren Tell My Mama done told me about Mort Grizzly Jr and all before she passed first I'd ever heard of it I didn't know what the hell she was talking about at the time thought she might be off her edge or something but once she's gone it got me a thinking and that's when I started doing my research on this place and all I'm just glad she didn't have to live to see her only son it up with no legs and all like this though anyways I'll stop babbling on at you about my personal gy let's keep going find a way out of that house of freaky freaky I'm making these T so that I make a recording who is that must be the na STI all them damn transfer human soul of mle avatard greasley do a computer main frame as the F Park yeah that is unfortunate but now I should say perhaps fortunate I the scientific bread gr was see edes may seem to lame I seriz this possibility might moral soul transer from moral coil is a computer machine he it maniz the machine but now forever little atat in the K room especially since my former Endeavors under with Rob armies of security same RS now I must see disre with money with my own Superior intellect I been able to achieve a true scientific Miracle of I Soul the bra of the after all these years the fruits of my genus will finally be least upon the [Music] [Music] world [Music] [Music] a oh my God that's him that's him that's for rley and with his Brave done remov I take [Music] I'm sorry about that that's about the nastiest thing I ever seen and I've seen some pretty nasty things in my time let me tell you you seen my date last night dang dead can't believe they just left him here like this and all you'd think he would have had a proper burial ain't like he was hurting for money or nothing you know I read his only son for GD Jr is worth like a gazillion dollar now or something must be nice have that kind of money but I guess when you get the bucket you can't take it with you fine where's this computer that his brain is hooked up to is October 31st 1971 the day I Dr HED copies of [Music] Soul the upload process itself was successful however looks like things didn't work out too well for that CRA transer process but it is true as subject Mr gley as a Cru man to begin with the computerized sources to be orders of magnitude Mina the copies uploaded to theat mina still that could explain was the atat seem to have run a up killed all the people now that disappointed son of grizzly more Grizzly Junior sh after one silly little inent I thisable it's [ __ ] sometimes the mdle the BR you have to break a few EGS his shortsighted pools for not stop my ice work I just like the by myself here in my lab if they want to take it from me they will have to pry it from my poor dead noty hands oh my sh my heart there it is oh my God it's fort griz's ghost Grandpa Grandpa it's me Larry your grand what now hell you done who the [ __ ] are you it's me Larry your grandson not that dude I'm on the headphones what the hell are you talking about R your son Mort junr he got up with my mama but he ain't never married her or nothing like that tell him dude tell him you think I give a rat's ass about any tbit fluing my worthless son knocked up no not just any two tit Floy better Floy my mama I'm Larry Floy your grandson I'm B logic CLE Grizzly but my real daddy he don't talk to me or acknowledge my existence or nothing like that you filthy rooms think you could just come in here and bust up my place I'm more Grizzly damn it how [ __ ] have you killed oh dude he seems really pissed now oh I need this machine to live and now some damn R destroyed it I'm dissipating dissipating I need a body a special his ghost is in a zombie now dang I was afraid if there was dases there probably going to be zombies this rocks feels aw oh this future old bad carcass isn't going to work I need a machine I must find one of those automatons to possess I'll be back for you Ru bang that didn't go so well get the hell out of there dude hurry dude find a switch to get the power back on and Escape in that glue mobile or something well dang my first meeting with my grandpa didn't go so well but damn if this ain't going to be some exciting video though go stand zombies I'm going to be rich and famous after all this is over just as long as you don't die on me in there and lose my headset dude get a mo on out although you conceed that the house may be haunted you continue onward firmly undaunted the house is quite spacious the rooms very roomy some of you might find the vibe to be gloomy here's our grand and elegant musical hall with the spirits have gathered for a ghostly ball and where you will be the guest of honor but better yet the guest of horror we will be having you for dinner I'm sure you'll Paar well with a niceone of these damn head think you can come to my house and bust up on my head I'll [ __ ] kill you myself when I find a vessel up the stairs in a panic you flee through the a your visit thus far has been quite traumatic from the corner of your eye you spy a weird bride who is locked in this in wage and D now even the walls of this house are alive I'm not about to give up the ghost now because of some damn Ru I need a vessel to contain my soul but you smashed off all them heads I [ __ ] bury you for this you've escaped the house but still should be wary because now you've reached the old Cemetery everywhere that you look you just see tombstone your musty old Graves hold Dusty old [Music] bones you spine it turns to gelon when you see a singing skeleton a singing skeleton turn your spine to overcome with horror the safety bar you gripped as your Gloom mile lters an old and dark cript you made it out but you won't be alone because more brz's ghost will follow you [Music] home [Music] farewell you you can escape me did you I'm more Grizzly damn it I own this [ __ ] PK I'll [ __ ] crush your room skull like a pistachio how dare you come in here and Destroy My Fun Park you'll die now you can't get away from me like that you little [ __ ] come back here now not going to take you anywhere surprise surprise time for the room to die you're not get off this SP the alive I'll get you down from there you little [ __ ] his missile should do a trick make it a gly crime seene Firearms kills R death what the a oh I'm crushed by a room there it's back dudee the video feed cut out but now it's back what I missed sounds like something big just went down in there that headset better still be in one pace I'm coming around back way I found I see a warehouse just up ahead find a way to the back of that warehouse and we can get out of here [Music] [Music] you did you to kill a g did you I'm already [ __ ] dead there any one of these damn robots will now you die [Music] rud [Music] a it's backup for me and every one of these damn machines nobody talks with more Grizzly and gets away with it especially some damn r [Music] [Music] a I found another big one time's up R now I Crush you I'm more Grizzly Dam it I owne this [ __ ] P this thing has no legs here you got bastard I'm dissipating I'm becoming one with the universe you ignorant rooms have no idea how all this works dissipating must find another vessel quick dude I'm here it's Larry I've come to save my camera my legs he grew back it's a parle oh help dude there's fireworks everywhere this place is going to blow come on now I got the boat just out back here run dude Run come on dude get the boat I ain't going to lie at you no more I'm saving you all day thing dude that was the first one let's get hot day now this is f f and fun dude dude I'm so glad you save my video camera and all that is exactly what I do to you Bo oh hell we're friends now I ain't got to lie at you no more I ain't got no followers or no online video Channel or nothing like that but it do got my legs and and on my mama's dying confession to me I swear I for gz J's biological son my mama didn't told me as much for p he because they never aded it yet but I'm sure of it now and this here video footage you get for me is going to come in real handy when I blackmail his Rich old ass he's going to know his son Larry now for sure damn I'm excited I'm going to be a rich man so about your payment dude I found a few more Parks out here on the property and all you should probably videotape them all too before we call night strengthen in my case for my blackmail plan and all let's see there's a water sliding Park fish park for oh [ __ ] we've thrown a rod motor shot this ain't good more Gators up ahead damn all right uh new PA we're going to right your [ __ ] where you are this is CHR right now screwed we may not be getting out of this one dude security prepare to be darted you might not want to tell them they're going to be darted got no good time for getting us out of this one they might try and run and you can miss I never [Applause] miss the sh crack [ __ ] shot well I'm just see it's like giving them a warning better to catch them unaware of what's it matter they're going to be all like a light anyways just find a [ __ ] choer and leave the shooting to me let's pick this one up take it back to the show yeah sounds good well that was a bit of excitement around here for a change H never seen a gator devour Man's legs like that that was brutal so what are we doing with this one did you report this oh hell no what kind of dumbass question is that you want to fill out [ __ ] tons of paperwork well no but shouldn't we report we found and caught a trespasser any the other one with the gator and all what do you think the company's going to give you a [ __ ] metal hell no it's just too much goddamn headache on our end with all the paperwork the was that fell out look they hire us to keep this place secured from any and all trespasses and that's exactly what we're doing here why should we make some corporate [ __ ] jop any easier for them sitting around in them crushy offices wearing their fancy suits pitching a about paperwork [ __ ] those Pricks we the ones out here getting our hands dirty we caught this old shitthead and now we're just going to leave him here to rot it's not like anyone's going to find them in here shouldn't have been so dumb coming in here in the first place [ __ ] especially when the key to Freedom is hanging right here just Out Of Reach so close but so far away now let's get the hell out of here this place giv me to [ __ ] creeps we can come back and check in the Corps in a couple of weeks yeah okay I guess you're right let's head back to base and get a drink I'm [ __ ] punched yeah sounds good hey you see those new automatic assault rifles companies rolling out oh hell yeah my dick got hard when I saw those yeah mine too [Music] in this experience the exciting hope future the buiness corporation will bring you the future today discover the Myer how oil comes from dinosaurs with the fication oil from dinosaurs by the man imination with free CR and the future that future land gy city of the future corate progress of the future a future that will someday be com to you in your future down down [Applause] [Music] help a grizzly in future Grizzly city of the future showcasing corporate progress of the future a future that will someday be coming to you in your future in future city of the future showcasing corporate progress of the future today a future that will someday be coming to you in your [Music] [Music] future [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] contr en to confr this attraction contains of florid and other reprod to The Unborn fetus a Grizzly future await you future Griz city of the future showcasing corporate progress future that will [Music] [Music] someday [Music] since the dawn un recorded time mankind has sought out the pool yet mild and favorable cigarettes and a full body refreshing with poy beer but it wasn't until the grizzly alcohol and tobacco company provided these Pleasures demand that these basic requirements were finally met as mankind was happy and Mankind will be happy long into the future too knowing these sa togetherly Firearms [Music] Corporation an entire arsenal of grizzly long range nuclear missiles stand at the ready to safeguard against any and all would be communist and M Grizzly Corporation will be here along into the future too any exciting opportunities in Industries such as offshore oil drilling rocking and narcotics distribution because at brisley human subjugation is all part of our master plan for total Global World Domination why stop there an entire universe awaits us beyond our world ready to be conquered and explo promising Untold riches Beyond Your Wildest imagination from the red ruby field to bar to the shiny sapphire rings of Saturn from asteroids made entirely of pure solid gold to the diamond minds of Uranus the grizzly Corporation will be there in your agents to plunder those riches hoarding unimaginable wealth generations to come Grizzly Corporation I told you filthy rud nobody [ __ ] with more Grizzly and gets away with it nobody half more Grizzly godamn it I own this [ __ ] State I own this whole [ __ ] planet my moon no [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to disappointment Burger can I take your order oh wow congratulations it looks like you're DB's 10th millionth customer you win a free upgrade to a large shake when you purchase a small shake at regular price with the purchase of a disappointment meal if you want to upgrade your order to a disappointment meal and add a small shake to it you can use the upgrade now unfortunately our ice cream machine is down so we don't have any shakes to tonight sorry to disappoint [Music] [Music] you [Music] D you never did get me that video I hired you for we ain't done here [Music] he
Channel: 99TH VR
Views: 75,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 99TH VR, 99thvr, no commentary, virtual reality, vr, quest, quest 2, quest 3, quest 4, quest 5, gameplay, playthrough, walkthrough, guide, how, how to, where, solution, strategy, end, ending, endings, full, full game, all, happyfunland, happyfunland vr, happy funland, horror, vr horror, indie horror
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 41sec (7541 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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