CookieRun: The Darkest Night Chapter 1 | Full Game Walkthrough | No Commentary

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Ginger Brave wake up you will despise me but you are destined to destroy us Ginger Brave gather the soul and be brave and yet here you are once more born again and again this impossible task only you can we're sorry and I I will destroy you time and time again for all eternity they are waiting it's time you're our only hope where am I what's going on why is it so hot am I the only one awake wait that smoke is moving that must mean there's a way out of here it's too hot I need to follow the [Music] smoke looks like I've got to climb [Music] up what are those things no they're eating cookies there's got to be something on the floor that I can use as a weapon this thing looks flimsy but it'll do for now pH got to take care and not get [Music] burned more of them all righty then bring it on can't stay here any longer I need to go up oh I felt the [Music] breeze a door and it's open I'm free I grow tired of this be gone and learn your place worm hey what's the big [Music] idea it's too hot I'm getting dizzy hey over here we need to leave before we get caught hurry uh-oh there's no way I can make it through here use something to stop the blades [Music] hurry jump [Music] jump W that was one heck of a jump how you feeling far from a perfectly baked cookie that's for sure you were in the oven for too long but I've got just the thing here take this yeah I packed some meat jellies it'll help you get back on your feet in no [Music] time wow that hit the spot thank you it's too soon to celebrate we still need to get out of here look over there are they cookies what are they wearing they're soldiers of the darkest Lord cookie and they rule the castle with an iron fist stay quiet and follow me the darkest Lord cookie who's that the cookie who stopped you from escaping keep moving I'll tell you more later okay but by the way what's your name ah allow me to introduce myself I'm wizard [Music] cookie and you are no actually let's save the introductions until we actually Escape From Here we can take the ladder down darkest Lord cookie shouldn't be here anymore now's our chance the soldiers seem to be extra vigilant today as if they were ordered to take every [Music] precaution oh there's some sort of glass bottle over there it seems to have fallen from one of the cupboards above yes this will work to our advantage grab one of those candy canes you'll need a reliable weapon wow it fits perfectly in my hands as if it was made just for me now's our chance to make our Escape wizard [Music] cookie wiard wake [Music] up [Music] my head huh was I knocked out what about the soldiers nothing to worry about I took care of them you fought off the soldiers with just a candy cane why didn't you run because you helped me and this time I helped you that's what friends are for right that was really Brave of you you you just might be the ginger Brave foretold in the great prophecy uh prophecy yes I came here to rescue you after receiving a prophecy from Prophet cookie the details will be explained later we need to be extra careful from now [Music] on we need to go up [Music] [Music] there [Music] huh should we jump down no as cookies we might crumble I need to get you to safety and in one piece there has to be something that we can use as a bridge I'm such a genius I've got an idea Abra cookie lightning strike that was awesome we can get down safely now [Music] yikes more [Music] [Music] soldiers ha you've got quite the the aptitude for combat we still have a long way to go let's pick up the pace how much further keep your head down it's a rider [Music] bit [Music] I think we're in the clear got to keep an eye out for them let's head down hurry this [Music] way seriously how much for a bit further [Music] now oh Fiddlesticks the path is blocked there must be a way to get through here whoa what's that it's a terrarium the witch started growing small creatures and Light forms in these there's a Choco drop in there it seems so sad should we set them free we're just cookies if we want to free them we need to go inside ourselves it's not safe to go barging in without knowing if it's safe first let's assess the situation a proper analysis to see if it's really safe to get in there then yes no no wait it might maybe is there there could be yes I suppose I don't [Applause] [Music] know wow is this what the outside world looks like too now where'd that choco drop [Music] go moldy spores and there's a magic circle behind [Music] [Music] them [Music] [Music] you [Music] there you are choco drop oh you can't move because of the white from the statue I wonder if yeah yeah I'll try breaking the statue [Music] hi there choco drop you want to bust out of [Music] here [Music] [Music] that thing's blocking the way to our exit we got to get rid of [Music] [Music] it [Music] [Music] w [Music] you can't just leave someone while they're talking and you went inside that's too Reckless oh choco drop made it out were you worried about me no worries we made it out there is such a thing as too much courage let's keep moving or we're bound to get caught while you were in there I kept thinking about ways to get through this debris and I remembered something I read in a book written by the Gnomes choco drops chocolate coating is said to be stronger than caramelized steel we can use choco drop's ability to bust through that wall yippe we did it we can keep [Music] going huh what's that noise minions surround the area these nuisances must not Escape hurry let's get up there we need the Shrew cab trto oh no we're doomed [Music] hurry up D Brave H so you've managed to escape Ginger Brave [Music] W where are we a safe place far away from the darkest Lord cookie gaze welcome to gnome Square you finally made it and in one piece greetings young one my name is Prophet cookie I am the one who asked wizard cookie to Aid you in your grand Escape it's great to meet you Prophet cookie thanks for sending help it is a great pleasure to finally meet the cookie from the prophecy of old the prophecy yes Destiny has much in store for you friend you are the one who will lead us to freedom for we have been trapped here in the witch's castle for far too long the witch has ordered the darkest Lord cookie to prevent any and all forms of Escape I have also foreseen the witch's Sinister plot in using cookies for a terrible purpose we must flee this place lest this horrifying Future come to pass but where are my manners I shall spare you of the details for now first we must introduce you to the ome the ome is this way waa the statue why is it glowing you could it be the statue is reacting just like the prophecy foretold Darkness shall be vanquished by Courage the statue will light the way there's no doubt about it you are the cookie mentioned in the prophecy we need to meet the Elden no quickly he might know [Music] something it seems the Elder has fallen asleep while waiting for us try waking him up what oh it's you Ginger Brave yeah I guess that's my name everyone's been calling me that but how' you know it was me oh I've been waiting for a very very long time to greet you my lad this is for you it belonged to to a cookie long ago we've kept it safe for [Music] Generations there may be something useful written inside lad the writer of that notebook was much like you a great leader who wished to lead us to Freedom that's a lot of responsibility on my shoulders I don't think I'm some great leader in time you will know after all the cookie statue shines in your presence how did you huh weren't you sleeping until a few moments ago no I am certain that you are the one mentioned in the prophecy but there's more to the prophecy the statue will glow and a new day will shine with it a chance to escape you will find the prophecy is unclear but it is said that you have the power to change the Fate for all Cookie kind did he just fall asleep right when things were getting interesting you should take a look around this place should have everything you need for the next Journey once you're all set go find profit cookie he probably has something more to say don't know where to visit first why not head over to the shop they've got all sorts of goods you're bound to find something useful [Music] there greetings I am the shop keeper gome and these are my Wares looking for something in particular hello I'm Ginger Brave this is my first time here and I don't know what I should buy ah looking for recommendations how about some ammo after all what uses a slingshot without ammo eh meat jellies are a fine choice too they're super healthy oh but I don't have anything to trade with not a problem first time visitors get a small gift of gold to thank you for your future patronage B here take it oh thanks now go ahead chose [Music] [Applause] something hope it helps and thank you for your patronage you should also pay a visit to The Gnome Works they've got all sorts of weapons on sale The Gnome works [Music] huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] greetings I'm The Apprentice blacksmith in this town I crafted repair weapons it's your first visit here is it I can tell here take this a welcome gift oh wow thanks now what do you need anything catch your eye come back if you need a new weapon or [Music] [Applause] [Music] repairs [Applause] [Music] for [Music] it's no use the meach jellies are just too high to pick meat jellies hello friend what are you up to harvesting berries called meat jellies but they're too high up and I'm too short can I help there should be a slingshot nearby maybe you can use that to knock them down my attempts at using the slingshot were fruitless okay leave it to [Music] me this must be the slingshot the N mentioned I should use this to knock down those meat jellies aim for one of the meat jellies but not this one this one I will pick my [Music] hand a perfect sh [Applause] [Music] shot amazing you're a natural with the slingshot you can take that one it's a thank you gift freshly picked meat jellies are the best and you can keep that slingshot too thanks so much I'll take extra good care of it the gnomes are so so kind I love them whoops almost forgot Propet cookie wanted a [Music] word exploring the square I see here take this my [Music] friend [Music] [Applause] [Music] I call it the H it contains a piece of my crystal ball it will guide you on your path I am certain that you will make good use of it I also have a favor to ask of you go to the study and find Alchemist cookie Alchemist cookie who's that let me explain I have been searching for a way to escape this castle for years I have surmised that there is only one way out through the front Gates observe the ancient murals does it not look like the cookies are about to pass through the gates but we are only small cookies the gates are too large and heavy to move on our own but I've heard that Alchemist cookie is researching something about a gigantic hulking cookie with that Cookie's strength we might just be able to open the gates and Escape it is imperative that you meet Alchemist cookie you must enlist her Aid Ginger Brave okay sounds like a plan leave it to me such remarkable enthusiasm Alchemist cookie will most likely be in the laboratory you can get there by taking the Shrew cab gather courage become stronger gain allies friends become one in the Spirit of Courage [Music] Alchemist cookie should be around here somewhere should I climb up and get a better look at the [Music] [Applause] [Music] area huh what was that noise is that Alchemist [Music] cookie C there's a reaction if I had more ingredients then this formula can um hello don't sneak up on me like that huh who are you sorry about that um I'm I'm Ginger grave H I've never seen you around but you seem oddly familiar nope shush for now step back I'm in the middle of an extreme extremely delicate experiment Alchemy requires perfect timing and measurements one mistake could mean disaster are you Alchemist cookie oh how do you I guess my reputation precedes me yes I am the one and only Alchemist cookie the best Alchemist in all history it's great to meet you I'm here because I heard you might need help with something huh me help who told you that Prophet cookie he mentioned something about a giant cookie who can open the gates Prophet cookie said that about me and the gates wait if I no h you could be yes if they'd stop pestering yes I shall Aid you up high my new friend [Music] all righty let's begin come over here you have to see this it's truly a spectacle to behold use the Looking Glass move it around using both hands see that giant cookie we're pretty far out so the cookie may not seem that big wo is that really a cookie yep that's Franken cookie fast asleep for now if you want to get the gates open we're going to need Franken cookie help to wake him up we're going to need a Revival potion a Revival potion yep I've been researching methods to concoct the most potent of Revival potions the potion is almost complete just need to make Finishing Touches I should recheck the formula no room for mistakes we need to find a book it's got the answers I need it's in the study hurry this way by the way why do you want to open the gate to escape you don't want to be stuck here do you for now I'm okay with it after all my goal is to wake up Franken cookie I guess heading to the outside world will be an option there will be more things to research out there that's weird there used to be a ladder here did the ladder just grow legs and run [Music] [Applause] [Music] away perfect let's keep [Music] moving wait soldiers up ahead we don't have time for this time to do this the hard way [Music] [Music] h it's over I wonder why the soldiers keep coming here I pretty much have the lap to myself the entire time but the darkest Lord cookie Army has been acting odd lately they're everywhere but why do they think Franken cookie is a threat politics mumbo jumbo maybe I'll stick with Alchemy thank you now let's find that [Music] book [Music] jelly bear there [Music] Bear jelly bear there bear [Music] jelly Berry [Music] Bear come on come on chinger Brave keep up the book is waiting for [Music] us we need to get up onto that [Applause] [Music] bookshelf [Music] almost [Music] there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is it this is the book that'll teach us how to wake up Franken cookie give me a hand will [Music] you ah it's stuck how are we going to get this [Music] out I'll jump uh what gotcha wow you really are something else try wiggling it out you got [Music] this [Music] hey are you all right that looked like it hurt oh oh yeah I'm fine let's open the book not yet well actually we can't the book is locked and we don't have a key the book is locked yeah the witch must have thought this book to be extra special the witch wouldn't let me copy anything from this book especially stuff relating to Franken cookie H I remember seeing the witch hiding the key above the fireplace in a safe the fireplace is in the lounge it's connected to the study let's get [Music] moving who keeps moving the L lad is it those pesky soldiers I'll meet you in front of the stairs see you there these stairs will take us to the [Music] [Applause] [Music] study [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah it's that pesky C of all the places to fall asleep I swear it's like that cat is toying with us every time let's check the desk first the witch stopped at the desk before opening the safe it's huge The Way Forward is totally [Music] blocked jelly bear be [Music] bear jelly bear be [Music] bear N N Jelly Berry [Music] Bear I knew this had happen [Music] Soldier what was [Music] that when did the cat move over there did it wake up because of all that commotion sure fine yeah what whatever we'll need to find another way down first things first what was the witch doing here it might have something to do with the safe I wonder think think think oh the witch used a magnifying glass to look at the scroll the scroll's handle is missing we can't open it up just [Music] yet Ginger Brave I found some a puzzle the witch was always fiddling with stuff here it might have been this puzzle there are pieces all [Music] over [Music] ha we found the handle now we can open the [Music] scroll over here what are you waiting for let's snap it [Music] in [Music] [Music] h hey what gives help my head sorry I just I didn't mean to just be careful next time now let's see here H yes yes I see I got it these are constellations the way to open the safe has something to do with constellations I'm going to take a closer look at this you go ahead and get to the safe the safe is on top of the fireplace the key has to be inside I know it h what are these numbers next to the [Music] constellations [Music] on top of the fireplace huh need to find a way up [Applause] [Music] there [Music] [Music] jelly bear be [Music] bear jelly bear be bear N N Jelly Berry Bear [Music] [Applause] H where's the safe wasn't it supposed to be here it's just a painting [Music] the safe it was behind the painting all this [Music] time me look for the we saw in this girl and there are MERS too it's the C of [Music] [Music] star finally open that P I'll beet you there you can take the elevator to get down to the [Music] [Music] book [Music] hey another terrarium I better get this fell [Music] out [Music] he [Music] [Music] I [Music] he [Music] hi blue wisp want to join [Music] me [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] oh is that [Music] it [Music] there you are you still have the key right yep it's in my bag excellent now then time to open the book give me the key this is it how does such a simple thing act as a key I've always wanted to know maybe there's magic in inside this Jewel or this is no time for distractions I need to open that [Music] [Applause] [Music] book there we go let's get this open grab a hold of one of the pages and push with all you've got let's see now where are you ah Revival potion so we'll need this and these two yes and some of [Music] [Applause] these I knew it my memory is perfect yes I didn't need to read this book again oh does that mean you can make a Revival potion not just yet I need to find some more reagents from the incubation chamber there's a tunnel that'll take us straight to it I'll be waiting for you at the tunnel got it the tunnel's going to be a bit dark we need to find a source of [Music] light all set then let's head to the incubation chamber [Music] quickly [Music] [Music] the Gnomes built this tunnel a long long time ago it's a bit dark but it's still a short cut this will lead us straight to the incubation chamber H there's a lot of collapsed paths here and there I think we'll be fine though the [Music] cat it must have followed us all the way here we better be [Music] careful spores they're always getting in the way Ginger bre help me get rid of these [Music] spores much better you're not half bad in a fight are you I guess this tunnel must be a magnet for spores with it being so damp and all if we bump into any more spores get rid of them as soon as you can okay that way other cookies and gnomes taking this tunnel can travel some okay got it right let's keep moving this place might be dark but it's got a pretty straight path if we get separated we can keep moving and rendevu at the end of the [Music] tunnel hey Yoo over here you [Music] fle Alchemist cookie where'd she go I guess I better get to the end of the tunnel the path is a bit narrow I think I can evade the spores if I take this path [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] a a ladder this must be the right [Music] way what's that noise I have a bad feeling about [Music] [Music] this [Music] huh where' that cat come from ha you can't get me in [Applause] [Music] here pH it's gone I should be safe now [Music] right where' Alchemist cookie go time to get rid of these spores [Music] first [Music] [Music] he the cat's back I need to sneak past very quietly [Music] W that was [Music] close [Music] hey Alchemist cookie there you are what took you so long it do the C was snacking on you here quickly grab this lever we need to close do before the captain you need to help me close the door I can't close it on my own [Music] we should be safe from here on out this path will take us straight to the incubation chamber okay let's go all righty we made it w this is the incubation chamber the witch studied some pretty Advanced biology in here wow that's a dragon don't worry it's recuperating so it probably won't wake up and besides it's still a baby that's one giant baby no more Dilly dallying you need to find the reagents for the Revival potion the things we need can all be found in this chamber pay attention here's what we need see that red glowing statue you'll find a mandre garden around there go there and find a crimson Mand drink there are lots of types there but we need a crimson Mand drink Crimson don't forget and you see the vat the baby dragon is napping in the vat is filled with a Rejuvenation Elixir go down there and get some there's also a lizard's cage down there we need a lizard's tail a lizard's tail don't worry just grab the tail and the lizard will just leave it and run away away oh and here take this flask use it to bring back some of the Rejuvenation [Music] Elixir I'm going to go ahead to the auditorium and get ready to revive Franken cookie don't forget anything understand trust me I've memorized everything all righty then I'll see you soon I need to find the reagents [Music] first [Music] ah so this is where the man draks are H looks like I have to just grab a hold of this and pull [Music] oh oh oh my ears full I should be more [Music] careful oh oh oh my ears I be more careful [Music] yes a crimson man Drake time to move [Music] on [Music] jelly be bear be Bear jelly bear B [Music] bear N N Jelly Berry [Music] Bear [Music] [Music] a [Music] yeah [Music] sh [Music] [Applause] [Music] sh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] Rejuvenation Elixir check time to get the next fre agents on the [Music] list [Music] what [Music] [Music] oh [Music] a [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] I'll wait on the first floor the see you there did you get everything I asked for yep all present and accounted for not bad not bad you work fast don't you great work now hand them over Crimson man Drake Rejuvenation Elixir and a lizard's [Music] tail perfect we're all set it's finally time to concoct the Revival potion watch and learn Ginger Brave you're about to witness Alchemy [Music] history Alchemist cookie we've got soldiers incoming not now keep them off my [Music] [Music] [Music] to [Music] po how's it coming along Alchemist cookie almost done and a dash of find P ra the heat to and then we just [Music] voila [Music] behold the Revival potion this will wake Franken cookie up in a chiy that's so cool Alchemist [Music] cookie of course it's cool Alchemy is cool and as an alchemist that means I am cool okay then enough chatter let's get going to where to Franken cookie of course it's finally time to revive Franken [Music] cookie this is your first time here isn't it the witches used to experiment with moonlight here they wanted to create a cookie harnessing the power of the moon but they failed the cookie was out of their control and they scrapped the experiment the cookie in question is the same one you saw in the laboratory put one in one together yet yep I'm talking about Franken cookie I was baked by the witches and tasked with finding a way to control Franken cookie see that thing on the ceiling that's a Moonlight Focus Franken cookies right below it where the witches failed I Alchemist cookie shall succeed this revival potion will wake up Franken cookie in perfect condition too that's amazing let's hurry up then we'll be out of here we have two things to do first step one we need to realign the Moonlight reflectors and start collecting energy into the focus those statues are holding on to reflective mirrors we need to realign them step two we need to give the potion to Franken cookie take the elevator to get up there once both steps are done we aim the Moonlight Focus onto Franken cookie simple eh let's realign those reflectors [Music] first so this is a Moonlight reflector I'm supposed to realign by swiveling it around correct see the large and small handles there use them to get the reflectors in place yeah more solders hurry up on that [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] that's a perfect angle let's hurry and get the other ones into position too [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] come on let's get this thing into place yeah more soldiers hurry up on that [Music] [Music] h yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah yeah [Music] we're making excellent progress just one more to [Music] go [Music] last one come [Music] on yeah more soldes hurry on that [Music] hand [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] wow we did it now we need to feed the Revival potion to Franken [Music] cookie [Music] this is so awesome we finally going to see Franken cookie up close great for Franken Cookie's head this way Ginger braak quit [Music] Doling finally it's time to use this thing [Music] what and the very last drop is in is is Frank and cookie awake no it seems like that was just an involuntary reaction to the potion but that reaction was much bigger than any of my calculations amazing okay let's head on down [Music] now all we need to do now is fire a blast of moonlight energy the levers this come on ginger hurry we need to get on top of breaking's head [Music] [Music] wa the Moonlight is too strong the desk is about to collapse hang on raky cookies alive alive gingerbread take the [Music] controls huh that pesky KN cat that cat here it goes cat hurry how's it fail to be chased around you py feel on you huh soldiers were bad enough already but now they can f Ginger use cookies arm to kill those flying me you've the you are against the M cookie goes the same for us stop breaking [Music] [Music] shoot SC I wonder what is going through a door I've only used the kitty door before what I've went through the kitty door only to see the cat getting ready to pounce on me it was the scariest moment of my entire life huh a walk on the door how are we supposed to get through oh of course silly me he's got Frank let's just to [Music] open look out [Music] ow ow ow ow ow ow Alchemist cookie are you okay no no no my masterpiece my break cookie shattered to [Music] Pieces is that wait I know you you're Zombie Cookie you were trapped in Frankie cookie heart hang on I'll get you out of there come on pull so stuck what one more time pull pull [Music] again hey hey Alchemist cookie get zombie cookie out of here run I'll buy you some time leave the darkest Lord cookie to me you why won't you just let us leave what do you want from us you won't hurt my friends I will stop [Music] [Music] you no this isn't the end you are no match for me and yet what drivve you so for our dreams our dreams you are a mere cookie fresh from the oven you have been poisoned by feal words and Ambitions your life to protect the dreams of others is not courage it is merely Reckless bravado I may not know what bravado means but I know one thing I know that no one wants to be trapped here like ants and for that I'll keep fighting your bravery remains intact but not for [Music] all huh Zombie Cookie no away we're not leaving without you let's get out of here here get resistance is FAL What wizard cookie everyone get down now's our chance this [Music] way that was close too close wizard cookie that was amazing it huh you took care of that giant statue and you scared off the darkest Lord cookie with just one [Music] spell it was a piece of cake the statue was already breaking I just finished the job that's all anyone could have done it your magic could help defeat the darkest Lord cookie they've been given Enchanted armor and a wand from the witch herself it's not simple alas my my magic won't be enough I'd need time to cast a more powerful spell see magic is too volatile Alchemy is precise and calculated it's more reliable than magic you're practically paralyzed when you run out of reagents magic is about the strength within huh but you are useless without that wand of yours admit it Alchemy is the superior C say that again to my face hey hey everyone calm down even Zombie Cookie knows you all are taking this too far huh and who's this I've never seen them before everyone meet Zombie Cookie Zombie Cookie was inside Franken Cookie's heart a cookie was inside another cookie as an ingredient well actually Franken cookie was never a living Liv cookie to begin with what we knew as Franken cookie was more like giant armor for Zombie Cookie you so how could no cookie would ever do such a thing to another cookie hey snap out of it Zombie Cookie was inside Franken cookie end of story all you magic wielders are so illogical wizard cookie and Alchemist cookie don't seem like the best of friends my crystal ball told me that something Lively was happening in Gnome Square job well done Zombie Cookie it has been a long long [Music] time ah you may not remember me I saw you taken by the witch when you were done baking I thought you had gone missing but no you were within Franken cookie this entire time we must make haste and leave this place who knows what insidious plans the witch has for us hey so um where is the witch exactly gone for now something about Gathering some rare ingredients from Far Far Away then that must mean we still have some time left right we cannot assume such a thing after all the darkest Lord cookie still serves the witch with further and with such [Music] power Zombie Cookie right it's too soon to give up now together I know we'll find a way to get out of here huh you understood that gibberish Ginger Brave is correct we must abide our time and enhance our strength what about the blacksmith I often commissioned that cookie to craft some equipment quality stuff too after all you can't bend off the darkest Lord cookie in the Soldiers with just a candy cane ah avocado cookie yes a brilliant idea with avocado cookie help we may be able to get our hands on a new stronger weapon but for now you must rest you've gone through much [Music] today [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah my friend come come take a look at this tell me does this look familiar to you in any way this painting is identical to the mural found in Gnome Square I believe this mural contains an answer for us to seek the key to our Escape but the mural is dilapidated it is proving difficult to decipher if we could somehow recreate the image in its entirety we will be one step closer to Freedom oh alas this depiction has been torn into unrecognizable [Music] Pieces by my crystal ball the painting has been completed we must compare it to the mural yes yes yes they are indeed identical we may be able to decipher the mural now what's going on here wait that's the mural's original form it has an aura of extreme import I'll join in on the deciphering effort I'm sure my knowledge of the Arcane will help us my knowledge of ancient Alchemy is more likely to prove useful in times like this just you wait I'll be the one to decipher that mural in no time it's good to see academics come together for a common cause Ginger Brave we shall busy ourselves with the mural in the meantime you must meet avocado cookie and ask for a formidable weapon avocado cookie is in the Metal Works I believe muscle cookie is there as well the two are creating weapons and armor for the darkest Lord cookie forces but recently the soldiers have been keeping a Keen Eye on Avocado cookie I am not certain as to why why the darkest Lord cookie is keeping tabs on Avocado cookie convince them to help our cause and obtain a powerful weapon is avocado cookie willingly helping the darkest Lord cookie but but why in the past the evil one was not the foul and Sinister cookie we know today something must be up then all right guess I'll need to meet her and ask the shw cab stop in the Metal Works has been fixed go there with haste you still don't realize are a threat to us to all cookies reconsider I see then eradication is the only [Music] choice [Music] phew it's so hot there are cookies here in this [Music] heat [Music] Prophet cookie said the soldiers are keeping an eye on Avocado [Music] cookie [Music] hey us a Cookie stop exercising and give me a hand after all this is a much more efficient workout just 200 more this's is too light make me something heavier oh there really are cookies here are they avocado cookie and muscle cookie my [Music] back oh a visitor hi I'm Ginger Brave I'm here because I heard that you were a blacksmith you came to the right place you need something I can make everything oh but introductions first my name's avocado cookie and this slump here is I'm muscle [Music] cookie I was wondering if you could make me a weapon I needed to defeat the darkest Lord cookie the darkest Lord cookie is strong you're no match for such a strong cookie M your eyes they're burning with courage but let's put that courage to the test first then we'll talk uh a test yes the test of resolve there's a bunch of materials laid out on that Anvil let's use them for the test this won't be a cakewalk swing the hammer down as fast as you can and mold them into shape here take this hammer and start it okay I just have to swing the hammer down quickly and make a [Music] shape yes woo I did it that was quite the hammerin you're more than capable of wielding a weapon made by me all done return the hammer and let's take a look give me five what do you call a cookie waiting for a high five nope I got nothing I'll need more materials to make something for you head into the mines get me some iron ore and some Frost Stones you'll need a pickaxe a helmet and some gloves to go mining let's go to the Armory to get [Music] mother this elevator will take us to the [Music] armory wow look at all this stuff avocado cookie made all this equipment everything you need for mining can be found here but the soldiers are taking the equipment without even asking H find the mining equipment you need and meet me at my climbing tower deep inside the Armory he's so fast okay mining equipment I should start [Music] looking oh it's a map of the Armory I'm guessing the stuff I need is near these marked Stars [Music] yeah oh it looks like the soldiers are guarding the key I need hooray I found the [Music] key yeah yeah [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] is [Music] h [Music] the stuff I'm looking for has got to be in these crates somewhere what [Music] [Music] oh more soldiers muscle cookie I'm ready to start mining not so fast skinny you need to pass the test of Might first the darkest Lord cookie is a mighty warrior why are you determined to fight such a Fair leader a Fair leader that's not the darkest Lord cookie that I know then let's let our muscles decide that beat me to the top of this Tower then I'll think about helping you how is he so fast I should probably get [Music] moving still down there Slowpoke your flabby muscles aren't a match for me forearms should ERS back show me your muscles [Music] capabilities feel the bird use your core your biceps they're there for a reason H our muscles are roaring in Victory together come grab my hand and get up here oh man my arms I can't move my arms those muscles of yours have shown me your courage you've passed the test come with me it's time for us to go mining I don't know why you're trying to fight the darkest Lord cookie but recently avocado cookie been less than happy with the situation as long as I can continue training my muscles I am happy with anything but these soldiers they dare to get in the way of my workouts [Music] got everything you need H be careful out there oh and mine your business come this will take us to the lava [Music] mine [Music] W this place is awesome but War we need us deeper [Music] inside there's a fork in the road which way do we go you take the left path the frost stones will be that way I'll go right and find us some iron let's hurry today is light day and you should never forget light day see you [Music] soon I think this will take me deeper [Music] inside [Music] I door I should use that mine cart to wow this heat it's [Music] unbearable oh a pet I should go help [Music] yeah [Music] hello baby Yeti you should join me on this [Music] adventure the path just ends here where should I [Music] go jelly bear be bear [Music] Bear jelly bear bear [Music] bear [Music] jelly Berry Bear here on here what [Music] [Music] [Music] ATT hooray I found the key this should unlock the [Music] door [Music] [Music] [Music] oh so this is a frost Stone the pickaxe I brought should be the perfect tool to collect [Music] [Music] it [Music] it's so blue and very pretty I should move that mine cart [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's that sound is that muscle cookie smaller bra are you there muscle cookie can you get yourself out of there it's no use we need something strong stronger than my muscles a bomb from the blacksmith okay safe play I'll be right back I should be able to get back quickly if I take the path muscle cookie came from for now back to avocado [Music] cookie [Music] a [Music] avocado cookie we need your help muscle cookie trapped behind some rocks down in the mine what is he okay hey he's fine for now just stuck he said you have something that can move the Rocks a bomb I have just a thing here you [Music] go thanks oh you are covered in dust at this rate I might have to call you Ginger dust I'm okay just a bit of dust from fighting soldiers in the mine soldiers huh anyway go help muscle cookie first we'll talk later about the soldiers I'll be back soon oh before I forget Frost Stone no need to Lug that heavy rock around leave it [Music] here not bad Ginger Brave I'll start making [Music] preparations [Music] time to clear some rocks [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] where's Muscle cookie [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] muscle cookie are you all right something attacked me a strange monster a strange monster come back here you I won't forgive you hey wait [Music] up [Music] where are you come out and show yourself you strange monster you're no match for my muscles at full [Music] strength hey stop that a skull button you're Ginger Brave I've been looking for you foolish of you to step foot here your childish tactics are no match for me just you WI I will soon unleash my full power no time to waste we need to get out of [Music] here that toad that toad definitely lifts come on muscle cookie we got to get moving time to retreat and focus on elri let's take that Minecart Ginger Brave hop in De bra we can't be late for L day off we go uhoh the tracks ahead are in ruin w [Music] a h you're back in one piece but why did you come from there we used a mine cart to escape from the lava toad that monster knew my name uhhuh let's talk come this [Music] way [Music] [Music] so you met the lava toad huh H the darkest Lord cookie must really want something from you you mean the lava Toad and the darkest Lord cookie are working together more like the lava toad is working for the darkest Lord cookie I knew the toad lived in the mine but it was always sleeping I wonder when it woke up that lava toad how could it live in a place that's hotter than the oven anyway did you find what we needed iron ore [Music] here perfect it's time to craft a weapon Ginger Brave stand beside me you be my assistant got it what should I do use the Bellows to keep the forge at a perfect [Music] temperature [Music] woo great work you can stop now woo would you look at that I might have created yet another here you go gingerbread you you are quite something you know if you need anything else just [Music] ask what was [Music] that H there you are no I told you you can't escape from me bone don't make me do this [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there no the lava toad is healing up I need this stuff the pipes I need to close them off I should use the valves to close off the [Music] pipes [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] it [Music] that's what I call the dynamite moood avocado cookie you're okay here we go time for the C bra this way in your Brave okay cool oh wow that was too close the lava to it's still moving no this isn't the end I cannot fail for the darkest Lord cookie we did it thanks both of you without your help I would have been crumbled to pieces I can't believe the darkest Lord cookie would pull off this sort of stunt I will not forgive the AR floor cooking never ever I promise you keep all cookies safe with a lie I'll never make weapons for that liar never again I guess I can't stay here anymore if I stay who knows what those soldiers will do you should come with me to Nome Square I'm sure they'll welcome you with open arms oh a grand idea just give me a forge and I'll keep making weapons for you me too your flood but strong muscles arefe in the Lavone we should live together I can't guarantee I'll be able to craft a weapon that can defeat the darkest Lord cookie your weapon broke while fighting the lava toad right darkest Lord Cookie's armor was enchanted by the witch a lot tougher than any lava toad break through that armor woo it's nearly imp then what do we do I heard ancient dragon living in the garden maybe we can ask the dragon we present a gift the dragon may be willing to tell us what we need sounds like a plan we should tell the Elder gnome about this idea too this place is amazing I always wondered where the GN homes lived never thought they were all here ah you're back we heard of your battle with the infamous lava tone Oh profet cookie it's been too long how have you been my Mustachio Chum I well I've managed I have vowed to stand tall and no longer coward in fear that's good to hear ooh speaking of things good to hear look into my future and tell me something good huh I already have your future lies with us come with me and I will show you where you can stay oh Ginger Brave we found another mural painting But first you must rest you've had quite a long [Music] day [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah Ginger grave come take a look we found something but this one's also torn to shreds deciphering the mural can't continue unless this painting is [Music] restored that's just what we're looking for you have have our thanks Ginger Brave so far we figured out that we need something extraordinary to escape from this place but we still don't exactly know what this extraordinary item is or where it's located the pieces you've brought we may be able to surmise some more details sounds good in the meantime I'm going to pay a visit to the dragon pardon did did you say the dragon the ancient dragon might be able to help must figure out a way to defeat the darkest Lord cookie H true dragons possess incredible wisdom and knowledge okay then we'll stay here and continue deciphering the mural I'm certain that the answer to Escaping The Castle is here it'll be immensely useful oh by the way the way to the Garden is blocked the Gnomes will get to making a path but until then you should hone your skills and stock up up okay thanks for the heads [Music] up my Lord we've received a report the lava toad has failed to capture the one called ginger Brave it matters not all we need is to find the brave souls our troops are searching every possible location for it my le double your efforts All Is Lost if that brat Ginger Brave obtains the ancient weapon for himself as you [Music] command Ginger Brave you you shall not [Music] [Music] succeed [Music] [Music] oh
Channel: 99TH VR
Views: 167,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 99TH VR, virtual reality, vr, quest 2, 99thvr, no commentary, quest, quest 3, cookierun, cookie run, the darkest night, darkest night, chapter, playthrough, gameplay, walkthrough, how, how to, where, puzzle, level, boss, boss fight
Id: OfRor-uvuZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 43sec (9343 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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