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that's pretty good where do you think we're in the frame there yeah we're all in hi everybody hello hi hey welcome to the knitting posse episode 45 i'm laura i'm kim and i'm kate welcome um looks like we've already got some people on um do we have anything to talk about before we get into stuff oh well okay the big you know we are podcasting live and it was just announced that queen elizabeth passed away i think within the last hour or so which is very very sad i'll say she's exactly the same age as my father-in-law who is still alive and kicking but 96 is old so she ranged for what 70 years that's crazy the longest that's queen victoria was long and then she surpassed queen victoria um but i think i think a woman who is beloved by the world oh yeah and sad to sierra go but i know i'm very sad 96 is a good run right it just is i just you know and i really think she just got very frail i don't you know i don't know the details but i don't think she had some sort of horrible long illness which is sound like she died peacefully exactly which is nice wouldn't we all like that in some form or other so anyway on a lighter note um do we have anything general to discuss yes we do um sunday september 10th oh um kim and jonna wait sunday last saturday saturday september 10th saturday night do-over rewind tickets live saturday september 10th at 4 30 um kim and jonna and paula from mayak are hosting a zoom a live zoom and it's a show-and-tell for um the knit along that they've been doing all summer which we all participated in which was primarily isabelle kramer possibly mayak yarns anything really they had they're kind of like us they have no rules but the link to the zoom if anyone is interested in it will be in their bio in their instagram and it's um at knit together dot with kim and jonna and i will put it below hopefully sooner than three days from now which is how long it took me to get this show notes up last time but um thank you for the people that gave me the heads up that i forgot so um yes you're fired thanks no she's not does that mean since you were being we're very grateful that um kate is willing to take on the limited technology because none of us i think um veer in that direction too much no no um okay i'm actually going to try to go to that it's actually going to be held at pick up every stitch and as of right now unless my husband comes up with the reason that i can't um i am going to go there laura's going to represent yeah yeah to make it want to be on screen but whatever i do i'm excited with it yeah exactly and did you see felicia's actually it's their aunt store anniversary that day oh i didn't see that yeah i don't remember i don't remember but she hasn't thinking about that yeah oh that's dangerous i i've told these guys right now i have yarn blinders on and i'm trying not are your yarn blinders like this like this um there's holes in them yeah i'm really really trying i did sell some yarn this morning on my sketch i nailed it you know i didn't sell it for a lot but yarn beautiful yarn that i've had in my stash for oh easy four or five years and i had listed it on my ravelry available to sell and somebody bought it and i mailed it to her this morning where did you mail it to i'm always uh minnesota nice yeah um and snowing there already oh god wouldn't i die for that i know i shouldn't say that because you know because february because we've had such a dry summer i'm really nervous and excited that we might have a really snowy winter which if it's really snowing that's great if it's just cold and rainy and grey and jackie yeah anyhoo that's it for sort of general stuff information let's just talk about um what we've done since last time we podcast we went to the city oh oh yes oh yeah i forgot yeah we went to new york city for our annual visit with beth mcdonald stone yes and dinah and pam and oh we just had the best time together my face hurt my face didn't hurt you from smiling the whole time i ate an adorable little french um i want to go back it was like a restaurant i'll put the name below because it was if you find yourself in manhattan it was wonderful and so cute oh yeah here we are some people were sporting beth's newest one of her newest ones half of us three out of five yeah we're sporting it it's the chevron vest pattern that pam myself and dinah have on we suggested that when we walked into the restaurant they had a nice table up front for us but there were like a couple other couples around like french bistro so a little bit of a romantic touch to it not that you know it wasn't but there was a couple and you were like i'm like oh no we're not gonna lie it's very way too noisy and and we were and we were and we stayed almost till dinner and our weight just was fantastic oh she was great last night took really good care of us it was really fun this is so great i think um beth spends a long time yes um she lives in bermuda um and she spends about a month uh every summer in new york with her husband and son i don't think her husband stays the whole time but anyway she had scouted it out and she and her husband had gone there a couple of times and she brought us there and it was fabulous and fun to be with those guys um beth is sitting on the island of bermuda right now in earl the hurricane is coming right by them so yeah this is gonna be there this weekend and they had to cancel their trip this has got to be an exciting season out there the middle of the ocean yeah on an island yeah i think she like she said she's so used to it yeah she's like yeah yeah you know she's got her knitting down the hatches and yeah yeah they just not a bad place to be stuck yeah exactly as long as you don't lose power you know yeah then you know you must if it is um yeah that was really fun okay that was really fun anything else um that was the first time i'd been in the city for a while and um it was just officially announced that the mask mandate is no longer and i was like we went and that's the first time i've been on the subway and over you know since before the pandemic and didn't even occur to me to bring my mask because we're so used to it out here in connecticut not having to wear it and i would say 80 of people weren't i was surprised that the law just stopped like this week that you don't ever yeah yeah we all did it but no matter what we needed to you know required to wear a mask but yeah it was fun it was a fun day so it was a fun day yeah okay i'm going to start here what are you wearing kate i am wearing my seven sister's top it is an oldie um by last year [Laughter] la cassie i think it's um knit in blue sky fibers printed organic cotton and my colorway is dusty miller yeah um it's green it's shocker it's yeah so this is an example of a pattern that came out and i think this was so popular that the they had no idea and you couldn't get the you couldn't yes for like six months because also any everyone who saw it was like boom bought it and yeah you got on it fast i did and um again this one is sort of like my rocket t that there are three or four days of the year that i can wear it because it is a worsted weight and it's thick it's heavy it's heavy yeah um yeah if we don't podcast fast and the sun gets on me like kim and i are gonna be switching places i thought you're gonna undress i don't know i can't i don't have anything under it remember i can't edit that's right we're live um i made that we're not back on the show we might get more gave it away because it it just hit you have guns i don't so your arms look great in it i just felt like it hit right where i don't want it to hit mm-hmm so i hear after that yeah yeah the arm is getting longer and longer yeah that area yeah so what you wearing tim oh this is my knit together with kim and jonna knit along it is isabelle kramer's yummy um why um oh wait [Music] fiber fiber yep fiber company yes i think it is and it's beautiful i made this second medium second size there were two mediums i probably should have made the first um it's it's getting bigger as i wear it yes so just like and again i it's a little longer than i want i think you can dampen that and give it a thumbs up probably could mean it's in the dryer well it's carefully yeah i think you're right because it just needs to be tightened up a little buttoned up a little bit but be very careful but that's what i would do yeah because i agree i think i'd rather my especially a summer sweater would rather be a little looser and not tight because then you're sweating yeah but i would give it a little bit of a mist and yeah there's plenty of air yeah i'm giving it a little minute so show her show her how how i figure oh yeah this is how she knows that laura's like she came in because you you have to be right and i'm like i didn't forget that's right um show me the side seam oh yeah that's really this is such an issue as kim or jonas was i was doing that yeah but the side seam looks really good yeah it's just a nice sheet she's just a thoughtful designer yeah yeah and um her designs are so easy to follow too yeah yeah patterns well patterned as well see i have to keep doing this it's growing yeah um it's really pretty you know for the couple it's only gonna wear it a couple more times probably so it's actually my first time wearing it i haven't been anywhere to wear i know yeah this is actually my first time so this is not really showing up at all here but this is my i've talked about it a million times it took me almost all summer to make it it is uh the kimono and it's 0-6-2-1 which i think is the publication date and it's um la mana yarns which i think i'm almost positive it's an italian yarn company um and it's milano and it's a light fingering and i love it and it has like um you know an elbow sleeve and it's just loose and open um but um this is the last time i'm saying i will never do something like this again and a very skinny yarn all over pattern i use the size us2 which i don't even know that's like almost negative millimeters and a dark yarn to boot and it just it really this was a this was a heroic accomplishment in my mind because i felt like i really had to stick with it and yeah goodness is you don't need to make another one you have to well i just mean in general i will be careful about doing a pattern even anything like this with an oliver yeah i'm done yeah i love it it's awesome it's beautiful it was uh it took a lot to finish but it really doesn't feel like a cloud a little a little bit a little bit yeah yeah yeah i think i remember both of you you both knit that in the dark yarn yes and it took a long this is cables that's just knits and pearls yeah so right it's a little different but yeah this was yeah it's a honeycomb so it's a four row repeat so every fourth row so the backs are all pearls and every fourth row was every single stitch had to be two by two cross cross stitch and then of course table needle or just do it on your own i did because it was very so fine and soft i had to you know it wasn't a kind of yarn where i could anyway it wasn't like a woolly wool that would just sit right there yeah no no no so anyway did it finished it it's beautiful pat myself on the back never again it looks great thank you it is it is a nice piece but i'm like i could have bought this and it would have been a lot cheaper and a lot easier oh yeah but now you can you i don't know yeah no it's good done i just haven't actually worn it i put a picture of it up on instagram but i haven't actually worn it that's a cute shirt i know i love that oh my god you know what this is one of those i kid you not i think it's the gap and it was like 3.99 on sale at the end of the summer and i was like and it's a tank so it's you know so cute so it's like a perfect layer yeah sometimes when i see a top like that i buy like two or three of them yes yeah i don't even think there was i was actually amazed i'm a person i think maybe you not like when there's sale racks it's either extra small or extra large of which i'm neither and i don't do well on sale racks but this was one of those it's just a good fight yeah just and i snagged it i didn't even try it on i was like for four dollars or whatever it was so cheap but um i just brought it home i was like and then i was like oh and it is the perfect under layer for yes yeah and it's lined and you know it's good not see-through with white it's hard these days i feel like most laptops are sure that's not my vibe no not my voice i can't unsee this [Laughter] nor do you want you do what you do yes yes um okay uh fos ipos okay i have well i have two fos they're both the same thing um and not very exciting but um well we actually both have f.o.s and neither one of us brought it i think oh for real did you wear yourself um so i finished my eileen bag it is by hannah mason it is a free pattern on ravelry um this one i knit in the espastrico petit lin um in nope the colorway is rosemont no i think it's whatever oh i think it's the place oh that's the whole place no it's the petite i don't think i think it's nice yeah yeah um and uh kate was there and this color matches very closely the color of our rhinebeck sweaters yeah we're all gonna be so matchy yeah so i have finished my bag i have not yet started my rhymeback sweater you've been busy i've been busy unpacking moving my boys and that took a lot so um so i did this and then i made one for one of my son's friends and so uh i've already gifted that one but it's a fun pattern to do and it's a nice like you knit the bottom rectangle first and then you pick up stitches along three sides and then you um knit this lace pattern all the way around and then there's a little bit of ribbing at the bottom of the pattern again it's eileen i-l-e-n-e eileen bag by hannah mason and so if you guys ever go back and look at our entire page of podcasts one of the very first ones yeah the four of us um we're all holding up we did the eileen banks and it's funny because every once in a while i see it and um actually when we hold picture of the podcast podcast which gets selected for you was right all of us holding up our eyeliner bags and they're fun yeah so i figured it would match our rhinebeck sweaters or or mine will match your rhinebeck sweaters yeah um but this one as i said was the espostriko petite lin the second one i knit in the laying yarns camper it's a hundred percent hemp yarn it was not my favorite yarn um interesting yeah it felt different it did this one actually like it softens up as you're working with it and like as you're manipulating it it's a little bit splitty but it's not horrible and it just took one skein so you didn't have to add in yarn easy other one correct the other one used three and a half skeins and it's not easy to kind of add in the yarn like kim says in this pattern so i did knot it um and i mean it was a gift so she'll never notice it but thank god i don't have to look at it yeah hopefully she doesn't watch this so um no she doesn't um so i will definitely would definitely recommend the espastrico yarn too yeah to make [Music] um um yeah i have one one my one um i finished sorry screen door closed we screened our clothes the manhattan hat and i did it in i know the color is awesome oh andre company sport weight and the color is prada blue which it is probably yeah it's good i don't know from i don't know it's [Laughter] [Music] emma told me that it's in style so and emma would know because yeah and cute so she would know what was in style it kind of looks like those hats remember the hats yes i do but that was this is very tiny the yarn was really a beautiful yarn to work with i bought it at the knitting place at dinah and pams and i did what it was yeah manhattan hat light by tory why you i have a sweater on my list you do yeah yeah so i like it i don't care what you two say so think it's beautiful i love the color i love it yeah i'm not sure i could pull it off but i love it you're when i wear it you're gonna be like i wish i had one i'll see you on the paddle court wearing it it'll hopefully just i don't play paddle play well that's the only place i don't know i think it's marina it's gorgeous um okay i have no fos except my fiola which um hopefully all of you watching will have seen our instagram podcast remy get out of my yarn her dog is sniffing around in my yard my iron bag um so that was my i had actually done the body sort of early summer and then put it down but i finished the sleeves and blocked it and i cannot wait for it to get cold so i can wear that i cannot wait so that was my only it was it's beautiful yeah it's gorgeous and it's just like the color the yarn the feel the weight the drape the design it's perfect really really really good yeah so yeah um that might be if it gets great enough for rhymeback i might wear that to you all right i don't know who knows who knows there's the devil's friends yeah laura was nice enough to wear a long sleeve shirt under it so you could see the lace details on her sleeve but it was like a billion degrees that day and i'm like i'm not well i literally put it on for that photograph in her air-conditioned house that's why her son took the photo as soon as he took the photos yeah it's really again another well-written pattern yes yes yes she's got it down i'm i'm finding a common theme that i find designers and sometimes i don't realize for a while that i find a design like i keep liking things and also i realize like i've got four or five things like i'm like oh i love this designer you'll see i'll tell you some of them coming up but anyway i like the way that she does her shoulders oh yeah well for me it's really good yeah yeah no i agree with you like um i tend to you know if i see a pattern i don't see who it's made by then i'll read it i'm like oh of course it does yeah you know i just like the aesthetic i like the way it hangs on the person yeah and design details like um [Laughter] there are some that i'm coming to realize it's like oh i just know i like this designer isabelle kramer for sure yeah they almost meant oh yeah i just knit a lot of your sweaters i i love marathons for quite a while yeah hopefully you'll be staring at one at rhinebeck i have i haven't even watched kevin and ray's last podcast i know i know she just said that online i did i'm sorry guys um but i did like kim said i've been moving my boys and i've been back i drove to boston and back three times last week it's not around the corner and you know what it's funny because i was like well kate's kind of radio silence that's why i know why yeah so yep okay okay yes whips i have one whip it is the double slippers uh felted slippers by liv strangeland this is what they look like they don't have stripes my printer is running out of ink [Laughter] and i am knitting them in the sandisk fritids gone is that how you say that i bless you thank you practice god i don't know so i'm knitting it in this and it's blue yarn it is very woolly yarn it's a hundred percent norwegian wool um that's not norwegian wood no regional wall yes which is good for felting yeah yes yes so they are felted so um you um it's a really interesting construction so i'm like then you knit this side and then you knit this side and then you stick this one into that and then you seam up the back yes and then your foot goes in somewhere right here yeah right so yeah open and then opening yeah yeah it'll eventually do wow that's interesting it is just the ingeniousness of this yeah that way like somebody has an engineering kind of brain like you have to i don't know how you figure you got that and that unbelievable right that's good yeah yeah really fun so um yeah so i've been working on that and you're teaching a class on it right i'm taking a class on it which is why i had to start this before my rhinebeck sweater but i am going to make my rhinebeck sweater a whip tomorrow you heard it here first tomorrow and if you say it out loud you're going to be what happened and you guys you're going to be early september it is i started mine because i was worried i was going to get distracted and not get to it so i was just like i want to cross it off my list i think i started it early i think you did too yeah probably yeah but anyway i just but the other thing is like i don't like just doing what like i'm going to want to finish the other one of these because i don't like i like i'm a monogamous knitter and having one slipper will you've got a better job insane my job of teaching knitting yeah takes away from our actual exactly actually it's like going to your own shop you know yeah yeah everybody says you don't have time for your own no it's true it's true so um yeah so that's my that's really only tell her tell oh we're teaching um i'm teaching in nantucket so and we're going yes yeah it should be really fun it will be fun but we're not making it first yeah um not because i don't want to i actually really like those and maybe i should switch but the sweater the slippers that i knit last year for my son and his partner yes they both wore them so much that they blew through them well they won't blow through well so yeah i bought the yarn again immediately for them but i also got the suede thing so yeah maybe i'll bring those and just get my sweater slippers and not do because they they walk on them and they're hard old hardwood floors and i think they get um snagged a lot so yeah i have those waiting which is right i made those same slippers with your leftovers for yeah devon ian didn't wear them as much devin wore them he has not worn through them but my aurum slippers which is the pattern yes um they're hell it's like three yarns held together on the bottoms i wore through them and you had to patch them you should i did um yeah was one girl what floors you're walking on yeah yes right foot was maybe it's carpet maybe i'm like dragging yeah are you working out with them on no no no no i'm not yeah any other whips no that's it that's it i have two but one cake can you turn around and see yes flower bag is near um yes you see it on the shelf all right um i can't believe i'm not prepared i'm sorry oh my god i want this back i think somebody else is great i responded yeah okay maybe i missed them oh gosh blueberry gabs it's just a kid it makes me smile every time i see it oh brother there's a squirrel remy i'm sorry so anyway this is i know i can't this combination of yarn for as long as i've known you knit it's so worth the wait so hedgehog hedgehog fiber haze the color where it weighs teacup and i bought it in nantucket at the shop we're going to yeah so pretty and uh rosy green wool oopsies you got it there we go thank you um it's a fingering of course and held together uh okay i'm digging this it's i'm just so soft oh oh my gosh it's so soft so soft that's because i like it so much yeah it's fun to watch oh it's really i think something like this it's kind of fun to watch it up here like what how the color is going right and actually the brown is showing up more on here on this yeah yeah so i'm planning on having it done bye i know you love me here's my she's always in the bag i'm gonna definitely get it done by nantucket because i think it'll be nice it's a little chilly out there at night and i'll be like look at me look at me and my no frills oh my gosh kim's dog has her husband on top of her hand so you guys put this on your list yeah a no-frills sweater whoever's i need it to be lighter for me though it would be too heavy really it's pretty dense i mean in a beautiful way yeah yeah i i'm just too boring for them okay yeah well when is i wish i could yeah really gorgeous wish i could it we need to work on it i love the color temperature i know somehow i know some day i think that's i'm so happy with this it's really great thank goodness yes because i've been waiting for a long time yes you have it okay next one you might have talked about that on the first podcast when we held up our bags it's been a long time i know i've had that mourinho for a long time yes actually reading about this this is she makes it with organic no it's from melanie yes she's in collaboration with them i didn't know that my that shawl that i made uh helga land tyler land um that was a that was a that's a cheeky marina tricky shawl to do but yes that's what that yarn is okay next project is the water lilies by claudia q this is my rhyme back sweater i'm holding it close you could see the details up on me it's so good the lace work um knit bottom up uh i know oh i didn't know that i'm glad we have a podcast because i have a couple questions so i knit one arm sorry i'm bending over okay sonder yarn this is our rhinebeck color um sunday morning dk what was it ritual is the color yes um beautiful yeah it's not showing up positive i know it's right as it is it's more it's different yeah that's it really okay then i know i should have knit one more but i just wanted to get to the best part so i started the body um bottom up let me talk about this for a second okay the pattern says to stop when i get to 10 and a half inches from the hem up to where i want my which is short for you yeah ten and a half don't you think that's a short size for anybody yes yeah and it does say or to the designer did you get extra yarn um i have plenty left okay so so i am almost at and i just did the body yeah so um if i stopped at ten and a half it's only another inch right here richard it's a crop top like your belly button you can have your butt that is cool you can wear your cool that one so this is i think this is for a petite and again i think she's modeling it over a dress and i think a lot of people like that sort of cropped over a dress i know um but um this is um our friend leslie friend your friend yeah i didn't meet her in person i wish i had hopefully she'll be at right back but she talks about knowing your perfect what you like where you like it to hit and i'm really starting to get that now for myself right and for you whatever that is for most people well it's gonna be my favorite i've picked my favorite sweater perfect and i measured this um and my armpit it's really right yeah it's kind of not just a lot of tape yeah right and it's not a low hanging it's not like a dolmen sleeve yeah yeah so for me our length armpit down is like about 13 and a half at the least amount yeah oh okay yeah so that makes sense yeah so you're gonna knit another three inches on it yeah for sure yeah otherwise imagine but that's what i don't like about bottom up yeah yeah because when you once you get there i swatched yeah yeah look at that sleeve how long was your swatch no seriously though i would suggest i did swatch okay but how long was i i didn't really check things i went okay but length is going to matter in this sorry you know me i know i think you should swatch but no the only thing i'm going to say is maybe um block your arm soak it and block it just to see maybe like measure your arm too well that ex yes you have my arm but i i it doesn't need to be a super long sweater no i know but is that it's okay anyway you might want to just wash and block that i didn't measure i did i did the sleeve i mean oh just to see in a longer see how much i see and measure it before you do it and then after it so you know how much it might grow because it's also it's really the difference and this is why some people say swatches lie the difference between a swatch and what it does versus a swank swanger um you know could make a difference and you might pick that up more on the sleeve because it's longer anyway okay i'm going to go to 13 and a half yeah um yeah people are saying 10 12 13. yeah everybody has different ten comes down to my hip bone okay i guess people say and people say that you should um measure the yolk as well i lengthen my body thank you yeah okay mine is my name yeah everyone's large actually not even extra large whatever her largest size that she makes is goes to 13. yeah so oh marian's there hey laura measure the yolk as well what do you mean like the depth of the yolk right because that might be different because maybe they are there because yeah that i'm going to show you okay has sort of deeper measure this way i did that measure and go from there yeah yeah yeah yeah but i mean again this is the beauty of knitting is that you can make it exactly how you want it it's a little more difficult i agree bottom bottom because if you figure out later it's harder to go back and fix it it's not happening well but i'm saying if it's top down you could undo the ribbing and add another inch if you chose to yeah but anyway yes i think it's the trick about bottom up i think swatching becomes even more important on bottom up okay yeah but anyway yeah oh so for whips for me i'm really just trying to finish the arm and then commit to this um rhinebeck sweater because it'll be here before you know it yay okay so i also i'm starting on my brand next sweater i'm starting like well no no okay i'm almost done so we'll help you with yourself um i will admit that um it has been the us open and i love to watch tennis on tv when it's really good high level tennis so i have been knitting a fair amount in the last two weeks but um this is my uh field day cardigan which um i'll show you a picture of it i love her yes so so this is another design this is exactly what i was gonna say also i didn't really know who she was and also i realized oh i have like two or three things in my uh favorites so it's um the field day cardigan she shows it tucked into she's young and cute i will not be doing that necessarily unless you're in the bathroom and you forget youngish woman you know young compared to me or well probably she's from oklahoma which i thought was very interesting um and um if you look at all of her designs first of all they are all so classic but always with like a really cool detail and honor her yes is that what she says no okay yeah okay i totally agree they're classics but they've got some beautiful details and she knits all of her samples in very very neutral colors they're either white off white beige gray all of them which i actually think is really cool because it you you can imagine you different it's easier to wear somebody if somebody does like a lot of bright colors like i'll look at that stephen west is a perfect example right i've seen people do steven west projects and i'm like oh my god because they did them in softer colors but i look at that and it's too busy too crazy too much for me but i think when you start with like her neutrals and her her designs are just so beautiful all the time so anyway this has been an absolute joy to knit what needle are you using oh my god i had so the pattern called for seven i had to go down to a five i actually swatched on a six wow and i'm at the ribbing um but it's got this beautiful um i i learned uh yeah double it no it's not it's um it's a what do you call that you slip two stitches on the back every time and knit them on the front so it gives it um wait what i don't know what that's called uh it's a slip stitch edge so it gives it a very finished look and i did something new to me um because it's so hard to explain and i don't want to give too much weight but you start knitting the back with short rows and it's big because it's supposed to be like this yeah the sleeves are supposed to start here and go down drop sleeve thank you and so you snip the back and then you create this piece here and i had to do a because it's you start here and go this way or no sorry here and go this way and this way and you can see it's still not attached because i have to sew that it's complicated but it's really really well written why she does that um because you have to do this part but it keeps it all one piece instead of adding on to it it really worked at first i was like i don't know what she was talking about yeah this was judy's magic cast on yeah yes which i have for socks that's exactly what i looked at it's often used at the toe for socks where you're starting one place and knitting two directions and you don't want to have a seam well she used that in this thing it just was very creative yeah really um interesting it's been a fun knit and i called for a seven and you're using a five yes and it wasn't it was for dk it was for that um will folks straw s-t-a-r-r-a or whatever that thing is called um um and this was i think it was a really good substitute but i just i had to go down two needle sizes so i'm knitting on a five and i'm almost done with the ribbing i have like the ribbing is at least twice as long as that and this is this is brutal okay so i'm going to ask my question now actually i have a question and whether somebody online now can give me their thoughts or somebody on youtube when they post it she calls for a tubular cast off which i love i haven't really mastered how to do that and make it look really neat and consistent and i see these videos and they use chunky yarn and they've got like a swatch this big and they break them like it's beautiful but this is 281 stitches and they recommend using having a tail four times longer than the length that you're doing and i did the calculation that will be a 15 foot tail that starting in the beginning i have to pull all the way through so not only is it going to wear as you pull it through yeah exactly and be a knotted nightmare pain in the you-know-what but so kevin and ray and they said or maybe we talked about this doing pieces but i don't know so i talked about it as far as seeming yeah because i felt like and this is the project that i did it on because this yarn was very delicate i held it double and i just did you know like six eight inches at a time and then started again this is a little different because then i'm going to end up with p tails you can win i don't know it was a little so i have so i'm throwing it out there i'm i'm happy for your input but i'd love to hear from people 281 stitches for tubular cast off have you done it any tips or tricks for me can you do this yeah that's a beautiful bind off it's not a bind off what is it it's the edge i know you're fascinated by this i am faster so it's so hard to describe this is um on the back side of each of these you slip the last two stitches purlwise and on the front you knit them so what it ends up doing is giving you a very it's really finished yeah edge um you'd see it on a scarf sometimes but it's the edge it's not a binder so it's a little different i know um because pieces yeah well i'm tempted to just do my regular knit run up purl knit one purl one cast on maybe go up a needle size or two with that i just think that the tubular looks so nice and you're supposed to do it on the cuffs which i will do because it'll be much smaller but then it won't match i know nobody else will be looking but it's so embarrassing anyway if someone noticed any of you that are going to rhinebeck please disappointed so embarrassing oh my god is so nice too bad you didn't match your hand off you know what i think i know but anyway i'm interested in anyone's thoughts on your tubular bind-offs or maybe that means people bind up yeah that hasn't i don't hear that i don't know it yet but anyway the magic of community and um whatnot but i'm really curious if anyone's ever done it if anyone has any ideas on how to and if you do it in pieces because i'm gonna say i often like to um do the magic knot to connect skeins and i did that in the sweater and i went a couple rows and it had come undone so i had to go back so this yarn is it's not slippery but it's not slippery but it didn't it didn't hold so i know that i can't just do magic knots fyi because somebody might suggest that it would be a great idea because that wouldn't really show but um anyway so i'm a little strong could you just spit spit splice yeah i don't know um it is a two it is applied like you could maybe yeah yeah maybe yeah anyway i'm just curious if anyone's done a tubular bind off for that many stitches for that because it's really it's about 45 inches around because it's a slightly cropped very boxy cardigan and anyway i'm curious so too much time on that um my rhymic sweater still looks the same as it did the last time we podcasted that that's a great it's thank you yeah thank you what's the best needle are you using i haven't decided yet i have to read the pattern oh i'm going to say one other thing about this is my another boob i'll be really quick about it i actually almost technically finished my levitating cables pink things oh yeah yeah yeah i didn't swatch i thought oh it's like a poncho thing it doesn't matter i have to frog it it is it is visible and um i just knit and it you know when you get to the larger size needles there's really a difference between a 10 and a 10 and a half and a nine i think it calls for 10. i should have done it on a nine i should have done it on probably bamboo not whatever it is a disaster and i'm gonna have to frock it i don't know i think that might go on the it's not next summer well just until next summer i'll prove it but because it's such a great piece but yeah and you knit that quickly you do oh it was literally i can't remember it's 10 or 10 and a half or something it was knit on big needle so it really went quickly but um laura there's a woman on here kim i did it on a long cardigan it works just a pain in the behind not what i wanted to hear yeah faster than that yeah tubular bind up with 340 stitches that's worse than the yarn on the needle yeah so you're still only pulling seven and a half feet yeah yeah yeah yeah you're gonna just have to lay it on the table if that's what you know that's what i mean i'm like yeah and and now i've yes and i think that's too abrasive and i honestly unless i get a really really good idea um i probably will just do it right now and maybe try it on the cups but whenever okay anywho all right what do we have for future plans acquisitions acquisition i'm excited about oh yes i forgot okay wait was i there um wait didn't you talk about that last time i don't not i don't think so okay we'll we'll find out yeah [Laughter] that's so good you can talk about it you guys start yeah so i'll start um my acquisition is this yarn it's ilimani santi ii it is 45 ultrafine merino 25 baby alpaca 15 yak and 15 silk yummy um it is so squishy soft it's a chain net so apparently the fabric is like lighter because yeah it makes it more airy but it's so soft and squishy so a few weeks ago i had to go pick up something at pick up every stitch and my son devin was with me and he has been after me to knit him um a hoodie and we we found the pattern a while ago we didn't want a cashmere hoodie what he did um it's the the pattern that we found is called the hot toddy hoodie and it's by knittitude um her name is chantal maya gishma i i'm sorry if i'm butchering that last name but it's knittitude is what she goes by and um yeah it's a great hoodie and it was written for um some lion brand yarn which is so affordable and the pattern is really cute so um take a look at it but anyway fancy devin who came with me to the yarn shop and he's sean brown is now he was shopping with yeah he was shopping he's like oh that's not very soft that's not oh i like that one i was like are you kidding me right now so he's so nitworthy though because his hair takes care and he'll wear he'll wear it yeah i'll wear it um today is actually his last first day of school such a cute picture his last first day of school ever so the backpack when he was in preschool was bigger than him thomas the train i missed the train tank engine yes um very very so here he is that was his first black first day of school and then he was a good boy last week when i was up there on one of my four trips to boston this is his last first day of school so yeah so that's who the sweater is for and it is very far down in the queue right now but um it's going to be winter soon yeah yeah when it's coming no yeah no i i've gone through my rhyme and i have a few other things i need to get done before it but um he's he keeps asking me is it my turn yet is it my turn yeah i'm like no no no no needs to graduate yeah well so i'm knitting what could be a graduation i'm hitting these slippers and he's like who are those for those are giants yeah um so that is my acquisition okay do you have any you do but you're next okay okay i've been going all right so uh camilla bed again another designer knit the payon p-a-o-n which means peacock i guess and this is the sweater there it is that sample is knit in mayak and mayak paula was having her summer summer sale yeah she got me last night to say no she got me last year i know so i'm going to be the exact same colors it's so so i've got the petrol in there that you guys yeah which i've been dying to use this beautiful green moss gorgeous yes oh god it's showing up put it up much closer yeah whatever get it closer there it is look at this it's still it's um desert wait a second yeah desert not dessert and oatmeal oh it's gonna be so good okay so i admit i love her designs that's another designer i go towards um the esther i loved her color work so i treated myself to little knights i'm like yes please nice yeah oh that's exciting yeah yeah so that was that was my big purchase um i'm not bad i've got yarn blinders on also until please come talk to us at rhinebeck so we don't buy i literally i think i might leave credit cards and cashback that's a good idea i just i might have like a little secret sash of cash like a limited amount and no card that's that's probably what i'll do it's just cash and no cards that's crazy that's smart you don't get out of hand yeah well and i just i'm so yarny and i don't need anything i'm literally trying to get rid of stuff now this cashmere sweater yeah i've got that but yeah but when you knit that you're gonna have to take like a shower and sterilize your hands every single time before you knit scrub it it's white i have to make sure um okay i got a few things to say one i have a list of sweaters i'm obsessed with but um my next one of the things i've been obsessed with is vests i don't know if it's because it's this transitional time but i'm obsessed with vests i'm seeing them in catalogs yeah i just bought that one yesterday no i bought one from garnet hill yesterday it was so gorgeous um and i am going to and i actually bought this yarn a while ago this is um retrosaria mondeem it's just a charcoal color and um it's i'm knitting this vest i'm just really into these layering pieces now it's called tender sticks and it's um just got like a really nice um ribbing detail that's a very cool it's actually a very interesting um ice watch for it it's a little sheer hanging it yeah but as a vest as a layer yeah um i got gage on somebody else admitted in this it's actually um a fingering weight uh it looks like fingering yeah but anyway so that's going to be my next best this is my next project it is wool it's portuguese it's very interesting it's woolly wool it's definitely going to be a layer over something i wouldn't it's not a next to the skin layer but i really like it i like it as you watch it it feels like a little yeah um it's a little scratchy but honestly i'm going to wear it over pattern yeah and it's a very cool pattern technique to get that um which i really loved it's a non-superwash sock weight yarn maybe fine poor chicky could have been the best it's as big as the best okay see i consider this cheating because julie hoover says knit an 8x8 i do an 8x4 because i know that i need to get stitch gauge to me i've done eight one four eight stitches four rows and you're wondering if this will grow when you wear it and when you wash it like come on that's not a swatch that's a cheater swatch you're getting laura all right that's gonna put that away people put on their body parts and photographs when they have a nip slip or something i'll save it for that all right do you have another one so you can take this sweater off i'm getting hot oh god it's endless fun with these guys okay so then really quickly i'm just gonna tell you what i'm obsessed with lately because i'm obsessed with a couple different sweaters one of them is the same designer toriyu i don't know who she is but she came out with this it's called the brooklyn raglan that has nothing to do with brooklyn tweed the company it's just called the brooklyn raglan this is like like the most perfect casual everyday sweatshirty sweater type of vibe it's got that rounded hem lovely it's got um the bodies just in stockinette but then it has this beautiful arm texture detail which won't be too much of a pain yes i did take my yarn blinders off very briefly i have wanted to use the yarn that kim used for jay's best it's rowan felted tweed in that very dark it's called sea pair it's like a black navy with flecks of color color yeah and i'm telling you for years and years and years i have been obsessed with that color of that yarn and there's a lot of good colors um and um yeah this yarn take that if you need it well i don't know if it's the same highlight i have plenty and you know what it's a very affordable yarn too it's just not that expensive but um so i'm gonna knit that that's probably after my vest the next thing that i've been obsessed with is now this is brooklyn tweed in their tones light which is the new fingering version that came out of it this um it's called the shadow stripe pullover by jared flood and i as you guys know i have shoulder issues i'm obsessed with that shoulder construction and i don't know that i'll do it in multiple colors i don't know when i'll do it i'm definitely stash brush busting for this i don't have uh tones light but i have blah in my stash although i did see ankustrik doing a loft and mo hair sweater today that i was like oh can i test it for you and then last but not least i was so excited just this week so emily green is one of my oh my god i didn't realize for a while how much i loved her patterns until i realized i had four or five of them in my and one of them was called citrine and it's knit at a worsted weight i can't tell you how many times i looked at this sweater i thought about yarns i thought about knitting in a dk which you can sub so it's not too heavy and dense and she came out with citrine light again beautiful beautiful details um it's so hard to see there i was trying to get a photograph like beautiful um what do you call it twisted rib detailing and the si the original one is bottom up in a worsted weight and she said everybody she said i had so many requests for can you make it top down and a lighter yarn and so she did and i was like i never asked her but like literally that was my thought every single time like i love this sweater so this is another um for me possibly i don't know when i'm getting to that but i'm just obsessed with that sweater that's amazing yeah so just that's that's where my head's been at lately who knows where it will go afterwards but um so any other acquisitions any anything one more any tips and tricks you've got one more question somebody um somebody commented that um the whole point of rhinebeck is to go and um and and by yeah be with like-minded knitters you know what we love just going and talking to people so we're really serious like come say hello if you're there please oh come on oh my god you're ready for fall wow i saw it on somebody's podcast right like wow so cute this is from willow bay and i was a sucker for the color i was like yes please so cute willow bay um united from the uk oh hello i know look at the little cute sticks yeah yeah so willow bay i'll put the link below really very nice yeah i it's from the uk but did you buy it through a store or oh no okay so it came straight from the street because sometimes those bad people like someone a store here will carry on yeah no she has her own etsy um shop on it really cute really nice yeah so that's that's my last acquisition because god knows i don't have enough bags bags and shoes um not even yeah anything yes um so we've mentioned before that i teach knitting and i don't teach over the summer so our classes just started up again please for the love of your knitting teacher and the sanity of your knitting teacher if you stop working on a project write down where you stopped please and your yard shop owner i've heard them talk about that i think people maybe i've heard that i've heard that at yarn shops too where somebody comes in oh i put this away for six months i don't know where i am i don't know what i'm doing yeah i don't know where i was i'm like oh please yeah yeah right down to where i am when i stop at night even like right now and also another tip is um if you're doing something with a pattern repeat in it um put markers in between your pattern and repeats i mean it sounds simple but just like some people it might be like a light bulb yeah well because like you can then you can like say it's a 10 stitch if you have every 10 stitches you can you can quickly see where the mistake was if you don't have 10 stitches or you have instead of going back we started a cabled hat in the spring and some of them are still working on it one of them had no idea where she was on the cable path so i had to figure that out first and then um putting the it's like a 15 stitch repeat so they have four stitch markers all along it and that really does help because if you get to the next one and you're not on the right stitch you know you messed up on the previous group of stitches sweater it's i'm gonna have increases in there and i think i'm gonna have to move the stitch marker okay as i go along i haven't tried that yet that's a little trickier right yeah you have to wrap your head around my reagan i believe that the reagan i know definitely the old school did it and like it like blew my mind for a while and yeah i could wrap my head around what i haven't gotten that far in the pattern yet so hopefully she holds my hand during it yeah um if not you guys will be getting a phone call okay all right i had one very silly one but i just two things that occurred to me while i was knitting this and and this was a funky construction where you started with the back then you put the stitches on hold then you start doing this and this so i ended up with a lot of tails everywhere because you cut the yarn and whatever and like sometimes when i'm just a little tired of knitting in my hands i just i look at my sweater and this was one because there were stuff hanging out and i just woven all my ends and you know what smart it's so silly and the only negative is if you ever have to frog then you're screwed but um maybe not necessarily but depending on how you weave them in but i i hate when you finish a project then you look at you're like oh gotta leave in all those ends and i just realized if i just like or just don't it's your leash um i just realized like if i just take a few months and sometimes take a break when you just your hands are great and just yeah like weave in some ends then i don't have this big job at the end so that's silly but just throwing it out there with someone who might respond to it go ahead but in response to you if it's a pain if you have to go back and frog something don't cut it as short as you would typically cut it so weave it in leave a little bit longer and so you know where the ends are woven and then if you do have to go back you can pull it out yeah and i um some people say you shouldn't even weave in your ends until you've washed the block so i do it before because i but i also leave a longer tail so as as you're stretching it and blocking it whatever it doesn't exactly you've got some room so similar kind of thing semiclean reason all right so now my other one is going to be very hard to describe and i don't know where i learned this but this has buttonholes and it's the kind of thing where you on the first pass you cast off two stitches and then when you come back you cast on two stitches and you keep going but when you cast off gosh this can be hard when you cast off that first stitch it really separates from the stitch before and these weren't very big um uh buttonholes thank you laura my brain and it ended up with this really messy thing and i went back and i realized and i remembered that so on the stitch before you're even going to cast off i do knit front and back and i just that extra stitch i just i so i knit front and back i knit the next one and i take that second stitch it's almost like you do before your bind off and it anchors that stitch that then when you cast off would have pulled away from the previous stitch does that make sense so they want you to knit front and back and then you knit your next stitch or purl whatever your pattern right and that that next one is going to be passed over the first one but that's the stitch that would leave the gap from um the previous stitch if you just have if you just bound it off so it leaves less of a gap so when you knit front and back on the first one yeah and you leave that on you so you basically stay tuned just stay there on the right hand you knit or purl the next one the next one and take that extra stitch that you created yes pass it over and then you pass it over to the knit no no no just but all it does is pull okay so you've got your final stitch and then your next stitch that should be bound off yes and it anchors that one to this one so that when you bind that off you don't get this gap it kind of holds it there and i don't know where i learned this i'm going to guess that it was a patty lions thing because that woman is a genius that's solving interesting silly things like that that are annoying and knitting yeah but somewhere i learned that along the way so i'm not i'm not taking credit for inventing it but it neatened up my buttonholes and um sometimes when you do like a sloped bind off that's another good way where you get weird like yeah what you need so um anyway i did my first i did it the first buttonhole just normally the way it said and i was like wow that looks really sloppy and it created this weird gap but there was a and i was like oh is my button going to go through the wrong way and then i literally i went back it wasn't that far because it was just the edge um and did it again and i did that and i'm much happier we're just degrading buttonholes they're just neater they're aware that they're kind of small no no no they're good they stretch it out yeah they do you don't want them to point out too big but they just it's so hard to see but they just ended up a lot neater you're going to did you pick a button yet no you can't really do that until after you finish so that i actually might wear this buttonless okay to rhyme back oh the lady shop and i was thinking because i find it hard to find good buttons i mean um that's what i was thinking yeah yeah like not up too light like a darker and i can't wait to block this because this yarn um i don't have my squats here but that's where i feel like this yarn has such a beautiful sheen and it blocks beautifully i can't wait and oh gosh writing on that note no no no no you have some tips and tricks yeah i don't have a tip or trick or anything but i have watched a few podcasts oh um one of them is called the nitty stew the maybe stew okay s-t-e-w and her name is leanne and she's from canada and she's a flight attendant oh and she podcasts while she's at the hotel of wherever her layout oh my god that's awesome it's awesome and she gives a great tour of wherever she is like ottawa or and then tries to go to a local yarn shop oh she went to prince edward island a couple of weeks ago i don't know when it was but nice really fun podcast that's fun yeah yes so check that one out it's the knitty stew and then um a loop through a loop she's been on for a while her name is tara and she's just darling she's adorable she's got a great aesthetic you would you would like it um just i'm always blown away by people who can do these podcasts by themselves yeah yeah yeah i agree i could never right the only reason i'm sitting here is exactly so it's that's so great when people can do that and never it doesn't seem uncomfortable and then the last one i might have mentioned it last time is that young folks knit they did because i watched her she's so cute adorable yeah yes yeah so adorable and her quality video is yes don't compare ours no please she's professional all the way yeah but yes adorable really cute adorable so yeah um and don't forget to check out fiverr chats irina's latest um yeah podcast with the coleman it's she does such a great job interviewing people she does yeah yeah she has she's a lot coming up too yes she does mm-hmm and theo's a great great designer oh my god it's so normal like that's a compliment by the way seriously she just seems like someone who could just sit here and chit chat and no bs oh we'd be friends with her oh for sure besides the bourbon [Laughter] no she likes bourbon oh yeah that would be for my friend yeah on top of i should say on top yeah good cocktails yeah yeah so those are a few that i've been awesome yes yeah other than that ryan back right back here we come and we're we are going to warm folk on friday friday yep so we'll be there friday saturday and sunday as yes guess not um not shoppers no shoppers not no we're not we're window shopping yeah yeah what we're doing yeah all right let's do a quick like see i know i can't read these i can i'm going to go and see who's here we don't want to do it oh new milford stars hollow we've got to get up yeah what a great lady um yeah pittsburgh never been to pittsburgh have you guys nope no no i've been to philly mass maine mass louisiana and denmark a lot of good designers in denmark yes a lot of good designers you got some good stuff going on here my gosh okay i've been in italy and every time i go on facebook there's like somebody i know in it i know where they're going tomorrow i know people mess with you i know looks good oh thanks to you mate i'm really happy with it the market bag we told you that eileen right yesterday another denmark it's on my list toronto denmark oh lots of people hey bad stormy and soupy bermuda take care oh i forgot to mention beth released a pattern today parish live gorgeous bath i was like i had it written down and i haven't been reading my notes very thoroughly but um she again blows me away every sweater is so different and she's so talented she is so talented parish line sweater check it out yeah mcdonald's yes it's discounted today i think it's just yes um it is beautiful it just came out today on ravelry thursday september 8th yes yeah yeah when we this yeah we'll be out now and later tonight greensboro north carolina there it is house greensboro is a great city i've heard that it's really nice so san antonio nebraska 12 inches for the body that see we're and we're about the same size beth mcdonald stone so yeah she's short waisted she is short-waisted for hotel she is hmm yeah i know i'm gonna definitely go up to fif somebody's 15 inches she must be tall um measure your sweater i know bottom up sweaters long cardigan oh there are a lot of people saying you should double up the yarn for the for your hat yeah mm-hmm really yeah meaning training like oh doing it well making sure yeah literally i did the calculations i was like oh my god i have a feeling i'm going to just cut it out and do a regular bind off like you could do pieces so like the one the front right with one yeah the back with yeah i'm just curious if anyone's done it successfully but it sounds like it's just a pain to get through but i i just i don't know i don't know if i'm up for it i know or do you think we'll podcast before brian it'll be amazing we might try a baby podcast from a special location maybe that's a great idea i think we should we can if it's not disruptive yeah maybe we could go to beth's house too yeah if we escape um not escape if it wouldn't want to take away from everybody else or have your knitting class part of your podcast yeah yeah yeah anyway so we might do a baby podcast but then certainly after rhinebeck we'll do one recap i know okay all right thanks laura for hosting yes you're welcome thanks for joining us for joining us as always like subscribe tell us give us some feedback what you like what you're knitting everything i always love to read the comments it's one of my favorite things to do yes in the few days after this is posted because it's just you know yeah it's why we do this to see that like people are enjoying it and hopefully getting inspired or learning something or learning what not to do i don't care exactly yeah and this is what we do if we were going to be knitting by ourselves anyways again we might get a little gossip we would have had the same conversation i know oh no so it's hard not to talk over each other because we get super excited yeah and yeah we try we do i listen i listen to right here [Laughter] all right everyone thanks bye bye guys thank you
Channel: Knitting Posse
Views: 5,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xB6qNib9daI
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Length: 75min 56sec (4556 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2022
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