Happy Easter - He is Risen (2024) Dr. S.M. Lockridge

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I've got a story to tell have you I have a story to tell it's a story about a birth in Bethlehem an Agony in a garden and a trial before pilot it's a record of a tragic Friday after after noon a gloomy Saturday and a Victorious Sunday morning my king was born King the Bible says he's a seven-way King he's a king of the Jews that's a racial King he's a king of Israel that's a national King he's a king of righteousness he's a king of the ages he's a king of Heaven he's a king of glory he's a king of kings and he is the Lord of of Lords now that's my king well I wonder if you know him do you know him don't try to mislead me do you know my King David said the heavens declare the glory of God and the fundament show it his hand tow my king is the only one whom there no means of measure can Define his Limitless love no farseeing telescope can bring into visibility the coastline of his soul is supplies no barriers can ker him from pouring out his Blessing well well he's enduringly strong he's entirely sincere he's eternally steadfast he's immortally graceful he's imperially powerful and he's impartially magical that's my keing he's God's son he's a sinner's savior he's a sinner pce of civilization he stands alone in himself he's August he's unique he's unparallel he's unprecedented he's Supreme he's preeminent where he's the lest idea in literature he's the highest personality in philosophy he's a supreme problem in high criticism he's the fundamental doctrine of true theology he's the coral necessity of spiritual religion and that's my king he's the miracle of the age he's the superlative of everything good that you choose to call him well he he the only one able to supply all of our needs simultanously he suppli strength for the weak he's available for the tempted and the tribe he sympathizes and he saves he starve God and he dies he heals the sick he cleanse the lepers he forgives Sinners he discharges deers he delivers the captives he Dees the Fe He blesses the young he serves the unfortunate he regards the age he rewards the diligence and he beautifies the meat do you know him where my king is a key of knowledge he's a Wellspring of wisdom he's a doorway of Deliverance he's a pathway of Peace he's a roadway of righteousness he's a Highway of Holiness he's a Gateway of Glory he's the master of the mighty he's the captain of the poers he's the head of the heroes he's a leader of the legislator he's the overseer of the Overcomers he's a governor of Governors he's a prince of princes he's the king of kings and he's the Lord of Lord that's Maring [Applause] [Music] he that's marking my king yeah his office is manifold his promise is sure his life is matchless his goodness is Limitless his Mercy is Everlasting his love never changes his word is enough his grace is sufficient his Reign is righteous his yoke is easy and his burden is life well I wish I could describe him to you but he he's Indescribable he's Indescribable yes he's he's incomprehensible he's invincible he's irresistible I'm tring to tell you the heavens of Heavens cannot contain him let alone a man explaining him you can't get him out of your mind you can't get him off of your hand you can't out living and you can't live without him well Pharisees couldn't stand him but they found out they couldn't stop him pilot couldn't find any fault in him the witnesses couldn't get their testimonies to agreed Herod couldn't kill him death couldn't handle him and the grave couldn't hold him that's my king y he always has been and he always will be I'm talking about he had no predecessor and he'll have no successor there will nobody before him and there will be nobody after him you him teach him and he's not going to resign [Applause] that's that's my time time is the kingdom and the power and the glory all the power belongs to Mar we around here talking about black power and white power and green power but it's God's power is the power yeah and the glory we try to get Prestige and honor and glory for ourselves but the glory is all his yeah thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever and ever and ever how long is that and ever and ever ever and ever and ever and when you get through with all of them forever then [Applause] amen
Channel: Mixxkid 17
Views: 3,143
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Length: 7min 12sec (432 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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