Happy Days 30th Reunion (part 1)

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Sunday Monday Happy Days Tuesday Wednesday Happy Days Thursday Friday happy tonight join us for a nostalgic look back at America's favorite 50s family the cunninghams and the exciting Adventures of the coolest guy in the history of Television the one and only the F you'll relive the memorable friendships oh sit on it poy the sweet and tender romances you want to dance first or go run out to the heavy stuff you want a broken nose first or go right onto the hospital and all the incredible bar leaping bull riding shark jumping action shark that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard we'll show you some neverbe seen bloopers dad our favorite practical jokes Henry Winkler's personal home movies and for the first time on television the Happy Days cast reunites for a 30th Anniversary softball game those guys aren't at least they actors plus we'll all get together at Arnold's for a postgame celebration with some very special surprise guests all this and more on the Happy Day's 30th Anniversary [Music] reunion Sunday Monday Happy Days Tuesday Wednesday Happy Days Thursday Friday Happy Days Saturday what a day Ruben all week with you these days are Happy Days these daysy and these Happy Days welcome to the Happy Day's 30th Anniversary reunion we are actually standing in front of the original Cunningham house oh time it's so hard to believe that we moved in 30 years ago it sure is Marian we may have left this house but it never left us there's so many wonderful memories the cast has shared through the years and since all of you were such a big part of the Happy Day's family and our success we would like to share these memories with you come on Maran let's go share some of those incredible years huh oh Tom they changed my favorite [Music] curtains what you think about his sex yeah so do you I know do you think maybe there's something wrong with us yeah we decided we would do a nostalgic series about the 1950s and we would set it in Milwaukee Wisconsin Tom Miller and Eddie milus were the producers and Tom Miller said if we do a TV series that takes place in another era when when it goes into reruns it won't look old it made a lot of sense to me reruns that look the same as the original what a concept I wasn't sure I wanted to be on another television series cuz I'd been on The Andy Griffith Show from 1960 to 1968 but I like the script I like the show I like the part it's pretty hard to be 16 and growing up maybe it was easier when my parents were young but now it's the 1950s and the world's really getting complicated don't get me wrong I have a great family my father's in the hardware business my mom does volunteer work for the Red Cross my brother goes to college and my sister wants to go to an orthodontist today's a big day we're going to be the first family on the Block to get a television set Anson was in it Marian Ross was in it and otherwise the cast was was was different different set of characters and a different tone actually a little more inspired by a popular movie of the moment which was Summer of 42 I bet you invite AR neest rock over some night she is stacked but not very bright you going to kiss her mind who talks when they neck you don't know anything you looking for a knuckle sandwich watch her I'll punch you out Harold Gould was the husband we had a different little girl and the foni character wasn't in it the Ralphie character wasn't in it Richard seems upset about something maybe you should go and talk to him soon as this is over we did the show I enjoyed doing it he didn't say we thought it was great they said who cares we don't like it new family in town boring 50s out they never wasted anything in those days the original happy days went on Love American Style love americ style true than the red white and blue Love American Style that's me and you I uh I guess this is good night then uhhuh I had a nice time anyway who is it oh it's okay Ma it's me I'm with Richard stand over here and I'll stand on the other side I guess this is good night now and that was the end of that but if one Waits long enough ideas come around George Lucas is making a movie called American Graffiti they say Ron Howard could play 50s don't you have film on that I said I shot up the pilot Ron Howard is playing in the 50s George Lucas looked at the pilot they hired R American Graffiti takes place in 1962 but it's really all about the end of the 50s and American Graffiti was just an amazing surprise hit it just played and played and played wonderful show on broardway called gree and suddenly the Geniuses in television said all these 50 things don't we have one of these on the Shelf they said Gary where is that thing and how I brought it and they say well not quite good enough but let's remake it 1 2 3:00 4:00 rock 5 6 7:00 8:00 Rock 9 10 11:00 12:00 Rock going rock around tonight my friend lied to everybody about a girl oh well it's obvious that the LIE is bothering him you ought to go back and tell the truth to everybody I mean even Fonzi what's a Fonzi what Michael Eiser and Tom Miller wanted was a gang cuz there was a gang in American Graffiti they wanted this mean gang and I didn't have room for a gang so I Connor said I'll give you one guy who's a gang himself have you seen poy around oh great uh thanks a lot I'll see you fonie I made a promise to myself myself I would never comb my hair I would never wear a Garrison belt I would never have like cigarettes or anything in my sleeve and I would never chew gum because every actor who played that kind of character did that the director said to me it says here you got to go to the mirror and comb your hair I said oh please don't make me do that please I I made a promise that I would never comb my hair he said I I'm so sorry you you've got to and I thought oh my Lord what am I going to do I resigned myself I walked up to the mirror I took out the comb and I went whoa I don't have to cuz it's birth and I was being true to myself and I was being respectful to what was written and the F was born in that [Music] moment draft in here no that was me blowing in your ear Richie was Ry he really was Ry we saw his first date his first gambling experience his first drinking experience all we had was some beer and teeny weeny glasses how many teeny weeny glasses did you have 72 I think it's time for some teeny weeny cups of coffee it was my Coming of Age Story the irony was in my life and in the lives of Donnie and Anson and Henry we were we were sort of undergoing that how far did you get all I'm saying is Mary is a nice girl you didn't get very far lay off poy we okay in the early years of the show Richie and poy were were more focused and foni and I were sort of peripheral characters doesn't look like a hickey of course it doesn't look like a hickey you can't walk around with teeth marks on your neck suppose your old man sees him Joanie in the in the beginning years didn't have much it was a bleep in and out and uh you know SM elic remarks here's your nickel what's the secret you got home at 2:00 last night that's no secret it is the dad you're cruising for a bruising kid oh yeah you'd have to catch me first Gary Marshall learned what we could do and the writers wrote for us Richie don't you find it a little hard steering this way hey we have Nast seats isn't that great here we were getting a 70s look at a 50's family what do you plan to do when you get out of school well I was thinking I I might become a cop I mean it's the only job I know where they pay you to drive a motorcycle we thought we had come up with this great character called Fonzi and what happened was the network suddenly said we don't like this Fonzi character F's a hood dear I don't like to hear you talk like that he drives a motorcycle and Motorcycle drivers are hoods the network didn't want him in a leather jacket because that that leather jacket implied all that tough world so he was in a little gabardine windbreaker it's a wonder they didn't have a bunch of little pencils there so I wrote a letter to the network saying here's what we'll do only when he rides the motorcycle he'll have a leather jacket F's not so bad he's probably got a good heart underneath all that leather Fonzi got his jacket back and then I wrote another memo writers never ever in any scene let foni be without his M to [Applause] sight all right guys kick standing great F kick all right the windbreaker that foni wore I threw in a dumpster on the Paramount lot the leather jacket he wore is in the Smith stonan Institute in Washington and that's absolutely true the Happy Day's 30th Anniversary reunion returns with more Great Clips a look at our hilarious blooper reel the Fun's just beginning no milk and cookies if you wander off you know Marian Happy Days really was a big hit but it took some adjustments to really make the show fly you know a big change was taping in front of a live [Music] audience originally the show was conceived as a single camera comedy man was a single camera comedy The Andy Griffith Show had been single camera comedy I was very very comfortable with that we loved it because it was like making a movie and you can do a very subtle kind of acting in one [Music] [Music] camera [Music] fony bonie the show was not doing very well so we were going to take one last chance and that was doing it in front of a live audience there was a certain Challenge and excitement to doing it in front of an audience um it's a little bit more like doing a play well it scared the hell out of me I didn't mind the idea you know I mean I didn't protest the notion but I'd never been in front of an audience I'd never done anything in front of an audience tonight's happy day was filmed before a live audience all right now this Sunday something very special is going to happen and uh some of you're going to be invited really I wanted to throw up before the show I was never so frightened in my life B what's up you a little nervous huh you want some advice it was just a joke I didn't feel like I was in control of what I was doing I wasn't relaxed at all I was just kind of getting through it this happens to be a list of the qualifications of a perfect wife this is a biggie must must be untried all right [Applause] untried what's untried dummy it means she's never been in court means that she's got to be pure she's got to be a virgin virgin but get through it I did and it was exciting to hear those laughs don't get mad but uh how can you be sure about that well the number four yeah about her being a virgin yeah she told me six couldn't she have lied come here virgins don't lie Bon Howard was fantastic in front of a live audience so they moved it inside onto stage 19 and we were now going to do it for 300 people Friday nights it was intense and we never look back everybody gets scared if you're going to survive in this world you just can't show it all the time that's all yeah but you never get scared I know that's why I'm the [Music] fun I think that the show became a big hit really uh when Henry's role was expanded I guess one of the big episodes was when foni you know jumped the barrels on his motorcycle and what so funny if you think about it it's beyond corny but there was something so magical about Henry and his character it just became the evil coneval of his time I mean there's something people wanted Heroes and he was [Music] it am I dead let's get him inside easy I'm all right hey hey hey hey I'm all right she's my leg I'm cool I'm always cool all right started doing things that nobody could do snap his fingers and the world would stop or [Applause] [Applause] [Music] whatever my snap knows no age limit hzi became a full-blown character and the live audiences at happy days cheed when he just walked on he didn't say anything [Applause] yet he got powers he would hit the Juke Box the music would come on or he'd hit it it would go off 1 2 3:00 4:00 Rock anyone would say say oh my God come on well not no no no not not with Happy Days and not with the fonds it worked I was in the alleyway with Richie and I hit the side of a building you you just the the whole building with the just how did you do that it's a gift and then being in the forest and not being able to asleep because all the animals were making noise and chattering with each other Co it and the enti forest silent for The Fawns to go to sleep let's see tan do that it doesn't get much cooler than that introducing the man who is fighting an Ever ending battle for truth justice and the American way the fun funzi soon became a national hero and so the National Library Association said could you get kids to read a little more they won't read before I knew what was happening before I knew what was happening I was applying for my own library card and checking out my very first book he discovered that how cool is this anybody can get a library card and go in and and get a book you went to the library all those years and and you never got a card no I never thought they' give it to a guy like me but do you know there's a card for everybody that's right everybody is allowed to read registration for library cards went up 500% in America because the font said that one line I tell def finds his work is never done just the power of a man on a TV set is pretty strong if you got the right character and the right actor coming up Henry Winkler's personal home movies our favorite bloopers and practical jokes plus the cast reunites at Arnolds when the Happy Day's 30th Anniversary reunion I saw this movie Bugsy Malone and I said I like that little one he was like 10 I said he's a going to be a sexy kid that one Gary said do you want to be on Happy Days I think it was the biggest show on television at the time I don't even know what the heck they wanted me on the show for and I you know what no Scott beo was amazing because he came on and became this incredible psychic I want you to have this the old mechanics hat don't you make fun of a historical monument This Is My First Hat oh your first hat can I keep it yeah it's the best because here he was the same age um I had someone that I could relate to Chi oh we have a nice little souvenir for you Joanie oh Joanie just what I always wanted not me squore this you became the younger version of Richie and fi could give him advice and then give Richie advice but school's a drag hey let me tell you something you trust me school is cool you say so I say so Scott became a huge heartthrob for teenage girls and sort of a younger version of foni it was like you know the second coming two girls yeah two to one I love the odds some we said let's do a show with these two kids singing and again I said I don't sing don't do that to me that's what they [Music] do Scott started off as Bon's cousin and built into the new team sensation of the show took over the spot boy did he take over the spot he's getting bigger than life and the girls are going nuts I mean it was very beatlesque in my mind which is a really cool thing so my experience was was great I mean it was uh it could have been [Music] better bons sit on [Applause] it what did I just hear I said we need some catchphrases is I asked the writers and they sent me a list every week and I said sit on it it's not bad let's try that oh sit on it poy sit on it Howard sit on it py hey oh Howard what am I going to do with this knit on it Maran Gary got the idea that we could have other catchphrases well I'll tell you something buckles I still got it I was the first one to say nerd on TV G py you should act this nice all the time then people would think you're such a nerd you call me a nerd I have known you all these years fans you have never ever called me that but Joanie he's a nerd I'll take credit I the one thing I did come up with was Mr Mrs C hi Mr C Mr C this is the best dinner I've ever had Goodbye Mr C Mrs C hey Mr C hey Mr C we used to think this is getting a little ridiculous now they're just reaching for you know any anything they can find and just trying to force it into be becoming a catchphrase yaa yaa yaa he's such a hunk cheerleaders w w w it came from wat wat wat and I would go W wa wat that's where it came from me and blue eyes wah wah wah wah wah W wah wah wah I am not going to leave wah w w and blue eyes alone we tried this great gimmick after a while where we put a bandana around Scott Boo's leg so everybody would copy that well we looked and nobody seemed to be copying it but to this day I meet kids who say I had to put that stupid red bandana on my leg cuz you put that in the show there are lots more Happy Days memories bloopers and clips ahead so don't go away and children don't sit too close to the TV you'll damage your eyes where'd you get him a car par car is not a window to knowledge bonsi dated so many girls I thought it was time you should have a girlfriend and my family and I were driving to Palm Springs and we had a flat tire and I sat there and I literally looked up and the sign said a Tuscadero and I said that could be it Pinky Tuscadero hey fans guess who hi a pinky long time yeah a little too long uhhuh how you you been well not a hair out of place was there ever if F's going a then Pinky's got to do something else later Susie Quattro is a rock and roll singer that played leather Tuscadero P tuscadero's sister hey G she sang a couple of songs and and some of the episodes and she made real strong impression come on do the with me do the come on do the with me everybody do the come on do the with [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me one of my favorite episodes was dancing the tango with the fs we had a dance contest Howard wouldn't go with me so the fs did hey my favorite episode of all time is the one where Ron Anson and Donnie go to the mountains and they tell these women that they're Tunisian camel jockeys what do you and your friends do in Tunisia jockeys M Mo yes we we we race camels we jockeys yes and it's maybe one of the funniest television episodes of any show ever Marsha Linda and I wondering if you guys would like to uh make out I guess they don't understand he's so cute in New York growing up I taught myself the kazazi and I mentioned that to the writers at one time and they wrote it [Applause] [Music] in [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Gary Marshall is unabashedly uh unequivocally a genius that's just it Gary had a way of picking unbelievably talented people to surround himself with and he being maybe the most talented he was just so clever and so energizing because of Gary Marshall's inspiration I've been involved in a lot of different entrepreneurial Ventures I was able to create a music career get behind the camera as a director even retail now with star maker products we get these fantastic products used on Hollywood sets to everybody I owe it all to Gary Marshall and Happy Days Gary is a natural teacher he knew from the beginning my dream was to be a filmmaker he was supportive of the idea as was everyone happy days was a tremendous learning experience for me um no no question I'm going to teach you the secret of being tough wow you don't think I could ever Lear who told you to talk I'm sorry F that's the secret people talked to me today in the Year 2005 about happy days they watched with their grandmother they watched with their children they grew up on it they learned English from it would you just say goodbye in another language oh sure [ __ ] Amigos when it came out the people who'd been raised in the ' 50s now had kids who were 10 to 15 years old and it became one of the things people looked forward to was Tuesday night we're all going to watch the show and it's kept it going in reruns do you live at home no I'm in the dorms what about you oh oh I uh I I live in a house who's F Delta no alpat toega no uh mama papa sister the show was loved around the world because of of something that went beyond the words even through the humor there was [Music] heart I think that's one of the reasons the show has proven to be so Timeless is because it was you know well it was Timeless when we made [Music] it when we return the fun continues I took home movies um of every aspect of the show over the 11 years because I just never wanted to forget who was around and what what we did and what it looked like and what it felt like action anyone who came on the set was welcome there was no egos there was no no pressure so it was very nice very easy a lot of fun always a good time good place to be the show could not have been as successful as it was without each person being great at what they did it was a team effort and Gary thought it was really important that the family that works together should play together let's talk baseball so he started the softball team television and chiz has a lot of stress so you got to get distractions and softball was a great distraction we had some great athletes on our softball team except Henry Henry never played softball I've never played ball in my life I have no ey hand coordination so I couldn't hit I couldn't catch for sure certainly I didn't know what pitching was Ron Howard bought me a m Anson bought me a bat and they taught me to pitch on the Sound Stage 19 on Paramount lot and I became the pitcher for the happyday ball team and now here's our pitcher Henry wiler the fans we would go to two or three major league Parks a year and we have these road trips and they were just thrilling and I get emotional thinking about it it was just one of the great experiences of my life these road trips we gone okay we're going to go to the hotel now we'll have time to change into our uniform and at 4:45 the bus will pick us up at the hotel we have new members of the cast that are join us for the first time in a little baseball gig Kathy silver ladies and [Applause] gentlemen those games were fantastic I mean we' played in front of 40,000 people at Cha stadium and that's you know to play softball to play baseball without a back stop behind you it's cool stuff good after afternoon ladies and gentlemen welcome to a fun day here at Shay we are delighted that the Happy Days crowd has flown from California with their softball team Marian Ross became a very good player she got a hit one game I sent the flowers she did 11 years of acting I never sent her anything but she got one hit in the softball game I sent the flowers to Marian beer fight Ross by getting on base and allowing a pinch Runner you once again started a run scoring rally that won the game you're the ball players ball player we played in about six seven different stadiums and that was like a dream come true for me and Ron cuz I mean I was a huge baseball fan before the game I'm out in the Outfield shagging flies with the some of the real ball players doing batting practice that was it for me you couldn't beat that we go into these cities and be treated like kings it was just incredible and then the Uso called and we went to Germany we're in Germany and flew all over Germany and met the troops wherever they were hi Mom do you read me do you read me it was great it was really really funz you so hard I can't get it on wonderful experiences would get in big Blackhawk helicopters and travel from Base to Base we went to the easterman border and played with the third infantry we beat him I did we were over there trying to boost morale but uh we kicked a little ass we're winning and it's exciting to come all the way and win the first [Applause] gamey when we were in okanawa we beat the Marines we beat the Navy we beat the Army beat the Air Force and the Marines are so upset they wanted another game and they flew in ringers from Tokyo and we beat him worse 9 to3 Henry Winkler pitched like a banshee it was very serious and it was about winning just like the real teams and if Aaron didn't catch that fly get her out of here get right it and that happened it became a real bonding I remember we played in this league a show League where you'd have double headers you know every Sunday and God I just so look forward to that I miss it to this day as I'm talking about it
Channel: HughesovskiJ
Views: 1,238,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7o-HkRkaq3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 13sec (1933 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2016
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