Happening Now with Pastor Jack and Eric Metaxas

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so before we get going tonight I want you guys to see something on the screens guys we're going to start with a quote by um well by Paul the Apostle to Timothy and then we're going to segue over to uh someone that you you know about but you've not really heard from so Paul says to Timothy these things I write to you though I hope to come to you shortly but if I am delayed I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself in the house of God which is the Church of the Living God what a lofty calling right the pillar and ground of the truth and without controversy great is the mystery of godliness God was manifested in the flesh justified in the spirit seen by Angels preached among the Gentiles believed on in the world and received up in glory that is the foundation of tonight the church is the pillar in the ground of all truth so long as the church is tied and anchored to the Bible the church cannot function without the Bible if there's a church without the Bible going on it's not a New Testament Church remember that remember that all night through next quote is from Theodore Roosevelt I'll do the best I can on this fear God this is President Roosevelt fear God and take your own part fear God in the true sense of the word means love God respect God honor God and all of this can only be done by loving our neighbor treating him justly and mercifully and in all ways endeavoring to protect him from Injustice and cruelty thus obeying as far as our human Frailty will permit the great and immutable law of righteousness we fear God when we do justice to and demand Justice for the men within our own borders how many years ago was this written 100 something years ago we are false to the teachings of righteousness if we do not such Justice and demand such Justice we must demand honesty Justice Mercy truthfulness in our dealings with one another within our borders outside of our own borders we must treat other nations as we would wish to be treated in return judging each and any given crisis as we ourselves ought to be judged that is by our conduct in that crisis if they do ill we show that we fear God when we sternly bear testimony against them and oppose them in any way and in whatever extent the needs require that's righteousness friends if they do well we must not wrong them ourselves unless we are thoroughly going Americans and unless our patriotism is part of the very fiber of our being we can neither serve God nor take our own part whatever may be the case in an infinitely remote future at present no people can render any service to humanity unless as a people they feel an intense sense of national cohesion this is what our nation needs in solidarity the man who loves other nations as much as he does his own stands on a par with the man who loves other women as much as he does his own wife the United States can accomplish little for mankind save and so far as within its borders it develops an intense Spirit of americanism patriotism should be an integral part of our every feeling at all times for it is merely another name for those qualities of Soul which make a man in peace or in war by day or by Night think of his duty to his fellows and of his duty to the nation through which their and his loftiest aspirations must find their fitting Expressions the professional pacifists listen to this who have so actively worked for the dishonor of the American name and the detriment of The American Nation and who incidentally have shown themselves the base beset allies and tools of triumphant wrong would do well to bear in view the elementary fact that the only possible way by which to enable us to live at peace with other nations is to develop our own strength in order that we may defend our own rights church family that is from president Theo Theodore Roosevelt it is as timely now as it was then and notice where he placed the foundation of his belief and that is in God that if we do not submit ourselves to God then there is really no America and if we're if God is not the king in America then how can we be a light and a lamp to other nations and all of that example Theodore Roosevelt as all of our uh previous Heroes of History frankly of this nation knew something and that is God started this nation with a church service and it technically started on the planks of a ship called the mayflower and what God determined is written down by these who I witnessed God's move it's not for us to speculate it's for us to learn and know and Eric mataxis has written numerous best-selling books he's a syndicated radio hosts on over 300 stations daily uh he hosts Socrates in the city which you if you don't watch that you must start watching that you go to ericmataxis.com and just subscribe to whatever he's doing because you will learn you will be challenged you will grow Eric hails from New York City don't hold that against him he's probably the only conservative there maybe but um he's a hero of ours he's a National Treasure and we've had the honor of gathering together yesterday with hundreds of pastors as Eric and others addressed these pastors up and down the state of California we brought Pastors in and we gave them an exhortation and an admonishment meant about what we ought to be doing regarding uh fearing God rather than fearing man or anything else and so you guys give a warm welcome to Eric mataxis tonight thank you this is too much God bless you thank you so much God bless you oh my goodness you better be seated please not so fast why so fast why well I feel disrespected why did they do that so fast I love it that was oh my gosh ah I'm just curious how many people are here if you're here tonight would you raise your hand I'm just curious that's a and be sure if that's like 20 of you are here wow that's awesome I am so honored and blessed to be here I was here about two years ago and and I have to tell you um in case you didn't know it it's kind of a special thing you got going here and I know we all know it's got nothing to do with Pastor Jack no it's just a sovereign work I've got nothing to do with this guy I am so honored uh Jack by your kind words and by your allowing me to to be here tonight to talk about what is unfortunately very important stuff yes well unfortunately okay but God has laid on your heart not only tremendous books by the way and if I encourage you to get his work on Dietrich Bonhoeffer is there anything in print like that book honestly about Bonhoeffer yeah absolutely not that's why I wrote the book because I I thought it's kind of insane there is there was no book that did him Justice it even really came close um you know for a popular audience and uh there are some books that are terrible there was a book came out a few years ago that basically said he was gay which uh aren't we all though seriously right no I mean it was so it was so Preposterous that you kind of have to laugh otherwise you go insane but um the story of Bonhoeffer I mean I can start here I know that the Lord sovereignly called me to write that book um it wasn't like I had some brilliant idea it wasn't like a career move oh I got a great idea for a great book The Lord created me and called me to write that book and I only realized that in retrospect you know sometimes you realize oh I now I understand why God did that and he did it because he wanted us to know what happens when the church is silent in the face of evil and Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a voice like a prophetic voice trying to call the German Church to be the church and to speak against the evil of the rising Nazis but we got to be clear most in the church at the time they weren't indifferent to evil they just didn't see it they had every kind of theological excuse of why the church needs to be silent Romans 13 you know so I've been to the authority right whatever they believed Bonhoeffer was right and they were wrong and by the time many of them understood that their silence and their theological confusion about the role of the church that we're not supposed to you know get involved in that kind of stuff that that opened the door to satanic evil yes and so I realized now that the Lord called me to write that book because precisely what happened then is happening now in America The Silence of the American church is opening the door to satanic evil but I believe the Lord called me to write this new book the bonoffer books the longest book ever wrote this is the shortest book I ever wrote to to say to the American Church um this is not my will for you that you continue down the path that the German Church went down um that's the path you're on right now maybe not this church but but a lot of churches but that the Lord would want us to understand biblically why that kind of silence is wrong uh why biblically it's the role of the church to speak into all of these issues and to stand against these issues um and to to do so so that we would repent and that the church would help turn this nation uh really back to God so Eric if somebody's watching right now or somebody is here right now they're thinking the thought like hey doesn't Eric Eric you graduated from Yale you should know better you should know that there's a separation of church and state well I've never heard of that don't you know Eric don't you know what would you say to somebody who would say the church needs to stay in its box right and well we got to be real clear I mean first of all to be to be technical the phrase separation church and state we know it's not in the Constitution but the concept is correct but it has been misinterpreted and this is all in my new book letter to the American church it's been misinterpreted utterly since about the 60s the idea the separate church and state was put in place by the founders of this nation to keep the government to keep the state out of the church's business now that's not my opinion that's not your opinion it's not my opinion this is what every single one of the founders understood that you cannot have real Freedom you cannot have a people who govern themselves unless they are free to believe as they like whether they like if you want to be an atheist you want to be a Buddhist you want to be Christian whatever the government has zero right to bother you about that any more than they can tell you what car you need to drive or whatever whatever it was the government has according to our founding documents according to the founding vision of this nation it must keep away from those issues and allow the people themselves to decide so every other country that that we had fled you know from from Europe they had no separation church and state you know if you go to if you go to that if you're if you're part of that country or or whatever everybody goes to that church uh or everybody goes to that church or you know or you see this or everybody goes to is Muslim or everybody is atheist if you're North Korea or everybody America they said we're going to have religious liberty and they understood that that undergirds all of our liberties they they knew this this is like math this is not opinions folks this is this is the key like you cannot have American style Liberty and self-government unless you have actual Liberty particularly with regard to religious liberty that the government cannot tell you what to think can I tell you what to believe and it definitely cannot like get involved in your whether you go to church or how you go to church or where you go to church like this is utterly utterly foundational but at the same time all of the founders understood if most people don't have some religious faith we can't force it but if they don't have it we're not going to have virtue we're not going to have people who can govern themselves so there's like a conundrum at the heart of the founders said Freedom religious freedom is is is is is sacred we're going to have religious freedom we're not going to tell people they need to believe in God we're not going to tell people they need to go to church we're not going to we have no business doing that but if they don't do it on their own our liberties will evaporate so this was this risk that's it's at the heart of all Liberty and and we always knew that as a people right we knew that as As Americans that we nobody's going to force you to go to church but we believe in God we respect God we have presidents like Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln and every single president they understood this is the foundation we can't force it on anybody but without this we're not America this is what makes us free so that kind of shifted in the 60s and you get you know a lot of people under misunderstanding this like willfully basically and basically saying oh separation of church and state that means we've got to remove any religious stuff out of the culture and it doesn't say separation of church and culture it's exception in a church and state and otherwise the government cannot officially establish a religion you all need to go to this church or everybody in this state needs to go to that church whatever but but somehow uh Richard John Newhouse wrote a book in 1984 called The Naked Public Square talking about that we're we're trying to strip the Public Square of any trappings of religion which is the opposite of what the founders wanted the founders knew that if we don't have a lot of religious people in this country we're not going to have freedom and and I wrote about this in another book called if you can keep it but in my book if you can keep it I talk about every single one of the founders understood this that when Revival breaks out like under the preaching of George Whitfield guess what happens virtue goes up domestic abuse goes down crime goes down and people can govern themselves those people can be free so all of the founders understood this but roughly since the 60s a lot of our cultural Elites have have turned it around and made it sound as though we got to take God out and they are undeniably wrong and the result is we've become less and less and less free as a result of that we're gonna we're gonna do something I'm going to put the guys on the spots the guys back in the control room if they could do this and let us know or just throw it up there if you could uh get a get the First Amendment up on the screens you guys should track that down that'd be awesome just just for you to see it because if uh and we've done this in Washington DC of all places we're taking a tour walking people around and uh teaching to her and we asked one of the national park rangers in Washington DC uh where was the separation of church and state Clause where is that any without pausing without hesitation definitely declared that it was in the First Amendment and we broke open our first amendment and read it and he was completely dumbfounded this is a national park ranger did anybody say duh did you make him feel bad and so you might you if if the guys can put it up at some time soon or whenever they can get that through the system we'll look at it because CNN uh and and others like that will will say well are you crazy Eric what's wrong with you jack you guys great here you go Congress shall make no law respecting any establishment of religion pause right there there's a comma why why did they make that the First Amendment because we came from a country that had a state Church the government imposed the church upon that's what the pilgrims were fleeing from did you know that a state Church think of that or here's the kicker prohibiting the free exercise thereof everybody knows this what does that mean it means you can't mess with someone's desire to either worship or not actually it goes for it goes beyond that when you say worship we go like okay we can all worship here it's talking about the exercise of religion in other words when you leave the church you exercise your faith outside of this building outside of Sunday morning or whatever good point and that is but it's a big point because there's a lot of people that would say like well you can do whatever you want to do in your little weird building on Sunday mornings but when you come out you bow to the secular authority of the state that's called uh and that's called Gavin newsomism yes that's right uh and it's and it's spreading it's spreading we need a anti-fungicide or something like that because it's really bad it's very bad um probably penicillin would work I want to say that but that idea even many people in church this gets to why I wrote the book a letter to the American church I said these ideas have come into the church where people in the church think well I can have my private Faith or I can have my faith in my church and you want to we need to understand like no no no no no no no that's not what the Bible says and that's not what our founding documents say our founding documents say if you have a faith you can exercise it freely you cannot be prohibited from exercising your faith anywhere you go and by the way God gave you your faith to take it with you out of the church building and into every sphere in the culture that's the point of you're going to church is you learn stuff and you take it out and you apply it out there and a lot of people in the church have come back like well you know we don't want to impose our faith or we don't want to be and you think well God's idea is that you're supposed to take his values into every single sphere and something has happened where a lot of Christians out of timidity or whatever but this is what happened in Germany in the 1930s good pastors okay look some of them were Wicked but a lot of good pastors got this wrong just like today a lot of good pastors are getting this wrong today and they said we just want to stay in our theological Lane we just want to preach the gospel and I'm here to tell you folks Jesus who was perfect didn't just preach the gospel he didn't just preach the gospel the gospel is it doesn't get better than the gospel but there's more to life than just the gospel they're calling out evil uh calling out corruption living out your faith in fact living out your faith being a patriotic American so that you can preach the gospel if we lose America you won't be able to preach the gospel that's right so if you care about the gospel you got to care about this other stuff and and honestly what happened in Germany is what has been happening here is that they Define things so narrowly it also comes down to the idea of Faith Luther I wrote a biography of Martin Luther of course you know he made the phrase famous faith alone faith alone faith alone by the way faith alone is not in the scripture he kind of added the word alone to underscore it right right so I talk about that on the book it's kind of funny but the point is yes you're saved by faith but the scripture the book's called letter to the American church but I was going to title the book faith without works is dead anybody familiar with that you know where that quote comes from I believe it was Oscar Wilde who said that in 1898 no no it was a it's it's out of the scripture faith without works is dead but a lot of people act like no no it's Faith it's faith and you think well okay well where's the faith if you're not living out your faith that is proof yeah you have no faith yes and Bonhoeffer wrote about this Bonhoeffer wrote a book called the cost of discipleship where he talks about Grace the same thing right he calls it cheap Grace because the Germans were like It's All About Grace we don't have to stand up to the Nazis it's all about Grace Grace and and he said no that's cheap Grace that's right if you know what real Grace is and what it costs the Son of God you're going to have a very different view of Grace it's not like oh we're covered by Grace I can sin I'm covered by Grace no you're you're gonna you're gonna understand that Grace cost God everything and it's meant to cost you everything you're you're meant to live it out and you're meant to live out your faith but we have this very cerebral enlightenment idea and ungodly unbiblical idea about faith that faith is like I believe this stuff I believe this stuff and so people say well okay what's your faith and say well go to my church's website there's a statement of faith that's what I believe like that's a fig Leaf folks it's not fooling God it's not fooling the devil if you live out your faith if you're living out your faith God knows you have real Faith but if you say it's just a construct in my mind it's just some theological stuff that's you're playing games and I and and what I try to say in the book is that what has happened to the American Church which has led us to this past now where satanic evil is running rampant in case you know you're paying any attention and I hope you're not because it's gross but that's the same thing that happened in Germany is that they kind of took their eye off the ball they acted like we don't need to live out our faith and the fact of the matter is that that's God the only reason we have faith is to live out our faith not to have head knowledge you know the Pharisees had head knowledge way better than we do of the scriptures and Jesus condemned them furiously and so I think about how many Americans say I go to Bible studies I read my Bible I read my trust me when I tell you God does not care if you read your Bible or go to Bible studies if you are not living out what it says amen if you absolutely know what it says and go to Bible studies and are not living it out in a muscular way like really living it out in every sphere then it's almost better that you don't read the Bible there's something horrifying about reading it and reading it and then not living it it's like you're more responsible for that information which is why Jesus condemned the Pharisees he thought you know this inside out and yet you obviously know nothing because you're not living it out and so there's something chilling about that so we in America think oh we read our Bibles and and you know the Lord's like okay good but are you living it out self-sacrificially do you really believe that I defeated death on the cross are you living that way because if you're not then I know you don't really believe it and and I really think that's what happened to the German Church it became totally complacent and said oh we're just going to stick to theology we're just going to preach the gospel we don't want to like live it out you know beyond the building and it Unleashed satanic hell and I want to say that that is I believe what the Lord is speaking to the church now because that is what's happening now and all these terrible things that are happening which we can go into I believe it's God's mercy that he is showing us how bad things can get to wake up those of us who can still be awakened before it's too late you have really well said uh it's very I think it's very clear in in archeology sociology just psychology and of course theology that all men I say that men and women mankind believe in something there is no true atheism it's impossible everyone believes in something somebody might Pride themselves tonight in saying well you silly little Christians I'm an atheist that's your religion yeah everyone's got a religion and you're going to live it out if you really believe it so we look around the world right now and the world is doing tonight today what it is supposed to do when it believes what it believes apart from God they are very committed evangelists are they not they're evangelizing your children right now in school they're evangelizing you through the LA Dodgers they're evangelizing you through Target they're evangelizing you through coals the media commercials constantly the pulpits of their belief system is bold and it's vibrant and it's in it's you know in the words of again Gavin Newsom it's coming if you like it or not well imagine if we stood up and said here's the gospel what's amazing to me is Our Gospel invites you the gospel of God I shouldn't say our Our Gospel is that we follow his gospel which invites you to experience forgiveness invite you to have your sins forgiven and invite you to have eternal life it's an invitation it's not tyrannical right now if you say something about gender to government to Biden to Trump to whatever it might be whatever the thing is fireworks go off Christianity invites you to know God our founding fathers Eric pointed this out it's brilliant when you study these guys and read their own mail I really recommend get books that have been written by them you can do that do it why not just go straight to their mailbox and read it when you read what they believed and even those that we would say well we don't know if they're evangelicals listen even those who we would say are not our flavor still said that the best thing for America is for people to obey God every single one of them everything this is what I found funny in in my book if he can keep it I just thought this is incredible the ones that we think of as somehow you know Enlightenment rationalists like ungodly whatever total baloney every single one of them Benjamin Franklin at the top of the list knew that if if people believe in the god of the Bible uh they are going to be able to govern themselves and have Liberty they knew like it's math there's no way you can get real Liberty real Freedom real self-government unless people have faith every one of them uh didn't just believe it but encouraged it uh Franklin encouraged it so this is part of the warp and wolf of what it is to be American whether you like it or not now again you can't force people and are in our in our laws are never supposed to force be you can't force people to believe but the fact that matter is that the founders understood that without this you can't have America and so the reason we have drifted to where we are now this is apart from the church's silence okay but I'm saying the reason we've drifted is because as you take God out what is replaced is satanic there's no neutral we've been fooled into thinking well neutral secular is neutral uh in my other book is atheism dead I actually look at atheism and you realize atheism you know or secularism pretends to be neutral but if you really look at it you cannot be neutral listen if you don't believe in the Bible let's say you just say oh I just believe in science I just believe in evolution okay then you tell me why is racism wrong based on science now people go what do you mean what do you mean of course it's wrong yes it's wrong tell me why if you are a bible-believing Christian you know it's wrong because everywhere in the Bible it says God's no respecter of persons he loves usually in others it's a Biblical idea that we're all equal but science tells us what we've evolved some people might be more evolved than others and the Eugenics movement yes in this country uh which the Nazis borrowed from Martin they wanted to kill Jews they borrowed it Margaret saying oh the Eugenics women they said this is science science says that some groups are more evolved than others so when you take God out you divide you can't even say racism is wrong but notice that people aren't talking about that they kind of act like what are you talking about critical race Theory critical race theory is founded on its cultural Marxism it's absolutely and it's total gobbledygook and it's ultimately racist it has no basis even on which to say race is wrong so we're living in a time where we need to know what we believe and we need to live out our faith and we need to tell people the truth that apart from the god of the Bible we don't have the possibility of Freedom we don't have the possibility of eradicating racism or any bad thing and so the church rather than be bold we've kind of as I say we've retreated and retreated and we've been silent in the face of evil because we bought the LIE there's a chapter in the book not political like we bought even the LIE they're like we're not supposed to be political and you think where does that come that's not even a Biblical idea what are you talking talking about if slavery is on the docket and you're voting would you say look well I don't want to take from my Pulpit I don't want to lose my 501c3 status so I'm not going to take a a position on slavery if you don't take a position on slavery you're a pig how what kind of Christian would you be if you would not say that is evil from the pit of Hell right and it was Christians who led the battle that's right for abolition of the slave trade who led the Battle of abolition of slavery it was Christians who led all those battles because they knew from the word of God this is wrong and we're living at a time when when people don't want to talk about that and they want to say well we we don't think you should be political in churches listen folks if we don't live out our faith in every sphere including the political satanic values replace it yeah and that is what is happening now because of the Silence of the church and so I wrote this book hoping to reach those who might still be reached because it is only when the church lives out its faith and understands that it is our duty before God to live out our faith in every single sphere and to push back hard against the evil that is all around us against the bad ideas that are all around us why do we push back we push back because God commands us to love our neighbor and if you love your neighbor you will advocate for the truth you will speak out against the transgender Madness because lives are being destroyed and god holds you responsible as the church you need to speak up against that their parents that they don't know what to think they don't know what to do the church needs to be a strong voice I mean I thought of this earlier this morning what could be possibly clearer than he made us male and female In His Image there's nothing more basic than that so to back up to back up we're going to sound like uh we talked about this the other night like a bunch of Pentecostals or something right when we talk like this but it's so obvious it's almost like we need to catch up and that is we look around at the world that we see happening right now and you talk about you know the fact that we're image we're the image bearers of God God the Bible tells us that God has stamped he's placed eternity in your hearts that's why atheists struggle that night when they lay their head down at night look Christian you lay your head down at night and you fall asleep an atheist lays down at night and says man I hope God's not real I hope he's not real because listen he's going up against the witness of the holy spirit for one thing who's like knocking on his head saying I'm I'm here I can hear you uh but that's a tough way to live but the the fact of the matter is that we who believe in God um it's funny what drives us I guess to be such a problem to an unbelieving culture now is that we we actually love them we love the people that hate us which is a miracle come on let's be honest we weren't always Christians you remember I remember when I wasn't a Christian um I I hurt people that hated me seems normal to me um then I became a Christian and the big shock to me was I started loving people that I couldn't stand and it's like what is going on here and this is God taken over your life something or someone's going to take over your life and we will risk our own safety for our enemy to hear the gospel not to bend their arm into heaven thus there's no State Church thus there's no man mandatory belief this is not Islam believe or your head comes off what kind of a deal is that God is so amazing the god of the Bible that he invites you to make a willful decision to love him because he's a real personality if somebody puts a gun to your head and says uh we're going to have sex right now because I've got a gun to your head that's not love or if somebody says I'm going to control you for my gratification that's not love that's animalistic tyranny God invites you and here we are in a culture right now they hate us like it was said of George Whitfield it said that he loved the world that hated him and George whitfield's greatest passion was that people would be saved and so we want to announce to the world the gospel but we're but Satan doesn't want that to be said and so the silent scene the canceling and all these kinds of things going on but Eric what would you say to this when I I was I thought when I was reading Roosevelt there that I could just see if this was like a Facebook post and people are commenting oh my goodness there they go Nash what's it called Christian nationalism Christian nationalism you know it's so because people are saying it like a parrot and they don't even know what they're talking about first of all anytime anybody uses the freight Christian nationalism like laugh in their face and walk away quick because it's so stupid it's like somebody says I think you're racist or I think they're using a term designed specifically to shut you up they do not they're not interested in what you have to say so they're using this as a Kajol just to beat you into silence and you need to Christians you know it says be wise as serpents it doesn't say be wise as doves did you know that but we sometimes allow the enemies of God to play games with us and we answer fools according to their Folly we cast our Pearls Before Swine our time and our energy is God's time and energy and you should never argue with somebody who is not interested in the truth walk away because that pray for them but don't argue with somebody who simply wants to shut you up and right now a lot of Christians think that like there's one Christian value it's being nice and and I have to tell you that that that's not a Biblical value folks sometimes speaking the truth um is what God is is calling us to do and when we don't do it when lies are being promoted in the culture and we are silent the Lord is holding us accountable because we are to be the voice for the voiceless so whatever you're talking about whatever issue there is and we say I don't want to be divisive folks God does not call us not to be divisive now he doesn't call us to be divisive but the point is it shouldn't be whether you're divisive or not divisive there are people outside this building there are people out in the world who don't know God who are depending on those of us who know the truth to advocate for the truth to advocate for the truth in the Public Square to make noise when people are lying when there is corruption I don't care what the issue is you pick the most controversial issue election fraud a vaccine mandates and others it doesn't even matter what you think about that the point is when somebody tells you you can't talk about that you say excuse me excuse me I'm a Christian I can talk about anything I want because I don't even fear death number one now a lot in the church are being shamed by non-christians who are saying I can say whatever I want because I'm an American Patriots died so that I can talk about whatever I want I don't need anybody's permission because I'm an American these these things are enshrined in our founding documents but the church has been complicit in its own silencing in its own marginalization I say marginalization in the sense that that in China just as in America today there are a lot of voices saying like yeah you could do your your religion in that building at these hours and when you come out you bow as I said to the secular authority of the state and a lot of Christians go okay and and I'm here to say what I said earlier and I actually I'll quote Abraham Kuiper the famous Dutch theologians a famous quote he said there is not one square inch in all of creation over which Jesus Christ who is Sovereign does not say mine every aspect of our culture the medical establishment The journalistic Establishment the government politics media the Lord wants us to take him out of our theology out of this church into every one of those spheres to his glory and for example when you take your biblical view that we're all made in the image of God out into politics guess what happens slavery gets abolished good things happen when Christians are activated right and so but people say oh you want a theocracy you want to force your faith no no no no no nobody's talking about doing it that way but if we have free and fair elections and we Advocate and we speak the truth and we push back when lies are pushed upon us I want to tell you folks for example I really believe Romans 8 28 the the the Lord says all things work together for good for those that love so when he says all things it means every horrible thing that he is allowing to happen right now he is doing for his purposes to wake up his church now if you did not see satanic evil on display a lot of people would say well I'm fine everything's fine we are seeing things when they come for your kids and that is what's happening if you don't do something about it if you don't care you're dead inside you're dead God calls us and he's allowing these things so that we would speak up so that we would get activated but the world out there many of them will applaud you for speaking up don't be fooled that that by by the the few cultural Elites the loud voices I mean for example if anyone ever goes to another Dodger game I want to tell you right now listen what they did you have to understand what they did it wasn't just wrong there's wrong absolutely and then there is satanic some of you may have seen the videos it is as satanic and foul as anything I've ever seen and even if you're not a Christian you you would know it is calculated yes to spit in the face of every Christian and when someone behaves like that when Management in some company behaves like that if you do not push back you're guilty and I say the same thing about Target and I say this because we are living in a free country but if we don't exercise our faith at The Ballot Box and with every penny you spend and don't spend and where you spend it and don't spend it if you don't do that you are participating you are allowing them to do these things folks and don't think about yourself and your family think about all the other families out there that are trying to live in this culture trying to take their kids to a ball game trying to shop it is up to us to lead the way God has called us to lead the way and he has allowed us to see naked evil like we've never seen it before to wake us up so that we don't go down the path that the German Church went down which we're currently going down so going to what Eric just pointed out regarding the culture in which you and I are living in right now I want to make sure you can check and see if this is true or not I read in an article today it may not have been accurate I say that as a disclaimer right now but I was I read today that Target has now heard the voice of the people and they have decided to move the products to the back of the store now wait this is deadly serious especially those of you who've been old enough or you've studied you know the Soviet tactic of invasion so first of all up until recently you could go to Target without having to cover your kids eyes or your grandkids eyes they put it up front I believe they may not have known this but Satan knows how this works because Communists have been doing this forever put it up front make a big scene and we'll settle we'll settle a week or two later by having it in the back of the store because eventually the people who walk into the front will eventually get to the back and Dum Dums will say oh look at we got the stuff to the back of the store hey you lost they won listen you know how Soviet Union took over countries two steps forward one step back yep do the math two steps forward and then they get caught and they back step one but one no no Target did that I guess today if that report's argued are accurate it's brilliant it's a it's a satanic strategy all right you win we hear you bring your 10 billion dollars back to us we'll put the porn in the back of the store and we think we made a victory and Target thinks they're being nice and Satan's laughing all the way it's absolutely incredible but listen if you're not walking in the spirit or living out the works that we should be doing faith is living what James said James is awesome what Eric is talking about James basically book of James is this remember Martin Luther didn't he didn't like the Book of James he was so big on faith alone God bless him we understand where he's coming from and from where he came out of that when he read the book of James he said wait a minute I don't like this book James is a straw man I don't want to read the book of James why because James was written to Christians and James said this so you say that you believe in Jesus that's awesome me too I tell you what I'm going to move in with you and we're going to hang out together for the next 30 days and I'm just going to even plug my ears I'm just going to watch how you live and at the end of 30 days because you've claimed to be a Christian I'm going to determine if your claim is actually true by how you live your life James says I'll tell you if you're a Christian in 30 days the Book of James in the Bible and so this is critical because we're battling now so so some somebody might say well I I'm not going to go to opening day or I'm not going to I'm going to do regarding the Dodgers or this and that listen again remember they'll take two steps forward and one step back and they'll think that you've won while the enemy the the Trojan Horse is inside the camp people people have to I mean I again I think we we've lost our sense of Shame and and Anything Goes you kind of think what would somebody have to do to get Chris let's just say Christians but I'll say any American to say I'm never going to go to that store again ever they have crossed the line now they crossed that line 10 years ago but now it is so unbelievably clearly Wicked and sick I'm talking about the Dodgers I'm talking about Target I'm talking about Disney if you do not let them know that they must pay a price now because here's the point if you do not put the Dodgers and Target and Disney at a business or hurt them very very badly for for the just tremendously contemptuous attitude they have toward you and your family okay if you don't do that every other company is looking at this and they will treat you exactly the same way and I want to say folks you know if a company was doing business with the Nazis I'm convinced that the Dodgers and Target and Disney and many many other companies would gladly do business with the Nazis if they could make a buck and get away with it and they did and they did and they are now doing that in other words they have no values and they don't care they they do have values Eric yeah and it's this Mammon yeah the god Mammon now look um there are those good people there's some good people out there that are saying boycotts don't matter it just hurts innocent people working in the stores that's not true listen that's a bunch of baloney yeah and I had a friend on National radio say that the other day and I just thought I'm I'm glad he's a friend of mine I love him anyway but that was bad counsel uh listen business is in business to make money and if you're not a Christian business uh then that money is Mammon Jesus said you can only serve God or the god of Mammon it's money money and so boycotts matter they really do matter and the and the more they yell it doesn't matter you shouldn't be doing it is it means you're flying over the target flying over the target why Wow and by the way we forgot we forgot Bud Light an Anheuser-Busch I saw you're flying right over the bush flying right over the target Anheuser-Busch but I'm saying that this is really basic I mean if somebody shows profound contempt for you and for your family and for America it's America it's not just us it's America you have to let them know I'm sorry but you know you're fired you're no longer going to get a chance because it's not like you've been so wonderful in the past but you've crossed the line and unless the church I mean listen let's let's think back to the Civil Rights era okay that that came out of the churches okay and some of you know the story of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott okay something evil was done something evil was being done and the blacks in that part of the world said you know what we're gonna do because what you're doing is so foul we will no longer ride your buses that's right now you want to talk about paying a price they walked to work that's right for one year they didn't say well a week is enough a month is enough for a year they most of them walked or found another way they refused to ride the buses because the bus companies and that uh municipality was evil and they said we are going to take a stand and and it's going to cost us something we're going to have to walk we're going to have to make sacrifices but the Lord is with us we're doing the right thing I love it and I want to tell you something folks what they did now if you can't make the sacrifice of not shopping in these places or not going to the if you can't make that sacrifice you're participating in this nation going to hell yeah I want I want to be clear if in others if you can't make if we are so fat and lazy that we can't make that kind of sacrifice there are people around the world dying for their faith while we're talking here there are people being tortured for their faith now right now right now all around the world but Americans act like well we we we're past that we can just have a nice time and we go to church on Sunday you're not living out your faith you have to live out your faith in every every sphere and and if we would do that folks it would change the world it would change the world and you know in a way Jack I mean the reason I wrote the book letter to the American church is because I I kind of got this idea that we have drifted over time you understand this happens to the church okay it happened to the church Martin Luther comes along and he's like whoa look how we have drifted we need a course correction this is big we've drifted into heresy we need to we need to go back and we need to this happens in the history of the church and it happened in the German church I just want to be real clear that's what happened they got this idea of Grace that was so focused on Grace they act actually felt like well we don't need to do anything and when evil was Rising they did nothing and because they did nothing evil triumphed in a way that is grotesque even to think about the the satanic evil that happened as a result of the Silence of the German church right now I really believe the same thing has happened where we're so focused on faith and theology we go to Bible studies we're not living out our faith and the Lord is calling his church now using the what happened to the German church as an example to say American church now you have to wake up now you must live out your faith and I will let things get ugly to help you understand that this is where things go when the church is silent when the church says we just want to preach our little gospel don't we don't want to bother with all that stuff we don't need divisive we want to preach Our Gospel and the idea that you have to choose between preaching the gospel and living out your faith in all these things that's kind of like you know when people say like well you you can't live your country you're just you're a citizen of the Kingdom it's like I can't be both I can't walk into gum at the same time my faith in God it's just what Teddy Roosevelt just said my faith in God calls me causes me to love America not not to make an idol of America God forbid you make an idol of America but not to love your country that's like somebody's saying like you love Jesus well you better hate your wife you better hate your kids right because you can't you can't it's like wait uh my love of God calls me to love my family more I love my wife more because of my love of God but we're being given this satanic deception or you got to choose if you love America you don't love God that's a lie folks yeah that is a satanic lie patriotism genuine patriotism okay I look at Bonhoeffer Bonhoeffer love Germany that's why he did what he did because he loved God's idea of Germany and it caused him to be active and to be vocal he didn't say who cares about Germany he says because I care about Germany I'm going to speak up it's the role he called it he said the church is the conscience of the state it is our job as the church to be the conscience of the state and to bring biblical values to the state in which we live to the nation in which we live so these are all false choices that are satanic choices the enemy trying to confuse you right oh you can't love America you can't say God Bless America because you're you're King it's all about the kingdom it's like saying don't love your family you have just love Jesus like you know that's dumb it's not biblical let's remember that Satan uses scripture he used scripture against Jesus himself the word of God was being used against the word of God by Satan himself so don't think you know well I I'm smarter I figured this out Satan knows exactly what he's doing for example not far from here if you think about it in in Earthly geographical terms even though we're in Southern California it's a couple three with a three and a half hour flights we'd be in Canada listen there's Canadians who love Canada and they're trying to change Canada because Canada has been commandeered Canada is under tyranny right now and that's why the church in Canada is all but been silenced because there's a tyrant leading Canada it's very very wait a minute wait a minute but Gavin Newsom leading Canada no uh another Tyrant different Tyrant yes sir I didn't realize Justin Trudeau buddy uh by the way that's a whole other story you ought to look at the linkage between Barack Obama and Justin Trudeau and uh Claus Schwab is incredible uh and a guy by the name of a guy by the name of Vladimir zielinski by the way is a Klaus Schwab uh schooled guy a lot of people don't realize that anywho the thing is this uh people from New Zealand live in New Zealand I think they're supposed to based on the Book of Daniel listen if you're if you're a German like Bonhoeffer he loved Germany so he tried to change what was happening because he loved Germany why did he love Germany because he loved God more he loved God most and so what was happening was the the wholesale pillaging and robbing of faith and his Nation so for us as Americans it hasn't come to the points where uh Bonhoeffer went to some pretty Extreme Measures which you know we haven't gotten to that but my goodness for example the the plot to take out Hitler I forget who's the guy that wrote the book uh how do you kill 11 million people Andy Andrews or something like that um and the question comes up um if you had a chance to take Hitler out before he killed millions of people would you have done it so if you were a sniper and you had a chance to take Adolf Hitler out before he killed homosexuals Christians Jews dark-haired people brown-eyed people would you have done it think about it it's kind of a trick question well I'm going somewhere with this right now today we have people in in in church life who'll say Eric Jack just come down because God is sovereign and you know I'm just going to trust in the Lord listen when you a Chris God is Sovereign but you shouldn't say that the way that you mean it because it's actually Harris well it's actually it's uh it's it's a call to inaction right it says do nothing because God is Sovereign like I mean you know George Washington uh when he was fighting we were talking about this earlier George Washington kind of knew in the natural that they would not succeed in the natural that's right but if the Lord was with them that if they really thought they might have the victory so they fought because they thought if God wants us to win we will fight and the Lord will do what the Lord's going to do to counsel someone like God of sovereign therefore George Washington sit down we would never have this nation and there are many voices in the church today saying just don't do anything or you know what it's already lost so just don't do anything don't bother don't if you don't bother you're helping it be lost God calls us to fight until he decides when the battle is over and I genuinely believe I genuinely believe that the re the reason the enemy gets so loud and Satan gets so openly uh evil that we see it in a way we haven't before is because they are very very desperate because I believe in the Supernatural realm we are on the verge of Victory if if the church were to wake up if if I want to mention about the barman declaration in a second just real quick but but I was gonna say if the church were to wake up if enough in the church were to wake up I am convinced we would see Revival like we've never seen it before we would see Reformation we would see that the darkness pushed back and the enemy is is is is is is behaving this way because he does not want that to happen if he can convince us it's over sit down you know go to your caves uh have a quiet time but don't get involved that's right that is what he would do and there are many Christians complicit in that the very tension that you're sensing as a believer in the world what you're watching on TV is proof that there is a spiritual war underway and that the enemy is concerned now when we talk about the enemy we're talking about the invisible forces Spirit forces the Bible makes it very clear read the book of Ephesians chapter 6 for example or uh Isaiah 14 or Ezekiel 28. where the Bible says there's actually demonic entities that preside over regions of geographical places on Earth isn't that amazing there's a prince of the power of the air of Persia the Bible says and so imagine apparently Michael seems to be according to scripture the one that rules over the realm of Israel but what's what what about the angel that rules over the region of America or Canada or the South Pacific according to the Bible there's entities in the atmosphere worrying if that's true and we're seeing the things that are going on last night we were radically encouraged by Kelly Shackleford by how many cases watch this God in his miraculous way like think now how did Nebuchadnezzar come to power are art exerts these okay Trump comes to power nobody saw that coming be honest he was so entertaining nobody thought he's going to win I'm convinced that the biggest reason why God put Trump in office was to change the Supreme Court dramatically and we got proof of that last night where the amount of cases that we don't even know about we're too busy these attorneys fighting in D.C are winning so many profound Godly cases for freedom for religious rights that we were shocked our jaw was hanging open with Neil Gorsuch uh Kavanaugh and Barrett the change of the Court the pro-life issue all kinds of issues there have been so many great victories that again we don't hear about it because they're not being told the enemy doesn't want you to know it it's probably being blacked out on on media but we heard from an attorney that argues before The Supreme Court of all these huge victories that are happening now and and again he hates that to underscore it what about Roe versus Wade think of that one and and to underscore it you know to be blunt if Donald Trump hadn't become president none of these victories would have happened now this does not mean you're supposed to make an idol of Donald Trump or avoid the stuff about him you don't like but that's not the point if you do not vote the other person gets in and if the other person gets in none of this stuff would be happening right now so we have to live in this world folks the Lord calls us to live out our faith in politics in every single sphere and I want to say it again the reason I wrote letter to the American church is to say we know what happened when the German Church got this wrong we know what happened and actually I want to I want to mention there's a chapter in there called 12 000 pastors there were 18 000 Lutheran Pastors in Germany at that time eighteen thousand um the the Nazis very quickly uh just uh brought their kind of racial view of the world and every other thing to bear in government they they took away people's Liberties I mean it was just dramatic kind of like what we saw with covet just unbelievable governmental overreach and just pushed and pushed and pushed a number of pastors stood up and said uh no and they wrote this thing called the barman declaration where they made clear that the government whether it's the Nazi government or any has no right to tell us we are the Church of Jesus Christ okay so they write the barman declaration about 6 000 of the eighteen thousand pastors sign it okay by 1935 two years later the the government had been so wicked and had bullied people that many in the church just like now who had been initially Brave said uh uh we're gonna back up we don't want any trouble we don't want any trouble so by 1935 3 000 of the eighteen thousand pastors were standing strong only three thousand on the other end of the spectrum there were three thousand that were 100 pro-hitler it's kind of like you know you want to talk about it like a totally woke church today so there are 3 000 Maniacs totally pro-hitler maniacs among the Lutheran pastors so 3 000 complete Nuts 3 000 Heroes but here's the key and it's why I call the chapter 12 000 Pastors in the middle were 12 000 pastors who said we're not going to choose we're going to sit back we're going to sit this one out we'll let you guys fight it out what we uh we don't want any trouble and we think we have a Biblical mandate for not being involved in politics so we're going to be silent we don't want to be divisive we just want to preach the gospel and you want to ask them what useless dead gospel were you preaching in your church that you did not speak out and take sides in a situation that would lead millions of women and children to their deaths in the death camps and that's just one example of The Nightmare Unleashed by the Nazis because of the Silence of the church but it was it wasn't the pro forget about the pro Hitler Lutheran pastors okay let's talk about the 12 000 in the middle who dared to think we don't need to choose we're not going to vote we're not going to get involved we're just going to sit back and do our little religious thing because that's what we believe it is to be a Christian we don't want to get our hands dirty Bonhoeffer tried desperately to wake up the church and to say church this is your job God called you and died for you and appointed you and anointed you for this to fight for what is right and true and good for the sake of the Gospel fight politically for the sake of the Gospel call out evil for the sake of the gospel live your life in such a way that you don't fear death but you fear God and we know that Bonhoeffer like the Old Testament prophets what he said fell on deaf years those 12 000 in the middle said we're not ready to speak up yet we're not ready to speak it they allowed this to happen and the reason I wrote this book is to reach those in America today who would be part of that 12 000 in our world who would say we just want to preach the gospel we just want to do church on Sunday we don't want to get involved in this we don't want to offend anybody you know I got a big tither who's a Democrat I don't want to mess with him I have a Biblical mandate to keep my mouth shut on all this attention Democrats which is happening yeah no of course not but it was just a figure of speech um but the fact is that if if we are not speaking up against the transgender Madness if we're not speaking up against open borders because we say oh that's that's too political ladies and gentlemen because of open borders we have murderous thugs drug cartels trafficking women and children if you are Against Child rape you got to speak up you cannot act like this is an issue that I don't want to get involved I'm a Christian I don't get involved if you're a Christian you more than anybody ought to know that trafficking people for for to degrade them and to rape them is satanic evil and Silence about that is no different than Silence about slavery it's no different than Silence about people going in boxcars to the death camps the Lord calls us to speak the Lord calls us to act the Lord calls us to act as though we believe what we claim to believe and I wrote this book hoping to reach those who have been silent up to this point and many many pastors many Christian leaders I don't need to name them but many of them have been silent and when you are silent you are allowing evil to happen you're allowing evil to happen and some of the good things we heard about last night none of those good things would have happened uh if certain people hadn't been elected we need to be big boys and girls and make choices in politics it doesn't mean that we think somebody perfect but we need to understand what is at stake human beings lives are at stake our nation is at stake and by the way the way this nation goes the whole world goes so if I lived in China today I would be hoping that America is going to wake up and be America and and stand up to the to the human rights abuses and the evil that is happening there we we the church are responsible for these things so we need to know that listen he said the way this nation goes is the way the world goes um we have a huge responsibility being Californians because as California goes this nation goes then the world goes let's let's make sure that you're talking about a 12 000 pastors chapter 5 page 41 where Bonhoeffer is pleading with his fellow Pastor Brothers to get involved and to see the urgency more than ever and the problem that he had to deal with it says here is that the bulk of his brothers and the pulpit they believe that the Nazis could be reasoned with it says here and so imagine if you were to imagine if that's true think about it right now everybody nobody wants to hear this but it's it's the truth these uh this the sister the brother sister things of Perpetual Indulgence but this is the satanic pseudo nuns these these men these transvestite nun things yeah called it if you had their email could you do you think you would say can we meet at Starbucks and talk about this I don't really think everybody because the the public school wants you to think this but they can't even do it they won't even listen to parents they're blocking you out and so here's the thing is the enemy of your soul is Satan who manifests in the lives of open vessels people that are not even knowingly doing as bidding but to think in the culture who would have thought 10 years ago we'd be talking about this tonight where schools believe across the United States that parents have no rights over their children's sexuality he said well that's insane you would have said that then and you should be saying it now the problem is now we know it back then we didn't know it now we know it and if we don't speak up as Eric was saying be woe unto us Jesus makes it very very clear that it's going to be better for a person to have never been born then when he gets a hold of them the day of judgment if they have offended children says that before the end comes you'll you'll recognize because it's going to take on the days as it were of Sodom and Gomorrah aberrant sexuality notice everything has been sexualized the Dodgers have been sexualized target has been sexualized everything is sexualized sex is America's God but who's defining it because God made sex and he knows exactly how that should be done and every every normal listen every normal person no says kids today would not be going through what they're going through if adults didn't have an agenda to have pre-loaded their little precious minds and the day that God gets a hold of those people who have changed the mind of a little child to confuse them who's the author of confusion Satan not God confusion okay and so what is today today's the 31st yep so tomorrow's the first tomorrow tomorrow's the first day tomorrow of what I call pride month is Kwanzaa times 30. it is a made-up loony thing we should not go along with it on any level well as an insult it is an insult you guys have you read your Bibles to see what God has said about Pride when somebody says this is unloving this is what you guys are saying oh what what is what what's your rescue plan what is your special op to reach our children what are you doing think about that I've grabbed a bunch of pastors from up and down the state and I got a hold of some people in DC and I said hey can you open some doors for me if I grab some pastors I want to take them down to the Border and I want them to I want them to see what's going on and they said yeah we'll make that happen we went down there we not only interviewed the various agencies that were there Homeland Security uh but the California I get the acronyms confused but it was not only the California agents that are there but Homeland Security was there and um border patrol ice they're all there and they're showing us what's going on and they're showing us pictures and things where they use in training classes of what's what happens when you don't enforce the Border laws do you guys listen to this when you don't enforce the Border laws here's what happens a Market opens up Black Market Underground Market a Market opens up where bad guys South of the Border Hondurans Colombians some Mexicans but not so much A lot of them nicaraguans others they form groups and as they get close to the Border we have people telling us that when when think about this people real true stories Mexico City sweet precious family they got some money enough what are they going to do on vacation they're going to go to America they're going to go to Disneyland they're going to go to California true story when you get 50 to 30 miles out from this from the California border that's no that's no man's land when you are somebody South of the Border by residence if you're making your way to America these groups these gangs cartel they they pull you over many of them are dressed like federalis pull you over and we had agents telling us and look I'm not I'm I'm not I'm it's too early for me to throw my my endorsement out anywhere right now I don't need to so I'm not going to I got to tell you something these agents were telling us what was going on during Obama's administration and what they had to fight with and three months after Trump took office what they had to fight with was it very interesting to find out is all the Border agents told us that there that they got to take down the the cages that Obama had made wait did you hear what I just said so watch this they showed us images because it was evidence where these families were separated the mother was taken and the sister was taken into the slave trade the husband was shot in the head and the seven-year-old boy they gutted them open from his belly button up to the up to just below his collar opened him up took everything out of him and stuffed him with drugs and put his clothes back on and put a ball cap on and put him in the back of the car and drove him across the border into America inside of him was drugs and they we're like this and they said this hap listen prior to shutting down the borders this was happening every day so listen as Americans oh I believe in open borders all right you have no idea you are so ignorant you may mean well what you're saying you don't even know what you're talking about I've seen it and when I saw it I got a bunch of pastors and I took them down there and I showed them and I got to tell you something right now it's not only that but as I alluded to a week or two ago there are soldiers in our communities you're going to see them soon they're not from this country that ship has sailed we have photographs of them some of them have been caught but not enough real actual military personnel from other countries that were going across the border as tourists because they can you read the book of Deuteronomy chapter 28 When God says if you follow me just just I'm God you're not I made the universe the Earth is spinning you have no input on that your carbon footprint doesn't change any of this if you do what I've designed this thing to do you know listen today we today we took the grandkids to the Marconi Auto Museum in Tustin where is it Tustin where is it at Justin in Tustin you got to go you know what I was freaking out about is this the sheer Precision of Engineering in these incredible Vehicles these cars that you're looking at that are made by you know the Italians and these Germans that make these cars and you're just looking at the preciseness of it nobody nobody would walk along and say isn't Evolution amazing I mean every one of those cars were meticulously designed guess what that's only a little hint of what God did by creating you in this universe and God said in the book of Deuteronomy if you just do what I know what's best for you sound like a parent just do what I know what's best for you your crops will explode with Bounty you'll have so much food in fact you will bless other nations if you just do what I know what's best for you your women will not miscarry their babies he said he said you'll build a home and you'll live in it it'll be yours read Deuteronomy 28 then he says in Deuteronomy 28 toward the end if you choose to do it your way your wives are going to miscarry your borders will be invaded there'll be confusion in your streets he said even when no one's pursuing you you're going to be panicking and and terrified and he said you will work all day to farm your crops and you'll Harvest only a quarter of it you'll just get by and listen to this he said you'll build a home but another man will live in it and he'll be a foreigner and you may have a wife but other men will sleep with her God says all these things will befall you if you don't follow the prescription that I gave you to live life so what's happened in America because of Silence evil has advanced I'm so excited last night when Kelly Shackleford mentioned the Lord of the Rings because that's what's happening you want to know what's happening watch The Lord of the Rings guys listen we got to start to wrap this up uh get the book last night yesterday all day yesterday we reached out to these pastors Statewide because I read this book and I got a hold of Gina Gleason I said you we got to do this and Eric mataxis has got to be the keynote speaker and got by his grace did this and we hope that pastors are are going away energized we equipped them with everything they could possibly have to make a difference and the great difference will be if one Pastor imagine if one Pastor speaks to a thousand people at his church that's a lot of influence man if they get involved to do the right thing no more sitting and out spectator Christianity was never a thing it doesn't work and so there is hope while we still have the ability to breathe it is a remarkable thing that we can stand up for what's right and I know this sounds kind of um insane but I said it yesterday in the opening words to those pastors we love the Bible because it gives us it gives us hope when we read about a little kid teenager being totally offended that this uncircumcised Giant was mocking his God that he said that's it and that little kid takes his sling with five Stones mind you because read your Bible Goliath had four brothers David wasn't David was not just ready for Goliath he was going to hunt down his Four Brothers and we love that it's not a story it's an actual event that took place and we love reading it and when Jehoshaphat was completely doomed God shows up and we read all these things in the scripture in the Old Testament where all these impossible things became possible because one person stood up amen and we love that but you know what you will leave it listen and I know I'm not this church is different but if you're visiting or you're watching right now and if you think well you know I just go to church on Sunday well why don't you stop make make room for somebody else to go because if you're not serious about doing Christianity for the rest of the week listen yeah you need to make room for people who are willing to live out their faith because the fact is that we are up against Giants right now and you're either going to say pull those pull the wool oh the blanket over our heads or you're going to say wait a minute all these things that have been written in Scripture they're from God and they're for our learning and so we're going to take these promises and we're going to stand if David can stand against Goliath we should be able to stand against the school board we should be able to stand against some teacher that is molesting your child amen if not physically in their minds we need to have some righteous indignation we need to get holy angry it's a good thing to say you know what and like bonoffer said this is it if we don't stand up in this urgent hour it's over it's All Is Lost if Israel never crossed the Jordan all would be lost think about it right now we have the comfort of coming to church on Sunday and Wednesday and going back to whatever we're doing but if we don't look ahead one of the chapters is are we as Christians supposed to know the future can we know the future the answer is we know the future by reading the past why stand ye hear idle was the Cry of Patrick Henry we did it we read that on Sunday did we not our brothers are in the field the battle has come Eric last words I just know that God has called his church to action and that our faith Bonhoeffer talks about faith in action if your faith is not lived out self-sacrificially because you know you cannot out give God so when you make a sacrifice for him whatever you do whatever you do he is with you he will bless you he made you to live out your faith and we've had this idea in the church I don't need to live out my faith in other countries they might need to do that they might need to pay a price we're fine here well the Lord has allowed these wicked things to happen to tell you no I need you to live out your faith in every sphere do not be silent do not be quiet do not be passive do not be deceived and do not argue with people who cannot be argued with they thought that they could convince Adolf Hitler oh we can evangelize Adolf Hitler folks let me tell you something the board of management at the Dodgers at Disney at Target you need to send a message to them they are Beyond being reasoned with and that's just the beginning everything we've talked about tonight we need by the grace of God to be mightily activated if the church does not wake up now it is over for America so I say by the grace of God Church in the name of Jesus wake up now you guys um I somebody help me out on this are the are the books available in the foyer is that where they're at foyer so you guys with that father we pray in Jesus name that you'd continue to protect and bless Lord our brother Eric God as he traverses this nation and his voice is heard around the world for truth God that you would awaken your church father we pray in Jesus name that you would cause us all to take inventory of what it is that we're living for how we were making a difference and is Jesus being exalted and all of this rather than ourselves truly we must decrease as the word says and he increases and may that be true in our pulpits today there's a lot of pulpateers and like Spurgeon Warren there's there's pastors proclaiming sermonettes for christianettes and God we pray that as Erwin Lutzer writes in this forward of this book or in this endorsement that this book is like a bucket of cold water in the face of a sleeping Church Lord may we wake up and may we do the right thing may we get excited about the fact that what we get to do is forever and for eternity and whatever you've given our hands to do here in this world God may we use it to advance your kingdom and God I thank you that you're using my brother keep him healthy bless his wife bless all that they do father keep using him and father God we pray that we'd leave this building tonight A changed people motivated filled with truth and that Lord if you might be so gracious that the mantle of Dietrich Bonhoeffer would fall on our shoulders we prayed in Jesus name and all God's people said
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
Views: 414,938
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Keywords: calvary chapel chino hills live stream today, happening now, jack hibbs, jack hibbs eric metaxas, jack hibbs latest, jack hibbs latest message
Id: KvgNbwDLFxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 0sec (5400 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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