Happee Knits Knitting Podcast Episode 43: The one where we lost focus on many occasions!

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hi happy knitters welcome back to our channel it is episode 43 43 43 and we have quite a few new subscribers so first of all i want to say we are close to 15 000 subscribers which is absolutely mind-blowing considering we almost took a year off last year and and we didn't podcast for at least what nine months ten months something like that so thank you guys so much for hanging in with us and like i said we've gained a few new subscribers so let's go ahead and introduce ourselves in case they are new to the podcast my name is yolanda i'm jordan and we live out west of dallas fort worth with my husband my daughter alexis who is six and seven she just had a birthday we'll talk about that in a minute and my son dante who is 19. so this episode i'm sorry he's 16. did you even did you introduce yourself i said i'm jordan oh okay anyway guys let me tell you this has been a busy a busy couple of weeks for us for me um this morning if you followed me on uh vlogmas you guys know that in my spare time which is pretty much non-existent um i have a jam jelly dessert business business on the side so also that's my okay first of all i would like to say this if you have any type of talent whatsoever please do not hide it please let people appreciate what you have earned from wherever i truly believe in side hustles whether you whether you whether you're doing it for profit or for whatever reason it if you have a talent and a gift why not share it to the world so i wouldn't say that that jelly making is my gift but it's something that i enjoy and apparently other people enjoy it as well so this morning i woke up oh dark 30 i had orders so i took a a break after christmas because i think i sold around uh how many how many jars should i sell of jelly what are you doing contacts are dry i don't know are you falling out what what do you need a manic no okay because stop blinking so anyway i don't know i think i sold 400 500 jars of jams and jellies and apple butters during the christmas break and then i took a break i said i need time to spend with my family take a break so this past week and i it was time for me to start back up so i got quite a few orders so this morning was all about jelly making and banana pudding blah blah blah blah blah blah so anyway got those orders done and filled so i really want to podcast today we i think podcasts on january the 11th so we're really kind of sort of within our time frame because we do try to to podcast every three weeks or so so anyway i am right now coca-cola my caffeine of choice versus um a coffee this morning but anyway so yeah so i'm kind of uh but i wanted to go ahead and get this done it is uh four o'clock o'clock and it is the 24th of january and it's kind of dreary outside today actually we're supposed to be getting some severe weather this evening so i'm trying to get this um yeah you like severe weather i mean it's it's relaxing you like rain rain and severe weather are too um i'll take storms okay a storm is good but they were talking about hell what did what did my sister say hail the size of um what did she say in her text message cannonballs no it wasn't cannon balls um eggs possibility of hail the size of eggs think that's forever a measurement were they she said so my sister so i have a twin sister i have a twin sister that is a fraternal twin and guys when i tell you she should have been a meteorologist because she loves weather like that but she said to me if i became a meteorologist then it probably wouldn't be as fun for her so she's a person that's going to save our lives if we are sleep during a tornadic during tornadic activity because she's got the weather she's got the weather radio she's you know she keeps us abreast and she has saved us a time or two from a hail storm so thank you co so my name is yolanda her name is colonda we have another set of twin sisters who are who are identical so my mom had two sets of twins all under the age of three i know don't don't even yes go there so anyway so then i have another sister that came in between the set of twins and guess what she's the only one that had a set of twins so yay for her she got a boy and a girl but anyway so that's i know you didn't really want to know all that but we backstory backstory backstory so anyway so i love my twin sister they call her co i'm yo yo and co but uh but yeah she's gonna be the person that keeps us abreast all the time of the weather activity and yeah and i'm i appreciate that so anyway so let's get started jordan unless we're going to go a little bit out of order i think i don't know we're just going to kind of wing it and hopefully i got notes i have notes so let's see if we can stick with the notes so the question of the day is did you just burp on let me treat you like a baby are you done are you done anyway go ahead you didn't like that ditches i didn't okay what would you like to see more of on this podcast or channel so i'm taking suggestions i know i've asked this question before and you guys have asked for tutorials of certain uh certain types i know one of them was a mitten tutorial i gotta tell you so i have no business no business participating in the cow but i so want to participate in the hey brown berry and earth tones girls mint along i really really do um unfortunately i think it's going to coincide so we have a we have a cow that's that's going to start um two weeks before there's end so that's not a big deal but i got a pair of socks that i want to knit for my twin sister which we'll talk about later in the podcast so i don't know i don't know that i you know what i swear so i don't know if i'm gonna be able to do it but if you guys want to go and over to check out hey brownberry mars and uh earthtone girl on their ravelry and check out their mitten tutorial not tutorial mitten cal if you guys want to participate in that i think it's a great cal and yeah it's going to be awesome and i you know i'm i'm in the mind set that i want to knit everything so you know who knows it's just time for meeting so let's see okay so like i said earlier guys we are close to 15 000 subscribers and i want to thank you guys again for hanging out with us um when we hit that beautiful mark we will come back and do a prize giveaway on that episode i'm hoping this episode 44 but let's see so um so my last video on youtube was a dollar tree haul um i this is my second one is it my second one and my third one third is it my third i remember the first one it's my either my second or third dollar tree haul anyway so go check that video out if you haven't seen it um i usually like to peruse through uh dollar tree and check out um things that i think crocheters and knitters can use for for organization etc so anyway on that episode i wouldn't say episode but on that uh that video thank you jordan there i was doing a giveaway for two for two winners so that they could get the prizes or the the items that they saw in the video so the comment picker picked christina hill and jenny doubt doubted i'll put their names below so congratulations congratulations so if you'll get in contact with me i will package up all of those items and i'll get those mailed out to you and i hope that you guys enjoy that and thank you so much for participating thank you so much everybody for participating and commenting and telling me what were the items that you really liked in the video so once again thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you so this guys is one of the most exciting things that i have for 2021 and that is our own personal cow so we are going to be doing a shawl cow we're going to use a hashtag happy shawl 21. so i have a special uh video specific to the details on this towel but we'll go over them really really quickly here okay so the we're going to be knitting a shawl that is called the magic spring shawl it is a free pattern on ravelry and it's absolutely gorgeous and generally when i do my cows i'll generally let you pick what you want to knit or crochet but really honestly i kind of want to see what everybody does with one specific pattern so this is the pattern that i picked and i got to tell you it is gorgeous i actually printed this out the uh color let me see if you can see this so you let me see there we go you're going to need three skeins of fingering weight yarn and in the video video in the pattern i'm all discombobulated today y'all um it talks about what types of yarns you can use um it's just going to be there's a schematic of it and i figure i can show it since it's a free pattern it looks like geometry it does look like geometry doesn't it so anyway so guys here are the colors that i chose for my shawl and i did a poll on instagram and for the most part you guys thought trying to think it's just something i can use you can use my hat wonderful as you guys know our camera focuses on faces so anyway here are the three colors that i have decided to use all of them are hypnotic yarn this first colorway is spring love and you know guys i love hypnotic yarn so i got a bunch of her her yarns in my stash so this one so this this one is spring love there we go this one is called stiletto this is one that i just recently these two i just recently got so this is you i think you saw this in episode um 42 42 and then this one is green green it's called green and look at the look how i'm gonna stand up look how these these match so perfectly when i say match complement each other so anyway y'all i'm super super excited about that so i want you guys to go out to the ravelry page check out i've already opened up a thread for discussion and this cow is going to run from february the 14th until the march 31st the 31 days in march yeah right i didn't check that out i think yeah yeah 30 days had september something something that's like what six weeks like six weeks it's anyway so i'll have a link down below for the shawl oh this is the mini is this the mini version valentine's day i think i don't know anyway i'll have a link down below of the pattern so you guys i really want you to join us in this cow and if you mention the cow on instagram using happy shawl 21 so that you can get your friends involved that would be awesome and you are eligible for a prize i'm gonna draw that prize after february 13th so it's from today until february the 13th if you mention this cow on your own feed then and use the hashtag because that's how i'm gonna find you then you guys will be entered in for a chance to win a great prize and speaking of prizes my dear friend emily from turtle pearl has donated two stains of two sock sets they're sock sets for the cow now i had the option of keeping this for myself and part of the selfishness in me wanted to but i said you know i love to give away things i do i do love a way to give away things and this is no exception guys look you so so the wonderful thing about uh turtle pearl is that she gives you two exact matching skeins of yarn so they start at the same point you can sit up they start at the same point they end at the same point so if you are ocd and you like exact matching socks without having to cut yarn from one side from one ball to match the other then you definitely need to check out emily's shop she's a canadian dyer canada i have been purchasing from her for quite some time and i've talked about her in lots of my podcast so this colorway is called crush it is crushed why grapes maybe i go wine before time anyway so it is 75 superwash merino 25 nylon for a generous 450 yards guys plus a matching 20 gram for heels toes and cuffs now her second one is oh m is the colorway um check that out beautiful and she has on the back of her labels she has the the striping sequence so you can kind of check that out but you guys are going to love this prize and so i have knit with her grayscale colorway which i did those socks for my husband and if i can remember i'll insert a picture up here for you and i also knit her city girl uh colorway which is probably one of my favorite what you doing one of my favorite colorways guys so i'll insert a picture i did knitted those for my sister and i kind of want to buy some more of that and then i went um deep dash diving and i have two more per colorway so i want to show those to you as well this is dream room [Applause] look at that don't you love that and this other one that i had in my stash is called wild rose so check that out so they can see the colors isn't that nice so she has also been generous enough to let me put this back in here so we don't have all the crinkling not this one so you can hear so she has been generous enough to um give our viewer my viewers a uh a discount code so you guys run over to her shop on etsy it's a 10 off your order code and i'm telling you i'm not just saying this but i can tell you this because i have been knitting with her yarn for quite some time and i and and as you can see i buy her yarn all the time go out and visit her shop so the code is happy knits and i i'll either put it up here or below here ten percent all they'll get you ten percent off of your order and if you're just looking for a new dyer a new to you dyer that you haven't tried before then i suggest you definitely check her out so anyway someone's gonna win both of these for the cow so lucky lucky y'all y'all i'm from texas that's what we do y'all y'all paul all right so now we are moving on to new to me podcasters more puck and i've done this in the past by introducing new podcasts because i'm going to be honest when you make the decision to podcast it can be very intimidating and very nerve-wracking especially in the beginning now when jordan started with me he was we already discussed this but you were 12. and do you remember how you felt on that first day or were you just happy to be well i was just happy just having them i know for me i know for me it was a little nerve-wracking because you're not used to i was i had been doing tutorials prior to jumping into podcasts and it's a little nerve-racking to look at a camera that's an inanimate object and and have this relationship with with you guys and so i always huh i said through a camera do a camera so i always encourage people if you want to step outside of your comfort zone and you want to try podcasting if it's something that you've been thinking about for a long time go ahead and do it i have a video on my channel that kind of talks about our setup we've changed a little bit um since since that video but for the most part the basis is the same and jordan has always helped me do setup lighting etc sometimes we do well sometimes not so much it just depends on what huh well what lighting lighting we we're doing better today with lighting but that is hard lighting is very hard um and i think the last episode i don't know what i i did the setup and i it wasn't that great but this one this time is not so bad but anyway so go out if you um want to find some new podcasters i find adding new podcasters to my lineup kind of rejuvenates me i love my my my do or die podcasters the ones i follow all the time i absolutely love that but it is good to add some new ones to your list okay do i handcuff give me that i can't cover my face well we're not showing yarn at the moment so you're good how do you feel when you find out when you find new people on youtube i don't find new people on youtube you literally just watch the same i used to now i've kind of just stuck with one one group of youtubers because i don't usually have time for anything else i'm busy now yeah jordan if you're a new viewer he is in band he is in the 10th grade and and you banned geeks know what it's like to be in band or have a childhood man it is not for the week that is for sure it is not for the week it is a huge commitment and i'm very proud of this kid sitting next to me because he has really done a great job balancing his grades he's in the top 10 of his 700 population 66 700 and 766 people in his class and he is in the top 10 percent make some mama proud i'm doing something right and even my oldest son was really good at school um me me and my husband we fight about who where they got their uh intellect i made my own insulate dna i'm a different breed okay anyway so i we digress now we're back to what we need to be talking about okay so new to me podcast so shanti knits youtube her name is sean chantal and she is what i would consider a prolific knitter she likes to do test knits big words it's probably okay so i knit but guys i'm i consider myself to be an intermediate um knitter but i i'm telling you some of these people that i watch i just it's just draw dropping and i'm in awe anyway so you guys go i'm going to have all the links below of everybody that i talk about in this section i want you guys to go out show them some love and um tell them you came from my channel okay so then next up is a new podcast called sweet pea and chickadee it is with kimberly and brooke now kimberly and brooke remind me of yolanda and jordan jordan her daughter does not knit but she is the presenter like jordan is and um she knits very well too her daughter gives her advice anyway very cute um cute podcast so go out and show them some love as well and then um another one is fiber bound knitting she is alexandra and she is an australian podcaster and um i don't know sometimes i don't know how i find these new podcasts no they literally just yeah they just pop up in my feed and especially if i see one that says episode one i'm all about that because i'm like yep i'm gonna show you some love so you guys go out and check out her podcast as well and then the last one i want to mention is a podcast uh called excuse me you got me it's the it's the coat you're getting on the beautiful it's the coat yeah but you haven't had anything to drink coke makes you bourbon anyway so little monkeys and me is the name of her podcast and she is ferdinanda and i don't remember where she said she was from was it spain you guys go watch episode one because i don't want to miss and stop i don't want to misinform you but she is a homeschooler sweet as pie um so go show her some love as well so anyway those are the new to me podcast that i have been watching i had to go back through my history on youtube and find all of them so anyway so yes guys yes yes yes oh so success since our last podcast we had two birthdays three no we podcast that so jordan was born december the 27th so dante who's my older son had a birthday january the 11th and alexis just had one on the 22nd so they turned 19 and seven respectively so i know the month of january in both my family and my husband's family i don't know what it is about procreation but january is is is d-day do you hear me so my sister uh my sister has a set that has a set of twins her children's birthday is on the 19th so it's like bam bam bam anyway and then my birthday is february the 4th yay and then after that we hit a dry spell before for many many many months and until we probably come to summertime august august so anyway randomness so fun facts fun facts if you know if you know every little you know personal tidbit kind of brings you closer to that that was just about to bring you close brings you closer anyway so let's move on to fos and i actually have some foes okay we're gonna start with the big big boy elephant in the room which is like jordan said the big boy now girl i knit this blanket in probably three days and if you follow me on instagram you you saw it now this and the reason why i started this because this was not even on my list of things to do if you will look behind me i have a calyx unit that is the five by five so five squares across five squares down well these yarns this is what they look like when they are not when they're wound up i had i have and i still have i still have some of this yarn but this yarn is taking up way too much space i have what are you doing so silly okay so anyway so anyway it was a selfish reason to knit this because i wanted to make room for my some more yarn so i probably got i've got quite a few of this left and let's talk about this so even though it was a very quick knit they were knit on this is burn burn burnt i don't have the the wrapper but this is bernat big big blanket i think is the name of it so i knitted on these size uh 50 us50 [Music] millimeters okay 35 millimeter us 50 um yeah these are nice i'm getting hot okay you can you can put it down it is very very it's quite thick thick it is a weighted blanket and i love weight on me especially at night when i'm sleeping i like it specifically on my feet i love to have weight on my feet i don't know i've it's been i've been that way since i was little and i i just do i just love weight so anyway i needed that and i probably will never ever knit one of those again and the reason why is because if you have ever worked i'm going to show you the diameter of this here i'm going to show you the diameter of this yarn and it is nice and squishy nice and squishy you know but it is it is really it is big and cocktail it does look like a cat tail when i finished knitting this which it took like a two like i said a few days i literally felt the pain or the soreness from my shoulders all the way down to my fingertips it was not a joy to knit now do i like the end products absolutely i'm glad i did it would i do another one no i'm actually really thinking about donating the what i have left see see see what you're doing not my phone yeah yes yes it is i'm thinking about donating the rest of it um to some poor unsuspecting soul because i just i i just can't it was not it was just not a comfortable nick but but i'm glad it's done i've i've freed up some some more space for regular size skeins of yarn so the purpose was completed so yes and all i did was for that um cast on 20 stitches and i and i knit every row until i ran out of yarn and i think that might have been five balls and it ends up being um um it ended up being the size of like a lap blanket you do need to take a nap what is it is it nap time 4 30 is it nap time no i have too much stuff to do so anyway so yes so guys if you're thinking i'm not trying to discourage you from knitting with big yarn it just was not pleasurable for me and yeah so let's move on so next up is my second messy bun two hat by estella phelps missy ball and you put that on i could put it on it's yeah stretch this one yeah so basically this is a free pattern on ravelry and i gotta tell you i i just i i i love it because i always have my hair up in a bun especially when i wear natural and even when i wear it straightened i just still put it up in the bun and so as you can see the top is open for all your hair to stick out and when i tell you this is a beginner friendly pattern quick because it uses bulky size six i think six yarn is is thick and yeah six size six and the only modification that i made on this one here is i knit two extra rounds of plain stockinette around because the pattern repeats i think uh two or three times and then i did a ginny surprisingly stretchy bind off at the top but other than that those were the only modifications that i did um like i said i love it i don't know the colorway of this particular hat because i lost the ball band it's just one percent acrylic yarn that i had laying around and as you can see i'm trying to go through my stash and kind of work my way down before i buy more yarn which is that's not that's not even a thing i've tried to not buy stuff and when i watch other people's podcasts or when i go through my instagram feed i like many of you have no self control so anyway so i love it if you guys um wear your hair up a lot i suggest you go out and uh download this pattern i don't wear my hair you don't wear your hair up well if you did you should knit one oh by the way new viewers he does not knit it's like a vacuum it stretches so and that's the thing so it's very it's very thin you do have a big head it's not that big i wasn't talking about the physical side what big brain yeah that's what i'm talking about ego big brain anywho there you go anyway so my last knitted uh item is of course it landed i beg your pardon oh it's good washcloth that's what you get watch cloth so this is uh sugar and cream lily's sugar and cream it is in the colorway hot pink and i just knit i i gave a bunch away last year for christmas so i am trying to knit as many as i can this year um no specific pressure to do in whenever i get around to one i'll just knit it so this one is the grandma's favorite uh dishcloth on ravelry that everybody uses so yeah nothing special but um like i said i just keep it in my my i call this my dishcloth bag that i made myself and um i keep cotton yarn in here and whenever i get a moment i'll start one and keep on moving so those are all of my finished objects toes foes now let's go on to whips what is it you're gonna sing a song weeps oh you know what i don't have steven's whip i don't have steven socks in here because i was working with hoe please okay we're back all right titus i had someone the camera cut off number one number two then i had somebody text me to say they were coming by to pick up their um banana pudding and jelly order so fun stuff fun stuff so where were we where were oh yeah we were getting ready we were on whips okay so last time you guys saw um these the tweed socks i actually don't even remember where we were on the tweed socks but so you guys if you remember i talked about um my husband um wearing through his socks so i have decided to go ahead and do the true afterthought heel on these so i'm knitting a tube um for these oh i think that was her thank you yes anyway let me turn off the notifications on here down you go down you go so anyway so i've decided to do the after through after thought heel i use the kirby worby i actually have a tutorial a kirby orbeez tutorial i actually have a tutorial on the afterthought heel um that i did some time ago probably a couple years ago and it sort of is pretty much based off of her tutorial i made some mistakes in that video and i left them in there so that you can see that the struggle is real and that actually believe it or not was the first time i've ever had an issue with um the afterthought heal it's it's definitely hard to film a tutorial and knit at the same time so that was probably part of the issue but anyway so i am almost to the point where i for me i like to mark where i'm putting in the heels i know some people just like to measure some people like to measure but um i will try these on my husband and i will place markers on one end of the the 30 well he has a 72 set this is a 72 stitch count uh sock for him so 36 um on one side and then i'll come back around and i'll mark the middle stitch then i'll come back around and i'll mark the beginning so i have three rows marked that indicate where i'm going to put his afterthought heel so anyway just randomness there so these are my uh tweety um socks by uh two guys yarnco company and this is my first time knitting with tweed and i absolutely love it these are so nice and thick and i think i believe i believe let me see do i have the ball band so this is 85 uh superwash blue blue face lester bfl bfl and 15 donable 435 yards and guys it's just it is really such a dream to work with i don't think i've met with bfl before i'm not 100 sure but these are okay guys i'm sorry oh please so the um i'm sorry guys this has been a running joke with us for years 40 42 episodes so and end and 42 episodes later he still doesn't know how to cover his face 42 episodes later well the thing about it is i've tried and okay so okay so you know this is another another segway so as a podcaster and i'm talking to specific you specifically if you are a podcaster if you have a canon 70d and you podcast with another person it would never be an issue if there were not two people and i know some people use their cameras their iphones to to uh podcasts with and i don't know that it face tracks or not but i've used a different uh tracking method and instead of it tracking us it focused on something in the background and we were always kind of set blurry so i always keep it on face tracking because i know that it will focus on us but anyway i don't podcast with my phone because number one it is three years old which that is has nothing to do with it but it is at the end of his life i mean it is done it is a i'm an android girl not an iphone girl i do have an ipad but um i just recently purchased a new phone so with that being said i want to hopefully do some youtube lives once i get my my new fancy phone are you good okay i'm just gonna let you make some music okay great so anyway that was a group what was that what's that was that what you recall that was it a group yes great so anyway i want to do some youtube lives and um once i get my new phone set up i know that's something that i can do jordan we're all getting new phones because i don't know something about the samsung um um yeah anyway they started breaking they started breaking down so y'all i'm sorry i don't know why i'm totally distracted during this podcast i i get off track but this podcast is just it's on its own mission and yeah so anyway let me wrap this let me wrap this whip up so um these are nitpick stroll black so i'm going to do um heels toes and cuffs in black and i'm going to use a reinforcing thread on the back of his afterthought heels to give it more stability so that um he won't wear these out so fast and if he does because it is the afterthought he'll i'll just knit him another heel and keep on moving so he may get after thought heels on his all the time because i don't wear out my socks and jordan doesn't wear out his socks either do you not typically yeah he'll outgrow them which big feet but now that he's the size what size are you 11-ish 12 12-ish even i can't wear those socks well i could just be a little baggy a little baggy but i don't throw away hand-knitted socks i just that's just what so this is going to be this is a 72 stitch count it is i knit all my socks on us1 2.25 millimeter uh my husband wears a size 14 foot so well i'll be knitting on these till 2022 and um yeah that's pretty much that for that so yeah 2022 and these are living in my utterly adorable knits i'm going to put that in front of his face my chicken bag look at the little bum anyway check her out she as when i first started podcasting she was one of the first um supporters first supporters also um i actually love her bag so i have several of those and i even have i think she did her two two at a time because i knit all my socks two at a time and yeah very cute so moving on to the next whip which is going to be the hindsight shawl which i did get some pro i did get some progress on this i got sidetracked um you know with the with um the big blanket and some other things but i i am usually a monogamous knitter i like i said i don't know what has what has happened this year but i'm in a whole nother a whole nother zone and it's a and it's a good it's a good zone because for so long i was in a slump a knitting slump in 2020 that's one of the reasons why i didn't podcast a lot as well but now i want to knit all the things so i've got um a few things on the needle guys look at this beautiful color in this shawl if is this the right yeah that's the right way isn't it beautiful so this is going to be so let me tell you about this yarn it is life in the long grass this is a new to me yarn that i got in austin in 2019 and um it is a dream to knit with absolutely love it um the dyer is carolyn and she lives in ireland and um yeah she lives in ireland now i gotta tell you this colorway so if i'm not mistaken so let me make sure i'm going to tell you this right the colors are going to be um wolf which is the light color gorse which is this color here and this is endosol in i don't know if it's showing up in the um okay here we go let's see it's kind of a it's got hues of uh dark blue in it oh i don't know i'm all out of whack here hold on let me just stand up and block him yes and so yeah so you can see it a little bit better it's got specks of what i would call this color oh i don't know let me just yeah there we go so it's got bits of this color to me this color in here so it everything complements each other and then this wolf is such a great color as well with bits of speckling in it also so this hind shot hindsight shawl is by rose morgan keep going i'm going rose rose morgan and guys he's not bored it's just when he sits still when i sit still for this life he kind of hit yeah anyway so i don't want y'all to think he's bored so um this is a free pattern on ravelry and it was for the new jersey i think yarn crawl which of course didn't happen because of covid but guys very easy friendly pattern and i am so in love with this color what these colorways with the pattern it's probably going to be one of my favorite shawls and it lives that lives right now in my what do we say llamas i think we said llamas i don't know we said we said llamas anyway i got many compliments on this bag i don't know i say it's a llama and i think i looked it up i looked it up before the last podcast because i talked about them running in the pointing is that what they call it anyway yes llamas so anyway um i got this bag at hill hill country weavers in austin i don't know if they still have any of these but it is a very nice bag i typically don't buy bags with zippers because you know what happens if you zip up your yarn in a zipper life as you know it no longer exists alpacas are smaller and more fluffy and shorter heads they do look so this is a it's a mama right i guess yeah that's a little ears i think it's a llama i'll practice that better okay the great the great debate so that is my hindsight shawl so next up is um i started on last night i started on my christmas socks and they are living in my uh bumpy craft christmas bag and i don't care that it's not christmas because christmas is great i still need christmas socks and this is bumpy craft she is a maker out of germany and i have several of her bags too go check out her shop i love her bags they're great quality and just ever so nice with extra pockets zippers you will not be disappointed so anyway i started last night after i got finished with the the blanket and the and the um messy bun hat and all i have right now are toes are you laughing all socks start off i need all my socks toe up two at a time so i don't know that's funny yeah i wanted to get a little i wanted to get a little bit further but it was 1 o'clock in the morning and i said i got to go to bed because i got to get up in the morning to make jelly and banana pudding so i had to stop so those are so this colorway was from her kwanzaa 2019 box and i'm going to do heels toes and cuffs and this is her uh all is calm are we pushing this i can push it okay this is all is calm all is bright colorway hold it you did you called it and i'm doing heels toes and cuffs just to give it a pop of color and i love this um colorway i think it's going to be absolutely beautiful when it knits up so i can't wait to start the body of these socks so that is a whip as well and this is why i really don't need to add any more projects to my list list but like i said i really i really really want to knit those mittens i actually have a pattern um i don't have the mittens with me but they are um what is the name of those mittens they are called oh what are those mittens called they're on my ravelry page they're called the mittens i think it's a free i'm pretty i think it's a is it a free pattern or oh cafe depends on you know what part of the country you're from and um i love the socks not socks these mittens they're fingerless mitts but you of course could turn them into um i don't know loud cafe oh let me just go to my notebook on ravelry my projects page [Music] anyway i knit these a very very very long time ago and i want to knit them again um the pattern is cafe au lait mint by paula mckeefer and they were very easy knit um i don't know if you can see okay because my my phone really is trash why is it showing this weird here cover your face no so even though can you guys see that see the cabling in it i absolutely love that and so oops i'm sorry guys my my phone is trash and the lighting is blowing these out even further but anyway those are the socks the socks those are the mittens that i want to re-knit um i really want to do them for i just don't know that i really i just don't know that i'm gonna have time i may go ahead and start them anyway and if i make it to the end of the cow then so be it if i go past that then that's fine too um [Music] yeah anyway there's some of my favorite uh fingerless mitts so you guys check check that out i think did i say it was did i say it was free let's see yes it is a free pattern on ravelry so it uses a size 4 and it uses um dk weight but i knit these in worsted weight i have rather i might have small hands but they're kind of wide but anyway it the pattern worked for the worsted weight that i had but i might do a dk the next time so anyway so that is my other whip was the christmas socks so let's talk about uh picks let me let me try that one more time let's talk about picks pigs what pics oh i'm supposed to say project oh okay take three let's talk about picks projects and cues what are you doing you're watching football hey green bay's losing is that good or bad that's bad you want green bay to win yeah why because oh okay i didn't know it meant that much to you i don't watch football really i mean i watch the cowboys because i was i married my husband so that's that's just that that's just a given but uh yeah i would rather watch netflix actually i rather watch podcasts and knit so so what would happen if you tried to knit something like this it wouldn't even it literally would just fall apart yeah that yarn is like way too thin i mean it's yeah what are these two the chicken come first of the egg i forgot what my answer was i i had a proper answer oh for that yeah question i'm pretty sure i'm gonna go down another rabbit hole the egg is the egg [Music] the egg came first maybe it turns out the chicken was just an evolved version of some past creature okay and his jeans changed while it was in the egg so the egg came and then the chicken was like okay wonderful all right so somewhere on this desk i have i wound up some yarn that is in my uh projects in queue it's by woolen net it's wool and nosh uh yarn and it's her snowy day that i talked about in the last episode great so anyway this is her snowy day and this was on her kiss collection which was what jordan what did we say was you remember that i put it on there keeping it simple sock series so these are i think uh these i think are three stripe series socks and she has um quite well i wouldn't say she has quite a few but she does have a few colorways in this and it's very affordable if you are wanting to knit striped socks and she just had a shop update um shop update i think it was this weekend and of course i looked and of course i wanted to buy some more but i said i need to be a little bit more responsible and knit what i have because i already have plenty i'm just saying it for you i already have enough enough so anyway so those are already wound up and ready to go once i finish um this and that my husband's socks my christmas socks my shawl so anyway so yeah so that that colorway was snowy day so if you and it's going to be my first time um knitting with cordell so that's what uh the this is this is the base on these uh 75 coredale 25 nylon so yes 383 yards 383 so now that brings us to the acquisition section which i shouldn't be buying but of course but of course it happened it happens so mace of skates i've talked about her before i've done a giveaway on my uh instagram for her yarn sweet girl she has her own podcast on youtube go out and check her out i met her for the first time at dfw fiberfest in 2019 and she has become stop i win she has become a dyer and an excellent dyer so she was offering this four skein 50 gram sock set called sleepover and mama saw it and she had to have it look at look at the colors i'm not taking them out of the package but beautiful and i am now the owner uh and as you probably can see i am very partial to pinks and fuchsia alexis gets it from yeah she gets it honestly from her mama pinks and fuchsias i i just love those colors so anyway she has an etsy shop check her out i think she is going to eventually move from etsy to to her own um mesa skeins website but for the time being um she's using etsy so check out her collection of yarns and yeah she is a texas dyer so she is very local to me next up is a new to me dyer valkyrie fibers let's see if this will come across as the right color is the right color which it should does a very good job it has done a very good job y'all look at the the colors in this it makes me think it makes you think what jungle so there is a story behind the purchase of this yarn there is there's a there's a there's a story behind every purchase but this was not a selfish buy so this is her wayward sun series now if you are a supernatural fan of the series supernatural you'll know what wayward sons is my twin co has watched supernatural from from the inception and so when i saw this come across i don't know i think it was instagram i don't even know now instagram somewhere i knew that i had to have it this colorway is fan fiction green and my sister is a die hard supernatural fan so the reason why i don't think i'm going to get to knit the mitts is because i want she's not going to see this episode but i want to knit these for her for her birthday now our birthday is february the 4th today is the 24th you have approximately 10 days do i 11 days 11 days now y'all i'm not the fastest knitter in the world so i might have to put my husband's socks on the back burner i might put all my whips on the back burner but i don't know i kind of i'm trying to think do i want to just knit these in a solid color or do i want to hit knit um um let me let la la la la la la which one can you do quickly that having changing the the color for the heels toes and cuffs is not going to um yes guys should i if i did do a color um on this what what color would it be it's got some brown it's got some reds in it i'm gonna see if i can show that to you huh so then it looks like a christmas song no i'm not doing red i said it well it's a kind of it almost it's a blood a blood red it's supernatural let's see if it'll focus might be too close it's still focusing on my face okay see so should i pick up some colors here i don't know right here and then i could do the hermione's everyday stock because it'll be just a very light pattern but if i but if i want to get these done i should probably just knit plain um socks so anyway very excited um this is 75 superwash merino 25 nylon a generous 463 yards i literally could get two socks out of this a full set and a pair of shorties so maybe i'll take the extras for me okay so moving on so guys i never win anything sounds pretty sad it is it is a status yeah would you like guys i'm not like to have won that lottery that was one billion dollars whoever won that wow i win i also all i got to say is wow that's a that's a lot of money for one person so anyway huh that wasn't one person it was one person so i so we have a new to us um yarn shop in bedford that i mentioned in the last episode chris is the owner in his lone star yarn company um yarn shop in bedford texas so anyway i entered one of the raffles and i won so i'm gonna go through these real quick she showed this to jordan it's a needle keeper right well she showed him what this needle keeper does and i got to hear that all the way home after she showed that to him thank you chris so anyway let's run through this real quick so i got um it was a coco knits uh kit that i that i won which y'all i'm like stoked about so i've got some large stitch stitch stoppers okay you're gonna have to uh really be mindful so we can get this done a magic trick are you done here hold that while i go through this real quick okay so we got large stitch large large stitch stoppers this is what this is all the stuff that i won guys another set of large stitch stoppers okay and then i won which i don't think this is this is not uh coconuts i don't think then i won some lotion uh by cat cashmere gently earthy notes for the winter season this is by holistic earth.net y'all so who cannot use lotion and it smells divine come on can you see are you focusing there we go okay so that was in that bag and let's quickly show what i got from coco knits all another also y'all so super excited everything came in this bag this coconut bag so i got her drying towel her drying towel um sweater care kit okay and then i got sorry for the crinkling and then i got her sweater care kit the pop-up dryer so this is what it looks like on this side and there's the picture of it on this okay give me that if you if you if you keep it up i'm gonna ban you from today's episode you can't do that i can't but i'll punish you i'll punish you in other ways could you and you know i will keep keep it up and see you know what all mothers say keep it up and see okay so i got a large and small sweater bag sweater bag so y'all i'm like oh i'm so stoked and then of course i've got some i got some eucalyn why did you what what you doing you put up some big things i don't think i need to use it anymore and i've got some eucalyn and then last but certainly not least it's this super absorbent blocking cloth so this is the back and then this is the front so guys i got all of that i am so so so so very happy now as most of you know because we tell you every episode we live in texas so i don't knit sweaters um generally because it's just too hot but i am on the hunt for some cardigans now one of the reasons why another reason why i don't knit sweaters is because let's just be honest i'm gonna just i'm just gonna i'm gonna be very transparent with you guys i am that person that tells myself every few months i'm going to lose weight and i've been saying that for ever forever so long and here's the deal i feel like if i knit a full size sweater and i draw and i miraculously lose the amount of weight that i want to lose i'm gonna be so pissed because the sweater is going to be too big and i love sweaters i just don't want to have to not be able to wear something that i knit although i don't feel the same way about cardigans because i feel like cardigans you know anyway so neither here nor there i'm going to find some patterns if you guys have any suggestions for cardigans you know they can be buttoned they can be zip or they can just you know just have you know the band um let me know in the comments down below because that is what i'm looking for because i love cardigans now we are almost done guys so for my last purchase oh i say i say i'm almost done i am almost done but we got to do the yarnable and the knit crates so i told myself this year that i want to get into um charity and donation knitting so with that being said i went out on amazon and i purchased this um centro you see that yeah centro um knitting circular kneading machine now what i really wanted was the addy one this is a 48 pin a 48 needle um yeah a 48 needle circular but i think the addies is a 44 and this is completely plastic as a matter of fact when you look at the description it says toy but a lot of people um have bought this um and i there's a girl that's on tick-tock and she makes beautiful hats with these that she sells but my primary reason for buying this was strictly to do donations and also a hats for cancer patients etc well um this one is about 79 on amazon and i'll link uh i'll link to that down here below in the description box um so let me give you a quick rundown of what i thought about this machine now i did my homework before i bought this even knowing that i wanted the addi i um i said i can't get the addi because the addie is around 200 and some odd dollars but i believe it's a sturdier um knitting machine and i did two hats with this and i was very pleased with them i even posted them on posted them on instagram but on the second hat i noticed that it started losing there's a counter on here and it keeps track of the rows as you go around so i noticed when i was uh hand cranking for the second sock it wasn't always keeping up with the rose it would stop stall out for a couple of rows and then it would get back and start counting again well i was kind of disappointed with that and i thought i am returning this because i'm like this is just you know junk however when i posted my experience on instagram some of the addie owners also said that um the addie can be a little finicky with the counter as well so then i was like well what do i do do i keep this one and or and just later on wait for the addi or do i return this one and get the addi i'm still confused because the difference is 80 versus 200 and some odd dollars and then my main goal for for buying these circular machines was for donations so i don't know i don't know what to tell you um this one has a tension gauge which is nice i don't know that the addie has that i'm not 100 sure if you are an addi circular uh machine person let me know right these have suctions on the bottom to kind of to the thing um to the table um it still moves around a little bit for me and another reason why i got this is because it was something that i knew jordan could help do and also alexis all you got to do is crank the the number of rows of the pattern and then you you have a hat or a a headband or whatever so anyway so like i said i'm on the fence about that but in the meantime let me show you real quick the hats that were knit so this one and all of this is acrylic yarn that i had in my stash and what i do like about the uh the circular machine is that the way you do the patterns it this is this one has been um knitted together but you literally it literally makes double fabric so when you talk about winter time and if you are out in the elements let's just say you know let's just say you know you're homeless let's just be honest it is it is it is a factor that is that is relevant in the united states and you want to be able to knit them something that keeps their head warm well because this is double fabric this is definitely i was very pleased with with the way it turned out the stitch definition was really nice and for that reason i do like the centro i think the addie of course would do the exact same thing so i'm i'm tempted to keep it because i probably buy three of these to the one addie and if this ends up breaking or i don't know i don't know so anyway so this was my first attempt at the um they had and they have a bunch of tutorials on youtube this is where i learned to do this hat now if you are thinking about buying these machines then do your research before you get the machine watch the tutorials and that way when you do get your machine you have an advantage and you feel like and you feel like you um you can just kind of jump in and get started this one also is acrylic this one was the second one and i actually did a different pattern on this one and i like this pattern a little bit better because with this one the um the middle section which is the gray was not knit as long as the middle section of this one so this one has a has a longer middle section which means it gives you the ability to fold up the brim of the hat as wide and as long as you want to because it if you flip it under you still have that much that much more room to flip up this one which has a shorter middle section of gray you can only flip it up as far as you can go before you start seeing yellow the yellow or the gold it's really gold the lights blowing it out so i think i'm going to stick with this pattern because like i said it gives you a bit the ability to make a shorter hat if you want to just by rolling the brim up or making it a little bit longer by rolling it down but but because you have so much of the cuff that goes in this is a little bit more versatile than this one now i only put the pom pom on here for picture purposes so um i'm gonna take that off because i'm not donating the pom-poms so that is my experience with the circular knitting machines i probably will keep this one i probably will have jordan start cranking these out it doesn't get super cold in texas but we do have cold days and if you're outside you know every day is cold so anyway i just want to give back to the community and help keep people warm from the elements so that's it for acquisitions that i have purchased i take that back the yarnable subscription i purchased too so we are narrowing it down so as you guys know um each month i get a yarnable subscription from hypnotic yarns i am an ambassador to her yarn club but i spend my own money on these so if you are interested in joining her club i'm going to kill somebody if you're interested in yeah i said it if you're interested in joining her club please sign up at the link below and you get five dollars off your first uh subscription with her if you use the link below she only opens up her um her uh honorable subscription every few months so what you need to do is just go in and sign up so that you can be notified of when it opens what i like about her subscriptions is she gives you sneak peeks of the yarns each month so if it's something that is not your flavor guess what you can actually skip that month's yarnable which is awesome so um that's that's the beauty of joining her her club you don't have to be you don't have to to be committed each month if it's not something that you like so anyway this is january's colorway which is oh i mean i love all of her yarn so i i mean i'm in it for the long haul this is wintry mix oh it kind of sort of matches my shirt my sweater so guys look at that look at the speckles in her um her her yarn i'm gonna see if i can show that that is just gorgeous it's purples and and turquoise and just oh goodness and all her and hers is on an 85 super watch merino nylon base and it is her plush stock base and is 437 yards and she always always includes in her yarnables her little goody bags so in this particular one she has oh this is cute it's on a keychain these little um i'm just gonna get right in front of you these little um crochet hooks that are on a keychain it's called a mini crochet kit or mini mini crochet hook keyring and it's from the steady hand shop on etsy so if you can see the bottom of the let's see there we go and it's two it looks like it's two dollars and fifty cents if you want to purchase your own who doesn't need that for picking up the lost stitches next she has in here some black cherry lip treatment so when it's winter time and your lips are chapped that is going to be a go-to and these cute little handmade with love buttons how cute is that so that is a yarnable subscription for january and i'm sure february is going to be awesome so let's see this is hudson valley skin care and it's got um hudson valley cold pressed sunflower oil avocado avocado butter avocado butter beeswax vitamin e and natural black cherry flavor it's by hudsonvalleyskincare.com so yay for that all right and then last but certainly not least is our knit crate subscription so i'm also an ambassador to for knitcrate and they send me a package every month that is their monthly subscription and also i i can tell you're like a little cranky baby yes i said it because you're acting out you're acting you're acting out you're acting up can can i let me let you yes yes you need a nap you need a nap are we are you done we're almost done guys so knitcrate so you can get a prescription prescription a subscription for 24.99 a month and that includes shipping and you get an or you can get the sock club which is 19.99 a month and then they also have a quarterly malabrigo subscription which is 45 a month so if you are wanting to try out knitcrate for the first time you can get a 20 off of of your first order by using the code what jordan happy 20. happy 20 which will be up here or down here and so without further ado show that and tell them what it's all about jordan so you can so you can end on a good note so this is uru yarn in the i know the base the base twinkle toes go ahead its colorway is twilight it is 55 superwash merino 20 percent nylon 15 kid mohair and 10 stelina you can see the selena in that guys the one thing i must say about knit crate i don't know when it comes to their stelina it is like very very prominent um 400 because i think a lot of it is it has to do with the fact that most of their a lot of their selena is ten percent and so i've seen most yarns that have you know five percent and this has kid mo hair in it so it is a beautiful beautiful even back here you can see the sparkle you can see the sparkle so if you guys like i said i love knitcrate if i was not a if i was not an ambassador i literally would be all about technically i am signed up but they have done a wonderful job in their selections of their yarns thus far so and most of you have a lot of you have seen throughout the years all of the knit crates that i have gotten and some of you have been fortunate enough to win the knitcrate yarn at the end of the year for the 12 days of christmas cow so anyway so guys if you're interested like i said there's a link below i do get a small commission off of the knitcrate and off of the hypnotic yarns if you decide to um to purchase but any money that i make generally for this podcast i put back into this podcast in the form of tutorials and things like that so i just wanted to let you know that but and i think that's it jordan this one this one this has been a long one we don't usually um podcast longer than 45 minutes but i will tell you so i i love short podcasts i love long podcasts honestly depends on what i'm what i'm working on but when i'm working on an actual uh something like socks or uh that i can really just kind of mow through the long ones really help me get through through and um yeah it's just it's just fun to have a wide a wide variety and i gotta tell you for me i love the podcast that are feet that feature guys i don't know what it is i think it's just a nice different perspective on uh knitting because you know this is a female dominated uh hobby but i love to see guys in it and give and give their perspective because it's a whole new it's a whole new flavor for for me and of course you know needles at the ready fiber hustle um uh justin and caleb um all all of the um the male podcasters i really really really enjoy you know i said justin and kate up caleb but you guys know that's the bearded pearl if you if you don't already know check those check check all the guys out but i do i'm partial to um the men podcast because they just bring a different flavor to um knitting and crocheting and i love all that that stands for so anyway guys this one right here needs to take a nap because okay guys so the battery on the camera died so i'm actually on my janky phone so anyway this is the end of the podcast anyway thank you guys for tuning in and we'll see you in the next episode bye you
Channel: Happee Knits
Views: 2,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: knit, knitting, happee, knits, happeeknits, tutorials, podcasts, Yolanda, Jordan, african american knitter, black knitter, knitting podcast, knitting tutorials, happy knits, happee knits, happyknits, knitting vlog, two at a time socks, how to knit
Id: StLv_dxxyo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 14sec (5414 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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