Hantek DSO5102P USB Digital Storage Oscilloscope 2Channels 100MHz Banggood - Unboxing & Review

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hi everyone welcome back to another video so i just got this new oscilloscope it's a hand tech dso 510 2p usb digital oscilloscope i'm absolutely in love with it i'm gonna unbox it now and i am excited so so what we'll do in this video is we'll unbox it first of all and we'll talk about some of the specs that your oscilloscope has then after that we'll turn it on run some tests do some testing measurements it comes with this plug i don't know why it comes with this plug not great but i'm gonna be using a typical plug so i won't be using this plug don't advise you guys to use it but yeah so we'll turn on the oscilloscope we'll maybe like run some measurement tests these are our nice probes i look forward to talking about these problems i'll mention them in a minute then i'll show you some of the cool features that this uh pro oscilloscope has which i'm really looking forward to such as like usb saving your data which i'm super excited about comes very well packaged then i'll show you the software that actually comes with this oscilloscope that you use on the computer we'll go through the manual take a look at some of the um reviews which definitely caused me to buy it because when i read the reviews man everyone just had positive things to say about it literally the only negative thing that anyone said about it was just that about this plug that's it but you know i'm sure you could find that plug yourself you know you're going to have loads of them at home so and you know we'll just run off the video with like some extra testing but other than that this should be a good quick video i'll try and keep it brief and let's take a look at this really nice scope look at this one [Music] oh that is beautiful look at that it's really nice i love it i really like this blue and really nice blue look at this carrier handle i like it's nice all right so that's the scope let's see what else is inside the box so it comes with a little uk adapter which i'll just say right off the back don't bother using this because it's not grounded so you don't want to use this usb which i'm really excited to talk to you guys about and finally manual cd etc so yeah so this is everything that the scope came with we're obviously just going to ignore these right so don't bother using these so i must say i'm really surprised to see this whole thing cost me 170 pounds which i got from banggood and even more amazing is that even though i got it from obviously a chinese website at banggood it was shipped from the uk so i actually got it delivered in three days which is amazing so 170 pounds for uk shipping for this absolutely beautiful machine now i'm actually a second year electrical engineering student and i've never used a full size oscilloscope thanks to obviously the whole online student stuff so i think in a few years time we're going to have a lot of very underskilled electrical engineers who learned their whole course online and only learned how to use an oscilloscope off of multizoom so thankfully i've got my first oscilloscope here and i'm well well excited to use it so you can also actually get this on amazon for 230 pounds but again considering banggood are shipping it from the uk for 50 pounds less or 60 pounds less it's a no-brainer to go for this from banggood so the cisco comes with these two probes so basically two sets of probes right one for each channel because it's a two channel oscilloscope these probes are called the pp1 five volts or pp150s i'll talk about them a bit later on in this video also comes with this usb cable which actually is used to plug into the back here and use that to connect that to your computer which is ah i'm really really excited for this one comes with a cd which i believe has the manual on it and also might have the software i'm not sure but i don't who uses the cd these days so i'm gonna download it all online which later in this video i'll show you how to download the software and also how to get the manual as well and then it comes with like some sort of certificate to say that it's their product but yeah i'll just disregard all of this not gonna use any of this for now okay so that's what's in the box let's talk about some of the things i like firstly the look of it is absolutely beautiful it just looks amazing like oh man like that on my desk look ma i'm a real electrical engineer it looks amazing look at that what's even like crazy is that look at the color of my wall and the color of the oscilloscope it literally matches my wall perfectly it's a really really really nice blue teal color i love it it's absolutely amazing i love this little carrier handle case that it's got as well and the whole scope is only two kilos really good uh handles as you can see i'm holding it sideways no problem only two kilos doesn't doesn't wear a thing really here you can join me in taking off this uh little screen cover i messed up there boom and as you can see there like immediately you can see the reflection that you was getting was from this which i know some of you might have been concerned about but yeah once you take that off you can see it's got that whole anti-glare coating on it or whatever so the screen it's a really nice screen and you can see there that you can't see my reflection at all so when you're actually using it you're going to get a much better uh really nice viewing angles on this which is good i'm super pumped about this usb stick where basically you can hit capture on the scope and then put a usb drive in there and you're able to save your information which i'll show you how to do that later on in the video and as i mentioned this usb port at the back again really like it and really actually what i really appreciate is the fact that this bit here is sunken into the oscilloscope so i can actually rest it up against my wall with the power cable in there and it's not going to stick out like imagine if it was there for example you'd have the scope kind of like bent out like that or whatever so this being sunken is really nice okay so let's talk about the specs and then we'll turn it on and get started so the specs that stood out to me mostly is that obviously it's 100 megahertz with a one giga sample per second rate two channels which i'm never going to need more than two channels well not for now anyways it can take up to 40 kilo points of memory which apparently according to some people online is not that much and some people are complaining that it doesn't take that much memory but as far as i'm concerned you know i have the usb stick i also have um the port at the back to connect to my computer so 40 kilo points of memory should be more than enough for me the screen is what i really like seven inch screen 800 by 480 hd display and anti-glare which is nice the time range on this is 29 seconds to 10 seconds which is obviously more than good enough i'm not gonna be operating with things where i need to see less than 29 seconds problems which are actually really nice they're 1.2 meters long or just under 4 feet long which is again perfect so that way i can have my scope all the way at the back of my desk and easily work with it from there in terms of size of the scope it's 38 centimeters this way it's 20 centimeters this way and 24.5 centimeters height so 24.5 centimeters height 20 centimeters depth and 38.5 centimeters long way so i'd say it's fairly small but also yeah i think it's more than good enough especially with the seven inch screen okay so let's do a first time turn on let's take a look at how long it takes to boot i like the colors fair bit of fan noise hand tech your testing solution provider look at that that was no time until you know under 10 seconds to boot i like the screen looks very very nice it's actually like this from where i'm sitting um you know i'm about like 20 30 centimeters above my my eye level is much higher than the oscilloscope so it looks it's quite a bad viewing angle looking downwards like this however it has these legs at the bottom here that you can flip up and it gives you a much better viewing angle and that's that's literally perfect so the screen is super bright i like that it's very nice okay so there is a fair bit of fan noise you could probably hear it it's nothing that you know it wouldn't become annoying or anything but right now the house is quiet and as i was just working away and i had it on i could hear it quite loud so it is you can hear it basically but you know i'm sure it's not gonna be a problem my only concern would be if whilst i'm recording videos then would it become an issue but i don't think you would like for example now i'm speaking over the fan noise and you can still hear me clearly so i would assume that the finals is okay all right so let's have some fun now i think pretty much everybody who tests out on oscilloscope the first thing they do is they get a function generator hook it up and test it out that's the standard thing to do right i'm gonna do something a little bit more quirky involving this so what's interesting is that obviously you've got this usb port and it will actually output enough voltage to power the arduino now i did take a look at the data sheet on of the oscilloscope to see how much the usb port outputted but it wouldn't tell me there was there was no information there so but connecting on the arduino to the oscilloscope and you can see it powers on fine no problem so what i'm going to do is i'm going to upload some basic code onto here where we're going to just basically output a square wave go high go low with uh 10 milliseconds between them and just make a box standard square wave on the arduino and then we'll hook the oscilloscope up to arduino so let's jump into the computer and i'll show you the code that i'm going to use for the arduino okay so here's the code for the arduino basically we've got pin mode we're setting that as an output so we're setting our digital pin number seven to be an output you can pick whichever pin you like really and then as part of the actual code of the program i'm writing hi to digital pin seven and then i'm waiting ten milliseconds and then i'm writing low to digital pin 7 and then i'm waiting 10 milliseconds so we should just see a box standard basic square wave on the oscilloscope so let's upload this and then get straight to it on the oscilloscope all right so we're back so literally just connect one wire to ground the other wire to digital pin seven and then let's plug in our probe so you may need to calibrate your probes i'll show you how to do that later on in the video because that's kind of the boring part and some of you might already know how to do that but so here we connect our main part to our digital pin 7 and then our ground to ground so what i really like about this oscilloscope is for someone like myself who doesn't really know what i'm doing with this you just can't press this auto set button up here press that and then it will let you just take you to pretty much the perfect screen every time and there you can see we've got our square wave which is being outputted by our arduino which is being powered by the oscilloscope that's just brilliant right i thought that was really cool it's just yeah brilliant stuff okay so next up we're gonna go with this uh little function generator i've got this is actually a very cheap function generators good one as well only cost uh 20 pound on ebay and i'm pretty sure you can build these yourself pretty much the same one so i'm going to try and do that on this channel so if you want to see that subscribe but i've just got it connected to an oscilloscope probe here and then i'm just going to connect these two together like so and then connect the grounds together like so there you go so probes connected together all right so currently the function generator is off so when i turn it on we're going to see a sine wave pop up so i haven't pre uh run it yet so is that currently on 500 kilohertz so let's uh turn that down let's make that um there we go so we've got one one kilohertz sine wave and then we hit run and so now this is what i love about this oscilloscope just come up here press auto set yeah it's like here's my clicking inside and the boom you've got your this is a bit of a dodgy looking sine wave so the reason for this is i just need to turn this knob and then has more to do with my function generator here there you go so what i really like about this cisco now is you know if i then you know just mess it up and really just you know turn everything and this happens to me a fair bit where i just get like lost for example if i got something like that you know it just looks ridiculous just hit this auto set there you go so we've got our one kilohertz sine wave rms voltage is 1.8 volts peak-to-peak 5.4 volts what's nice is you can press this measure button and it shows it all here it's just like perfect this is everything that i want from an oscilloscope you know and i i get that you know if you're a pro at electronics then this is obviously rubbish to you and that's cool but for me this is amazing you know for 170 pounds the fact that i can just i don't need to worry about anything hit auto set you know and i can hit measure and i've got everything i need there and to be honest with you it gets a lot better you know in terms of mass functions that you can do adding and subtracting different waves it's really cool stuff for me you know for the price that i paid for this i'm very very happy with it i think it's amazing the menu system is one of the the best i've seen as well so here i can press channel one menu bring it up here and then you've got these buttons here that control what i'm doing so for example right now i've got my probe set on times 10 right so if i change it to like times one there then i can come over to here press on the menu and change it to times one and i can close the menu and then now i've got it on my times one saying change it back to times ten you know channel one menu again and then here times ten it's just so good for me as a complete noob you know i don't know anything about oscilloscopes like i said this is the first time i've used an oscilloscope and within you know five minutes immediately i know exactly what i'm doing it's so clearly laid out clearly says vertical clearly says horizontal yeah it's perfect so move the wave from side to side i do notice that if i move it quickly there's a bit of a lag but i assume that that's quite normal you know so if i move it quickly find there's a like what i like as well you can actually press this button so for example if i move to the right you know minus 455 microseconds if i hit that button brings it back to zero which is brilliant and so you see because i'm pressing auto set it brings up this menu right and so for this menu i've got multi cycles so showing different cycles if i just want to see one cycle i can just hit this button here and then it'll just show me one cycle it's just so good like for my use case i couldn't think of a better a better city's got to be honest with you all right let's play around a little bit more so if we come here and go stop and then we go mold square wave run it again got a square root there here auto sir so we've got a dodgy looking square over there all right then stop it again and then let's go triangle wave run again there we go got a triangle wave i'm super happy with this let's show our sawtooth wave there we go reverse sawtooth ecg can detect my heartbeat all right so let's crank up our sine wave to here so we'll go to 500 kilohertz which i think is the max that this function generate can do run all right and then again auto set let's bring it down and you can see 500 kilohertz i don't know what's causing all of those nice spikes there you can see who knows maybe i've got some cross coupling going on with these wires i don't know okay so i've connected the arduino now to this second channel of the oscilloscope and have a look you can see there we've got the arduino square wave and then we've got our 500 kilohertz sine wave coming from our function generator and you can see we've got both of the screens or both of the waveforms on the screen now and it's nice it just it looks really really nice and the fact that you can kind of control each one of them simultaneously you know channel one menu channel two menu it's amazing turn off the menus and obviously change each waveform by itself which is nice you can move along all right now if you know nothing about oscilloscopes you're going to be amazed here just like i was this is fantastic right so you've got this math menu you press it and look at that it brings up a little menu here to say channel one plus channel two channel one minus channel two channel two minus channel one channel one time channel two and then channel one divided by channel two and even more so if you look here you got the purple math one which is you know highlighted by this and so you can see this is what happens when you add this square wave with this sine wave amazing right just i'm blown away by the stuff this is just fantastic and it's so easy to control so here now you just press for example um let's go down here to minus so you subtract the two and you can come down here to you know channel two minus channel one what happens if you multiply them together what happens if you divide them together or channel 1 divided by channel 2 and now this one's channel 2 divided by channel 1 and fft has something to do with frequency i don't know too much about it but yeah it's amazing just absolutely amazing and then to turn it off you know just press that again and get it off i mean turn off like that this is a brilliant brilliant machine and we're still not even done there's still actually so much more that you can do with this thing and this is considered you know entry-level basic oscilloscope for me this is amazing all right so now let's go on to the kind of the juicy side of things which i'm super excited about as someone you know in currently in university i have to write up reports um i'm gonna be doing my final year project next year and undoubtedly i'm gonna have i'm gonna want pictures of scopes right of my different readings and whatnot and so the best thing that i find about this is the ability to stick a usb stick in here so obviously i was using this to power the arduino but if i just take a usb stick so here i've just got a 68 gig usb and plug it into here it will then come up with saying that it's been detected usb device has been detected and then you just come over here press save to usb it will tell you that it's been saved it's successful to save wave okay so now what that's done is that's taking a screen grab of this screen and saved onto here and the quality is nice now if i then you know for example zoom out maybe make the wave a bit like that save to usb again that'll do the same thing screen grab from there now it's not just a screen grab that you can take you can actually get all of the data exported as a dot csv file which is one of those excel spreadsheet files so if you come up to here save slash recall hit save now come to here setup f2 and then so you've got local memory so you can obviously store it in local memory i'm gonna store it on my usb flash drive here and then now hit save down here so now i can back out if i come here csv press that one save wavedata41.csv and so now i saved my data compress back so once you've set it up from here you only need to do this once on here but here you can go csv save and then it will save you there all right so let's jump into my computer and see what this looks like so once you plug the usb in you get this the one thing i do need to note though is that when you are trying to save onto usb don't make the mistake i made you need to have your usb drive saved as fat32 which is actually quite difficult to do in windows 10 especially if you're using a usb drive above 32 gig if it's below 30 gig no problem you'll see you can format it as fat 32 i found that the other formatting types the file system types they just wouldn't work so i had to get to 52. what i personally use was rufus which is this application here and then i went to my usb drive came here select non-bootable fat32 and then that was it i just formatted it like that but it worked for me but all the usb drives the only ones that worked was fat32 so just keep that in mind yeah so when you're taking pictures of your different waveforms they'll be put into folders here so if we open up the folder we can then open up the image file and there you can see we've got our screen grab here it looks good doesn't it my date is actually off on my device by one day currently 25th of february's got down here 26 so i need to change that and similarly here we have the other screen grab there you go and literally so you can set any different settings you could bring up triggers whatever you want and then hit that save feature and then that save button and then it will save whatever's on the screen to your usb all right and the final thing is you've got setup 40. set that's the setup file which i saved but here you've got the dot csv file wave data 41 and then here we've got all of the wave data in a csv file i don't even know how many columns of data we've got here so the one row 3000 still scrolling there we go so about fourth out 4060 you know top row 4066 rows of data there from that on that csv file from that waveform which is cool right you may be asking you know what someone going to do with all that data you know people have needs for it i personally have any need for it but you could obviously plot that data for example into a graph so for example if i come up here if i delete these first few rows select these two columns come to recommended charts and there you can see look you've got a scatter chart and as you can see it's a sine wave it's cool right technology just amazing like i said for 170 pounds this scope is just fantastic and we're not even done yet as well there's more okay so this is where all the fun really happens now so i've connected the usb that came with it at the back right in the back of the oscilloscope and have a look here we've literally got it so now if i adjust this down look at that so now i've got the oscilloscope data all of it on my computer just you know you're talking about 170 pounds here and it is fantastic there's a delay of like half a second or something yeah it's just amazing you know look at that this for me is exactly what i wanted i considered buying those hand tech um the small like um automotive oscilloscopes they're like 60 70 80 pounds but this is perfect i can do both i can do everything you know i could work off my workbench if i want and i can also work off the pc so getting this working on the computer is is quite finicky i must say the hardest part is installing the driver which is difficult to be honest with you i'll just try and help you out with how i managed to get it working but yeah again like i said it is difficult you've got to go into the website and download their drivers and their software right then go into your device manager search under other devices if you can't find it right click click scan for hardware changes and then when you find it it will be whichever one so for example unplug everything scan for hardware changes then whatever pops up then click that thing um right click update drivers then eventually it'll come up here as on the dso measurement device that's how you know it's working then you go into the software over here and then tools connector oscilloscope and that's it it's done look at this this is fantastic i am well well excited for this this is an absolute game changer for me all right so let me show you how to get the software and the manual up because both of these are very important so handtech.com then click download it brings you to this page you want to select basically your model so the one that your siliscope that we've got is a dso 5102p right so we're gonna just find the ds05 series or the eso 500 series the dso 500 or 5000 p series select that search and now here we've got the manual so we can download this and now we've got a 71 page manual and this thing is extensive like i've had a quick read through some of it and honestly it's absolutely fantastic this is the manual both for the seven 70 megahertz bandwidth one 100 megahertz battery phone which is one that we've got and then 200 one as well so it's a very very very good manual i highly highly recommend going through it me myself i'm going to skim for it i mean i've already skimmed forever i'm going to read for it properly as well very very very good manual and one thing i appreciate about it is that the english is good as well in dual window mode push this knob to select major or minor window when the major window is selected this knob provides the same functions as it provides in single window mode a single mode window vertical controls can be used to display and remove waveforms adjust vertical scale and position set input parameters and perform math calculations each channel has a separate vertical menu to set see below for many discussion so it's very good english it's not like that backwards kind of like um stuff that you normally get from chinese products okay so that's the manual you want to come over here to drivers so again still having a dso 5000 p series selected drivers you want to download this driver and then it'll come up as a zip file so we'll download the driver open it up right so it comes up like this you want to come into here and then you've got this security catalog you want to basically install this certificate so you double click it it comes up here view signature view certificate and then install certificate current user fine there you go now you plug in your oscilloscope then go to your device manager and so i don't have my cisco connected to this computer but you want to basically go under other devices i don't have the option here but like i showed you on the laptop follow that and then install the go to update driver's installer driver all right so once you've got the driver fully installed then you want to come over here to application software then again download it's got another zip file 10 meg all right so open it up and then you want to go set up and then you just run the setup installation and that's it now if we go to our windows over here digital scope and then once you've connected your oscilloscope and you've installed the driver then here now tools connect to oscilloscope when you're done that's it and you'll be able to access so you've now got the software and the manual and everything else okay so let's update the firmware of our oscilloscope now so on the same page latest firmware i need to pick the specific one that you've got so i've got the 510 download okay and then once you're done downloading that you'll get a dot raw file and with that dot raw file you just have to then unzip that file basically onto the usb so in this instance i couldn't open the door file so i had to use this application to use it in order to open the file so i use the application got it from microsoft store i'll put it onto the usb here and then i need to come in here take this dot up file and cut it out from there and put it just first thing on the main like in the in the top level folder of the usb file so i can delete the the actual folder now so now eject the usb and then stick it in the oscilloscope and i'll show you how to update it from there all right so from here stick our usb stick into the oscilloscope and then now we come up here and press utility i'm on page two let's go to page one there we go so page one and then f2 for firmware update and then it's going to tell me on my short i need to press f5 to confirm and then it will run the update all right and then it will just reboot and hopefully it should be all sorted all right so i hung on the blue screen there for a while which is a little bit scary but yeah that's working now and there we go the firmware has been updated nice and simple okay so i just want to briefly touch on the probes firstly i really like these probes um but you do you are going to need to calibrate that when you get them and so you might find that you might be getting like quite a lot of noise or whatever your waveform might look off if you haven't calibrated it the simple way to do it is basically to connect to these two pins here so one the bottom one's grounded the top ones where your main probe goes so you connect that into there like that click around onto there and then you're gonna get on the screen a square wave so if you press auto set and so you can see that you've got a dodgy square wave so you use this calibration tool which is basically i mean i know they've given you a specific tool but it's basically just a screwdriver right so you stick that into this hole at the top of the oscilloscope or into the cisco uh probe and then turn it there until you get your perfect square root so if you just keep turning it around you'll see it kind of goes up and down up and down so you just need to calibrate it to a point where you get your perfect square wave like that and there you go that's it that's how you calibrate your silhouette probes so let's round this video off by looking at some reviews on banggood because these reviews are really what made me get the probe and i i think if you're still watching this video and you don't have the oscilloscope yet hopefully these reviews will convince you if this hasn't already convinced you because for me i absolutely love this machine it is bloody brilliant you know from the usb saving the images or csv files to you know connecting it directly to a computer and running it on software just amazing stuff so yeah for me 170 pounds very very very well spent so let's jump on the reviews all right so first it's rated 4.96 out of 5 stars and 383 reviews not one of those reviews were one star think about that that's crazy you know not one review one star so i've selected all the reviews that are in the united kingdom because when you when you select non-united kingdom then they come up with like in a bunch of different languages so all these ones will just be english languages so the first review which is the top one here august 2020 and i always look when i'm looking at reviews i look at the date because it's important you i might be getting a new revision so you know if you see 2017 2016 2015 then i tend to ignore those reviews but you can see here 2020 2021 2021 2020 2019 2020 so let's take a look at them so this is fantastic oscilloscope i didn't have enough time to use it but i just couldn't wait to write a review the amount of features in this thing is insane definitely worth the price and if you're a hobbyist or even working on some professional electronics this is a must-have in the lab an essential instrument for sure the delivery was blazing fast just three days which is the same with me as well took three days this scope is also a huge popular electronics community and manual is extremely thorough which i mentioned 71 pages in the manual so if you ever run into trouble or you want to tink around with the scope i can assure you you always find something online which is true and got a bunch of pictures here this is my first proper oscilloscope same with me it is an excellent starter scope construction materials are excellent shipping was fast product exactly where it's using the tin took ages to finally buy this i've always wanted to go up but can never just follow expense which is the exact same thing with me as well he's got a picture of his little circuit fantastic unit does everything and more than i expected if you do it if you do electronics don't think twice this is the business nasa says go thank you this is this is a nice review which i wanted to highlight which he talks about the mains power if you remember at the beginning of the video i said don't use the plug that came with it this guy explains why this product required a mains power lead that supplies feed l return n and fe i must be grounded i supplied to myself from china to the uk it came with an eu style terminated power lead and a non-compliant uk adapter this combination removed the earth protection which is true i suggest if this happens to you your order you either replace the power leader of uk compliant lead which is what i've done or replace the eu plug with a uk plug if you are competent enough yeah i mean no point to do that i would suggest that you ask banggood to include the uk specific power cable with the correct fuse uh and then he just goes on to praise it so yeah okay i only had this item for a couple of hours and carried out a basic functionality test so far so good scope is so easy to use plug your intent on away you go the display is bright and easy to use you can see literally just you know review after review after review everybody's happy with it and me myself i'm completely happy with it as well so would i recommend it the obvious answer is yes and i'm going to have some fun with this scope and more than likely you're going to see it in a lot of my videos moving forward so if you enjoyed this video leave a like and hopefully i shall see you guys around i'm i'm doing electrical engineering i'm in my second year subscribe go on you
Channel: Hamed Adefuwa
Views: 25,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: electrical engineering, electrical engineer, engineer, student, engineering student, electronics, electrical & electronics engineer, british student, hamed adefuwa, oscilloscope tutorial, oscilloscope basics, oscilloscope arduino, oscilloscope buying guide, oscilloscope beginner, hantek, hantek oscilloscope, Hantek DSO5102P, DSO5102P, USB Oscilloscope, Digital Oscilloscope, Oscilloscope, Banggood, hantek dso5102p digital ocscilloscope, electronic testing equiptment. rigol
Id: PreLkHSU3U8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 14sec (2234 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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