Hannity: 'Fussy' and 'irritable' Biden is 'hollow shell of his former self'

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Did the Gates WORK ON VIRUS ? DID SERCO CO who Prince William RUNS OBAMACARE give Prince Andrew TOP SCIENTISTS that FBI FOUND WORKING on ISLAND after Epstein MURDER work on VIRUS ????https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYIveoUoi-I&t=154s

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/StoneinHisHand 📅︎︎ May 21 2021 🗫︎ replies
but first we turn to the weak cognitive mess that is sippy cup joe who definitely missed nap time today because he seemed to be extremely fussy and quite irritable during prepared remarks at the white house he randomly out of nowhere started yelling in what was a bizarre strange outburst you decide life liberty and the pursuit of happiness every time we're silent every time we let hate flourish we make a lie of who we are as a nation i mean it literally we cannot let the very foundation of this country continue to be eaten away like it has been in other moments in our history and happening again was joe biden like this in 2016 2012 because well joe let's be honest never particularly a smart or a bright guy but what we're now seeing sadly for him is a hollow shell of his former self a total complete cognitive mess what's really sad is the reality that if we can all see it so can america's enemies and we have real enemies in iran in china north korea russia vladimir putin doesn't respect or fear joe biden in fact none of these people do none of these countries do he just steamrolled vladimir did biden who rubber stamp rushes get this new pipeline project into western europe into germany remember biden just killed our pipeline the keystone xl pipeline the one that was paying thousands of of hard-working americans high-paying career jobs and artificially limiting america's supply of oil and gas creating energy dependence and higher prices not only at the pump but for heating and cooling your home and everything you buy in every store that gets there by a truck that is fueled by diesel now we were all told that this was being done in the name of the environment ending the keystone xl pipeline but according to joe it was worth it because he was saving the earth and climate change listening to the radical squad in congress and bernie sanders well apparently that was a massive lie because if it was about the environment why did he just lift sanctions on the russian nordstream pipeline give a special exemption so his flynn friend vladimir can get rich again it makes russia rich again it makes our western european allies dependent on vladimir putin hostile actor russia hostile regime now our friendly countries now count on him for the lifeblood of their economies that's not good and this is what american last policies look like this was putting putin first and russia first last week russians hacked america's largest pipeline system causing massive fuel shortages in 17 states all along the east coast up and down the east coast and this week they were rewarded with their very own pipeline into germany and you know well screw american jobs all those guys that had career jobs on the pipeline in the energy sector you know screw american energy independence we're all going to pay higher prices and every american you know there's wealth and prosperity and safety and security by not needing foreign sources of energy now we're energy dependent again and sure go ahead vladimir you do whatever you want or senator tom cotton put it vladimir putin is going to achieve his top foreign policy objective thanks to president biden biden called president trump putin's puppy well what does that make joe biden putin's puppy dog suck up why did hillary even send uranium which we don't have enough supply of to russia then the money got kicked back to the clinton foundation tell vladimir on more more flexibility after the election obama don't worry biden's willfully ignorant press secretary doesn't understand why anybody could possibly be upset about american pipelines shut down jobs lost higher energy prices and putin he gets a waiver he gets to build it take a look i know that there's a lot of talk about nordstrom and keystone and i'm just trying to help our help people understand it is there well yes so how is he urging other countries to take ambitious climate action if he's letting other countries build north stream too first we're hardly letting any country or other countries build nordstrom 2. when the president took office 95 of this pipeline was built it seemed like there was the ability by the us government to sanction some officials to stop the project at like 95 but you're not doing it and understanding in what way were we we're going to be able to stop a project in another country that's had been or maybe built 95 maybe more difficult with the sanctions on some of these officials involved madam circle back listen to me this is not complicated joe gave putin and russia a waiver he signed off on it joe was trying to appease the climate socialist in his radical base while also appeasing america's enemies abroad never forget democrats put politics above all out else and don't take my word for it just listen to vice president harris who sees covet this is an opportunity colvin's an opportunity for what an opportunity to transform america and elections take a look as we emerge from the pandemic i believe that we are at the start of a new era i believe that we have a unique opportunity now to shape our nation's future to transform how we live how we work and how we vote for the better radically transformed what into the great socialist utopia that will always end in broken promises more poverty and a loss of freedom because that's the result more reliance on big government more entitlements you get to keep your doctor planned and save money that didn't work out and then of course let's get rid of all voter id you need voter id to get oh a jewel pod for example you need voter id to buy a six pack of beer you need voter id to get into the democratic national convention the white house or the capitol and you need voter id for pretty much everything but we'll get rid of that for voting we'll get rid of any type of signature verification and democrats can then rig this system harvest votes win elections in perpetuity and turn this country into a socialist climate-obsessed hell hole never let a crisis go to waste right kamala now of course democrats they'll need all the political help they can get in 2022 and 2024. the biden administration has been nothing short of a train wreck or as the wall street journal put it did biden peak on inauguration day covet confusion mideast chaos the threat of inflation and he doesn't have many victories to point to except donald trump's vaccine so speaking of covert confusion get this nancy pelosi is mandating everyone in the house of representatives wear a mask because she doesn't want the halls of congress to turn into a quote petri dish anyone caught without a mask gets slapped with a 500 fine first offense 2500 fine for any offense thereafter and according to the cdc it's safe for vaccinated americans to stop wearing masks inside and outside as a matter of fact look at your screen nancy pelosi let's see rafael warnock many others they were packed in a room at the white house today without a mask in sight so it seems like sometimes democrats trust the experts when it's convenient they trust the science when convenient and sometimes they don't when they can think they can bludgeon a republican sometimes they believe in vaccines sometimes they don't beyond bizarre you want me to give you an explanation i can't possibly i don't think the smartest shrink in the world could do to could be capable of diagnosing that insanity now especially because these are the same people who demanded we follow the science and trust the experts and always listen to the doctors at the cdc you know the ones that took dictation from the teachers union the same teachers union that gives money to elect democrats remember this and it's critical critical critical critical that they follow the science we have followed the science and what i've insisted on from day one is that we have to follow the science you know my faith has no quarrel with science we've got to be patient we have to exercise sound judgment and follow the science everything else we're talking about is will just continue and perhaps worsen unless we crush the virus so follow the science we want to follow uh medical expertise and science over political considerations i think joe biden has said that over and over and i agree with him that should be the standard all right nancy why don't you trust the cdc and why aren't you following the science for example why don't you trust the experts now tonight i urge every member of congress to personally sue the speaker speaker pelosi over this anti-science mask mandate and do what congressman thomas massey did and file pelosi's mask warnings in the trash can where they belong but it's not just pelosi failed governor gavin newsom up for recall about to bribe two-thirds of californians with a check he's demanding if you live in california you wear a mask for at least another month but get the science there too texas they ditched all coveted mandates months ago remember kids in florida have been back in person learning since august and by the way texas recorded zero cover deaths for the first time now what's wrong with newsom is he really that stupid or does he think the money that he's going to give to two-thirds of californians are going to get checks he has a 75 billion dollar surplus just got 40 plus billion from the federal government with the blue state bailout you know red state americans their money is going to go to two-thirds of californians including i'm told the illegal immigrants just like illegal immigrants in new york and new jersey got checks now thanks to operation warp speed thanks to president trump vaccines therapeutics they are readily available and by the way free of charge to any american that wants one this is a modern day miracle that is crushing culvert 19. but if you want to keep wearing a mask for whatever reason that is your business not mine i will urge you to please protect people around you that might not have been vaccinated that would be vulnerable to getting really sick now but don't you dare force others and tell them what they should do medically that's between them and their doctor especially if you're an elected official who swore an oath to support and defend the constitution of the united states hey sean hannity here hey click here to subscribe to fox news youtube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else
Channel: Fox News
Views: 274,312
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Keywords: biden weak, fox news joe biden weak, hannity joe biden, joe biden weakness, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network, fox news voices, hannity, hannity monologue, hannity monologue tonight, hannity tonight, sean hannity, sean hannity monologue, sean hannity monologue tonight, sean hannity reacts, sean hannity show, sean hannity tonight, russia, joe biden russia, hannity biden
Id: l1j5dK0-Pa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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