This case is ‘dead,' says former Michael Cohen adviser

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you need opinions steer it all on the Brian kilmeade show. >> Joining us now is Robert Costello a former legal advisor to Michael Cohen used to be the Southern District of new York as a prosecutor has been coming out because he just well we're going to find Coming out telling what he knows about Michael Cohen going into this trial. And where this trial should go Robert welcome to bring kill me joy appreciate it. >> Thank I've been told and I know you've been a busy guy of late. >> First off. From what you know about the trial you came up yesterday and basically he says remember anything that you that you said that he to about Michael going but saying he said that he had nothing on Trump. What are your thoughts about how your name came up and what his response was. >> Well my initial thoughts were I saw before yesterday. So a part of a transcript where Cone was testifying on to act and he was talking about me in that initial meeting and virtually everything he said there's a lot and it's not just one on one remember. I wasn't there in that room alone I had my law partner sit next to the guy who knew Michael Cohn for 10 years, Michael Cohn was a stranger to make. I had no idea who he was or what his involvement was in anything. But so there's at least 2 witnesses about one but then there's also contemporaneous documents notes that I took because quite frankly my instinct told me don't trust this guy. I'm glad I have those instance because I I took all sorts of I will memos to the file and e-mails and text messages to my partner about Michael Cohn because I simply didn't trust them. It he told us many foods but that first meeting when he was by his own admission suicidal looking desperately for an escape to this he called it. That's what he wanted to find out he wanted to find out how can I get out of this mess that I see coming. We didn't know exactly what it was because according to Michael Cohn. He hadn't done anything wrong in his life up to that point. He told us and is cooperating with the special counsel. He was cooperating with Congress she forgot to tell us that he lied to Congress. But I explain to him listen. Michael the Southern District of New York couldn't get a search warrant, a lawyer's office. By themselves they have to go to main justice to get approval first and then they have to go to a judge and show them the probable cause he's a very smart people in the Southern District of New York and they're so what there is evidence of the crime at the places to be searched. And they have probable cause at least to support that. So tell me what it is in your past that you've done that would cause them to look into this. Only you denied that he had done anything wrong. In any event we get down to the nitty gritty with. He's telling us that he was on the roof of the Regency Hotel that's where we met the conference room on the second floor. But 2 nights before it was on that little thing is going to jump off because you just. >> Couldn't he is telling his story. Yes, and I think he's telling me and he's telling my law partner we knew him for 10 years and they business relationships on both Sterling National Bank on an advisory committee as well as Columbia grammar and prep a private school in that. So she's saying listen I'm time literally which and I'm ready to jump off the building. You gotta tell me is there a way out of this. That's when we got into a discussion up because you kept on saying I can't believe we're trying to put me in jail for nba's should Michael and and disclosure agreement, it's perfectly legal which done all the time and civil cases when they wrap up a settlement. There's got to be more here what do you what do you not telling us what's going on. So I said tell me about the stormy Daniels saying how that came about and obviously what I was interested in because I explain to them look when the Southern District of New York focuses on somebody like you, you're not the target. You're simply in the way the target is clearly Donald Trump. They want any information you have about Donald Trump. So I said to him why did you get involved the storm again she said the lawyer contacted him. He was in New York. He said stormy days in a claim that Donald Trump had sex with her unless somebody so with them and gave them an nda nondisclosure agreement with what the story. Michael said look I didn't believe that allegation one bit. He said I thought it was absolute nonsense, however, he said something like that would cause great embarrassment. He'd be a great embarrassment to melania he said and that's why I decided to take care of this. I said that Donald Trump had anything to do with this. No did you know about this. No it is human anyway. No. I should do how did you get the money was Donald Trump's money know from his company's know from anybody associated with Trump. No where did you get it. He said I got to hear a lot of calm. Which is a home equity loan. I should $430,000 why would you do that he said because I didn't want melania to know I didn't want anybody to know I didn't want my wife to know he said because my wife and George, but our family finances and apply took money out of my hand, you know right away and she would want. She has gone to questions. So the long and short of the dish he absolutely said over and over again because when I was asking do you have any truth to Littleton age. If you could you could tell that the prosecutors that will get you out of this thing anything on Donald Trump. No and I must have asked them that 7 or 8 different ways he kept on saying give the same answer each time. I swear to God but I don't have anything of Donald Trump. I said now it wasn't until subsequent meetings, sitting down and talking with this guy. Well, I said you know Michael and trying to understand your motivation here why would you go out of your way to take care of this on you on and the answer is when Trump got elected he took his initial goal down to Washington. Michael Cohn thought he was in the inner circle, but he was the only one left behind and it was very bitter about that. It will if you went to Washington. What do you what job do you think you would have got. Believe it or not he said well I think that could have been attorney general of the United States or at the very least the chief of staff to the president. I'm looking at this guy saying you know, he's living in La la land if he hopes that but in any event he was bitter about that he was desperately seeking a way to get back into Trump's gracious and huge sort when he sees the situation. He takes care of that with a key Trump doesn't know anything about it according to him over and over again. And later goes to Trump and SOS boss, you could have a big problem get that me what Michael Cohen I solve this for you and nobody knew about it. This way he would get back in 2 Trump's graces and hopefully go to Washington that what I believe motivated. Michael Cohn made it absolutely clear that Donald Trump had nothing to do with this at the time he made the payment. >> So the York Times writes today that Cohen felt that you became the messenger for of Trump delivering implicit instructions to him saying stay in the fall don't flip don't speak. >> We did it was his wife, first of all he made that statement and said that I was in coach ascension was Rudy Giuliani right from the beginning. Rudy Giuliani wasn't even in the case at the time that we met with Michael Cole that the Regency Hotel. Moody the announcement of Rudy Giuliani representing Donald Trump happened I think 3 or 4 days later and I sent an e-mail which the da's office the U.S. attorney's office says everybody has it. Told Michael listen case you haven't seen the news. Rudy Giuliani is going to be Trump's lawyer and that's good news for you because I know him very well, I've known him for 15 years. There was no no. This he also said that we would dangling a pardon at one point in time that's nonsense. The very first day when I was talking to him about what his escape route that's how we phrase it was. He talked about a pardon he wanted to know if he could get a pardon my son like that ridiculous you have in charge with a crime we don't know what it is that they thank you might have done. I said it's way too premature for any talk of a pardon. But Michael is a note and he doesn't drop folks like that in every time I met with him after that you won't need it, especially when we do want to become Trump's or he wanted me to call Giuliani and asked him about a party. I kept on telling the same think it's too early to know that this is a preacher. Finally because it's such a pain in the neck. I said all right Michael I'm going to do it what's gone wrong with the grants, I know what the answer is going to be you're going to get shut down and that will be the end of it. But because this way at least you're not going to ask you to watch so I called Giuliani and I told them I wish I understand is premature. But Michael is insisting he wants to know if there's any possibility of him receiving important. Giuliani responded immediately so that is actually as I get to be said the president will not discuss pardons with anybody. Don't bring this up again but his tone changed, you know, we're very friendly but his tone changed it was clear. You know, I'm I'm getting into this question once I don't want to be bothered by this yet. Yeah, but if they thought that Michael Cohn was a threat. They could easily target. But they didn't. >> so did he did he not do so would tell him and sort by the way of Robert Costello is with his former legal adviser Cohen so he was he never paid you did he owe you money like how could you get more Vice and for free. >> Well we'll tell you how that came first of all it wasn't my client. The partner that was with me which his point because he knew Michael Cohn and so financial responsibilities, the way we do it in all forms of to the person who brings in that particular client. Michael Cohen testified on direct hit that he was given that we can immediately. The first day that we met with him at the Regency Hotel absolute nonsense. In fact we can or agreement was given to him my partner. Probably 6, 7, days later I believe this is e-mail that demonstrates that so it's another life by Cohn. What Cohn did as you'll see if you review the e-mails that I gave to the district attorney's office I kept on telling my partner look this guy's slow playing us. I don't think he has any intention of signing. So we can target, but he kept on saying there's going to do was going to make an announcement I do I do have those just the strangeness of war. But I was my call he wasn't Michael if he was my partner summit. >> And as you see they they've put in your one of your e-mails quote I'm sure you saw the Rudy's join the Trump team. I told you my relationship with Rudy which could be very useful for you you wrote in to 2018. >> 2018. No it can't be of is no April 9 th April 1920 18. Okay when we met with Michael Cohen on April 17th. So that first day at the Regency Hotel Rudy Giuliani was not represented Donald Trump. Right up which is contrary to what Cohen testified. So we're not surprised so Bob you you and for the grand jury. He said I said to straighten out the record no the grand jury was a layup for prosecution. >> You went there anyway, and you is it because you felt compelled that you knew the truth and you can't believe us direction was heading and the pressure on Cone gotten to say whatever was necessary. >> Yeah that's pretty much it. I was sitting at home watching today. Knowing by the way that we had a waiver of the attorney client privilege because Michael Cohn, a Q a tribe that West and his sentence if he pled guilty to 8 federal counts. He tried to lessen his sentence stupidly by going down and lying to the assistant us attorneys telling them that he could give evidence we'll be doing any and Bob Costello dangling a pardon in front of them in order to keep his mouth shut. Of course as I just explained the emails and everything up completely contradicts that story because it's a lot. So they called me in they sent me a copy of called me in to be interviewed by 2 FBI agents and 2 assistant us attorneys at the end of the interview I had a will for the Web site at the ludacris stuff that Michael Conley legend because I showed them document to prove that we should do that. That's why the U.S. attorney's office never used. Michael Cohn again is with us that's why but which one of the reasons why the U.S. attorney's office did not give him any cooperation. Credit when it came to his sentencing. Michael Cohen has that very convenient and uses term memory about this stuff. But the documents tell a different story. >> Robert do you do if you were. On Donald Trump's defense team would you call you. You see people think that is the case is so strong that they have a strong enough case to prove he's not guilty that they should let it rest and they're worried about other things. Did you know about this case it could bring the pride give the prosecution more life recess until the prosecution nothing there's nothing that I know about this case that put. >> Could give the prosecution more life. This case is dead. It was dead on arrival. It never should have been booked. It should have been dismissed by this judge. He still has an opportunity to do that. But I doubt very much we will do that. So I don't think there's any downside with me. I think there's only an upside and his foot but it's a judgment call you know and I haven't been sitting in court and I've never seen any of these told jurors so I have no feeling to what those people with trouble looming whether they say Shull gestures during the during the weeks of trial that indicate which way the league. So I'm not the right person to ask that the right pushes the Trump. Team they'll make whatever the collective shooting as I'm sure. >> Have they been contacted you have a contact you. >> Like I can't talk about any contacts with just I'm going to stay out of that role. >> How about this is Monday open your schedule. >> Haha a key player. Haha. Monday I will take the train. The Long Island Rail Road into my office. >> Actually get a car in the morning I mostly coming from Long I know you're coming from a different town, but it starts with them. So we'll see but let me ask you for money with that I do yes, so. The best said the best restaurant that areas definitely publicans by the way. Haha but Robert yet to get into this storm right now it's definitely an affect your personal lives your professional life. What have you thought of I'm sure you thought about that. >> So sure I mean listen, but I thought about that a year ago when when gave the information to the Trump tea and the district attorney's office at the same time a lot of people said to me stay out of this and not your fight. You can only get hurt by this but I said this is what about truth and justice you guys you know don't really think that counts and they're going after a former president of the United States. But I can't sit by on the sidelines and let Michael Cohn like and not tell the people involved on both sides of the of the ledger there exactly the Michael Cohn between that and what he told us because what he was saying on TV was cut you the exact opposite to what he told us at a moment when he was suicidal I'm being boy was ever a time when you're going to tell the truth when you're so desperate that you're going to kill yourself right. Somebody says listen I have a way out of this. If you've got truthful information on on Donald Trump. Your problems are solved by the end of the week. >> He is right because yeah Robert I sell former legal adviser Michael Cohen saying go 1, 8, 100 call me because I think you need in the dense that up of the defense of Donald J Trump Robert Costello have a great weekend. Thanks so much for your time. >> Thank you all have a beer okay, it's
Channel: Fox News
Views: 204,252
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Keywords: 2024 elections, alvin bragg, bob costello, brian kilmeade, donald trump, donald trump news, former president donald trump, fox news, fox news channel, gag order, hush money, michael cohen, new york, new york v. trump, ny v trump, president trump, robert costello, stormy daniels, the brian kilmeade show, trump, trump case, trump court case, trump hush money, trump hush money trial, trump trial, us news, michael cohen lawyer
Id: 8mu7cDxYg58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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