Hannibal - Full Movie by Film&Clips

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Hannibal (1959)

A Carthaginian general attempts to cross the Alps with an army of elephants in order to conquer Rome.

103 min
Director: Edgar G. Ulmer
Stars: Victor Mature, Gabriele Ferzetti, Rita Gam
Rating: 51% with 14 votes

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] in 218 BC Hannibal made Carthage master of all Spain Rome jealous of the threat to her power from cliff on the pretext to declare war boundless ready good why our own prepared to invade Spain by sea Hannibal stole a march on his archenemy he crossed the Pyrenees into the valley of the road some who found him at the foot of the Alps [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] was the administration I lead silence let there be order all the government insane why don't you tell Hannibal to go home maybe he'll listen quiet quiet let Manutius speak continually lucious I repeat only a madman would dare to cross the Alps with a horde of thousands and scores of elephants I tell you far from being alarmed we the Senate of Rome should rejoice offer thanks to the gods because just as surely as if our legions confronted Hannibal the snow and the bitter cold will defeat this arrogant barbarian and if any Carthaginians should survive their own death trap they will be so exhausted that our own border legions will make short work of them correct me if I am mistaken Manutius but I was under the impression our border legions have their hands full subduing the backward goes Fabius has always army will join them in time I don't baby else is always the harsh critic of this administration wait well I say Fabius is right let him speak I merely wish to caution against over-optimism in a few short years Hannibal United all Spain not by force of arms alone by prying diplomacy a man of his shrewdness will not let the Alps become a deathtrap Hannibal will be pleased to know that he had such a staunch admirer in the Roman Senate listen listen Hannibal is crossing me out the Roman Garrison's are in flight it's no one opposing him only retirees but he was always against us route areas in his tribe northern mountains they'll be able to slow Hannibal down [Applause] so the fate of Rome is in the hands of an enemy of Rome [Music] deep farming hate climbing keep climbing [Music] [Music] get up get up a standard-bearer is no good on his knees remember you're the best man in your regiment on your feet [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's planning keep them coming be proving them defend line going come on it's dangerous watch your step keep moving come on overhead watch your step there keep going move ahead [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] keep going [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] keep marching keep moving or you'll freeze to death [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] boy stood over we knew this summer keep climbing keep climbing keep [Music] marching [Music] get up [Music] if the elements moving keep them climbing don't be freaked in let's go [Music] don't be afraid come on it smells of bullying old men Oh [Music] [Music] steady [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] keep going you'll freeze to death come on keep marching now watch your step careful the one frozen feet [Music] eat those elephants under control [Music] interpret men get you French he did not get your bread get your bread eaten much and moving eaten much eaten much Hannibal the rations are all but gone the men are freezing to death how long did we keep going would it be any better if we turn back to go back would be madness there's nothing left for us to do but they go forward hmm until we fall in our tracks not you mama you're indestructible Hannibal relieve me of my command relieve you of your command why do you always want to leave me my first allegiance is to copy and mine isn't huzzah me do you think I command your command is in Spain not here in these accursed mountains return to Spain before you are recalled and disgraced to Carthage would I March my own me halfway across Europe and be camped here in these forbidding Alps if there was any other way for me to prevent Rome from invading our homeland stay with me mama I need you you and my brothers have always been my strength the great Conqueror needs no strength but his own I'll bring him back it's always the same old story he quits but he never leaves you hey Maribel Hannibal flute arias and his men are surrendering route arias has come down to negotiate see my brother we must always teach ourselves to be patient [Music] [Applause] Hannibal will listen to you are you Terrace I speak do not think I have come to surrender I am here to offer you an alliance I don't accept the dishes I think you're a clear thinking man my tribes can block your way into Italy for a long time with my help you can be master of the plane in a few days just what do you want to return for this supremacy of my tribe over all the other tribes in the valley [Music] except [Music] [Music] eautiful help him take the back [Music] take it back take imagine our trainers tell the next time this happens there'll be a severe punishment when will they ever understand that the elephant is one of our most valuable weapons if you had been killed it would have been all over with us why do you always sets a little value on yourself brother [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] at ease [Music] well here we are there is Italia Holi of the poll muggle pass the word along to the men the Alps are behind us we prepare for the descent all right I should never forget you for your help my friend I always keep my end of a bargain I will return to my mountains [Applause] [Music] what is this dark mood that has come over you brother conquering the Alps in 15 days why it's a miracle seems more like 15 years we started we had 40,000 men now listen happen to the role and I tell myself I serve the gods tomorrow at this time the men will be enjoying a Roman harvest and tasting the wine of this land [Music] all right get the elephant started come on [Music] [Music] they'll force around the camp tsudzuki wa strict vigilance [Music] that's much worse Allah will use him [Music] [Music] well done with men like you we can conquer the world want a drink [Music] very good the winter you taste the wines of roles and what about the women's women I don't know that's forever bad to find out for himself [Laughter] [Music] looks like my elephants are having a good time and believe you'll be they deserve it that the Romans try to stop them they have intelligence be sure and take good care of their our most important weapon don't worry I'll take care of them [Music] [Applause] has devolved handma once a set is ten right away what about you aren't you coming later I've got to finish over at the gate all right we have reasons to celebrate gentlemen Italy and your words have given them in new life and a new will to fight now don't expect miracles I certainly don't expect to conquer Italy with a decimated army what we need our allies allies to undermine and destroy the political unity of Rome I'll give you this toast Joe we must put cold fear into the heart of every Roman how by corrupting our minds with fear have our spy spread the word of Hannibal's invincible might throw must hear a fire and pillage but let it be known that his merciless as Hannibal is to his enemies he's generous to his allies I want fires build all over these seals as far as you can see and when night falls have our men light each one of them let it appear like nations are encamped here the Romans must believe our strength is double even triple of what it actually is Hannibal there is a Roman slave who claims he has information for you but I'm sure that you don't want to be bothered with him you're wrong we can't afford overlooked anything always remember that bring him in I can tell you where to find an important hostage by the gods she is a treasure for ransom speak up is it worth my freedom I don't borrow what prisoners take away no no don't let them torture me I throw myself at the mercy of the all-powerful Hannibal liberator of the oppressed let him go the niece of Fabius Maximus fabious the senator our most important senator by the gods she is worth your weight in gold keep for yourself you'll find her at her summer villa near here take him away does your father know that you drove all the way here I had no time to ask him but I'm sure he would have approved you know how much he likes you and I feel the same way what am I going to do with you continious do you know that if anything happens to I'll get the blame why do you always treat me like a boy believe it or not I am grown up now come on get in mistress shouldn't we hide and wait until after dark no we must get started for Rome immediately Carthaginians [Music] yeah [Music] watch out they're getting away [Music] take care of them I'll follow her [Music] [Music] take it to the cap and see that no harm comes to it be a good boy come along [Music] [Music] any other officer might have killed you for this I would rather die than be a slave of that monster mm-hmm is that what the Romans called Hannibal a monster if he heard what you said he'd probably cut your tongue out whatever he does to me does not matter he will never defeat Rome very well spoken your uncle senator Fabius should be very proud of you how do you know where one of your most faithful servants tried to borrow your life for his you are right my uncle is senator Fabius he's quite a rich and powerful person in Rome he could make you wealthy wealthy if you let me and a boy go free you seem very attached to it but he's a youngster I'm responsible for him my uncle would pay very well for delivering us from Hannibal he could even appoint you an officer in one of our legions very interesting I could promise you a career hmm you know Hannibal would skin me alive if he thought I even listen to you but I'll think about it will you do it first I was taking back to camp [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes I want to thank you for your very generous offer what do you intend to do with me first I want to toast to your beauty then I want you to dine with me of course you'll have to forgive my lack of Roman delicacies but I do hope you'll join me what is the meaning of this I am your prisoner why don't you treat me like one prisoner you're my guest in Rome a guest may leave when she likes on a night like this with the road infested with soldiers what kind of a host you take me for then when may I leave in the morning perhaps do you really expect me to believe you I can't force you to believe me I can only promise you what is the reason behind your generosity I'm only generous because I can afford it will you let my young friend quintilius go to that all depends on you you know you're a very difficult person maybe you care to take a walk and there's cold you I need where are you taking me show you the game what possible interest could that be to me I thought maybe you might be interested to see how we barbarians live [Music] play [Music] [Applause] [Music] what are all those lights they're arranged by nations over there are minor midian and over here is my Libyan cavalry the over here on the far right for my Spanish the greatest Horseman on the continent and up here on my Carthaginians the main core of my strength every soldier is a veteran of many years let me go please let me go what's well [Music] is that Hannibal sure I'd like to be in his place she's a pretty girl Oh Dada even me this prison is not the Hannibal's protection as well strongest beast nor the men look at see I usually are nothing can stop don't be frightened Hilliard's my enemies what do they do in battle very simple he's been trained to trample everything in his path [Music] [Applause] [Music] I want you to take a message to your uncle what message tell him that Hannibal seeks peace peace Hannibal the ruthless aggressor woloson aggressor it was your country that started this war not mine the Carthaginians have always wanted peace but they wanted to live like a free nation not a subject province of Rome I was told that when you and your brother were boys you swore an oath on your father's sword to destroy Rome you're wrong we swore never to bend a needle which is quite different we talk but we don't understand each other why does he take so long what are you his nursemaid he's old enough to take care of himself I don't think your brother will get much sleep tonight you're mistaken the girl goes back to Rome we came to Italy to destroy wrong not for a foolish sentimental gesture do you think I said that go back because I was fascinated with her there are more ways than win the war than one [Music] [Music] quintilius Hannibal's compliments he asks to be excused he bits me to wish you a pleasant journey he hopes to see you again soon in wrong room what's wrong where were you all night what price did you pay for our Liberty Silvia your child we owe our freedom to Hannibal's generosity [Music] because I know your Silvia I cannot accept that you've done anything wrong but I fear that you misunderstand Hannibal's real intentions and I cannot suspected we were his prisoners he had the life of your son in his hands he could have demanded anything in exchange hannibal wants one thing only he knows that he can never attain it even if he killed my son I'm sure he wants peace he wants the end of Rome he knew very well that would bring back the news of his night he hoped that this report would cause fear and alive that is why he let you go don't you see how cleverly he used you blind with hate let us try what can Rome lose by waiting to find out if Hannibal is sincere or not if he hears thousands of lives will be spared he would interpret such a move as proof of our wreaths your feelings have no place in war she has lost her hand she is a woman quintilius don't let us lose ours Hannibal has two terrible enemies time and distance from home let us tire him wear him down with skirmishes ambush his van guns each day each hour that passes is another error for our bones senator Fabius has strange ideas close enough one with skirmishes and hit-and-run tactics has reached the banks of the Trebbia with forty thousand trained men I say why don't we attack decisive victory an open battle might well mean the end of the war wrong [Music] [Music] what if you like bourbon [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we can't hurt these animals fall back fall back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] be careful men animal some of the Roman inventory managed to get away in the river let them go assemble your men see the bigger a good night's rest tomorrow morning with march on two at Rory very well Hannah your eye seems worse you must take care of it [Music] easy decision can't you do something here I don't have the proper instruments can't you get them it would take too much time Oh many minutes come down with fever [Music] Hannibal please tell me the truth well I lose this Empire I don't but you will have to suffer much pain let's get over with [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is not the time to change commanders a battle is raging at resume no majority of the Senate made this decision the people are against flaminius and we must bow to their will think that people out of it they believe whatever you make them believe whatever happens you too will share the responsibility we only serve the gods and the gods are against flaminius yes for me the gods have nothing to do with it it's not the gods who are against Gaius Flaminius but his political rivals and they are taking advantage of foolish superstitions to replace him I will no longer support with my presence errors which can only bring the destruction of Rome a merchant outside the postern gate begs to display his wares not today he begs me to tell my lady he has Jewry rotten carnage and ivories why does the Alps how dare you enter without my ladies permission no let me stay Oh would you please bring my shorts getting chilly the lady is most kind to look at my unworthy trinkets you can stop acting now you're no merchant what do you want I was ordered to deliver this to you come what is it Hannibal yes he wants you to have it you may need it why the fall of roan seems to be inevitable the Menace has been wiped out at resume no and the road to Rome is now open he's very worried about your safety who are they delegation from the Senate take this and go before you're discovered it's worth my life I don't carry out his orders this ring you have nothing to fear only to shove it and no Carthaginian soldier will dare harm you if you wish you can use it is a safe conduct across our lines your absence from the Senate is very serious it has left us without the benefits of your counsel the feet we suffered at Ross you may know opens the gates of Rome to Hannibal we need you badly Fabius you must return to the Senate the time for debate is over we must unite we are going to bring back our legions from Gaul and draft every man who can hold Assad if you already know what to do why come to me do you have another solution do not misunderstand the time for discussion and debate is over I fully agree Rome needs one man now to make decisions and assume full responsibility what you are proposing is dictatorship Senate will never consent to it since you have made all the decisions before you came here why are they here we have been defeated at resume no they are sure but nothing can stop Hannibal still wants to negotiate look Hannibal's ring a merchant gave it to me are you out of your mind are you still in contact with Hannibal don't be a child Hannibal only make contact with me because he wants peace what are you going to do go dream with this I can cross his lines Sylvia you're impossible if these images find out that you were in touch with Hannibal spies my father would be ruined let go me you're hurting me Julia Celia don't you understand Hannibal doesn't want peace he sent the ring for one purpose only what do you mean he wants you thought of seeing you what are you trying to say I [Music] I love you Quintus please try to make sense we grew up together you're like my brother you lie you love Hannibal [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the Senate has ordered all citizens to arms let me enlist I won't stop you it is your duty thank you Father I'll make you proud of me I'm sure you will son I hope it won't be in vain we will drive Hannibal out of Italia we all want that however haste and panic are seldom the road to victory if only we could negotiate a truce with him three months time would give us the chance to train reserves and manufacture enough weapons to replace nearly all we have lost to Hannibal we need time no prices why stay here there is nothing to stop us from taking Rome now everything that glitters he was always gold for the time being I have no intention to leave here you know how to win victories but you don't know how to exploit them we'll let history be the judge of that Hannibal a woman came to our outpost asking to see you she gave us this ring [Music] she's over there all right [Music] thanks for coming I'm here because I need your help Brady would come I'm here because you spoke to me at peace peace is impossible you know that but you sent me to my uncle with a message of peace it seemed the only solution then why did you send me now doesn't want to see that hope did you want to see me I'm here for the good of Rome is that the only reason you came what else could that be what happened to you don't worry it'll be all right oh please please let me return to Rome with an offer of peace from you for everybody impossible who makes Hannibal's decisions for him College my generals my men [Music] please keep this from me for us [Music] [Music] [Music] now tell your Schneider I watching I saved your life once it's a strange way to repay me what's your name quintilius son of Hades the Sodra son very clever of you jungle release them I told you the truth and I repeat I went to Hannibal only because I thought I can convince him to make peace you were in his arms when I found you can you deny when it is true yes it is I love nothing was further from my thoughts and to betray you or my family or Rome you have brought dishonor to this house I'm trying to win the trust of the Senate and you throw yourself into the arms of an enemy there is a punishment in Rome for women like you to be buried in the earth till you are dead [Music] that's I cannot denounce you to the authorities [Music] like a daughter since as a little girl you were brought to my home still you must pay for your crime tomorrow you will be taken to the Temple of Vesta to live there all your life in chastity with the women who dedicate themselves to the [Music] [Music] the pitch camp here is ridiculous Rome is only a few miles away it's Hannibal's over there we've got them on the run why not take advantage of it in four days we could celebrate our victory in Rome Hannibal has no time to believe in the city but that's foolish they can't defend Rome with a few companies they have left Soumya what are you doing here I searched the whole house for you it's very late you've been crying please don't worry it is I am guilty and I alone must pay hey be punished because you know please no let me speak Hannibal has found out he loves you Sylvia I tell you the merchant has been in touch with me all these days he came this morning with a message Hannibal wants you to come to him he's waiting for you he loves you [Music] please let me explain I never betrayed you you must believe me I never betrayed you [Music] [Applause] [Music] wait for me in the tent give orders to March we're moving south of an O so we have to talk to you Hannibal get everything started we'll talk later wait you certainly don't intend to take her along my orders are to prepare to march obey them that girl will be the ruin of us [Music] [Music] I propose follow for proconsul borrow his Faust Hannibal in Spain and in Italia there is no other Roman who can better understand the moves of Hannibal and why he has suddenly decided to withdraw his forces when he was within reach of Rome this withdrawal might be a strategic move on Hannibal spot let us not fall prey to easy optimism Fabius is convinced that Hannibal is stronger today than ever we are not interested in babies with opinions and why doesn't he return to the Senate is your friend afraid to face the charge of consorting with the enemy yes I am afraid I am afraid if I must defend myself I accuse the Senate all of you are failing your duty and your idea of leading the people of Rome is to send your own flesh and blood to Hannibal the enemy I am ignorant of my niece's whereabouts but if your suspicions turn out to be well-founded if it is really true I swear by all the gods that the day I will set eyes on Sylvia's face there is no woman alive who can influence Hannibal No then explain to me why he uses every possible reason to avoid combat do you know very well that he has been trying to win new allies we need arms and provisions badly we didn't need arms and new allies after trivia and resume no in Rome what then in the desperate situation she is now you defend your brother but you do it without conviction there is only one solution do away with the Roman girl what accidents happen every day in the camp the gate of the elephant's compound could be left open and there are ways to Stampede elephants are you out of your mind if Hannibal what is it I acted on my own behalf I knew you'd be difficult to convince [Music] get some more tortillas it's approaches [Music] please don't worry I was just frightened somebody tampered with the gates of the compound and stampeded the elephants don't labor you had better find Hannibal ever finds out what you did I did it for all of us I'll take full responsibility sorry fail fail then what fail it what yes I tried to kill her yeah ruin you and all of us if you weren't my superior [Music] [Music] [Music] I didn't need you ID [Laughter] Hannibal is fighting a duel you're fought because of me didn't you everything's right now no no it isn't your men hate me that's why they tried to kill me and they'll hate you too if you continue to love me I've caused nothing but suspicion rebellion in your camp women cannot forget that I am a Roman and their enemy but will you everything is against us are you sorry you came to me dearest I'm not sorry [Music] the Senate has made a grave error to appoint borough commander of our army he's a man who's ruled by impulse not by reason but they also have appointed a medius you always had faith in him yes but how can an army be led by two commanders who hate each other emelius will know how to handle Varro you'll see let's hope so never leave his side Quintus [Music] well it couldn't worked out better for us but we are confronted with an army twice our size yes but you forget one thing the Roman army has two commanders two commanders that hate each other you know what this means disorder confusion lack of unity which we must take advantage of the Romans are crossed in The Apprentice River they intend to attack and force here this is the river and this is the Roman troops we don't allow them across the river now the only danger will be the Roman cavalry but the way it's deployed will restrict its movements our infantry in the center will withdraw as the Romans advance we will move in on them from behind and cut them to pieces with our pincer [Music] second centaurian uncle Feri [Music] centaurians chiasm kato relay my order companies one six and seven March according to plan [Music] [Music] [Music] Thoreau please listen to me it is madness to post the infantry so close to the river the cavalry has no room to maneuver you may need their support an emergency it's my turn today understand me I am command obey my orders but it is suicide your job is to obey I'm sure I can do quite well without that great cavalry of yours [Music] phase one attacked the output [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] Carthaginian outpost are falling back foot return to your food give the order to marks it's the enemy in the center of his life [Music] fate of all of us depends on this pattern if we lose we will be hunted down like criminals our army will be sold into slavery we will never again see our homeland but if we win we will have the future of the Roman Empire in our hands Hannibal the Romans are attacking give orders the Salamis withdraw further neuromas are falling into our trap [Music] like rats in the trap now we can move our let's wait I'll take the right then we'll attack together but the Romans haven't used their cavalry yet they have the river at their backs whatever maneuver they try they're finished [Music] Roman troops are document center of our life [Music] [Music] take cover we're being attacked from all sides [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] sighs get the reserved alarm bullets Amelia's in the Campbell [Applause] our infantry but we surrounded pigment impalas Amelia's where is he [Music] [Music] we must attack and destroy the Carthaginian troops who encircle our infantry let's save our comrades back away out of the trap for them attack [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] proconsul Varro has fled the Carthaginian cavalry is attacking in a pincer movement will be cut to pieces [Music] throughout fight back to the river and recrossing at all cost back pull the ball until we can cross [Music] I want you to contact all your commanders tell them there not a single Roman is to leave Connie [Music] [Music] council policy medius is dead the roman woman has found the body of the son of Quintus Fabius down the river [Music] I'm sorry [Music] forgive this intrusion babies we are here in the name of the Senate we know how deeply you grieve at the loss of your only son this is a sort many fathers have lost the gods favors we also came for another reason to inform you that the Senate offers you the office of proconsul this time in your own terms you too have been my relentless brave conditions demand the greatest leader I hope I can live up to your expectations I believe I speak for every Roman citizen when I say Rome will never submit to a foreign invader in the words of Hannibal himself when he crossed the Alps [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's wrong your uncle was made proconsul he sent a message Kankuro died what else could he have attitude you son please no I'm sorry I'm sorry give you a peaceful in Kepler I want you to go along with me please I'd rather stay here but you can't stay inside always by yourself you must get up [Music] [Music] too much of a letdown can become dangerous let them rest our brother Marvell come back the cottage over war again I hope they bring the reinforcements we need them badly could you come in with us avoir the feast is in your honor it looks like the faces in your honor I'll go ahead be sure to join us later [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] please Hannibal marble has just arrived he's in your tent Asdrubal he's landed in Italian one [Applause] [Applause] [Music] your eye hurts no just a little they put this patch on to keep the light out it'll be all right so would you like to see him feed the elephants yes can't I'll show you what are you doing here I've come to take my place beside you got the Judean priest told you that was impossible years ago but I'm the mother of your son leave our child out of this any you I want no more of your tricks you've been very well provided for and everything I don't belong as to my son I sent you to Cortese for reinforcements where are they if you had followed my advice Rome would now be destroyed and coffee'd would not have denied you your request denied my request what do you mean Hasdrubal is returning with only 4,000 men that's impossible in Carthage they think you are finished I thought you might need me now what did she go yes for [ __ ] she's gone [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one side [Music] please don't call why did you follow me please please let me go Silvia take her go back to her I'm not going to explain my personal after you or anyone I love my son Silvia and I love you I understand you I've had everything a woman could ask for of life I spent my happiest hours with you [Music] now I must return to Rome if you go back to Rome they'll put you to death Fabius will understand and he'll depending [Music] wait Sylvia take me with you I'm wrong don't you [Music] take away [Music] you're too good for me all right I'm afraid but I'll do my best merci merci put out your hand Roman I'm going to chop it off you should know better let Michael leave us alone the sword away your son does quite well since he was four years old he's been taught by the best mastered arms and Carthage I tried my best to raise him as you would have wanted me to I've told you a thousand times I don't want him to be like me I never want him to know the meaning of the words hate and revenge will you please take him back home do one thing this in your life Denis Lea if not for me for yourself [Music] [Applause] [Music] wait panting wait it's our brother a Roman rider threw it into one of our outposts [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is it time now I'm ready I'm not afraid to die death will come soon and things [Music] I'll see that it gets to him [Music] [Music] rather the Romans are attacking our first lines are crumpled ready [Music] March March now the destiny of Hannibal is sealed driven by events he cannot undo bound forever are terrible and Baron oath they will continue our East has come back to the head so he fought on for endless years March in many lands maybe with a single hook let march and his son would never know the bitterness of the man the burden of framing the history of mankind [Music]
Channel: Film&Clips
Views: 1,344,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: film&clips, MinervaPicturesGroup, Film & Animation, film completo, film intero, full movie, film, film complet, italian movies, movies, full movies, 2017, film completo italiano, film & animation, peplum, classic movie, peli, annibale, italian movie, hd movie, film hd, Hannibal, 1959, carlo ludovico bragaglia, Victor Mature, Gabriele Ferzetti, Rita Gam
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 19sec (6259 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2018
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